Murispora medicaginicola ( holot y pe ). a. Ascomata on host substrate b. Section of ascoma c. Pseudoparaphyses d. Close up of ostiole e. Peridium f-h. Asci i-m. Ascospores. Scale bars: b = 50 μ m, c, e = 10 μ m, d, f-h = 20 μ m, i-m = 10 μ m. 

Murispora medicaginicola ( holot y pe ). a. Ascomata on host substrate b. Section of ascoma c. Pseudoparaphyses d. Close up of ostiole e. Peridium f-h. Asci i-m. Ascospores. Scale bars: b = 50 μ m, c, e = 10 μ m, d, f-h = 20 μ m, i-m = 10 μ m. 

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We are studying dothideomycetes with muriform ascospores and in this paper provide an account of those species in Amniculicolaceae. In this family muriform ascospores are only known in the genus Murispora. In this paper we introduce the new species M. fagicola (on dead branches of Fagus sylvatica), M. galii (on dead twigs of Galium sp.), M. cardui...

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... the host host genus genus Carduus Galium , , from from which which the the species species was was collected. collected. holotype holotype : : MFLU MFLU 15-2247 15-2248 Saprobic Saprobic on on dead dead herbaceous herbaceous branches branches in terrestrial in terrestrial habitats. habitats. Sexual morph Sexual : morph Ascomata : Ascomata 180-250 μ 250-350 m high 200-300 μ m high μ m 250-310 diam. (x ̅ μ = m 201.3 diam. × 244.7 (x ̅ = μ 275.4 m, n = × 10), 271.7 globose μ m, n to = subglobose, 10), globose solitary, to subglobose, dark brown solitary, to black, dark erumpent brown to to nearly black, super erumpent fi cial, to substrate nearly super stained fi cial, purple, substrate fused stained to the host purple, tissue, ostiolate. ostiolate. ostiole ostiole 80-130 60-80 μ μ m m high high 60-90 45-80 μ μ m m diam. diam. (x (x ̅ ̅ =123.2 = 61.2 × × 62.1 73.4 μ m, μ m, n = n 5) = short 5), short to papillate, to papillate, black, black, smooth, smooth, ostiolar ostiolar canal canal fi lled fi with lled hyphae. with hyphae. peridium peridium 7-11 μ m 12-18 wide μ at m the wide base, at 15-25 the base, μ m wide 15-25 in μ sides, m wide thin-walled, in sides, composed comprising of 3-6 brown layers to of dark dark brown brown to or black reddish cells brown, of textura pseudoparenchymatous angulari s. hamathecium cells of textura angularis . hamathecium comprising numerous, 1.5-2.5 μ m (n = 30) wide, fi lamentous, branched, septate, pseudoparaphyses. Asci 150-200 × 20-30 μ m (x ̅ = 172.1 × 23.7 μ m, n = 40), 8-spored, bitunicate, fi ssitunicate, cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate, thick-walled at the apex, with a minute ocular chamber. Ascospores 35-40 × 10-15 μ m (x ̅ = 37.5 × 13.2 μ m, n = 50), overlapping 1-2-seriate, hyaline when young, becoming brown at maturity, curved-fusoid, asymmetrical with one sides fl attened, muriform, with 2-3 longitudinal septa in all cells, slightly constricted at the middle septum, widest above the central septum, conical and narrowly rounded at the ends, initially guttulate, with rugged surface, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph : Undetermined . Culture characteristics : Colonies on PDA slow growing, reaching 2 cm diam. after 3 weeks at 16 o C, light pink when young, reddish brown at maturity, fl at on the surface, with mycelium composed of septate, branched hyphae. Known distribution : On dead twigs of Galium sp. (Rubiaceae), Italy. Material examined : Italy, Pesaro-Urbino [PU], San Sisto, dead and fallen twigs of Galium sp., 21 May 2013, N. Camporesi (MFLU 15-2247, holotype; isotype BBH 39893; ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 13-0819). Gene sequence data : ITS (KT736081), LSU (KT709175), SSU (KT709182), TEF (KT709189). Murispora cardui Wanasinghe, Camporesi, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Facesoffungi Number : FoF01106; index Fungorum number : IF551558 Fig. 4 etymology : Name re fl ects the host genus Carduus , from which the species was collected. holotype : MFLU 15-2248 Saprobic on dead herbaceous branches in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph : Ascomata 180-250 μ m high 200-300 μ m diam. (x ̅ = 201.3 × 244.7 μ m, n = 10), globose to subglobose, solitary, dark brown to black, erumpent to nearly super fi cial, substrate stained purple, fused to the host tissue, ostiolate. ostiole 60-80 μ m high 45-80 μ m diam. (x ̅ = 61.2 × 62.1 μ m, n = 5) short to papillate, black, smooth, ostiolar canal fi lled with hyphae. peridium 7-11 μ m wide at the base, 15-25 μ m wide in sides, thin-walled, comprising 3-6 layers of dark brown to black cells of textura angulari s. hamathecium comprising numerous, 1-1.5 μ m (n = 30) wide, narrow, fi lamentous, branched, septate, pseudoparaphyses. Asci 150-180 × 25-35 μ m (x ̅ = 169.1 × 29.7 μ m, n = 40), 8-spored, bitunicate, fi ssitunicate, cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate, thick-walled at the apex, with a minute ocular chamber. Ascospores 30-35 × 11-14 μ m (x ̅ = 33.6 × 12.3 μ m, n = 50), overlapping 1-2-seriate, hyaline when young, becoming dark brown at maturity, ellipsoidal to curved-fusoid, asymmetrical with one sides fl attened, muriform, with 1-3 longitudinal septa in all cells and rarely in end cells, slightly constricted at the middle septum, conical and narrowly rounded at the ends, surrounded by a wide mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph : Undetermined . Culture characteristics : Colonies on PDA slow growing, reaching 2 cm diam. after 3 weeks at 16 o C, light pink when young, reddish brown at maturity, fl at on the surface, with mycelium composed of septate, branched hyphae. Known distribution : On dead and upright stems of Carduus sp. (Asteraceae), Italy. Material examined: Italy, Trento [TN], Vermiglio, dead and upright stems of Carduus sp., 03 Aug 2013, e. Camporesi (MFLU 15-2248, holotype; isotype BBH 39894; ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 13-0761. Gene sequence data : ITS (KT736082), LSU (KT709176), SSU (KT709183), TEF (KT7091890). Murispora medicaginicola Wanasinghe, Camporesi, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. Fig. 5 Facesoffungi Number : FoF01107 ; index Fungorum number : IF551559 etymology : Name re fl ects the host genus Medicago , from which the species was isolated. holotype : 15-2249 Saprobic on dead herbaceous branches in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph : Ascomata 220-280 μ m high 150-250 μ m diam. (x ̅ = 244.6 × 213.3 μ m, n = 10), globose to subglobose, solitary, dark brown to black, immersed, substrate stained purple, fused to the host tissue, ostiolate. ostiole 90-110 μ m high 60-80 μ m diam. (x ̅ = 100.6 × 68.5 μ m, n = 5) papillate, black, smooth, ostiolar canal fi lled with sparse periphyses that curve upwards. peridium 10-18 μ m wide at the base, 12- 20 μ m wide in sides, comprising 3-4 layers of brown to reddish brown cells of textura angulari s. hamathecium comprising numerous, 1.5-3 μ m (n = 30) wide, fi lamentous, branched, septate, pseudoparaphyses. Asci 140-170 × 22-24 μ m (x ̅ = 145.5 × 21.4 μ m, n = 40), 8-spored, bitunicate, fi ssitunicate, cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate, thick-walled at the apex, with a minute ocular chamber. Ascospores 28-32 × 10-15 μ m (x ̅ = 29.6 × 11.2 μ m, n = 50), overlapping 1-2-seriate, hyaline when young, becoming dark brown at maturity, ellipsoidal to curved-fusoid, assymetrical with one sides fl attened, muriform, with 2-3 longitudinal septa in all cells and rarely in end cells, slightly constricted at the middle septum, conical and narrowly rounded at the ends, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph : Undetermined . Culture characteristics : Colonies on PDA slow growing, reaching 2 cm diam. after 3 weeks at 16 o C, light pink when young, reddish brown at maturity, fl at on the surface, with mycelium composed of septate, branched hyphae. Known distribution : On dead and upright stems of Medicago sp. (Fabaceae), Italy. Material examined: Italy, Trento [TN], Val di Sole, Passo del Tonale, dead and upright stems of Medicago sp., 5 August 2013, e. Camporesi (MFLU 15-2249, Facesoffungi Number : FoF01108 ; index Fungorum number : IF551560 etymology : Named after Antonio Cicognani, a departed Italian mycologist and the founder of the A.M.B. Gruppo Micologico Forlivese. holotype : MFLU 15-2250 Saprobic on dead herbaceous branches in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph : Ascomata 190-275 μ m high 150-250 μ m diam. (x ̅ = 232.4 × 212.7 μ m, n = 10), globose to subglobose, solitary, dark brown to black, immersed, substrate stained purple, fused to the host tissue, ostiolate. ostiole 50-65 μ m high 30-60 μ m diam. (x ̅ = 57.8 × 50.2 μ m, n = 