Figure - available from: Abdominal Radiology
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Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a 72-year-old male. a Coronal reformatted contrast-enhanced CT image in arterial phase shows multiple hypervascular liver lesions (arrows) compatible with HCC. Patient was deemed unresectable and was treated with yttrium-90. b Coronal reformatted contrast-enhanced CT image obtained 3 months after treatment showed response to treatment with marked decrease in tumor attenuation (arrows) concordant with drop of alpha-fetoprotein serum levels (c)

Multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a 72-year-old male. a Coronal reformatted contrast-enhanced CT image in arterial phase shows multiple hypervascular liver lesions (arrows) compatible with HCC. Patient was deemed unresectable and was treated with yttrium-90. b Coronal reformatted contrast-enhanced CT image obtained 3 months after treatment showed response to treatment with marked decrease in tumor attenuation (arrows) concordant with drop of alpha-fetoprotein serum levels (c)

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Objective The purpose of this article is to review the most commonly used tumor markers in abdominal and pelvic tumors, describe their limitations and explain how to use them in the context of known cancer in order to optimize multidisciplinary care of oncologic patients. Conclusion Tumor markers are important for the diagnosis, staging, monitorin...

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Background: Immune cells play a key role in cancer progression and treatment. It is unclear whether the clinicopathologic characteristics and blood indexes of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients could predict immune cell concentrations in the tumor microenvironment. Methods: CRC patients with detailed data and tumor tissue who visited Sun Yat-sen U...


... Many studies in some adenocarcinoma of the digestive and reproductive tracts revealed that the tumor markers had a strong correlation with prognosis and recurrence. [15][16][17] However, scarce studies assessed the prognostic prediction of serum CEA, CA125, and CA19-9 levels in cervical adenocarcinoma patients. As the limitations mentioned above, we designed a tumormarker-based classification stratified by serum CEA, CA125, and CA19-9 levels, sought to explore the prognosis and recurrence patterns of each stratification and attempted to identify the possible use of such a tumor-marker-based method to be a preoperative prognostic predictor of cervical adenocarcinoma. ...
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Objective There is a lack of research evaluating the effect of tumor markers for prognosis in cervical adenocarcinoma. We aimed to develop and validate a preoperative tumor-marker-based model including clinicopathological factors to clarify the prognostic value of endocervical adenocarcinoma. Methods A total of 572 patients with cervical adenocarcinoma who were staged at the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) IA–IIA were reviewed retrospectively. Preoperative serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen (CA)-125 and CA19-9 levels were measured. The survival and recurrence patterns were analyzed according to the tumor-marker-related stratification. The predictive values of biomarkers and clinical variables were assessed with Cox regression and competing risk models. Results Patients with elevated preoperative tumor markers had evidently poor overall survival and recurrence-free survival. The triple-elevated tumor marker (TETM) subgroup had the worst overall survival and progression-free survival than the triple-negative tumor marker (TNTM) subgroup and the single-elevated tumor marker (SETM) subgroup. The most important predictors for overall survival were elevated tumor markers, FIGO-stage, tumor differentiation, lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) and lymph nodes metastasis. The most important predictors for recurrence-free survival were elevated tumor markers, FIGO-stage, tumor differentiation, LVSI and deep stromal invasion. Stratified analysis showed that elevated CA-125 and CA19-9 were significantly associated with postoperative distant metastasis. A decision curve analysis confirmed that a combination of tumor markers as predictors significantly outperformed the other common predictors used (FIGO-stage, intermediate and high-risk factors, tumor differentiation, lymph nodes). Conclusions Elevated preoperative serum CEA, CA-125, and CA19-9 levels exhibited poor overall survival and recurrence-free survival in cervical adenocarcinoma patients. Combined preoperative serum CA-125 and CA19-9 independently predicted distant metastasis in patients with endocervical adenocarcinoma.
