Table 4 - uploaded by Johannes Kollmann
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Number and size of forest stands with Abies guatemalensis in the Departments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and the States of Mexico.

Number and size of forest stands with Abies guatemalensis in the Departments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and the States of Mexico.

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This is the first review on taxonomy, morphology, ecology, conservation and utilisation of Abies guatemalensis, an endangered endemic conifer in Central America. The species became recently split up in seven varieties with a distinct geographic pattern. A number of morphological traits separate the species from the co-occurring A. hickelii and A. r...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... of the Departments of Guatemala with remnant populations of Abies guatemal- ensis (INAB 2004;URL 2004). Some populations are so close that they could not be represented by individual dots; the total number of populations is listed in Table 4. confined to the most inaccessible areas, especially in the Departments of Totonicapa´nTotonicapa´n, San Marcos and Huehuetenango (Cabrera Gaillard 1996). ...
Context 2
... wings are obliquely obovate, light brown in colour and have a length · width 10 -23 times 10 -21 mm. Abies guatemalensis may be confused with A. religiosa and A. hickelii Flous et Gaussen which co-occur at least in some of the montane conifer forests ( Table 4). The ranges of A. guatemalensis and A. religiosa overlap in the Mexican States Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca and in western Guatemala. ...
Context 3
... Guatemala, montane conifer forests with A. guatemalensis cover 25,812 ha (Table 4). However, less than 4% of the forests are dominated by the species with only subordinate occurrence of other tree species. ...
Context 4
... Schltdl., P. hartwegii Lindley, P. michoacana Martı´nezMartı´nez, P. montezumae A.B. Lambert and P. pseudostrobus. At lower Table 4. ...
Context 5
... high population growth rates, Totonicapa´nTotonicapa´n is still the Department with most forest cover in relation to its size (Elıás 1997; Table 4). This sce- nario is the result of a well established collective system for administering forest lands. ...

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Covering nearly a third of the earth's land surface, forests provide multiple ecosystem services (ES). Forests have supported people's livelihoods throughout history, particularly when crops failed. However, these biologically-rich systems are increasingly threatened, largely as a result of different human activity, such as land-use change, defores...


... Abies hickelii Flous & Gaussen es una especie endémica del sur México (Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero y Veracruz) (Gernandt y Pérez-de la Rosa, 2014;Strandby et al., 2009), que se encuentra bajo la categoría de peligro de extinción, de acuerdo con la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales [Semarnat], 2010) y la lista roja de especies amenazadas de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (Farjon, 2013). Se desarrolla en climas templados fríos (Encina-Domínguez et al., 2008), en altitudes elevadas (2500 m -3600 m s.n.m.) (Andersen et al., 2006;Ávila-Bello y López-Mata, 2001;Farjon, 1990), en terrenos accidentados y bajo condiciones de alta humedad (Ávila-Bello y López-Mata, 2001;Gutiérrez y Trejo, 2014). En ese intervalo altitudinal de distribución es posible que la especie tenga preferencias por ciertas condiciones que favorezcan su establecimiento, desarrollo y reproducción. ...
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Las condiciones ambientales influyen en varios procesos ecológicos y fenológicos de las especies vegetales, como la dispersión, el banco de semillas en el suelo y la germinación. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la relación entre la abundancia de los individuos adultos y plántulas, la lluvia de semillas, la tasa de germinación y la supervivencia de Abies hickelii, con respecto a las condiciones ambientales en la Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, México. Se realizaron muestreos de vegetación, se colocaron trampas para la lluvia de semillas, se colectó el banco de semillas en el suelo y se cuantificó la germinación y su supervivencia. En cada sitio se midieron las condiciones ambientales (climáticas, edáficas, topográficas y lumínicas). Se registró que en el sitio de mayor altitud (3150 m), A. hickelii presentó mayor densidad de adultos y plántulas, y mayor porcentaje de germinación en comparación con los sitios de menor altitud. La abundancia de individuos adultos y plántulas de A. hickelii está relacionada con la apertura del dosel y la intensidad máxima de precipitación. La producción de semillas está relacionada con la precipitación total anual; mientras que la germinación y la supervivencia no se asociaron con ninguna de las variables ambientales analizadas. Este estudio consideró diferentes aspectos del ciclo de vida de A. hickelii y su relación con las condiciones del medio donde se establece, para conocer las variables ambientales más relevantes en cada etapa de su crecimiento. Esta información es relevante para especies endémicas y en peligro de extinción.