5) short to papillate, black, smooth, ostiolar canal fi lled with periphyses-like structures. peridium 9-14 μ m wide at the base, 15-20 μ m wide at the sides, comprising 3-4 layers of brown to reddish brown cells textura angulari s, with inner 1-2 layers of cells thin–walled and hyaline. hamathecium comprising numerous, 1-2 μ m (n = 30) wide, fi lamentous, branched, septate, pseudoparaphyses. Asci 120-135 × 18-23 μ m (x ̅ = 129.9 × 20.9 μ m, n = 40), 8-spored, bitunicate, fi ssitunicate, cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate, thick-walled at the apex, with a minute ocular chamber. Ascospores 30-35 × 10-12 μ m (x ̅ = 34.4 × 10.7 μ m, n = 50), overlapping 1-2-seriate, golden yellow turning brown when mature, fusiform, assymetrical with one sides fl attened, muriform, with 1-2 longitudinal septa in all cells and rarely in end cells, slightly constricted at the middle septum, conical and narrowly rounded at the ends, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph : Undetermined. Culture characteristics : Colonies on PDA slow growing, reaching 2 cm diam. after 3 weeks at 16 o C, light pink when young, reddish brown at maturity, fl at on the surface, with mycelium composed of septate, branched hyphae. Known distribution : On dead branches of Clematis sp. (Ranunculaceae), Italy. Material examined: Italy, Forl ì -Cesena, Bagno di Romagna, Valgianna, dead and hanging branches of Clematis vitalba , 2 February 2014, e. Camporesi (MFLU 15-2250, holotype; isotype BBH 39896; ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 14-0953). Gene sequence data : ITS (KT736084), LSU (KT709178), SSU (KT709185). Murispora hawksworthii Wanasinghe, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, holot y pe Facesoffungi Facesoffungi ( isot y pe in BBH, Number Number under : : FoF01108 FoF01109 the code ; ; of BBH 39895), ex-type living culture, MFLUCC index index 13-0762. Fungorum Fungorum number number : : IF551560 IF551561 etymology Gene etymology sequence : : Named In data honor after : ITS of Antonio (KT736083), David Leslie Cicognani, LSU Hawksworth, (KT709177), a departed to celebrate Italian SSU (KT709184), mycologist his 70th and TEF birthday the (KT7091891). founder and his of immense the A.M.B. contribution Gruppo to Micologico mycology. Forlivese. holotype Murispora holotype : : MFLU MFLU cicognanii 15-2250 15-2251 Wanasinghe, Camporesi, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Saprobic Saprobic on on dead dead herbaceous herbaceous branches branches of in terrestrial ...


... They have erumpent, immersed or nearly superficial ascomata with a rough black surface, usually stain the substrate purple, short-pedicellate asci with an ocular chamber and narrowly or broadly fusiform, hyaline to brown, 1 to multi-septate or muriform ascospores, straight or slightly curved, constricted at the septa and often with a gelatinous sheath. Asexual morphs of the family are coelomycetous of Murispora asexualis, M. fissilispora and M. hawksworthii (Wanasinghe et al. 2015;Magaña-Dueñas et al. 2020) and hyphomycetous of Anguillospora longissima, Fouskomenomyces cupreorufescens, F. mimiticus and Vargamyces aquaticus (synonym: Repetophragma ontariense) (Zhang et al. 2009d;Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2017). Members in the family are mainly lignicolous saprobic fungi from freshwater and terrestrial habitats widespread in Europe and known in China and Thailand in Asia (Zhang et al. 2009c;Wanasinghe et al. 2015;Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2017;Dong et al. 2020b;Magaña-Dueñas et al. 2020;Phukhamsakda et al. 2020). ...
... Asexual morphs of the family are coelomycetous of Murispora asexualis, M. fissilispora and M. hawksworthii (Wanasinghe et al. 2015;Magaña-Dueñas et al. 2020) and hyphomycetous of Anguillospora longissima, Fouskomenomyces cupreorufescens, F. mimiticus and Vargamyces aquaticus (synonym: Repetophragma ontariense) (Zhang et al. 2009d;Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2017). Members in the family are mainly lignicolous saprobic fungi from freshwater and terrestrial habitats widespread in Europe and known in China and Thailand in Asia (Zhang et al. 2009c;Wanasinghe et al. 2015;Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2017;Dong et al. 2020b;Magaña-Dueñas et al. 2020;Phukhamsakda et al. 2020). ...