... Kadar je takšni najdbi pridružena izrazito povišana koncentracija AFP (nad 400 ng/ml), je to diagnostično značilno za HCC in biopsija ni potrebna. V razvitih državah je zaradi tovrstnega pristopa 30-40 % bolnikov odkritih, ko je kurativno zdravljenje še možno (2,15,16). ...
... Ker pa je v zvišani koncentraciji prisoten pri 80 % bolnikov s potrjenim rakom, je njegova uporabnost predvsem v sledenju bolnikov med zdravljenjem in po njem. CEA določamo v serumu pred zdravljenjem, po operaciji, med sistemskim zdravljenjem in po njem (2,15,17). Razpolovna doba znaša 4-7 dni, zato koncentracije v krvi upadejo približno po enem mesecu. Popolna odstranitev tumorja brez prisotnosti zasevkov se kaže z normalizacijo koncentracije pod zgornjo normalno mejo (2,5 ng/ml) (17,24). ...
Razvoj raka je stopenjski proces, njegov temelj pa predstavljajo spremembe v genetskem zapisu in izražanju genov. Te spremembe je mogoče opredeliti z genetskimi ali laboratorijskimi biokemijskimi metodami in jih uporabiti kot označevalce maligne bolezni. Tumorski označevalci nakazujejo prisotnost, nekateri pa tudi aktivnost tumorja. Ob njihovem odkritju sredi prejšnjega stoletja so predvidevali, da jih bo mogoče uporabiti predvsem za zgodnje odkrivanje bolezni. Izkazalo pa se je, da so tumorski označevalci večinoma premalo občutljivi, da bi z njimi lahko zanesljivo odkrili zgodnje stopnje bolezni, in premalo specifični, da bi z njimi zanesljivo ločevali med različnimi bolezenskimi stanji. Njihovo uporabnost v presejalnih programih dodatno omejujeta še nizka prevalenca malignih bolezni v populaciji in oteženo oblikovanje referenčnih vrednosti. Kot pri ostalih preiskavah je treba že pred določanjem tumorskih označevalcev natančno vedeti, kakšni bodo nadaljnji ukrepi v primeru pozitivnega ali negativnega rezultata. Za uspešno klinično uporabo je nujno tudi natančno poznavanje lastnosti posameznega tumorskega označevalca, saj so kljub svojim pomanjkljivostim nezamenljivo dopolnilo pri vseh stopnjah kliničnega odločanja. V prispevku so predstavljeni tumorski označevalci, ki so najbolj razširjeni v presejalnih programih, pri diagnostiki, načrtovanju tarčnega zdravljenja in spremljanju uspešnosti zdravljenja ter napovedi izida.
... and specificity (89%, 95% ci 0.88 to 0.92) but holds poor prognostic value (Knowlton et al. 2022). Pre-operative cea measurement is recommended for all newly diagnosed colon cancer patients, with the expectation of normalization after surgical resection and subsequent monitoring during follow-up visits (Faria et al. 2019, lópez-campos et al. 2020, hendricks et al. 2021, Recio-Boiles and cagir 2021, Knowlton et al. 2022. the existing classification systems do not fully account for the varying biological behaviour within the same stage of cRc (Dawson et al. 2019). ...
Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) poses a substantial health burden, with early detection paramount for improved prognosis. This systematic review evaluates potential CRC biomarkers and detection techniques. Materials and methods: This systematic review, following PRISMA guidelines, assesses the latest research on potential biomarkers and detection/prognosis methods for CRC, spanning between 2013-2022. Results: Out of the 38 included studies, diverse biomarkers and detection methods emerged, with DNA methylation markers like SFRP2 and SDC2, microRNAs including miR-1290, miR-506, and miR-4316, and serum and plasma markers such as NTS levels and U2 snRNA fragments standing out. Methylated cfDNA and m5C methylation alteration in immune cells of the blood, along with circular RNA, showed promise as diagnostic markers. Meanwhile, techniques involving extracellular vesicles and lateral flow immunoassays exhibited potential for swift and effective CRC screening. Discussion: Our systematic review identifies potential biomarkers, including SFRP2, SDC2, miR-1290, miR-506, miR-4316, and U2 snRNA fragments, with significant potential in enhancing CRC detection. However, comprehensive validation studies and a rigorous evaluation of clinical utility and cost-effectiveness remain necessary before integration into routine clinical practice. Conclusion: The findings emphasize the need for continued research into biomarkers and detection methods to improve patient outcomes.
