Fig 1 - uploaded by Gérard Nisal Bischof
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Normalized mean score for episodic memory as a function of condition and time. Error bars represent ±1 SE.  

Normalized mean score for episodic memory as a function of condition and time. Error bars represent ±1 SE.  

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In the research reported here, we tested the hypothesis that sustained engagement in learning new skills that activated working memory, episodic memory, and reasoning over a period of 3 months would enhance cognitive function in older adults. In three conditions with high cognitive demands, participants learned to quilt, learned digital photography...


... Regarding the feasibility of the program, the attendance rate, program satisfaction, willingness to continue with GO, and beginner support were high, and none dropped out, suggesting that the pro- Regarding the effects of the intervention, the results indicated that the program may improve the global cognition of supporters. Given that learning new skills has previously been shown to improve cognitive function (Park et al., 2014), and that the results of previous studies show that learning GO improved the cognitive function of novice players (Iizuka et al., 2018(Iizuka et al., , 2019(Iizuka et al., , 2020, we expected the program to be effective in improving the cognitive function of beginners. However, the results showed that the program may have been effective in improving the cognitive function of the supporters. ...
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Background To the creation of mutual aid relationships among people with cognitive decline is important in aging societies. This study aimed to develop and examine the feasibility of a GO Program in which older adults, with experience in playing GO, support the learning of GO by older adults with cognitive decline and other barriers to social participation, which in turn reduces social isolation and creates opportunities for older adults to use their role. Methods This single‐arm intervention study was conducted in Tokyo, Japan. Introductory GO classes were held for 10 participants who had never played GO (beginners) and 10 participants who had (supporters) once a week for an hour, for a total of 12 sessions. Supporters and beginners were paired to solve problems and play games. We assessed the feasibility of the program and its effects on mental health social network, and cognitive function. Results Cognitive test scores were at the mild cognitive Impairment level for beginners as well as for supporters. Satisfaction with the program was high, with an overall class attendance rate of 99.1% and none leaving the program. No significant changes were observed over time for beginners in each measurement; however, there was a significant improvement in the Mini Mental State Examination‐Japanese scores for supporters (p < .05). Conclusions The results suggest that this program could contribute to the creation of mutual aid relationships among older adults with cognitive decline; even if they have mildly declined cognitive function, they can still play an active role in society. Moreover, creating such opportunities may positively impact cognitive function.
... So, this little heart brain not only functions as an internal controller of the heart but it also bidirectionally communicate with brain; receives signal from the brain and sent it parallelly to particular area of brain (medulla, amygdala etc) through network of nerve (afferents nerve pathways) where they influence perception, decision making and other cognitive processes. (Armour, 2004;Park, 2014;Babo-Rebelo, 2016). These discoveries result in the emergence of numerous new fields of inquiry, a plethora of new questions, and a far better understanding of heart-brain interactions. ...
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The human body is an extremely intricate work of art, with systems and organs interacting to create what has been acknowledged as life. Among these intricate relationships, one of the most fascinating and significant is the one that has been recently discovered between the gut, the brain, and the heart. This discovery has potentially changed our fundamental reductionist, positivist and more precisely biochemical understanding of higher consciousness, wisdom intelligence etc, paving way for a more holistic comprehension which includes philosophical and epistemological analysis. More importantly, such changed paradigm, challenges the accepted dualisms and invites serious research to explore the interconnectedness of mind, body, and emotion. However, these discoveries sparked a surge of discussions among diverse Muslim scholars and researchers who seek to understand the Qur'anic concept of heart-interceded wisdom, as well as the reasons why the Qur'an insist and talks about heart as a reflection of man's religiousness or piety. It is important