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Milan city plan 2019_ Plan of Rules_ Table R.02 urban planning guidelines

Milan city plan 2019_ Plan of Rules_ Table R.02 urban planning guidelines

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In recent years, the influence of neoliberal principles has led to an experimental application of new market-oriented approaches in the field of urban studies, in order to achieve different objectives of public interest, from the compensation of land use restrictions to the acquisition of areas for public services. Also in Italy, the use of equaliz...


... The questionnaire used in the study was helpful in systematising knowledge about architectural solutions and urban infrastructure components that contribute to the creation of user-friendly public recreational areas in the context of the placemaking approach to the urban environment (Serra, 2021). The list of the identified components can be freely modified to suit local communities' needs and preferences in different countries. ...
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Global urban population growth, climate change, and the energy crisis pose significant challenges for the local authorities and encourage a shift in local policy-making towards sustainable development. Local governments have to cater to public needs and expectations regarding recreational spaces and environmental protection by implementing innovative infrastructure solutions, including those based on renewable energy sources. In recent years, the debate on urban planning has centred on the placemaking approach and the implementation of the 15-minute city and smart city concepts. This novel approach promotes sustainable urban development that relies on the links between the natural environment, the economy, and society. The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities of urban planning solutions and the components of urban infrastructure that contribute to sustainable urban development in the context of improving the quality of local life. Local community needs were identified in a questionnaire survey and during a field investigation. The study was conducted in a medium-sized Polish city where public recreational spaces were redesigned in line with the principles of sustainable urban development. The results were used to propose universal urban development projects that address local needs and rely on renewable energy sources to create a sustainable future for society, the natural environment, and the climate.
... Then, the sending area can be transferred to the public administration free of charge, as often happens in European countries e.g., Italy (Serra, 2021) and Spain (Muñoz-Gielen, 2014), or, in some cases, as in the United States, the property remains unchanged, but a conservation easement is applied limiting the level of area development (Nelson et al., 2012). ...
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In recent years, transfer of development rights (TDR) programs have become widespread as a mechanism for implementing urban transformations and achieving planning goals. As market-based instruments, they facilitate land acquisition whilst avoiding compulsory purchases and minimizing public spending. By promoting urban transformation, TDR programs affect the provision of ecosystem services (ES) delivered by green and permeable areas. ES are essential for wellbeing, and the inclusion of ES in planning decisions promotes sustainable urban development. This research aims to provide a starting point for mainstreaming ES knowledge in TDR studies and application. Through a literature review, this paper aims to gain greater understanding as to what ways, and to what extent, ES have been considered so far in TDR studies and to identify if there is evidence that demonstrates how ES can be included in the design phases of TDR programs to improve their effectiveness in ensuring sustainable spatial transformations. The results show that the inclusion of ES can strengthen the ex-ante phase of TDR processes, supporting the development of the design features and paying greater attention to receiving areas identified during the process.
... The use of development rights separate from land ownership is presented by governments as a zero-cost tool for the community, neglecting the strong inequalities created in the distribution of rents and property values, which are difficult to quantify and undermine the redistributive effect of traditional equalisation. In fact, the experiences of extensive forms of equalization, based on the principle of independence of development rights from the sending areas, have shown extreme variability in the property values attribution, with relevant consequences for planning effectiveness and equity (Serra 2021). ...
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Urban development and regeneration processes are both influenced by changes in the level of land rents over time and space. Public intervention in land markets, including planning regulation, affects rent dynamics through discretionary decisions that create clear advantages and inequalities in landowner treatment. Focusing on Italian approaches to planning regulation and land value capture (LVC), the research investigates the evolution of the theoretical debate on windfalls for wipeouts and the different approaches and instruments for managing urban rents. The characteristics of the national housing market and the relevant socio-economic and territorial disparities require a better understanding of contemporary rent dynamics. The conclusions suggest that the traditional and mainstream conception of urban rent, as an unearned gain for the landowner, needs to be revised and LVC should be addressed to support regeneration policies.
... At the extremes, two patterns can be identified. The first includes market-driven physical redevelopment initiatives, ranging from large real estate projects in brownfields to the replacement of individual buildings encouraged through transfer of development rights, reduction of fiscal charges, volumetric bonuses and other incentives for private investment (Bonora, 2017;Serra, 2021). At the opposite, bottom-up urban regeneration initiatives are promoted by groups, associations, local self-organized urban laboratories (Rabbiosi, 2016;Ostanel, 2018), whose activities usually have scant interaction with statutory municipal planning. ...
The paper investigates urban regeneration processes in Italy by comparing large-scale and long-term experiences in Piedmont and Apulia regions, both involved in the promotion of innovative urban regeneration policies for some decades. The multi-level perspective approach is employed to analyse transitions and to identify key leverages and lock-in mechanisms. A core influencing factor on transition pathways in urban regeneration is found in the range of policy instruments employed by the regional governments, which are in turn influenced by existing regime features. -Based on research findings, some suggestions are given on how to improve the consolidation of innovative practices in urban regeneration.
L'adozione dei meccanismi di trasferimento dei diritti edi?catori nel territorio lombardo ha portato i comuni al loro recepimento nella strumentazione urbanistica per garantire l'equo trattamento dei proprietari e assicurare la dotazione di aree per servizi e attrezzature pubbliche. In alcune amministrazioni comunali, l'adattamento di questi meccanismi ai contesti locali ha generato speci?ci ‘modelli applicativi'. Tra questi casi Milano rappresenta un esempio emblematico rispetto a obiettivi ricercati, concetti introdotti, ?essibilità applicativa e ruoli del ‘mercato'. Il contributo si confronta con questa complessa realtà attraverso differenti interviste a esperti allo scopo di riconoscere i caratteri dell'esperienza milanese e sottolineare le criticità ravvisabili in questo modello.