... máj-vagy veseelégtelenségben. Ezért a tumormarker-eredmények megfelelő interpretációja esetenként kihívást jelent, amihez a társbetegségek ismerete is elengedhetetlen (3,4). A tumormarkerszinteket befolyásoló leggyakoribb benignus eltéréseket az 1. táblázat ismerteti (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). ...
... Ezért a tumormarker-eredmények megfelelő interpretációja esetenként kihívást jelent, amihez a társbetegségek ismerete is elengedhetetlen (3,4). A tumormarkerszinteket befolyásoló leggyakoribb benignus eltéréseket az 1. táblázat ismerteti (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). ...
... Emiatt csak negatív vagy nagyon alacsony hemolízis-szérumindex mellett adhat ki a laboratórium kóros NSE-eredményt (10). A populáció akár 10%-át is érintő Lewis-negatív vércsoport jelenlétében a CA 19-9 nem detektálható, így ilyen esetekben nem használható ez a biomarker (4). ...
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Malignancies are considered as leading cause of death in parallel to cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases and their incidence is still growing from year to year. Early detection and monitoring of cancers after complex therapeutic interventions are essential for the survival of patients. In these aspects, beside radiological investigations, some lab tests play a key role, namely the tumor markers. These mostly protein-based mediators are produced in a large quantity by either cancer cells or the human body itself in response to the development of tumor. Measurement of tumor markers is usually assessed in serum samples, however, to locally detect an early malignant event, other body fluids, such as ascites, cerebrospinal fluid, or pleural effusion sample can also be analyzed. Due to the potential effects of other non-malignant conditions on the serum level of a tumor marker, the entire clinical status of investigated person needs to be considered for the correct interpretation of these results. In this review article, we summarized some important characteristics of the most widely used tumor markers.
... Cancer biomarkers have become effective indicators for tumor categorization, malignancy, and prognosis [1]. These substances are produced by tumors and might exist in patients' body fluids, and they usually reflect the progression of tumors in patients with cancers [2,3]. Therefore, research on cancer biomarkers that can be determined in body fluids, especially in the blood, has gained more attention in both human and veterinary medicine [4]. ...
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Previous studies have reported that dogs with neoplasms had elevated D-dimer levels. However, few studies have addressed whether D-dimer could be an indicator of tumor burden. The clinical significance of paired analysis of pre-and post-operation of D-dimer levels in dogs has rarely been described. The present study investigated the values of D-dimer levels and their correlated hemostatic alterations in dogs with surgically removable benign and malignant tumors. This study analyzed 30 clinically healthy and 30 tumor-bearing dogs and evaluated the hemostatic functions including D-dimer, thromboelastography G (TEG G), fibrinogen, activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin time, and platelet count. The median level of pre-treatment D-dimer was 0.8 µg/mL (range: 0.1-6.3 µg/mL), whereas the control dogs exhibited a median value of 0.1 µg/mL (range: 0.1-0.1 µg/mL, p < 0.0001). After tumorectomy, the median levels of D-dimer (p < 0.0001), fibrinogen (p < 0.0001), TEG G value (p < 0.01), and aPTT (p < 0.05) were significantly lower than those of the pre-treatment samples. However, further studies are needed to clarify the values of other hemostatic evaluations. The study revealed the clinical significance of D-dimer and its correlated hemostatic parameters by paired analysis in dogs with tumors. Though more cases are needed for solid confirmation, these values could be potential tumor biomarkers for dogs.
