Figure 2 - uploaded by A H M Musleh Uddin
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Multiple anechoic fluid filled pocket. Surgical Management Restraining and Anesthesia: Firstly, the cat was being held on its side with its back against the handler, while the handler grasps the front and back legs, with a forearm across the cat neck. As premedication agent atropine sulphate was administered (Injection Atropine®, Techno drug, Bangladesh, 0.04mg/kg body weight intramuscularly) and as muscle relaxant xylazine hydrochloride (Injection xylazine®, Indian Immunologicals Ltd, India, 1mg/ kg BW intramuscularly) administered. Again, as a general anesthesia ketamine hydrochloride (G-ketamine®, Gonoshasthaya Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Bangladesh, 15 mg/Kg body weight intravenously) was administered. The maintenance anesthetic dose was given half of the initial dose during the surgery. Preparation of surgical area was carried out after shaving and removing hairs. 70% alcohol scrubbed onto the skin around the surgery area, the area is then covered until surgery, since nothing must touch it once it is cleaned. Surgical Procedure: The cat was being laid on her back (Figure 3) and a sterile drapper was placed over her. Close monitoring of temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, gum color, pulse strength and depth of anesthesia was done. An incision was made in the middle of the underside along the length of the abdomen. After exposing the abdomen by laparotomy, the uterine and ovarian blood vessels were properly secured and the ovaries, uterine horns and uterus were completely removed. The abdominal wall was closed with catgut (size: 1-0). The skin was then closed with cross-mattress suture pattern using silk. The sutured wound was

Multiple anechoic fluid filled pocket. Surgical Management Restraining and Anesthesia: Firstly, the cat was being held on its side with its back against the handler, while the handler grasps the front and back legs, with a forearm across the cat neck. As premedication agent atropine sulphate was administered (Injection Atropine®, Techno drug, Bangladesh, 0.04mg/kg body weight intramuscularly) and as muscle relaxant xylazine hydrochloride (Injection xylazine®, Indian Immunologicals Ltd, India, 1mg/ kg BW intramuscularly) administered. Again, as a general anesthesia ketamine hydrochloride (G-ketamine®, Gonoshasthaya Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Bangladesh, 15 mg/Kg body weight intravenously) was administered. The maintenance anesthetic dose was given half of the initial dose during the surgery. Preparation of surgical area was carried out after shaving and removing hairs. 70% alcohol scrubbed onto the skin around the surgery area, the area is then covered until surgery, since nothing must touch it once it is cleaned. Surgical Procedure: The cat was being laid on her back (Figure 3) and a sterile drapper was placed over her. Close monitoring of temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, gum color, pulse strength and depth of anesthesia was done. An incision was made in the middle of the underside along the length of the abdomen. After exposing the abdomen by laparotomy, the uterine and ovarian blood vessels were properly secured and the ovaries, uterine horns and uterus were completely removed. The abdominal wall was closed with catgut (size: 1-0). The skin was then closed with cross-mattress suture pattern using silk. The sutured wound was

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ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Pyometra is one of the most common reproductive problem in cat. An eleven-year-old native cat was admitted to Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research Centre, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh, with history of anorexia and chronic emaciation. At first, general physical examination was done...

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... was performed using a B mode real-time 5MHz linear transducer. The finding of abdominal ultrasound was found multiple anechoic fluid filled area without foculation ( Figure 2). Then blood sample was collected for doing routine examination and serum analysis. ...


