Fig 1 - uploaded by Benoit Beroule
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Medical devices cycle 

Medical devices cycle 

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Conference Paper
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The operating theater scheduling problem is one of the main hospital sector issues of today’s world. Indeed, numerous papers dealing with this subject may be found in the literature. However, the synchronization between the pharmacy (providing the surgical devices and medicines) and the operating theater is rarely studied. Nevertheless, the importa...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... sterilization service of the pharmacy is responsible for the washing, the ster- ilization and the repackaging of the medical devices into boxes (we simply denote them "boxes" in the remainder of the paper). When a surgical procedure occurs, the corresponding box follows a precise cycle (summarized in Fig. 1). Before the surgical procedure starts, the appropriate box (or boxes) is (are) sent from the sterilization service to the operating theater with a vehicle (automated or not) or sometimes directly via a human agent. The box is brought to the appropriate operating room to be used during the procedure (it can be stored in the service ...
Context 2
... respect it, which is easily identifiable on a graphic representation, an example of a four-surgical operation planing is presented on Fig. 2. This example presents the time repartition of the four surgical operations, the black strip represent the time during which the corresponding box will be unavailable, it corresponds to a complete box cycle (Fig. 1). In this condition, the best planning is the one with the lowest evaluation (lower amount of boxes needed to be ...
Context 3
... are updated at each step if needed. The neighborhood of a particle j is a set composed of every other particles i which distance d k i,j is lesser than D, the distance between two particles is given by Eq. (13). Here the Euclidian distance is used in order to create neighborhood composed of slightly similar solutions, that is to say solutions with some small time offsets. ...
Context 4
... sterilization service of the pharmacy is responsible for the washing, the ster- ilization and the repackaging of the medical devices into boxes (we simply denote them "boxes" in the remainder of the paper). When a surgical procedure occurs, the corresponding box follows a precise cycle (summarized in Fig. 1). Before the surgical procedure starts, the appropriate box (or boxes) is (are) sent from the sterilization service to the operating theater with a vehicle (automated or not) or sometimes directly via a human agent. The box is brought to the appropriate operating room to be used during the procedure (it can be stored in the service before the operation starts if necessary). When the surgical procedure is over, the medical devices are pre-disinfected by immersing them into a disinfectant liquid during twenty minutes (average duration). Then the instruments are repacked in the right box and stored in a common dedicated zone before being sent back to the sterilization service of the pharmacy. When the boxes are received by the service, they follow several steps to be sterilized. First the medical devices are divided among automatic washers to be cleaned. When the washing program is over, the materials must be repacked in the corresponding boxes. This opera- tion may be long or less and complex depending on the number of instruments (which might exceed one hundred) and the complexity of the placement in the box. The repacked boxes are then stored in a dedicated buffering zone. When the adequate number of boxes are stored, they are put into autoclaves (steriliza- tion machines) to be sterilized. This process lasts more than an hour. When it is over, the boxes are stored while their temperature drops. After this step, the sterilization process is over and the boxes are available. They may be sent to the operation theater to continue the cycle when needed. It is important to notice that this cycle may be interrupted during precise moments (before/after wash- ing or before/after sterilizating) but under no circumstances during the surgical ...
Context 5
... are a lot of papers that compare the operating theater to an hybrid flow-shop [11,14,15,23]. These studies assimilate the patients to jobs and the operating theater steps to machines. In this work, we concentrate on surgical devices. Consequently, we assimilate surgical procedures to jobs and boxes to machines. In this context, according to the nomenclature, the problem must be compared to a "RI/ prec,pmtn/Boxes utilization minimization" problem. α 1 = R means that the operations are parallel and unrelated. Despite the fact that the machines represent the same type of box, the time needed for a job depends on other parameters (the patient, the surgeon...). α 2 = I means that the number of machines (or boxes) is fixed. β = prec,pmtn prec means 'precedence'. We separate each job into two sub-jobs. The first sub- job represents the operating theater and transportation part and the second one represents the sterilization service part. Hence we add a precedence constraint between these two sub-jobs (operating theater first then sterilization). pmtn means 'preemption'. As said before, the sterilization sub-jobs may be pre- empted. γ = "Boxes utilization minimization". There is no pre-existing parameter which correctly represents our scheduling problem performance criterion. Indeed, we try to minimize the number of machines (boxes) which will be used and this kind of criterion is rarely considered in the literature. To model the operating theater scheduling problem considering the steril- ization step, each prescribed surgical procedure is represented by a job j the duration of which corresponds to the time needed to perform a complete cycle of the corresponding box (see Sect. 2.2). The job starts simultaneously with the corresponding surgical procedure. Therefore two distinct surgical procedures can share a same box only if the corresponding jobs do not overlap. It is then pos- sible to represent a complete planning for a given procedure type (sharing the same type of medical devices). This planning may be evaluated by calculating the number of boxes needed to respect it, which is easily identifiable on a graphic representation, an example of a four-surgical operation planing is presented on Fig. 2. This example presents the time repartition of the four surgical operations, the black strip represent the time during which the corresponding box will be unavailable, it corresponds to a complete box cycle (Fig. 1). In this condition, the best planning is the one with the lowest evaluation (lower amount of boxes needed to be ...
Context 6
... j and G j represent the position vectors of the best solutions found by the particle j and by the particles in its neighborhood respectively. They are updated at each step if needed. The neighborhood of a particle j is a set composed of every other particles i which distance d k i,j is lesser than D, the distance between two particles is given by Eq. (13). Here the Euclidian distance is used in order to create neighborhood composed of slightly similar solutions, that is to say solutions with some small time offsets. Moreover, it is important to note that here the distance between two solutions must be expressed in time units (commonly hours). ω represents the system global inertia. A high inertia value implies a better solution space exploration at the expense of the convergence speed. φ 1 and φ 2 represent the personal memory factor and the common knowledge factor respectively. If φ 1 is set to a high value, each particle will be more attracted by its own best already visited position L j . If φ 2 is set to a high value, each particle will be more attracted by the best already visited position among every visited positions of every particles G j ...