Freshwater fungi comprises a highly diverse group of organisms occurring in freshwater habitats throughout the world. During a survey of freshwater fungi on submerged wood in streams and lakes, a wide range of sexual and asexual species were collected mainly from karst regions in China and Thailand. Phylogenetic inferences using partial gene regions of LSU, ITS, SSU, TEF1α, and RPB2 sequences revealed that most of these fungi belonged to Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes and a few were related to Eurotiomycetes. Based on the morphology and multi-gene phylogeny, we introduce four new genera, viz. Aquabispora, Neocirrenalia, Ocellisimilis and Uvarisporella, and 47 new species, viz. Acrodictys chishuiensis, A. effusa, A. pyriformis, Actinocladium aquaticum, Annulatascus tratensis, Aquabispora setosa, Aqualignicola setosa, Aquimassariosphaeria vermiformis, Ceratosphaeria flava, Chaetosphaeria polygonalis, Conlarium muriforme, Digitodesmium chishuiense, Ellisembia aquirostrata, Fuscosporella atrobrunnea, Halobyssothecium aquifusiforme, H. caohaiense, Hongkongmyces aquisetosus, Kirschsteiniothelia dushanensis, Monilochaetes alsophilae, Mycoenterolobium macrosporum, Myrmecridium splendidum, Neohelicascus griseoflavus, Neohelicomyces denticulatus, Neohelicosporium fluviatile, Neokalmusia aquibrunnea, Neomassariosphaeria aquimucosa, Neomyrmecridium naviculare, Neospadicoides biseptata, Ocellisimilis clavata, Ophioceras thailandense, Paragaeumannomyces aquaticus, Phialoturbella aquilunata, Pleurohelicosporium hyalinum, Pseudodactylaria denticulata, P. longidenticulata, P. uniseptata, Pseudohalonectria aurantiaca, Rhamphoriopsis aquimicrospora, Setoseptoria bambusae, Shrungabeeja fluviatilis, Sporidesmium tratense, S. versicolor, Sporoschisma atroviride, Stanjehughesia aquatica, Thysanorea amniculi, Uvarisporella aquatica and Xylolentia aseptata, with an illustrated account, discussion of their taxonomic placement and comparison with morphological similar taxa. Seven new combinations are introduced, viz. Aquabispora grandispora (≡ Boerlagiomyces grandisporus), A. websteri (≡ Boerlagiomyces websteri), Ceratosphaeria suthepensis (≡ Pseudohalonectria suthepensis), Gamsomyces aquaticus (≡ Pseudobactrodesmium aquaticum), G. malabaricus (≡ Gangliostilbe malabarica), Neocirrenalia nigrospora (≡ Cirrenalia nigrospora), and Rhamphoriopsis glauca (≡ Chloridium glaucum). Ten new geographical records are reported in China and Thailand and nine species are first reported from freshwater habitats. Reference specimens are provided for Diplocladiella scalaroides and Neocirrenalia nigrospora (≡ Cirrenalia nigrospora). Systematic placement of the previously introduced genera Actinocladium, Aqualignicola, and Diplocladiella is first elucidated based on the reference specimens and new collections. Species recollected from China and Thailand are also described and illustrated. The overall trees of freshwater Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes collected in this study are provided respectively and genera or family/order trees are constructed for selected taxa.
... The sexual stages of the freshwater ascomycetes have undergone a series of morphological adaptations to survive in aquatic environments. Many of them produce ascospores with appendages and/or mucilaginous sheaths, which facilitate their attachment to substrates into the water [47][48][49]. In this study, the sexual stage of H. polypusiformis, found on plant debris submerged in freshwater, produces ascospores with a mucilaginous sheath, a feature also found in other genera living in similar environments, such as Murispora and Lolia [48,50]. ...
... Many of them produce ascospores with appendages and/or mucilaginous sheaths, which facilitate their attachment to substrates into the water [47][48][49]. In this study, the sexual stage of H. polypusiformis, found on plant debris submerged in freshwater, produces ascospores with a mucilaginous sheath, a feature also found in other genera living in similar environments, such as Murispora and Lolia [48,50]. On the other hand, some coelomycetous fungi exclusively reported in freshwater habitats, such as Aquasubmersa mircensis, Coelomyces aquaticus, and Lolia aquatica, are characterized by the production of conidia with mucilaginous appendages [50,51], a feature not observed in our fungal strains, nor in the terricolous counterparts. ...