... In contrast, the patient might have peritonitis, sepsis, and even death in closed cervix pyometra. The primary option for cats having pyometra is an ovariohysterectomy, a surgery to remove uterine and ovarian organs (Farghali et al., 2020;Hasan et al., 2021;Martini et al., 2023;Misk and El-Sherry, 2020;Palupi et al., 2022). Additional medical therapies for cats having ovariohysterectomy procedures, such as antibiotics, fluid replacement, and local antiseptic covering at the incision site, will be needed (Farghali et al., 2020;Palupi et al., 2022). ...
... Additional medical therapies for cats having ovariohysterectomy procedures, such as antibiotics, fluid replacement, and local antiseptic covering at the incision site, will be needed (Farghali et al., 2020;Palupi et al., 2022). However, in rare cases where ovariohysterectomy is not a valid resolutive option, such as owners who do not agree with surgery and request medical treatment, uterine drainage, and flushing have been performed (Martini et al., 2023) (Hasan et al., 2021;Martini et al., 2023Martini et al., , 2023Misk and El-Sherry, 2020;Palupi et al., 2022). Pyometra is a sporadic sickness in cats, but it has become more common in veterinary clinics in Indonesia because cat owners normally do not take elective spaying, and also reported in domestic and stray cats (Adnyana et al., 2022;Mulyana and Sari, 2022;Nurrurozi and Indarjulianto, 2019;Palupi et al., 2022;Prayoga et al., 2021;Rahayu et al., 2021;Rahman et al., 2021;Sendana et al., 2019;Soesatyoratih and Esfandiari, 2022). ...
... The clinical signs of pyometra in the cat patients of this study were in line with previous reports, anorexia, haemorrhagic and purulent vaginal discharge, stupor, distended abdomen, and fever. However, vaginal discharge may not be observed in queens that have thorough grooming behaviour or in closed pyometra cases (Hasan et al., 2021;Holst, 2022). This study showed the presence of inflamed and enlarged uterus with the presence of discharge inside through ovariohysterectomy confirmed the diagnosis of open cervix-type pyometra (Hagman, 2022(Hagman, , 2018Hollinshead and Krekeler, 2016;Holst, 2022). ...
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An intact female tabby Persian cat, 26-month-old, was brought to IPB University Veterinary Teaching Hospital on the 21st of February, 2023, due to vaginal discharge, inappetence, and lethargy. Physical examination revealed a distended abdomen, mammary gland enlargement, and fever (40.1 °C). The heart and respiratory rates were 128 beats per minute and 32 times per minute, respectively. The patient body weight was 3.87 kg. The veterinarian palpated masses inside the abdominal cavity and observed obvious purulent and haemorrhagic vaginal discharge. Haematology showed leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, and the eosinophil percentage of white blood cells was increased (eosinophilia). Blood chemistry analysis showed hyperglycaemia. Ultrasonography showed two hyperechoic masses inside two hypoechoic pouches in the queen’s uterus, suspected as two dead foetuses (no heartbeat). Roentgen revealed abnormalities in the vena cava caudalis, bronchial pattern in the lung, radioopaque masses in the ventral abdomen, radio-opacity changes in the small and large intestines, and abnormalities in the spleen. The patient’s diagnosis was pyometra, and ovariohysterectomy surgery was performed on the patient. The patient was treated with additional medicines (antibiotics and others) according to the symptoms. The patient’s symptoms disappeared, except for the fluctuating febrile and pale mucous membrane. A blood smear performed on the 1st of March 2023 revealed Anaplasma phagocytophilum (A. phagocytophilum) in the white blood cells, and immediately doxycycline treatment (10 mg/kg body weight, twice daily) was given. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 14th of March, 2023, with no febrile or other symptoms reported. This case is the first report of open cervix-type pyometra and anaplasmosis co-occurrence in a Persian cat from IPB University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Indonesia.
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Seekor kucing betina bernama Berlin datang ke Klinik Hewan Cimanggu dengan keluhan hewan lesu, kurang nafsu makan dan mengeluarkan cairan merah dari bagian belakang tubuhnya. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik kucing bernama Berlin didapatkan adanya leleran lendir yang berwarna merah keluar dari vulva. Dari hasil anamnesa dan temuan klinis, kucing Berlin diduga menderita pyometra. Pyometra merupakan suatu gangguan reproduksi pada hewan betina yang ditandai dengan adanya penimbunan nanah pada uterus. Dari gejala klinis yang tampak, pyometra yang diderita kucing Berlin adalah pyometra terbuka. Hasil pemeriksaan penunjang ultrasonografi dan pemeriksaan darah terkonfirmasi kucing Berlin menderita pyometra.
Seekor kucing ras himalaya bernama Lelyberumur empattahun dengan bobot 3,9 kg dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan Universitas Udayana, dengan keluhan perut membesar, lemas, kucing tidak defekasi sejak dua hariterakhir,dan tanpa adanya leleran vagina. Pemeriksaan hematologi rutin menunjukankucing mengalamileukositosis, dan anemia normositik hipokromik. Pemeriksaan radiografi terlihat perbesaran uterus dengangambaran radiopaque pada semua bagian uterus. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaanmeliputianamnesis, gejala klinis,dan laboratoris kucing didiagnosis mengalami pyometra tertutup dengan prognosis fausta. Penanganan yang dilakukan denganovariohisterektomi. Pemeriksaan makroskopis dan mikroskopis pascaoperasi terhadap uterus nampak terlihatpembesaran uterus terisi cairan keruh kental kemerahan. Mukosa endometrium mengalami hiperplasia hemoragi dengan sejumlah kecil kista. Histopatologi jaringan uterusmenunjukan hasil adanya kista pada mukosa endometrium, infiltrasi sel-sel neutrofil dan mukosa endometrium mengalami sedikit nekrosis. Pengobatan pascaoperasi dilakukan dengan antibiotik amoxicillinsirup dengan dosispemberian 1,5 mLper oral(PO) sebanyak duakali sehari selama tujuh hari, antiinflamasi dexamethasonedosis 0,25 mg/kgBBPO kali sehari selama lima haridan terapi suportif dengan vitamin Bkomplekssatu tabletPOsehari sebanyak tujuh hari. Kucing mengalami perbaikan secara klinis lima hari setelah operasi dan dinyatakan sembuh pada hari ketujuh setelah operasi.