Neutronization (upper panel) and temperature (lower panel) profiles as a function of the mass coordinate at the explosion epoch, for the ZSUN WD model accreting matter at different accretion rate.

Neutronization (upper panel) and temperature (lower panel) profiles as a function of the mass coordinate at the explosion epoch, for the ZSUN WD model accreting matter at different accretion rate.

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In accreting WDs approaching the Chandrasekhar limit, hydrostatic carbon burning precedes the dynamical breakout. During this \textit{simmering} phase, $e-$captures are energetically favored in the central region of the star, while $\beta-$decays are favored more outside, and the two zones are connected by a growing convective instability. We analy...

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... a greater amount of 12 C has to be burnt to produce the explosion. However, even if in the considered range of ˙ M the convective core almost doubles and the consumed carbon increases by ∼35%, the average neutronization in the convective core decreases by only ∼7% while the neutronization value at the center is practically unaffected (see also Fig. 11). The situation for model R6m7 with ˙ M =6 × 10 −7 M ⊙ yr −1 is quite different as C-burning is ignited close to the epoch of the e-capture on 21 Ne activation at the center. This implies that C-ignition occurs off-center, due to the interplay among the compressional heating, of the inward diffusion of thermal energy from the accreted ...

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