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... Researchers are starting to incorporate the SPD. Beroule et al. [76] employed particle swarm optimization to determine a schedule that minimized the number of instrument boxes needed to complete all surgeries for a given week. Considering box usage as the sole objective in OR scheduling is not necessarily realistic. ...
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The operating room scheduling problem is a popular research topic due to its complexity and relevance. Previous literature reviews established a useful classification system for categorizing technical operating room scheduling articles through 2014. The increasing number of technical operating room scheduling articles published per year necessitates another literature review to allow researchers to react more quickly to emerging trends. This review builds upon previous classification schemes and categorizes 246 technical operating room scheduling articles from 2015 to 2020. Current trends and areas for future research are identified. Most notably, two major themes emerge. First, researchers continue to develop and innovate across each category. Second, the lack of real-life model implementation remains the greatest challenge facing the field.
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Le présent travail de thèse a pour but d’étudier et d’améliorer la logistique du groupement hospitalier de Mulhouse sud-Alsace (GHRMSA). Notre étude se focalise sur les problématiques liées à la pharmacie à usage interne de l’hôpital Émile Muller de Mulhouse, car cette dernière est destinée à devenir la pharmacie centrale du groupement. Cette nouvelle considération implique une centralisation de certains processus pharmaceutiques tels que la gestion et la stérilisation des dispositifs médicaux nécessaires au bon déroulement des interventions chirurgicales pratiquées quotidiennement dans les différents centres de soins du groupement.Ce travail est donc divisé en deux parties distinctes ayant pour dénominateur commun la gestion des dispositifs médicaux.En effet, dans un premier temps nous envisageons l’optimisation des méthodes d'implantation pour le stockage de ces dispositifs. Les particularités du milieu hospitalier par rapport au milieu industriel nous permettent de mettre en place des méthodes d’agencement de stock dans le but de minimiser la distance moyenne parcourue par les agents lors de la phase de collecte. Tout d'abord, nous proposons un modèle mathématique linéaire, puis nous présentons une heuristique dédiée, mais aussi des méthodes hybridées combinant cette heuristique avec un algorithme génétique puis un branch and bound. Afin d’affiner ce travail, et de se projeter dans l’avenir, nous proposons ensuite une méthode d'optimisation de la collecte d’une liste de dotations au sein du stock prenant en compte des contraintes liées à l’utilisation d’un véhicule de transport et d’un stockage multi niveau, à savoir : l’impossibilité de faire des demi-tours, le respect du sens de circulation et le respect de la charge maximale transportable. Chacune de ces contraintes peut être prise en compte ou ignorée pour représenter au mieux la réalité.Dans un second temps, nous proposons des méthodes d’ordonnancement des interventions chirurgicales pratiquées par le GHRMSA. La particularité de ce travail et de se focaliser d’avantage sur l’assignation des ressources, c’est à dire des boites de dispositifs médicaux. Le but est de renforcer les liens décisionnels existants entre la pharmacie et les différents blocs opératoires de chaque site afin de lisser la charge de travail du service de stérilisation et d’assurer une meilleure réactivité en cas d’urgences ou d’imprévus. Pour résoudre ce problème d’ordonnancement avec affectation de ressources, nous définissons un modèle mathématique linéaire et proposons un algorithme d’optimisation par essaim particulaire pour minimiser le nombre de boites de dispositifs médicaux nécessaires. Enfin, nous étendons le problème initial avec la prise en compte du transport inter-sites. Nous détaillons alors une méthode pour définir des plannings d’interventions et de livraison des dispositifs médicaux pour minimiser le coût global en fonction des caractéristiques du système de transport.
There are found a vast number of papers studying the problem of operating theater planning and scheduling. Different variants of this problem are generally recognized to be NP-complete; thus, several solution approaches have been utilized in the literature to confront with these complicated problems. The lack of a thorough review of the main characteristics of solution approaches is tangible in the literature (reviewing them separately and with regards to the characteristics of studied problems), which can provide pragmatic guidelines for practitioners and future research projects. This paper aims to address this issue. Since different types of solution approaches usually have different characteristics, this paper focuses only on metaheuristic algorithms. Through both automatic and manual search methods, we have selected and reviewed 28 papers with respect to their main problem and solution approach features. Finally, some directions are introduced for future research.