to keep in mind that science and the Qur'an are two different discipline each with their own set of argument and approaches. For instance, science is an always changing discipline due to technological innovations while, the teachings of the Qur'an are constant, ageless, occasionally metaphorical or allegorical. In the light of this intricate landscape, science and the Qur'an may either support or challenge each other on various matters. Therefore, it is imperative to note that scientific knowledge should not be regarded as the ultimate source for comprehending the Qur'an. Nonetheless, many individuals explore scientific findings to deepen their faith and their comprehension of the Qur'an. So, in this exploratory article, we will delve into the heart-gut-brain relationship, its scientific underpinnings, and the implications it holds for our understanding of Qur'anic teachings, health, emotions, and consciousness. Abstrak: Tubuh manusia adalah sebuah karya seni yang sangat rumit, dengan sistem dan organ yang berinteraksi untuk menciptakan apa yang dikenal sebagai kehidupan. Di antara hubungan rumit ini, salah satu yang paling menarik dan signifikan adalah hubungan yang baru-baru ini ditemukan antara usus, otak, dan jantung. Penemuan ini berpotensi mengubah pemahaman mendasar kita yang reduksionis, positivis, dan lebih tepatnya biokimia tentang kesadaran yang lebih tinggi, kecerdasan kebijaksanaan, dan lain-lain membuka jalan bagi pemahaman yang lebih holistik yang mencakup analisis filosofis dan epistemologis. Yang lebih penting lagi, perubahan paradigma ini menantang dualisme yang ada dan mengundang penelitian serius untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara pikiran, tubuh, dan emosi. Namun, penemuan-penemuan ini memicu gelombang diskusi di antara beragam cendekiawan dan peneliti Muslim yang berupaya memahami konsep Al-Qur'an tentang hikmah yang diyakini dengan hati, serta alasan mengapa Al-Qur'an menegaskan dan berbicara tentang hati sebagai cerminan hati manusia. keagamaan atau kesalehan. Penting untuk diingat bahwa sains dan Al-Qur'an adalah dua disiplin ilmu yang berbeda, masing-masing mempunyai argumentasi dan pendekatan tersendiri. Misalnya, sains adalah disiplin ilmu yang selalu berubah akibat inovasi teknologi, sedangkan ajaran Al-Qur'an bersifat konstan, tidak lekang oleh waktu, terkadang bersifat metaforis atau alegoris. Mengingat lanskap yang rumit ini, sains dan Al-Qur'an dapat saling mendukung atau menantang dalam berbagai hal. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk dicatat bahwa pengetahuan ilmiah tidak boleh dianggap sebagai sumber utama untuk memahami Al-Qur'an. Meskipun demikian, banyak orang mengeksplorasi temuan-temuan ilmiah untuk memperdalam keimanan dan pemahaman mereka terhadap Al-Qur'an. Jadi, dalam artikel ini, akan dikaji hubungan jantung-usus-otak, landasan ilmiahnya, dan implikasinya terhadap pemahaman manusia terhadap ajaran Al-Qur'an, kesehatan, emosi, dan kesadaran. Kata Kunci: Al Qur'an, ilmu pengetahuan, interaksi antar organ, jantung dan otak, tubuh manusia Sapiential insights for … Introduction In these days and age, academic and theological knowledge has divided science and religion into two distinct and autonomous domains each with their own way of valuing the purpose of human existence and universe and more importantly our place within it. Science is a constantly evolving human endeavour essentially aimed to comprehend the natural world to which they belong (the behaviour of matter and energy, the evolution of species, the laws of physics, and the origins of the universe), and to understand their longing for transcendence existence. While all the structured religion principally delves into metaphysical questions, higher consciousness the purpose of life on earth, nature of the soul, the afterlife, and the existence of the creator the Almighty and so on. It often provides answers to questions that are beyond the scope of empirical science and focusses on moral and ethical guidance of its followers. With this contextual background, religion is basically highly individualistic, deeply personal and subjective element of human life, irrespective of one's own experiences or responses. So, both the domains are often received as distinct if not agonistics to each other each with their own preferences that are fundamental for the human life; science empirically tries to provides valuable insights into the mechanics of the natural world by interrogating through the "How" based inquiries, but may not answer the questions about the ultimate purpose of life or the moral principles by which to live. Religious teachings, on the other hand, offer guidance on these profound questions by explaining through the "why" based questioning. Interestingly, despite differences in their approaches their standpoint sometimes overlaps or address certain complementary aspects of human experiences. There are several instances where the Qur'ān and science