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The Dothideomycetes are a class of cosmopolitan fungi that are present principally in terrestrial environments, but which have also been found in freshwater and marine habitats. In the present study, more than a hundred samples of plant debris were collected from various freshwater locations in Spain. Its incubation in wet chambers allowed us to detect and to isolate in pure culture numerous fungi producing asexual reproductive fruiting bodies (conidiomata). Thanks to a morphological comparison and to a phylogenetic analysis that combined the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nrDNA with fragments of the RNA polymerase II subunit 2 (rpb2), beta tubulin (tub2), and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef-1) genes, six of those strains were identified as new species to science. Three belong to the family Didymellaceae: Didymella brevipilosa, Heterophoma polypusiformis and Paraboeremia clausa; and three belong to the family Phaeosphaeriaceae:Paraphoma aquatica, Phaeosphaeria fructigena and Xenophoma microspora. The finding of these new taxa significantly increases the number of the coelomycetous fungi that have been described from freshwater habitats.
... Notes: The genus Murispora was introduced by Zhang et al. (2009a) to accommodate Pleospora rubicunda Niessl which is characterized by immersed, erumpent or nearly superficial, globose to subglobose, elongate, weakly papillate ascomata that stain the woody substrate purple, filamentous, narrow, branched, septate, pseudoparaphyses, 8-spored, bitunicate, cylindro-clavate asci, and oval to ellipsoidal or fusiform, pale or reddish brown, asymmetrical, muriform ascospores, with one side flattened. Wanasinghe et al. (2015) introduced six species for this genus which were collected from Italy and the UK. In this Fig. 4 Amniculicola aquatica (MFLU 18-1324, holotype). ...
... Notes: Murispora cicognanii was introduced by Wanasinghe et al. (2015) based on a collection from Italy and is only known from the type locality. This species is characterized by globose to subglobose, immersed ascomata, cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate asci with a minute ocular chamber and golden yellow, fusiform, asymmetrical, muriform ascospores, turning brown when mature, with one side flattened and surrounded by a mucilaginous Fig. 6 Murispora cicognanii (S-757, new record). ...
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This article is the tenth series of the Fungal Diversity Notes, where 114 taxa distributed in three phyla, ten classes, 30 orders and 53 families are described and illustrated. Taxa described in the present study include one new family (viz. Pseudoberkleasmiaceae in Dothideomycetes), five new genera (Caatingomyces, Cryptoschizotrema, Neoacladium, Paramassaria and Trochilispora) and 71 new species, (viz. Acrogenospora thailandica, Amniculicola aquatica, A. guttulata, Angustimassarina sylvatica, Blackwellomyces lateris, Boubovia gelatinosa, Buellia viridula, Caatingomyces brasiliensis, Calophoma humuli, Camarosporidiella mori, Canalisporium dehongense, Cantharellus brunneopallidus, C. griseotinctus, Castanediella meliponae, Coprinopsis psammophila, Cordyceps succavus, Cortinarius minusculus, C. subscotoides, Diaporthe italiana, D. rumicicola, Diatrypella delonicis, Dictyocheirospora aquadulcis, D. taiwanense, Digitodesmium chiangmaiense, Distoseptispora dehongensis, D. palmarum, Dothiorella styphnolobii, Ellisembia aurea, Falciformispora aquatic, Fomitiporia carpinea, F. lagerstroemiae, Grammothele aurantiaca, G. micropora, Hermatomyces bauhiniae, Jahnula queenslandica, Kamalomyces mangrovei, Lecidella yunnanensis, Micarea squamulosa, Muriphaeosphaeria angustifoliae, Neoacladium indicum, Neodidymelliopsis sambuci, Neosetophoma miscanthi, N. salicis, Nodulosphaeria aquilegiae, N. thalictri, Paramassaria samaneae, Penicillium circulare, P. geumsanense, P. mali-pumilae, P. psychrotrophicum, P. wandoense, Phaeoisaria siamensis, Phaeopoacea asparagicola, Phaeosphaeria penniseti, Plectocarpon galapagoense, Porina sorediata, Pseudoberkleasmium chiangmaiense, Pyrenochaetopsis sinensis, Rhizophydium koreanum, Russula prasina, Sporoschisma chiangraiense, Stigmatomyces chamaemyiae, S. cocksii, S. papei, S. tschirnhausii, S. vikhrevii, Thysanorea uniseptata, Torula breviconidiophora, T. polyseptata, Trochilispora schefflerae and Vaginatispora palmae). Further, twelve new combinations (viz. Cryptoschizotrema cryptotrema, Prolixandromyces australi, P. elongatus, P. falcatus, P. longispinae, P. microveliae, P. neoalardi, P. polhemorum, P. protuberans, P. pseudoveliae, P. tenuistipitis and P. umbonatus), an epitype is chosen for Cantharellus goossensiae, a reference specimen for Acrogenospora sphaerocephala and new synonym Prolixandromyces are designated. Twenty-four new records on new hosts and new geographical distributions are also reported (i.e. Acrostalagmus annulatus, Cantharellus goossensiae, Coprinopsis villosa, Dothiorella plurivora, Dothiorella rhamni, Dothiorella symphoricarposicola, Dictyocheirospora rotunda, Fasciatispora arengae, Grammothele brasiliensis, Lasiodiplodia iraniensis, Lembosia xyliae, Morenoina palmicola, Murispora cicognanii, Neodidymelliopsis farokhinejadii, Neolinocarpon rachidis, Nothophoma quercina, Peroneutypa scoparia, Pestalotiopsis aggestorum, Pilidium concavum, Plagiostoma salicellum, Protofenestella ulmi, Sarocladium kiliense, Tetraploa nagasakiensis and Vaginatispora armatispora).