... Hormon pozitif meme kanseri tedavisinde kullanılan tamoksifen, endometriyum kanserine neden olabileceği için günlük pratikte bu hastalar düzenli olarak endometriyum kalınlığı açısından takip edilmektedir. 11 15 Ayrıca yukarıda söz edildiği gibi hastanın hikayesi ve fizik muayenesinden elde edilen veriler varsa, ilave görüntüleme yöntemleri uygulanmalıdır. Radyolojik yöntemler arasında bugün solid maligniteler için uygun hastalarda çoğunlukla Pozitron Emisyon Tomografisi (PET-BT) kullanılmaktadır. ...
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ZET Onkoloji alanında gün geçtikçe tıbbi bilgi ve deneyim artmakta, yeni uygulamalar ve tedavi ola-nakları ile sağkalım süreleri uzamaktadır. Tıbbi onkolojide temel ilkeleri bilmeden kanserle ilişkili ge-lişmeler ve tedaviler doğru yorumlanamaz. Kanser görülme sıklığı tedavideki gelişmelere rağmen halen yüksektir. Neden olan risk faktörlerinin başında en iyi bilinenler sigara ve tütün kullanımı, obezite, mal-nütrisyon, kötü sağlık bakımı ve sedanter yaşam tarzıdır. Tanısal yöntemlerin temelinde biyopsi giri-şimleri yer alır. Histopatoloji yanında prognozla ilişkili bilgilerin de edinilmesi tedaviyi yönlendirir. Karsinogenezin temelinde hücre replikasyonunun durdurulamaması ve maligniteye ait özelliklerin (in-vazyon, anjiogenez artışı, metastaz vb.) ortaya çıkması yatar. Tanı sonrası evreleme doğru bir tedavi yaklaşımı için şarttır. Çoğu kanser için tümör, nod, metastaz (TNM) evrelemesi kullanılır. Tedavi yak-laşımları lokal tedaviler (cerrahi ve radyoterapi) ve sistemik tedaviler (kemoterapi, immünoterapi, sin-yal ileti sistemi inhibitörleri, anjiogenez inhibitörleri vb) olarak sınıflandırılabilir. Son yıllarda girişimsel radyoloji teknikleri de tedavide önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Anah tar Ke li me ler: Tıbbi onkoloji; tümörler; tanı; tümör evrelemesi ABS TRACT Medical knowledge and experience in oncology is increasing. Survival is getting longer. Cancer-related developments and treatments cannot be interpreted correctly without knowing the basic principles in medical oncology. The incidence of cancer is still high despite advances in treatment. The most well-known risk factors are smoking and tobacco use, obesity, malnutrition, poor health care and sedentary lifestyle. Biopsy is the basis of diagnostic methods. Obtaining information related to prognosis guides the treatment. The basis of carcinogenesis is the inability to stop cell replication and the emergence of malignant features (invasion, increased angiogenesis, metastasis, etc.). Staging is essential for an accurate treatment approach. Tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) staging is used for most cancers. Treatment approaches can be classified as local treatments (surgery and radiotherapy) and systemic treatments (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, signal transduction system inhibitors, angiogenesis inhibitors, etc.). In recent years, interventional radiology techniques have an important place in treatment.
... Las neoplasias de tipo no basal se pueden diferenciar tanto en luminal A y luminal B (6). Los marcadores tumorales tienen un rol importante en el diagnóstico de las neoplasias malignas. Se pueden encontrar en la sangre, orina, heces u otros fluidos corporales (11). La presencia de un marcador tumoral es una señal precisa que sobreexpresa el aparecimiento y desarrollo de procesos cancerígenos, por ende, la determinación de marcadores tumorales es de gran relevancia para el diagnóstico precoz, pronóstico y predicción (12). ...