apparently corroborate or rather, we can say that the Qur'ānic verses were interpreted in a way that are consistent with modern scientific discoveries. In one example, the Qur'an states in Sura Al-Anbiya verse 30, that the universe was created from a single entity; this was initially related scientifically with the Big Bang theory or very recently with "Singularity" theory on the origin of cosmos proposed by eminent physicist S. Hawkings. Similarly, the Qur'ān in Sura An-Naba verse 7 figuratively compares mountains to "pegs" that hold the Earth's crust. This description is linked with the geological role of mountain ranges as explained by science in anchoring tectonic plates. However, what is more central, though, is to keep in mind that these impact's very nature and relevance may change as technology or society evolve. At the same time, it is also true that a lot of scientific facts will continue to be influenced by religious truths and the opposite is also true. The most striking example, is that some people still support the Islamic view of human creation while rejecting the idea of evolution through natural selection. Enduring the philosophical perspective of both the domain, let's first examine how science is currently attempting to respond to questions regarding the holistic relationship or coherence between physiological processes in body essential organs and their effects on the orchestration of knowledge, cognition, and emotion. Before now without much doubts, we all are raised looking at the brain; through scientific lens, that it is the sole organ that houses the intellect, decision-making competence, emotions and consciousness etc. neurobiologists have even branded specific areas in the brain that are involved in regulating moral functions (e.g., judgement and lies) and spirituality (God Spot). So congruently, we all are convinced that it is the brain that singly processes the information coming from our sensory organs, social and environmental interactions etc (exteroceptive signals) and accordingly orchestrate our behaviour (Arzy, 2006; Jorge, 2007; Kapogiannis, 2014; Schore, 2015; James I, 2019). And that it also controls and coordinates all of the body's other organs, including our heart's core functioning (interoceptive signals). In short, we unreservedly accepted, based on all the empirical evidences and medical experiences that our brain is the prime face that speaks its goings-on in different languages. However, latest technological advancement combined with algorithm and analytical mathematical models has made few fascinating discoveries about how the brain and body vital organs cross talk and communicate with each other and how they influence person's own life in a much broader frame than previously anticipated. This eventually prompted scientist from allied sciences to re-analyse or re-study the functionality of vital organs (heart, brain and gut) afresh in a more holistic way. And this is the reason why so many new fields have emerged in recent times such as neuro-cardiology, neuro-gastroenterology,
... Therefore, in summary, factors such as motivation, engagement, and immersion may contribute to the superior learning experience observed with AR training. The literature corroborates this potential link to cognition and memory [78,79,80]. In addition, it seems that memory recall can be improved through AR's feature of intuitive visualisation and interaction with real-world objects from a first-person perspective [81]. ...
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Fire safety training is crucial to increase building occupants' chances of surviving a fire emergency. Traditional training methods, such as lectures using video presentations, have limitations that can hinder learning performance. This article describes the development and testing of an alternative training solution using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Through a controlled between-subject experiment, the AR-based fire safety training method was compared against a conventional video-based one based on participants' knowledge acquisition and retention, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy. Results suggest that the AR system was well-designed and as effective as the traditional method in terms of knowledge acquisition and retention and overall learning experience. However, it was found to be superior in terms of intrinsic motivation gain and self-efficacy retention. These findings demonstrate the potential of AR-based training methods to enhance building occupants' safety and provide directions for future developments and research in the field.
... Além disso, funções cognitivas como a atenção, a memória e o tempo de reação podem sofrer declínios relacionados com a idade (Anstey et al., 2005;Park et al., 2002). Estas alterações cognitivas podem impedir a capacidade do condutor de realizar várias tarefas, manter a concentração e tomar decisões rápidas enquanto conduz. ...
