Figure 2 - uploaded by Rolando Menchaca-Mendez
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Network entropy S G with increasing Laplacian Spectral Gap (LSG, λ 2 ).

Network entropy S G with increasing Laplacian Spectral Gap (LSG, λ 2 ).

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This paper presents the spectral gap-based topology control algorithm (SGTC) for wireless backhaul networks, a novel approach that employs the Laplacian Spectral Gap (LSG) to find expander-like graphs that optimize the topology of the network in terms of robustness, diameter, energy cost, and network entropy. The latter measures the network's abili...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the sake of clearness, the figures only present a representative sample of all the results; however, the tendencies shown in the figures hold across all our experiments. From Figure 2, we can observe that for all the values of the network size and the two types of MBS placement, the value of the network entropy S G increases as the value of the LSG increases. This result indicates that networks with larger LSG distribute the shortest paths connecting the stations evenly among all the data links. ...
Context 2
... the sake of clearness, the figures only present a representative sample of all the results; however, the tendencies shown in the figures hold across all our experiments. From Figure 2, we can observe that for all the values of the network size and the two types of MBS placement, the value of the network entropy S G increases as the value of the LSG increases. This result indicates that networks with larger LSG distribute the shortest paths connecting the stations evenly among all the data links. ...

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