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Mixed concurrent triangulation research design.

Mixed concurrent triangulation research design.

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Artistic images, of a universal nature and validated by global culture, are carriers of an emotional potential that can be used for therapeutic purposes in cultural centers as well as in clinical spaces. Esthetic studies reveal the mobilizing power in their contemplation and the capacity to bring out personal stories with healing potential. The gen...

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Introduction Chronic liver disease increased the risk of severe COVID-19. Trials to assess efficacy/safety of COVID-19 vaccines in liver disease are under way. We aimed to evaluate humoral immune response and safety of mRNA anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination among patients listed for liver transplantation (LT). Methods We enrolled as study group, all adu...


... Recent attempts to test an art-based therapeutic tool are demonstrative of the need to fill this current gap and have shown promise. However, the methodology was limited to expert-opinion gained via online questionnaire (Fernandez-Cao et al., 2020) which further demonstrates the need for greater methodologically rigorous approaches to, and guidance for testing such tools. ...
... However, mental imagery is increasingly recognized in practical counseling approaches, such as cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT), where it is employed to modify and reconfigure dysfunctional schemas [24] . This visualization technique is often harnessed within therapy to expedite treatment processes and represent aspects of the self [24][25][26] . By framing images, the technique gives rise to conceptual metaphors that forge deep-level schemas or "experiential gestalts, " consequently reshaping an individual's cognitive perception of self and its relation to the environment [24] . ...
... Each image serves as a focal point and a vehicle for therapeutic dialogue, bridging rational and imaginative thinking. As elucidated by Thomas [24] and Fernández-Cao et al. [25] , the efficacy of visualization as a therapeutic tool hinges on several factors including the need for a conscious relaxation state, the therapist's stance toward visualization, and the client's attitude molded by personal and cultural experiences. The therapist's alignment with specific values and characteristics can impact the approach to the client's images. ...
... Clients harboring negative biases might exhibit resistance toward the visualization process or the resultant imagery. Several studies [25,27] underline that the process of image visualization in therapy fosters the augmentation of certain metacognitive functions, such as monitoring one's own mental states, that is, awareness of one's own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and their integration into a unified representation of the various selves [28] . Tools that rely on the process of image visualization, unlike other techniques that involve the construction of artistic products (e.g., family collage), do not involve any creation but only the deep observation of an image with the aim of promoting the activation of certain reflection processes. ...
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Intimate partner homicide refers to the murder of family members, often women, resulting in trauma for the surviving family members. Although extensive research has focused on establishing predictors of gender-based violence, little is known about interventions for orphans of femicide. The present study aimed to investigate the associations between the use of art images, the perception of traumatic symptoms, and overall psychological well-being. This study involved 84 orphans of femicide who were subjected to viewing the images of the “Trauma” and “Resources” categories of the Collection of Art Images and were administered a questionnaire to assess the quality of experience viewing the art images, the impact of traumatic events, the frequency and severity of traumatic symptoms, and their psychological well-being. The results showed that the frequency and severity of traumatic symptoms were negatively associated with psychological well-being. In addition, the perceived quality of the experience with art images exhibited a positive association with psychological well-being while displaying a negative correlation with both the perceived severity of symptoms and the intensity of traumatic events. The experience of trauma appeared to reduce the participants’ levels of psychological well-being, consequently exerting a negative impact on their life satisfaction. Moreover, the quality of the experience with art images acts as a buffering factor and capable of attenuating the perception of both the frequency and severity of traumatic symptoms as well as the intensity of traumatic experiences. This, in turn, fosters heightened levels of psychological well-being. Photo-elicitation tools, such as art images, appear to facilitate individuals’ exploration of their emotional experience, thereby enhancing meta-representative skills concerning trauma and favoring the integrative self and “emotional catharsis”.
... Según López Fernández-Cao y Augustowsky (2007), la AT ofrece un medio para poder expresar el hecho traumático y poder trabajar sobre las emociones surgidas de dicho trauma. Para ello, López Fernández-Cao et al. (2020) crearon PROJECTA, una herramienta de terapia de arte visual que ayuda a los arteterapeutas a identificar y facilitar la expresión de las emociones surgidas a raíz de hechos traumáticos. ...
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En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de un programa de intervención a través del Arte de una enferma oncohematológica sin trasplante. Este caso se ha extraído de un estudio de una muestra compuesta por 8 sujetos que quedó divida en: (1) 4 sujetos para el Grupo Experimental (GE), que realizaron la terapia de 8 sesiones, el cuestionario STAI y el cuestionario de evaluación; y (2), 4 para el Grupo Control, con un perfil similar al anterior, que no asistieron a la terapia pero sí realizaron el cuestionario STAI. En el presente trabajo se muestran únicamente los resultados obtenidos del sujeto estudio de caso, que revelan diferencias significativas en los niveles de ansiedad entre el pre-test y el post-test y, además, una disminución significativa de las emociones displacenteras y un aumento y mejora de las placenteras al finalizar la terapia.