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O aumento da proporção de condutores idosos na população mundial despertou um interesse significativo na investigação para compreender os desafios e as implicações associadas a este grupo demográfico. Este estudo apresenta uma revisão bibliométrica e uma análise VOS Viewer da literatura centrada nos condutores idosos, utilizando dados recolhidos na base de dados Scopus. O objetivo desta revisão é explorar os principais temas e tendências na literatura, oferecendo assim uma perspetiva do panorama do conhecimento existente neste domínio. A revisão bibliométrica abrange uma coleção abrangente de artigos académicos publicados até ao ano de 2023, utilizando critérios de pesquisa específicos com a palavras-chave “older drivers”. A pesquisa restringiu-se a artigos de revistas e conferências, com revisão por pares publicados até 16 de junho de 2023, em língua inglesa. Um total de 2.037 estudos foram identificados e analisados para compreender o panorama da investigação. Vários indicadores bibliométricos, como tendências de publicação, padrões de autoria, distribuição de periódicos e padrões de citação, foram examinados para avaliar o crescimento e o desenvolvimento geral do campo. Além disso, utilizando o software VOS Viewer, foi efetuada uma análise da rede de coocorrência para identificar grupos temáticos e as suas inter-relações na literatura. Esta análise facilitou a visualização de temas de investigação, permitindo uma exploração dos tópicos mais prevalecentes, colaborações de investigação e áreas de interesse emergentes. As principais áreas temáticas, como o declínio cognitivo e o desempenho da condução, as intervenções de segurança rodoviária, as considerações políticas e os avanços tecnológicos, foram identificadas e analisadas em pormenor. Os resultados desta revisão bibliométrica lançam luz sobre o estado da arte da investigação sobre condutores idosos, destacando a evolução do campo ao longo do tempo e identificando lacunas para investigação futura. A análise também fornece uma visão geral dos principais contribuintes e das suas colaborações, indicando potenciais caminhos para a investigação interdisciplinar. Além disso, a identificação de tópicos emergentes e o mapeamento de grupos de investigação apresentam informações valiosas para investigadores, decisores políticos e partes interessadas que pretendem desenvolver intervenções e políticas específicas no domínio da segurança e mobilidade dos condutores idosos. Ao sintetizar a literatura existente e analisar as tendências de investigação, esta revisão bibliométrica e a análise do VOS Viewer contribuem para a compreensão da investigação sobre condutores idosos. Os resultados fornecem uma base para futuros esforços de investigação, desenvolvimento de políticas e intervenções destinadas a melhorar a segurança e o bem-estar dos condutores idosos.
... The findings underscore the importance of conducting further research to explore the diverse range of factors that could affect visual recognition memory and the extent to which education contributes to this cognitive function. 29,30 A significant negative correlation was also observed between age and attentional abilities in short-term visual recognition memory and overall intelligence. This suggests that cognitive decline in these abilities may be associated with aging, as reported in the specialized literature. ...
Elderly people are exposed to functional losses, which can either be natural transformations (senescence), or pathological (senility). Cognitive screening tests identify cognitive impairment and risk of developing dementia. This article aims to assess the effectiveness of three cognitive screening instruments in detecting cognitive impairment in elderly individuals with limited education. The study involved 920 individuals over the age of 60, who were recruited from driver’s license centers in various Brazilian states. Participants were assessed using the cognitive screening tools: Battery Routes of Attention (BRA), to attentional capacity; Nonverbal General Intelligence Matrices (MIG), to non-verbal intelligence; and Visual Recognition Memory Test (Memore), to short-term memory. The study examined the correlation between the total scores on tests and the participants' profile (mean=69.10 and SD=6.54), according to sex, age, age group, education level, and state of Brazil. The analysis found a positive correlation between the total scores of the cognitive tests and the level of education of the participants, with higher levels of education serving as a protective factor for cognition. There was moderate correlation between visual recognition memory and sex, indicating better mnemonic performances for female participants. Age was found to have a negative correlation with all cognitive screening tests. The use of cognitive screening batteries can provide relevant indicators to plan appropriate interventions with elderly people. Furthermore, these test results emphasize the significance of further research to enhance the credibility of cognitive screening tests and broaden their applicability to elderly populations with diverse cultural backgrounds.
... Cognitive enrichment has also been examined in the context of lifestyle engagement. Experimental approaches have provided clear demonstrations that psychometrically measured cognitive abilities can show growth through the implicit practice of these skills in context (Carlson et al., 2008;Park et al., 2014;Stine-Morrow et al., 2014;Stine-Morrow, Parisi, Morrow, & Park, 2008), though the mapping of the nature of engagement onto the particular areas of skill enhancement is not always clear (see for a review). Observational studies on the effects of lifestyle engagement over time have documented relatively broad effects on cognition, including enhanced mental flexibility from complex work and leisure (Schooler & Mulatu, 2001;Schooler, Mulatu, & Oates, 1999;Schooler, Mulatu, & Oates, 2004) and executive functioning from rich social interactions (Ihle et al., 2019), and reduced risk of Alzheimer's (Verghese et al., 2003) from multiple activities. ...