... However, this could be an artifact of taxon sampling given that there are only two species in this genus. In recent studies, it has commonly been reported that additions of more taxa following discovery of novel species in a particular genus have substantiated establishment of new species despite close phylogenetic affiliation (Konta et al. 2016a;Jayasiri et al. 2017;Luo et al. 2017;Tibpromma et al. 2017;Wanasinghe et al. 2015Wanasinghe et al. , 2016Wanasinghe et al. , 2017. Saprobic or parasitic on bamboo, palm or stout grasses. ...
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Palm fungi are highly diverse in the tropical regions of Asia. Recent investigations on these palmicolous fungi have led to the collection of astrosphaeriella-like taxa from Calamus, Caryota, and Licuala species in Thailand (Chiang Rai and Narathiwat provinces) and southwest China (Yunnan Province). This study characterizes fungal taxa, which are new to science, based on morphological examination and concatenated DNA sequence data, to infer their familial relationships. Morphological comparisons reveal six new species, viz. Astrosphaeriellopsis caryotae, Fissuroma calami, F. caryotae, Neoastrosphaeriella sribooniensis, Pithomyces caryotae, and P. licualae. Their similarities and differences to other extant species are discussed. The phylogenetic results indicate that all of these new taxa belong to Aigialaceae and Astrosphaeriellaceae (Pleosporales) and support their establishment. Astrosphaeriellopsis is assigned to Astrosphaeriellaceae and the family is amended in order to accommodate both coelomycetous and hyphomycetous asexual morphs. A generic key is presented for Astrosphaeriellaceae to delimit Astrosphaeriella, Astrosphaeriellopsis, Pteridiospora, and Pithomyces. Asexual morph connections of Pithomyces caryotae and P. licualae are established from axenic cultures derived from single ascospores. DNA-based sequence data supports the establishment of our new species; however, the affinities of Astrosphaeriella tornata to other Astrosphaeriella and Pithomyces species are unclear and warrant further investigations with increased taxon sampling.
... This genus belongs to the family Phaeosphaeriaceae (Pleosporales) and is also distinct from Dematiopleospora and Allophaeosphaeria (both Pleosporales) in its peridium structure, papillate ostioles, ascomata shape, muriform and fusiform ascospores Liu et al. 2015). Another genus, Murispora , has a freshwater habitat and is saprobic, characterised by muriform and fusiform ascospores, and is placed in the family Amniculicolaceae (Pleosporales); recently, additional novel species, including some with phoma-like asexual morphs, have been included in this genus by Wanasinghe et al. (2015). The orders phylogenetically closely related to Bezerromycetales, such as Botryosphaeriales (Schoch et al. 2006;Slippers et al. 2013), Tubeufiales , and Wiesneriomycetales ord. ...
During a survey of endophytic fungi from the cactus Tacinga inamoena in a Brazilian tropical dry forest (Caatinga) some undescribed ascomycetous fungi were isolated. These fungi are characterized by superficial and immersed, globose to subglobose, smooth or hairy ascomata, bitunicate asci, and muriformly septate, ellipsoidal ascospores. Multigene phylogenetic analyses using sequences from partial ITS, SSU and LSU nrDNA and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (tef1) demonstrated a monophyletic clade accommodating these endophytic fungi in the class Dothideomycetes, closely related to the order Tubeufiales. Based on morphological features and phylogenetic analyses, these fungi could not be placed in the order Tubeufiales, in the new order Wiesneriomycetales, or any other known genus in the class Dothideomycetes. Thus, two new genera (Bezerromyces, with B. brasiliensis and B. pernambucoensis, and Xiliomyces with X. brasiliensis), a new family (Bezerromycetaceae) and a new order (Bezerromycetales) are introduced to accommodate these novel taxa. Our phylogenetic analyses also demonstrated that the clade accommodating Wiesneriomycetaceae represents a new order, here introduced as Wiesneriomycetales.
