Figure 1 - uploaded by Robert T. Davis IV
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Model of Biblical Worldview Development in Evangelical Christian Emerging Adults (Erdvig, 2016). Reprinted With Permission (Appendix A).

Model of Biblical Worldview Development in Evangelical Christian Emerging Adults (Erdvig, 2016). Reprinted With Permission (Appendix A).

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The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine student and parent perceptions of parental influences on Christian worldview development. Students completed a personal timeline about their worldview formation, a journal of family influences, and participated in a semi-structured interview. The parents of the teens were also interviewed as a co...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... found that worldview development for this life stage is "a complex interplay of new experiences, constructive responses to those experiences, and resultant developmental progress, all of which are influenced, or framed, by one's past experience" (Erdvig, 2016, p. 121). This interplay is illustrated in Figure 1. The gears symbolize the interplay of various means of development and the non-linear nature of biblical worldview development in emerging adults. ...
Context 2
... (2016) also identified potential obstacles to biblical worldview formation that he called derailers. These he pictures as wrenches in Figure 1. The four main derailers identified in the study were apathy, stress, distractions, and trials and challenges. ...
Context 3
... final gear pictured in Figure 1 is maturing biblical worldview, which includes the three worldview dimensions identified by Sire (2009), heart orientation, cognitive ...