... For example, individuals invested in a months-long creative problem solving program show selective improvement in ideational fluency (Stine-Morrow et al., 2014) and individuals who read novels over several weeks show selective improvement in working memory and episodic memory . It is not always obvious why cognitive gains occur in some areas and not others (Carlson et al., 2008;Park et al., 2014). In exploiting conventional laboratory methods, this study tested an important principle by which intellectual growth may be promoted in authentic cognitive ecologies. ...
... Additionally, cultural and social leisure activities have been associated with cognitive benefits in older adults. Engagement in activities such as reading, writing, art, learning new skills has shown positive effects on cognitive function (23)(24)(25)(26). For instance, in a longitudinal study conducted by Yates et al. (21), it was discovered that consistent engagement in intellectually stimulating leisure activities was linked to the sustained maintenance of cognitive function over the long term in older adults. ...
... Collectively, previous studies have highlighted the positive relationship between leisure activity and cognitive function in older adults (30)(31)(32). Engaging in a variety of leisure activities, including physical exercise, cultural pursuits, and social interactions, appears to promote cognitive health and potentially slow down cognitive decline (23)(24)(25)(26). However, previous research has been constrained by two primary limitations: Firstly, there has been a paucity of studies focusing on leisure activity and its impact on cognitive function specifically in disabled older people. ...
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Background This study delves into the complex interaction between leisure activities and cognitive function in older people with disabilities, with a particular emphasis on the moderating influence of depression. Despite the well-documented cognitive benefits of leisure activities among the older people, the intricate relationship between depression and the association between leisure activities and cognitive function in this specific demographic has been rarely reported. Methods Drawing on data from the 2017–2018 Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), this study meticulously examined a cohort of 713 participants aged 65–89 years. We constructed a moderation model to examine the impact of leisure activity on cognitive function in older people with disabilities, with depression levels as a moderating variable. Results We found a positive association between engagement in leisure activities and cognitive function, highlighting the potential cognitive advantages associated with leisure engagement among disabled older people. However, the present analysis also reveals a significant moderation effect of depression on this relationship, shedding light on the nuanced nature of this association. Specifically, elevated levels of depression emerge as a critical moderator, attenuating the otherwise favorable impact of leisure activities on cognitive function among older people contending with disabilities. Conclusion In conclusion, the findings provide a compelling rationale for tailored interventions that comprehensively target both leisure activity engagement and concurrent depression management, effectively fostering improvements in cognitive function among the cohort of disabled older people.
... In general, we expect that simultaneous interpretation is therefore more multifaceted and poses stronger demands onto the cognitive and language system in the brain as compared to multilingualism. Importantly, previous research on behavioral cognitive interventions in aging has pointed out that a combination of receptive training with active, social, and multimodal aspects is most beneficial and shows strongest transfer effects onto untrained cognitive tasks such as episodic memory (Park et al. 2014;Ping, Li, & Hyengjeong Jeong. 2020). ...
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Aging is associated with a high prevalence of neural and cognitive changes, which may impair life quality while placing a significant burden on the healthcare system and the economy. Nevertheless, diverse daily activities as well as deliberate practice in several domains have been proposed to benefit brain plasticity and cognition as well as to have the potential to counteract age-related decline through neuroprotective and/or compensatory mechanisms. In this review article, we will provide a summary of the gray matter alterations that have commonly been documented in simultaneous interpreters over the past twenty years. Furthermore, we will review the main literature that examined associations between simultaneous interpreting training and cognitive functions for assessing possible practice-related cognitive benefits in older age. We will also outline future directions for research in this area and highlight interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of aging on neurocognition.