... We have been studying the various members of Dothideomycetes, with the intention to provide a natural classification of this class based on both morphology and multi-gene phylogenetic analyses (Hyde et al. 2013;Boonmee et al. 2014;Thambugala et al. 2014Thambugala et al. , 2015Wijayawardene et al. 2014aWijayawardene et al. , b, 2016Ariyawansa et al. 2015a;Liu et al. 2015;Phookamsak et al. 2015;Wanasinghe et al. 2015). This paper provides an updated backbone tree and natural classification for Didymosphaeriaceae and illustrates the genetic and taxonomic associations within the family. ...
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Laburnicola gen. nov., with four new species, Paramassariosphaeria gen. nov., with a new species and Montagnula saikhuensis sp. nov. are introduced in this paper. The phylogeny of these taxa and genera of Didymosphaeriaceae are resolved based on analysis of combined LSU, SSU and ITS sequence data. Laburnicola is characterized by obpyriform, immersed ascomata, with a peridium fused to the host tissues, long pedicellate asci and ellipsoidal to fusoid ascospores, whose central cells have longitudinal septa and a rugged surface. Paramassariosphaeria is characterized by globose to subglobose ascomata, papillate ostioles, a peridium comprising pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis, cylindric-clavate to clavate, pedicellate asci and brown, curved-fusoid ascospores, with multiple transverse septa and a mucilaginous sheath. Montagnula saikhuensis has immersed ascomata, with a peridium fused to the host tissues, long pedicellate asci and blackish brown, ellipsoidal ascospores with a single septum. The relationship of these taxa with other Didymosphaeriaceae species is discussed based on comparative morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Munkovalsaria appendiculata and M. donacina are transferred to the genus Montagnula.
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This study documents the morphology and phylogeny of ascomycetes collected from karst landscapes of Guizhou Province, China. Based on morphological characteristics in conjunction with DNA sequence data, 70 species are identified and distributed in two classes (Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes), 16 orders, 41 families and 60 genera. One order Planisphaeriales, four families Leptosphaerioidaceae, Neoleptosporellaceae, Planisphaeriaceae and Profundisphaeriaceae, ten genera Conicosphaeria, Karstiomyces, Leptosphaerioides, Neoceratosphaeria, Neodiaporthe, Neodictyospora, Planisphaeria, Profundisphaeria, Stellatus and Truncatascus, and 34 species (Amphisphaeria karsti, Anteaglonium hydei, Atractospora terrestris, Conicosphaeria vaginatispora, Corylicola hydei, Diaporthe cylindriformispora, Dictyosporium karsti, Hysterobrevium karsti, Karstiomyces guizhouensis, Leptosphaerioides guizhouensis, Lophiotrema karsti, Murispora hydei, Muyocopron karsti, Neoaquastroma guizhouense, Neoceratosphaeria karsti, Neodiaporthe reniformispora, Neodictyospora karsti, Neoheleiosa guizhouensis, Neoleptosporella fusiformispora, Neoophiobolus filiformisporum, Ophioceras guizhouensis, Ophiosphaerella karsti, Paraeutypella longiasca, Paraeutypella karsti, Patellaria guizhouensis, Planisphaeria karsti, Planisphaeria reniformispora, Poaceascoma herbaceum, Profundisphaeria fusiformispora, Pseudocoleophoma guizhouensis, Pseudopolyplosphaeria guizhouensis, Stellatus guizhouensis, Sulcatispora karsti and Truncatascus microsporus) are introduced as new to science. Moreover, 13 new geographical records for China are also reported, which are Acrocalymma medicaginis, Annulohypoxylon thailandicum, Astrosphaeriella bambusae, Diaporthe novem, Hypoxylon rubiginosum, Ophiosphaerella agrostidis, Ophiosphaerella chiangraiensis, Patellaria atrata, Polyplosphaeria fusca, Psiloglonium macrosporum, Sarimanas shirakamiense, Thyridaria broussonetiae and Tremateia chromolaenae. Additionally, the family Eriomycetaceae was resurrected as a non-lichenized family and accommodated within Monoblastiales. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of all these taxa are provided.