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Introducción: El cáncer de mama constituye la primera causa de morbimortalidad por cáncer en la mujer a nivel mundial. Ecuador tampoco escapa a este problema de salud donde las muertes por cáncer de mama superan a otras neoplasias en la mujer. Se distribuye por todo el país, aunque Quito es la cuidad con niveles de incidencia más altos y su mortalidad no ha decrecido en los últimos 40 años, a pesar de los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento. Objetivo: Evaluar la mejor evidencia científica disponible acerca de la epidemiología y nuevas dianas moleculares en el cáncer de mama con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Métodos: Se realizó un metaanálisis con una revisión sistemática de la literatura utilizando la metodología PRISMA, sobre las nuevas dianas moleculares con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos en el Cáncer de mama mediante la búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos WOS, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, Embase, Redalyc, Ovid, Medline, DynaMed y ClinicalKey durante el periodo 2017-2022. Resultados: La revisión proporcionó un total de 38.542 registros, 100 artículos examinados, 40 de texto completo evaluados para elegibilidad y 60 excluidos debido a la escasa información de datos recientes, artículos con más de 5 años de publicación y un número final de 40 artículos incluidos. Conclusión: El cáncer de mama constituye una causa relevante de morbimortalidad y discapacidad en la mujer a nivel mundial, la detección de nuevas dianas moleculares con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos abre nuevas posibilidades para el control y/o curación de esta neoplasia maligna. Palabras clave: Neoplasias de la Mama, Terapia Molecular Dirigida, Biomarcadores, Oncología Médica ABSTRACT Introduction: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer morbidity and mortality in women worldwide. Ecuador also does not escape this health problem where deaths from breast cancer exceed other neoplasms in women. It is distributed throughout the country, although Quito is the city with the highest incidence levels and its mortality has not decreased in the last 40 years, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment. Objective: To evaluate the best available scientific evidence about epidemiology and new molecular targets in breast cancer for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Methods: A meta-analysis was carried out with a systematic review of the literature using the PRISMA methodology, on the new molecular targets for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in Breast Cancer by searching for articles in the WOS, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, Embase, Redalyc, Ovid, Medline, DynaMed and ClinicalKey databases during the period 2017-2022. Results: The review provided a total of 38,542 records, 100 articles examined, 40 full-text assessed for eligibility and 60 excluded due to poor recent data reporting, articles more than 5 years old, and a final number of 40 included articles. Conclusion: Breast cancer is a relevant cause of morbidity and mortality and disability in women worldwide, the detection of new molecular targets for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes opens new possibilities for the control and / or cure of this malignancy. Keywords: Breast Neoplasms, Molecular Targeted Therapy, Biomarkers, Medical Oncology
... The nCRT combined with TME is the standard treatment for patients with LARC [16]. Although this treatment regimen has been shown to improve the local control rate in some LARC patients, there are still considerable differences in prognoses among patients [17]. Tumor markers are substances that are synthesized or released by tumor cells themselves or produced by the body in response to tumor cells during the process of tumor development. ...
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Background: Many biomarkers have predictive value for overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) in tumor patients. However, the role of indirect bilirubin (IBIL) in local advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) has not been studied. Aim: To explore the predictive value of IBIL before nCRT (pre-IBIL) for the OS and DFS of LARC patients treated with nCRT. Methods: A total of 324 LARC patients undergoing nCRT with total mesorectal excision (TME) were enrolled. Preoperative clinical features and postoperative pathological characteristics were collected. Cox regression analysis was performed, and a Cox-based nomogram was developed to predict OS and DFS. We also assessed the predictive performance of the nomogram with calibration plots and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: Among 324 patients, the median pre-IBIL was 6.2 μmol/L (interquartile range: 4.6 μmol/L-8.4 μmol/L). In the Cox multivariate regression analysis, we found that pre-IBIL, smoking history, tumor regression grade (TRG), vascular invasion, and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 before nCRT (pre-CA19-9) were predictors of OS. Additionally, pre-IBIL, body mass index (BMI), nCRT with surgery interval, TRG, and vascular invasion were predictors of DFS. Predictive nomograms were developed to predict 5-year OS and 5-year DFS with area under the ROC curve values of 0.7518 and 0.7355, respectively. Good statistical performance on internal validation was shown by calibration plots and ROC curves. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that pre-IBIL was an independent prognostic factor for OS and DFS in LARC patients treated with nCRT followed by TME. Nomograms incorporating pre-IBIL, BMI, smoking history, nCRT with surgery interval, TRG, vascular invasion, and pre-CA19-9 could be helpful to predict OS and DFS.