... A total of 65 articles were selected, based on eligibility criteria, and categorized into four attributes (i.e., frequency, intensity, duration, variety) and five characteristics (i.e., novelty, productivity, enjoyment, meaning, and self-direction). Ten of the research studies were included in more than one attribute or characteristic category Carlson et al., 2015;Carlson et al., 2008;Jackson et al., 2020;Krell-Roesch et al., 2019a, 2019bLee et al., 2020;Park et al., 2014;Regier et al., 2022;Urban-Wojcik et al., 2022;Wilson, 2011). ...
... A majority of the studies (N = 6 or 67%) were longitudinal cohort studies, with follow-up ranging from 2 to 10 years (Hughes et al., 2018a(Hughes et al., , 2018bIhle et al., 2018;Lee et al., 2020;Valenzuela et al., 2008;Weuve et al., 2004;James et al., 2013). One study was a randomized controlled trial, evaluating cognitive changes following an intervention of 14 weeks (Park et al., 2014). Two studies were reviews, one was a systematic review (Kramer & Willis, 2002;McPhee et al., 2019). ...
... Six of the studies used cognitive batteries to measure outcomes (Hughes et al., 2018a(Hughes et al., , 2018bIhle et al., 2018;Lee et al., 2020;Park et al., 2014;Weuve et al., 2004;James et al., 2013). One study used MRI to measure hippocampal atrophy (Valenzuela et al., 2008) and the systematic review focused on studies using neuroimaging to measure structural brain changes (McPhee et al., 2019). ...
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The association between leisure activities and cognition in aging is well supported, suggesting that intellectual, physical, and social leisure engagement protects against cognitive decline. However, less is known about the attributes and characteristics of leisure activity engagement that foster neurological protection. The purpose of this study was to review the current evidence related to the salient features of leisure activity engagement that foster cognition in aging. Using scoping review procedures, nine databases were searched. Sixty-five articles, published between 2000 and 2021 met study criteria, providing empirical information about the ways in which attributes and characteristics of leisure engagement have shown an association with cognition in aging. The purpose of a scoping review is to systematically map the literature on a topic, identifying key concepts, theories, sources of evidence, and gaps in the research. This review identified and explored the attributes of leisure engagement which were frequency, intensity, duration, and variety. Characteristics of leisure engagement identified include novelty, active/productive engagement, enjoyment, meaning, and self-direction. Literature supports, to varying degrees, the association between leisure attributes and characteristics and cognition in aging. This information may provide more meaningful direction for intervention than recommendations for engagement in specific activities or activity domains. Results suggest that it is the way leisure is experienced, i.e., the attributes and characteristics of leisure engagement, and not any specific leisure activity or category of activities that may determine the protection provided against cognitive decline in aging. This can be used to guide future research, provide beneficial recommendations to older adults, and in the design of efficacious interventions to prevent cognitive decline in aging.
... Una de las principales funciones de un robot social es involucrar a las personas mayores en actividades de ocio, que incluyen ejercicio físico y estimulación cognitiva. Tal compromiso constante con el robot tiene un efecto positivo en el funcionamiento cognitivo, el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores (Everard, 2016;Park et al., 2014). Varios estudios también han indicado que los robots pueden mejorar la condición física y mental (Sasidharan et al., 2006) y ayudar en el tratamiento de problemas relacionados con la salud, como la diabetes, la demencia y las enfermedades cardiovasculares (Lotfi, Lengensiepen, & Yahaya, 2018). ...
Technological advancement has led to a series of transformations in human life that have deeply permeated the innermost circle of the social sphere. Among these innovations, the development of social robots stands out, whose influence on the relationship between humans and technology, particularly in the field of care, is notable. The objective of this study is to carry out an investigation into the aspirations and expectations related to the development of social robots, from the perspective of older people and children, in the context of care in three countries: Spain, Romania, and Italy. With the involvement of 41 elderly people and 44 children, this study aims to identify the elements that generate feelings of approval or disapproval in relation to social robots. Using a participatory approach, this study expands the understanding of the perceptions and aspirations of children and elderly people, in relation to their vision of what shape a social robot might take. The analysis highlights that there is a tendency to feminize the representation of the imagined robot, as a consequence of the association with attributes and roles traditionally considered feminine in society.