... To address the national demand for Christmas trees, Guatemalan fir plantations were established in the 1990s, which not only mitigated the impact on natural forests but also contributed to species conservation. The cultivation of Guatemalan fir has emerged as an effective conservation strategy rooted in sustainable utilization (Strandby et al., 2006;Strandby et al., 2008). ...
... En los años 90 se establecieron plantaciones de pinabete para satisfacer la demanda de árboles navideños a nivel nacional, lo que redujo el impacto sobre los bosques naturales y contribuyó a la conservación de la especie. El cultivo de pinabete ha demostrado ser una estrategia de conservación efectiva basada en el aprovechamiento sostenible (Strandby et al., 2006;Strandby et al., 2008). ...
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In recent years, a new pest has been reported in Guatemalan fir (Abies guatemalensis) plantations, a biofilm of microorganisms known as “green algae”. The objective of this research was to identify the algae and fungi that make up the biofilm growing on Guatemalan fir leaves. Leaf samples were collected from three locations where the biofilm has been reported, and the algae and fungi present on the leaves were isolated. Microorganisms were cultured in vitro and identified by light microscopy; in the case of fungi, DNA extraction and amplification of the ITS region were also performed. Four algae of the genera Desmococcus, Klebsormidium and the class Trebouxiophyceae, and 11 fungi of the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Trichoderma and Ulocladium were identified from 120 leaves of 15 trees. It was concluded that the biofilm affecting Guatemalan fir plantations in Guatemala is composed of several species of epiphytic algae and fungi, which may vary according to the locality. The factors affecting the richness of microorganisms in the biofilm and their symbiotic relationship still need to be addressed.
... Ключови думи: консервационна стратегия, платан, биоразнообразие, опазване на природата, растителност УВОД Разработването на консервационни стратегии и планове за управление свързани с опазването на популациите от ценни видове е основано на натрупаните знания относно биологическите и социално-икономическите фактори, които влияят върху тяхното разпространение (Leite, 2002). Сред социално-икономическите фактори най-съществени са стопанското приложение и използване на видовете, проучванията на пазара и изпълнението на текущите консервационни мерки (Andersen et al., 2006). По отношение на биологичната информация необходима за разработването на консервационна стратегия за даден вид най-важни са генетичното разнообразие (Paul et al. 2011) и състоянието на техните местообитания (Dеngler et. ...
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Парижкото споразумение от 2015 г., прието от страните, подписали Рамкова Конвенция на ООН за изменението на климата, поставя целта повишението на температурата в световен мащаб да се оgраничи до 2°C над равнището от прединдустриалната епоха. В изпълнение на своите ангажименти във връзка с Парижкото споразумение, Европейският съюз се ангажира да намали емисиите си с 40% до 2030 г. спрямо нивото им през 1990 г. През 2018 г. бе приет Регламент 841/2018 на ЕС, за включването на емисиите и поглъщанията на парникови газове от земеползването, промените в земеползването и горското стопанство (ЗПЗГС) в рамката в областта на климата и енергетиката до 2030 г. Регламентът също така определя правилата за отчитане на емисиите и поглъщанията и реда на проверка за спазването на задълженията. Съгласно изискванията на Регламента, референтното ниво за горите на България е определено като средна стойност на емисиите и поглъщането на парникови газове от управлявани горски площи за периода 2021-2025 г. За целта е направена прогноза на развитието на въглеродните депа - главно стоящата маса и ползването, като се прие запазване на интензитета на ползването, документиран през референтния период 2000-2009 г. За определяне на запаса на въглерод в биомасата (вкл. подземна и надземна), са използвани емисионните фактори, публикувани в Националния доклад за инвентаризация на парникови газове за 2018 г. (НДИПГ, 2018 г.).
... Between different Abies species the position of resin ducts varies strongly and two types can be found: marginal vs median (Andersen, Cordova, Sørensen, & Kollmann, 2006;Dallimore & Jackson, 1966;Debreczy & Rácz, 1995Dörken, 2015;Farjon, 1990Farjon, , 2010Krüssmann, 1983;Liu, 1971;Panetsos, 1992;Rehder, 1967;Wu & Hu, 1997). However, the position of resin ducts does not only vary among the different species, but also within a treemarginal resin ducts in leaves develop in lower parts of the crown, median ones in distal parts (Debreczy & Rácz, 2011;Gaussen, 1964;Panetsos, 1992;Roller, 1966). ...