Changes in the inner voice, thoughts, and feelings due to the recurrent experiences in social and cultural reality are defined as psychic restructuring (PR). Any collective trauma can drastically change a person’s psyche in multiple ways. The first argument of the study is that PR happens in individuals as a result of exile, which has manifold reasons. The second argument is that first-generation older adults crave for their homeland more intensely because of their subtle memories of the left behind. The third argument is that there are metaphorical representations of exilic experiences in the art forms that would depict their inexplicable quest for PR. Finally, it suggests the possibility of constructive PR in refugees with the aid of clinically driven and standardized art-based therapies (ABT). These arguments have multicollinearity in the context of PR, which still needs to be studied. The study tries to bridge the gap or lacuna in this research arena. Changes in the inner voice, thoughts, and feelings due to the recurrent experiences in social and cultural reality are defined as psychic restructuring (PR). Any collective trauma can drastically change a person’s psyche in multiple ways. The first argument of the study is that PR happens in individuals as a result of exile, which has manifold reasons. The second argument is that first-generation older adults crave for their homeland more intensely because of their subtle memories of the left behind. The third argument is that there are metaphorical representations of exilic experiences in the art forms that would depict their inexplicable quest for PR. Finally, it suggests the possibility of constructive PR in refugees with the aid of clinically driven and standardized art-based therapies (ABT). These arguments have multicollinearity in the context of PR, which still needs to be studied. The study tries to bridge the gap or lacuna in this research arena.
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The present article reviews the Spanish history of the art therapy profession and research. In addition, a contemporary view of current art therapy research is described through a bibliometric analysis of 160 art therapy articles published in the Spanish Journal of Art Therapy. Papers on Art Therapy and art Education for Social Inclusion from 2011 to 2021. The following research indicators were analyzed: authorship, participants, population, artistic discipline, theoretical models of art therapy intervention, nature of the studies, and assessments. Out-comes revealed that Spanish art therapy researchers are mostly women who usually publish on their own.Additionally, many ages, populations and topics are treated. Visual art is the discipline most used in the analyzed research. Gestalt, community-based art programs, and the eclectic approach are the most selected theoretical models. Most of the studies are qualitative and theory building with no assessment. However, when assessment is included, the type most used is the tools made by the researcher. Implications, limitations, and further lines ofresearch are discussed (4) (PDF) An Overview of Historical and Contemporary Perspectives in Art Therapy in Spain: A Bibliometric Analysis of Spanish Art Therapy Research. Available from: [accessed Mar 08 2023].
Purpose: The vulnerable children refer to the special group of children with deviation in the process of children's psychological development and personality formation due to growth dilemmas. Materials and methods: This may incur a series of serious social and family problems. The vulnerable children mainly cover the children suffering from children's psychological problems, such as childhood autism, autism, social anxiety and hypersensitivity, fear, depression, and PTSD arising from other factors. At present, the research results at home and abroad mainly focus on the psychological dynamic correlation investigation and solution discussion of a certain kind of difficult factor in the children's psychological development based on statistical data by the experimental methods, such as scale and model, and there is a blind spot in the humanistic orientation theory construction of psychological treatment for vulnerable children, causing the social reflection on children's psychological predicament from the humanistic perspective cannot be performed in related researches and going against searching for universal and integral theoretical paradigm for solving related problems. Results: Sophisticated technologies for the observations have emerged increasingly for enabling the psychological features of vulnerable children through developmental cognitive neuroscience experiments. Conclusion: This paper introduces humanistic art therapy theory, focuses on the construction of a theoretical paradigm, and verifies its effectiveness based on the experimental results on the psychological development of vulnerable children, with an efficient performance.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONThis study mainly refers to children with difficulty in social inclusion and psychological development.The results showed that two kinds of art therapy can obviously improve the psychological disorders of vulnerable children.The goal was to enhance self-cognition, strengthen emotional interaction, and implement positive motivation.
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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are a well-documented HIV-risk factor, but less is known about the relationship between ACEs and different HIV testing strategies. This study used data from an LGBTQ + community health assessment, that was part of a multi-staged community-based participatory research project in [Blinded], Texas. Overall, 464 young men who have sex with men (YMSM; < 36-years-old) completed an online, cross-sectional survey that included questions about ACEs and HIV testing behavior. An association between increased ACEs exposure and the odds of clinic-based testing and HIVST HIV significantly decreased relative to never testing for HIV. Additionally, greater ACEs exposure was significantly associated with increased odds of reporting community-based testing (AOR = 1.09, 95% CI = 1.00, 1.20) and significantly reduced odds of HIV self-testing (AOR = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.63, 0.82) compared to clinic-based testing. Cumulative ACEs exposure is important in understanding HIV testing behaviors in YMSM and should be considered when developing HIV testing programs.