Fig 1 - uploaded by Cuong Vo Viet
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Optimum installed capacity

Optimum installed capacity

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Energy for future sustainable economic development is considered one crucial issue in Vietnam. This article aims to investigate green scenarios for power generation in Vietnam by 2030. Four scenarios named as business as usual (BAU), low green (LG), high green (HG) and crisis have been proposed for power generation in Vietnam with projection to 203...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... installed capacity of power generation is presented in Figure 1. Hydro installed capacity is around 18.1GW, 18.6GW, and 21.2GW in 202021.2GW in , 202521.2GW in , and 2030 respectively reducing from 32% to 16.8%. ...
Context 2
... installed capacity of power generation is presented in Figure 1. Hydro installed capacity is around 18.1GW, 18.6GW, and 21.2GW in 202021.2GW in , 202521.2GW in , and 2030 respectively reducing from 32% to 16.8%. ...


... In July 2018, Vietnam Government has approved more than 70 solar farm projects with a total capacity recorded as over 3, 500 MWp; in which 1, 342.5 MWp has been connected to the national grid, 1, 126. 6 MWp is under construction phase, 667 MWp has just finished their groundbreaking and 835 MWp has recently approved. In addition, EVN reports that over 1, 500 solar grid-connected rooftop projects have been operated with total capacity of 30 MWp by June 2019 [1], [2]. While the solar farm requires the electrical infrastructure and large investment, the grid-connected PV rooftop project is an interesting trend in upcoming years. ...
Conference Paper
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The solar system plays a crucial role in the upcoming energy plan in Vietnam. However, the existing solar system is only on-grid rooftop photovoltaics (PV) system of individual homeowner. This type of system raises technical issues for utility such as power quality or grid connectivity. Therefore, this paper presents the new community solar system, an alternative solution of rooftop PV, as a practical solution for distribution grid in Vietnam. We propose two possible schemes of community solar system: micro-inverter system and Direct Current (DC) optimizer system. The former solution uses inverter at individual solar panel to convert from DC to AC. The latter solution uses DC optimizer to maximize the generated energy before transform to the alternating current (AC) system. Both solutions are well suitable to many greenfield project of residential area in Vietnam to bring a stronger, distributed, and more resilient electric grid.
... Conventional fossil fuel vehicles are emitting a considerable amount of CO 2 . In response to the concern for the protection of environment, automotive industries proposed electrical vehicles (EVs) as a solution for conventional fossil fuel vehicles [1][2][3]. Rechargeable battery technologies which have become an alternative power are used in the EVs. Batteries with different chemicals such as Ni-based batteries, Li-based batteries, Na-based batteries and Lead Acid batteries are used in EVs. ...
Accurate state of charge estimation and robust cell equalization are vital in optimizing the battery management system and improving energy management in electric vehicles. In this paper, the passive balance control based equalization scheme is proposed using a combined dynamic battery model and the unscented Kalman filter based state of charge estimation. The lithium-ion battery is modeled with a 2nd order Thevenin equivalent circuit. The combined dynamic model of the lithium-ion battery, where the model parameters are estimated depending on the state of charge, and the unscented Kalman filter based state of charge, are used to improve the performance of the passive balance control based equalization. The experimental results verified the superiority of the combined dynamic battery model and the unscented Kalman filter algorithm with very tight error bounds. Furthermore, these results showed that the presented passive balance control based equalization scheme is suitable for the equalization of series-connected lithium-ion batteries.
... A recent conference hosted by EVN on March 22nd 2019 informs that by June 2019, the total grid-connected capacity will reach about 4, 244 MW. However, there is still no appearance of thin-film solar power in Vietnam [3], [4]. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we investigate the facade photovoltaic systems (facade PV) integrated into commercial building in Vietnam context. Comparing to the rooftop solar, the facade solar system can install a larger total number of solar panels on the vertical wall of building. In addition, it also helps to reduce the energy consumption of building by decreasing the workload for air condition system, lighting system. However, the comprehensive study of facade solar system is still lacking in Vietnam. Therefore, in this study we present the general design process of facade PV for building, including choosing suitable solar panel, facade PV wall, and propose softwares to simulate the result on photovoltaic energy production and building consumption. Our study will open a new room of applicating facade PV system for the commercial building in Vietnam.