Morphology, anatomy and physiology of sun and shade leaves of Abies alba were investigated and major differences were identified, such as sun leaves being larger, containing a hypodermis and palisade parenchyma as well as possessing more stomata, while shade leaves exhibit a distinct leaf dimorphism. The large size of sun leaves and their arrangement crowded on the upper side of a plagiotropic shoot leads to self‐shading which is explainable as protection from high solar radiation and to reduce the transpiration via the lamina. Sun leaves furthermore contain a higher xanthophyll cycle pigment amount and Non‐Photochemical Quenching (NPQ) capacity, a lower amount of chlorophyll b and a total lower chlorophyll amount per leaf, as well as an increased electron transport rate and an increased photosynthesis light saturation intensity. However, sun leaves switch on their NPQ capacity at rather low light intensities, as exemplified by several parameters newly measured for conifers. Our holistic approach extends previous findings about sun and shade leaves in conifers and demonstrates that both leaf types of A. alba show structural and physiological remarkable similarities to their respective counterparts in angiosperms, but also possess unique characteristics allowing them to cope efficiently with their environmental constraints.
... These species relate to communities of coniferous and oak forests, whose surfaces could also be affected by the change in soil use due to agricultural, forestry, and livestock activities ( Figure 4); therefore, it is estimated that there will be a greater decrease in suitable potential distribution. This is the case with A. guatemalensis, given that the soils where it is commonly found are fertile, an important factor in the establishment of other plantations (Andersen, Córdova, Sørensen, & Kollmann, 2006). Nevertheless, Jantz et al. (2015) mention that the suitable potential distribution decreased from the year 1500 to 2005, where more than half of the natural vegetation was lost due to such activities. ...
... de coníferas y bosque de encinos, cuyas superficies también pueden ser afectadas por el cambio de uso de suelo debido a las actividades agrícolas, forestales y pecuarias (Figura 4), por tal motivo se estima que exista mayor reducción de la distribución potencial idónea. Esto sucede con A. guatemalensis, ya que los suelos donde comúnmente se encuentra son fértiles, factor importante en el establecimiento de otras plantaciones (Andersen, Córdova, Sørensen, & Kollmann, 2006). Sin embargo, Jantz et al. (2015) mencionan que la distribución potencial idónea se redujo del año 1500 a 2005, donde más de la mitad de la vegetación natural se perdió por dichas actividades. ...
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Michoacán is the fifth state with the greatest diversity of plant species, excelling due to its richness in families, genera and species of flowering trees in Mexico. Therefore, in this paper the potential distribution of 12 species of Pinaceae was evaluated in current conditions and future climate change scenarios through ecological niche models. Data on the current climate, future scenarios, soil properties and digital elevation model were used as environmental predictors. The modeling was done using the Maxent software. 75 % of the data on the species presence was used for the training of the models and the remaining 25 % for model validation. The output grids were classified into three categories of area for the species distribution: unsuitable, marginal and suitable. The models show that there will be a 16 to 40 % decrease in suitable areas in the 2015-2039 and 2075-2099 periods, respectively. The species most affected by the decrease in their distribution will be Abies religiosa, Pinus leiophylla and Pinus teocote.
... El pinabete (Abies guatemalensis Rehder) es una especie en peligro, endémica en los bosques montanos altos de México y el norte de Centroamérica (Veblen, 1976;Farjon et al., 1993;Islebe, 1995;Islebe et al., 1995;Strandby et al., 2006), y fue seleccionada como estudio de caso para este proyecto de investigación. A pesar de que su conservación es considerada prioritaria (Apéndice I de CITES), las poblaciones remanentes aún son amenazadas por la extracción ilícita de ramillas para la elaboración de adornos navideños. ...
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Background: Birth weight (BW) is an important attribute of human populations affecting post-natal mortality and later life morbidity, such as diabetes and reduced cognitive skills. BW is influenced by many factors, whereof temperature regime represents an important factor. Methods: By applying a generalized linear model, the impact of temperatures, altitude, nutrition, age at motherhood and other potential causes for BW variation were evaluated in more than 60 countries worldwide. National IQ scores were analysed in the same model. Results: This study identified a model explaining 2/3 of the global variation in BW. This model suggests that BW will decrease by 0.44-1.05% per °C increase in temperature under projected climate change. National IQ scores revealed a close relationship between IQ and BW. However, the model of IQ variation did not appear robust when challenged with variables not correlated with BW. Conclusion: Climate change will affect BW, but it cannot be assumed that other human attributes such as IQ will change because (i) BW, in mainly being sensitive to intra-uterine conditions in the last quarter of pregnancy, is a poor predictor of intra-uterine conditions as such and (ii) developmental plasticity may require post-natal stimuli to unfold.