... Tumor markers, such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA- , carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA-125), beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (b-hCG), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and chromogranin A (CgA), are used in abdominal and pelvic cancers. However, these tumor markers show limitations in terms of sensitivity (<40%) and specificity and cannot be used alone since there are several benign diseases or other conditions that can cause a false-positive increase in these markers, while some of the cancer patients do not show modifications [3]. For example, even if the CA 125 serological test is used in the case of ovarian cancer suspicion, this test has limited utility in the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer due to its low sensitivity and low specificity in premenopausal women [4]. ...
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Despite advances in cancer detection and therapy, it has been estimated that the incidence of cancers will increase, while the mortality rate will continue to remain high, a fact explained by the large number of patients diagnosed in advanced stages when therapy is often useless. Therefore, it is necessary to invest knowledge and resources in the development of new non-invasive biomarkers for the early detection of cancer and new therapeutic targets for better health management. In this review, we provided an overview on the collagen family as promising biomarkers and on how they may be exploited as therapeutic targets in cancer. The collagen family tridimensional structure, organization, and functions are very complex, being in a tight relationship with the extracellular matrix, tumor, and immune microenvironment. Moreover, accumulating evidence underlines the role of collagens in promoting tumor growth and creating a permissive tumor microenvironment for metastatic dissemination. Knowledge of the molecular basis of these interactions may help in cancer diagnosis and prognosis, in overcoming chemoresistance, and in providing new targets for cancer therapies.
... However, tumor markers can be used for screening and early diagnosis of cancers, determining the disease progression, monitoring treatment, and detecting recurrence. 13 The present study showed no significant differences in CEA serum levels between the case and control groups before treatment. In addition, after routine local steroid treatment, there were no significant changes in CEA serum levels. ...
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Background. Lichen planus is considered a potentially malignant condition with an unknown etiology. This study aimed to determine the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and IgG serum levels in different oral lichenoid lesions before and after treatment with local corticosteroids. Methods. Two groups of 23 individuals, including oral ulcerative lichenoid lesions patients and healthy ones, were evaluated. Toluidine blue staining and biopsy examinations were carried out while visual analog scale (VAS) was used to evaluate symptoms. By applying corticosteroids, CEA and IgG serum levels were determined before and three weeks after intervention and at the end of the study (9 weeks) with ELISA and turbidimetry methods, respectively. Results. Before the intervention, there was no significant difference in CEA serum levels between the control and case groups (P=0.19). Moreover, the CEA serum levels indicated no significant difference before and after treatment in the case group (P=0.30). While IgG serum level was significantly higher before the intervention (P=0.01), it decreased significantly in the case group after treatment (P=0.02). In addition, pain intensity reduced significantly in the case group (P=0.05). According to statistics, 8.2% out of 21.7% of patients with positive staining results exhibited dysplasia signs. Conclusion. However, neither CEA nor IgG serum levels were different in patients diagnosed with or without dysplasia and positive or negative staining results (P>0.05). IgG serum levels and pain severity effectively decreased in the oral ulcerative lichenoid lesions patients treated with local corticosteroids. Therefore, this treatment can be considered an effective and low-complication treatment modality for lichenoid lesions.