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In this study, a new species Neomonodictys aquatica was collected from submerged decaying wood in Erhai Lake, Yunnan Province, China. Neomonodictys aquatica is characterised by acrogenous, solitary, oval, dictyospores (most are transverse septum, occasionally vertical septum, in immaturity the septum is clear, but when mature, the conidia becomes darker so the septum is not clear), smooth-walled conidia. The immature conidia are usually hyaline to olivaceous and mature conidia are usually darkened to black, sometimes with one pale basal cell. Phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS and LSU sequence data showed that the new collection is distinct from other Neomonodictys species. Description and illustration are provided as well.
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Pleosporales is the largest fungal order with a worldwide distribution in terrestrial and aquatic environments. During investigations of saprobic fungi associated with mango (Mangifera indica)) in Baoshan and Honghe, Yunnan, China, fungal taxa belonging to pleosporales were collected. Morphological examinations and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, LSU, SSU, rpb2 and tef1-α loci were used to identify the fungal taxa. A new genus, Mangifericomes; four new species, namely Mangifericomes hongheensis, Neomassaria hongheensis, Paramonodictys hongheensis, and Paramonodictys yunnanensis; and six new host and country records, namely Byssosphaeria siamensis, Crassiparies quadrisporus, Paradictyoarthrinium aquatica, Phaeoseptum mali, Torula fici, and Vaginatispora amygdali, are introduced. Photoplates, full descriptions, and phylogenetic trees to show the placement of new and known taxa are provided.
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Freshwater Dothideomycetes are a highly diverse group of fungi, which are mostly saprobic in freshwater habitats worldwide. They are important decomposers of submerged woody debris and leaves in water. In this paper, we outline the genera of freshwater Dothideomycetes with notes and keys to species. Based on multigene analyses and morphology, we introduce nine new genera, viz . Aquimassariosphaeria , Aquatospora , Aquihelicascus , Fusiformiseptata , Neohelicascus , Neojahnula , Pseudojahnula , Purpureofaciens , Submersispora ; 33 new species, viz . Acrocalymma bipolare , Aquimassariosphaeria kunmingensis , Aquatospora cylindrica , Aquihelicascus songkhlaensis , A. yunnanensis , Ascagilis submersa , A. thailandensis , Bambusicola aquatica , Caryospora submersa , Dictyocheirospora thailandica , Fusiformiseptata crocea , Helicosporium thailandense , Hongkongmyces aquaticus , Lentistoma aquaticum , Lentithecium kunmingense , Lindgomyces aquaticus , Longipedicellata aquatica , Neohelicascus submersus , Neohelicomyces dehongensis , N. thailandicus , Neohelicosporium submersum , Nigrograna aquatica , Occultibambusa kunmingensis , Parabambusicola aquatica , Pseudoasteromassaria aquatica , Pseudoastrosphaeriella aquatica , Pseudoxylomyces aquaticus , Purpureofaciens aquatica , Roussoella aquatica , Shrungabeeja aquatica , Submersispora variabilis , Tetraploa puzheheiensis , T. yunnanensis ; 16 new combinations, viz. Aquimassariosphaeria typhicola , Aquihelicascus thalassioideus , Ascagilis guttulaspora , A. queenslandica , A. seychellensis , A. sunyatsenii , Ernakulamia xishuangbannaensis , Neohelicascus aquaticus , N. chiangraiensis , N. egyptiacus , N. elaterascus , N. gallicus , N. unilocularis , N. uniseptatus , Neojahnula australiensis , Pseudojahnula potamophila ; 17 new geographical and habitat records, viz. Aliquandostipite khaoyaiensis , Aquastroma magniostiolata , Caryospora aquatica , C. quercus , Dendryphiella vinosa , Ernakulamia cochinensis , Fissuroma neoaggregatum , Helicotruncatum palmigenum , Jahnula rostrata , Neoroussoella bambusae , N. leucaenae , Occultibambusa pustula , Paramonodictys solitarius , Pleopunctum pseudoellipsoideum , Pseudocapulatispora longiappendiculata , Seriascoma didymosporum , Shrungabeeja vadirajensis and ten new collections from China and Thailand, viz. Amniculicola guttulata , Aquaphila albicans , Berkleasmium latisporum , Clohesyomyces aquaticus , Dictyocheirospora rotunda , Flabellascoma fusiforme , Pseudoastrosphaeriella bambusae , Pseudoxylomyces elegans , Tubeufia aquatica and T. cylindrothecia . Dendryphiella phitsanulokensis and Tubeufia roseohelicospora are synonymized with D. vinosa and T. tectonae , respectively. Six orders, 43 families and 145 genera which belong to freshwater Dothideomycetes are reviewed. Of these, 46 genera occur exclusively in freshwater habitats. A world map illustrates the distribution of freshwater Dothideomycetes.