... At all three of our sites, A. guatemalensis is the dominant tree species, occurring often in nearly pure stands on slopes and in drainages immediately downslope from the higher, drier ridgelines dominated by Pinus hartwegii. Andersen et al. (2006) observed that A. guatemalensis was typically found in cooler, moist sites, including humid valleys, and inferred that the altitudinal range of the species was restricted by precipitation as opposed to temperature. A. guatemalensis is currently classified as endangered, primarily due to overharvesting (Andersen et al., 2006;Kollmann et al., 2008). ...
... Andersen et al. (2006) observed that A. guatemalensis was typically found in cooler, moist sites, including humid valleys, and inferred that the altitudinal range of the species was restricted by precipitation as opposed to temperature. A. guatemalensis is currently classified as endangered, primarily due to overharvesting (Andersen et al., 2006;Kollmann et al., 2008). ...
... Relatively little is known about the ecophysiology of this species, and so additional research is also required to understand the timing of growth initiation and dormancy and the association between monthly climate and intra-annual growth patterns. We anticipate that information about the climate response, growth rates, and age structure of this species will also aid in protection, conservation, and restoration efforts (Andersen et al., 2006;Kollmann et al., 2008). ...
The continued expansion of dendroclimatology into Mesoamerica requires the identification and evaluation of species whose rings can be precisely dated and then statistically compared with precipitation and temperature variability in order to make inferences about past climate. Here, we establish the basis for using Abies guatemalensis Rehder (Pinaceae) for climate reconstruction in Central America. Annual crossdating in this montane species is demonstrated at high-elevation sites in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes in western Guatemala. We find that ring width is most strongly influenced by early growing season moisture conditions, controlled by late dry season rainfall, and negatively correlated with growing season temperature. Our chronology is also significantly negatively correlated with eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies. Our confirmation of annual chronology and the identification of a climatic signal in this species now allow its use in local and regional paleoclimate reconstructions, as well as ecological studies.
... No fire scars were sampled at either plot. (Andersen et al., 2006). Fire ecology: Little to no research has been conducted on the impacts of fire on ABGU (Andersen et al., 2006), but because the bark is smooth and is not thick, it can be inferred that this species is likely fire sensitive and experiences moderate to high mortality during fire as do other Abies species (Agee, 1998;Agee, 1993). ...
... (Andersen et al., 2006). Fire ecology: Little to no research has been conducted on the impacts of fire on ABGU (Andersen et al., 2006), but because the bark is smooth and is not thick, it can be inferred that this species is likely fire sensitive and experiences moderate to high mortality during fire as do other Abies species (Agee, 1998;Agee, 1993). growing at 610-1829 m. in moist, rocky soils ("Lady Bird Johnson", 2010), but is also found in xeric sites (Tirmenstein, 2012). ...
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A dendropyrochronological study was conducted in the pine and pine-oak forests of the Las Joyas Scientific Research Station in the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve located in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountain range in western México. This study was undertaken to expand our understanding of historical fire frequency in that region and to inform future fire and land management decisions. Objectives included development of a master tree-ring width chronology for the Biosphere Reserve, determination of whether tree rings are a viable source of information about historical fires in this ecosystem, reconstruction of the historical fire frequency in pine-dominated forests, and investigation of the seasonality of fires. Tropical pines present several difficulties for tree-ring research including missing, false and diffuse rings, which make crossdating of these trees challenging. This study, which is the first dendrochronological fire history study south of the Tropic of Cancer in western México, demonstrates that tree rings from tropical Pinus douglasiana and Pinus herrerae can be used in fire history studies. Across the study site, seventeen unique fire years were identified between 1938 and 2009 with a mean fire-return interval of four years and a range of one to fourteen years. Most fires occurred early in the growing season, coinciding with agricultural fires prior to the start of summer monsoon rains.
... highland pollen records may support differential effects of the Little Ice Age cooling event, in general terms increasing aridity in the lowlands and increasing humidity in the highlands. Temporary decreases of Abies and Myrica pollen (~300-100 yrs BP) are possibly explained by increases in regional and local timber harvesting and land clearing by Spanish colonizers, respectively (Islebe and Hooghiemstra, 1995;Andersen et al., 2006). ...
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Paleoecology has been only in recent decades applied to Mesoamerica; this thesis provides new records of paleoenvironmental changes in Guatemala. Paleoecological reconstructions are developed based mainly on pollen in the Lachuá lowlands and Purulhá highlands of the Las Verapaces Region. For the first time, quantitative vegetation and climate analyses are developed, and plant indicator taxa from vegetation belts are identified. Changes in vegetation are explained partially by elevation and climatic parameters, topography, drainage divides, and biogeography. Pollen rain and indicator plant taxa from vegetation belts were linked through a first modern pollen rain analysis based on bryophyte polsters and surface sediments. The latter contain fewer forest interior plant taxa in both locations, and in the highlands, they contain higher local pollen content than in the lowlands. These calibrations aided vegetation reconstructions based on fossil pollen in sediment records from the Lachuá and Purulhá regions. Reconstructions for the last ~2000 years before present (BP) were developed based on fossil pollen from cores P-4 on a floodplain in Purulhá, and L-3, a wetland in Lachuá. Core P-4 suggests that Mayan populations developed a system of agricultural terraces in a former paleolake-swamp environment, which was abandoned at the time of the Spanish Conquest (~400 BP). Core L-3 indicates the abandonment of Mayan “Forest Gardens” at the time of the early Postclassic. These gardens likely prevailed during the Classic period (~300-1100 yrs BP) at the outskirts of the ancient city of Salinas de los Nueve Cerros. Following abandonment, forest recovery took place for about 800 yrs. Cultural factors are found to be more important in determining vegetation dynamics in this region, since no clear evidence of climate forcing was found. The P-4 and L-3 cores provide likely evidence that Mayan populations were, contrary to other evidence, innovative landscape managers. Scenarios in the Las Verapaces Region have been drastically modified in recent times (e.g. after the European Conquest), as suggested by pollen evidence in the top of both P-4 and L-3 cores, possibly due mostly to modern large scale natural resources exploitation, which represent environmental threats greater than any seen in the last ca. 2000 years.
... It is the most southerly distributed species of the genus. It forms small-scattered mountain populations between central Mexico and Honduras and El Salvador, at altitudes between 2000 and 4000 m above the sea level (a.s.l.) (Martínez, 1948;Donahue et al., 1985;Andersen et al., 2006 (Martínez, 1948). Populations of this species are the preferred overwintering habitat of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus; Anderson and Browler, 1996). ...
The genus Abies is distributed discontinuously in the temperate and subtropical montane forests of the northern hemisphere. In Mesoamerica (Mexico and northern Central America), modern firs originated from the divergence of isolated mountain populations of migrating North American taxa. However, the number of ancestral species, migratory waves and diversification speed of these taxa is unknown. Here, variation in repetitive (Pt30204, Pt63718, and Pt71936) and non-repetitive (rbcL, rps18-rpl20 and trnL-trnF) regions of the chloroplast genome was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the Mesoamerican Abies in a genus-wide context. These phylogenies and two fossil-calibrated scenarios were further employed to estimate divergence dates and diversification rates within the genus, and to test the hypothesis that, as in many angiosperms, conifers may exhibit accelerated speciation rates in the subtropics. All phylogenies showed five main clusters that mostly agreed with the currently recognized sections of Abies and with the geographic distribution of species. The Mesoamerican taxa formed a single group with species from southwestern North America of sections Oiamel and Grandis. However, populations of the same species were not monophyletic within this group. Divergence of this whole group dated back to the late Paleocene and the early Miocene depending on the calibration used, which translated in very low diversification rates (r(0.0)=0.026-0.054, r(0.9)=0.009-0.019 sp/Ma). Such low rates were a constant along the entire genus, including both the subtropical and temperate taxa. An extended phylogeographic analysis on the Mesoamerican clade indicated that Abies flinckii and A. concolor were the most divergent taxa, while the remaining species (A. durangensis, A. guatemalensis, A. hickelii, A. religiosa and A. vejari) formed a single group. Altogether, these results show that divergence of Mesoamerican firs coincides with a model of environmental stasis and decreased extinction rate, being probably prompted by a series of range expansions and isolation-by-distance.