Figure 6 - uploaded by Michael Short
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Measurement taken from mast 1 at 1400 m distance. Measurement taken from mast 1 at 1400 m distance.

Measurement taken from mast 1 at 1400 m distance. Measurement taken from mast 1 at 1400 m distance.

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Society 5.0 represents an opportunity to transform the economy and create a digital society with the goal of long-term sustainable development and economic growth. There is a growing importance of boosting ICT as an effective and efficient means of achieving this transformation, and Target 9c of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is to 'Significa...

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e study examined the utilization of Information and Communication Technology {!CT) knowledge for rendering effective counselling services by Trainee-Counsellors during practicum exercise for National Development. Two-:iotheses guided this study and were tested at 0.05 level of significance. A questionnaire titled "Assessing ICT knowledge of Trainee...


... Across history, these industrial revolutions evolved from mechanization to intricate cyber-physical systems, reflecting an ongoing journey toward humancentered technological advancement leading to Society 5.0 that marks the pinnacle, where technology serves humanity's holistic advancement. Here, the integration of cyberspace and reality fosters symbiosis, addressing societal challenges through technological empowerment (Roblek et al., 2020;Amadasun et al., 2021). These changes have been illustrated in the (figure 1) below (Fukuyama, 2018). ...
... Society 5.0 refers to a supersmart society that addresses diverse social challenges by extending various dimensions of Industry 4.0 that constitute the Internet of things (IoT), Robotics, Artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, and the Sharing economy to the realms of production, consumption, and social life (Bui and Tseng, 2022). This transformative landscape envisages intricate connections between individuals, objects, the tangible world, and the cyber realm thereby elevating human well-being and propelling economic prosperity (Roblek et al., 2020;Amadasun et al., 2021). The Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to augment human capabilities through technologies like artificial intelligence, repositioning humanity at the forefront (Grybauskas et al., 2022). ...
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This paper delves into the progression towards Society 5.0, tracing its roots back to the pivotal milestones of Industrial Revolution 1.0 and beyond. Society 5.0 epitomizes a profound societal evolution driven by the imperative to achieve Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs amidst the challenges of the modern world. It marks a transformative epoch where technological prowess converges with social consciousness, igniting a Techno-Social Renaissance. This paper highlights, that this renaissance heralds an era where emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and biotechnology, are harnessed not merely for economic prosperity but as powerful tools for societal betterment. Based on international secondary empirical findings this study delineates that Society 5.0 embodies a holistic vision that seeks to address pressing global issues, ranging from climate change and poverty to inequality and healthcare disparities. At its core, it champions the principles of inclusivity, sustainability, and human-centricity. As societies transcend from mere consumers of technology to its architects, a paradigm shift unfolds-a shift from a mindset of exploitation to one of sustenance. Through the embracement of the Techno-Social Renaissance, humanity charts a course towards a future where prosperity is not an end in itself, but a means to foster a more equitable, resilient, and harmonious world for present and future generations.
... Infrastruktur, termasuk infrastruktur TIK, transportasi, dan akses ke daerah-daerah alami, penting untuk pertumbuhan bisnis kewirausahaan di daerah perkotaan. Meningkatkan TIK adalah cara yang efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai transformasi dan pembangunan berkelanjutan (Amadasun et al., 2021). Akses ke area alami telah dikaitkan dengan manfaat bagi kesehatan fisik dan mental penduduk lokal (Grima et al., 2020). ...
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Studi ini mengeksplorasi hubungan antara dukungan pemerintah, pembangunan infrastruktur, akses pasar, dan pertumbuhan bisnis wirausaha di daerah perkotaan di Jawa Barat. Dengan menggunakan desain penelitian metode campuran, data dikumpulkan melalui survei dari 300 pengusaha dan wawancara dengan para pemangku kepentingan utama termasuk pejabat pemerintah, pakar industri, dan pengusaha. Analisis kuantitatif menunjukkan korelasi positif yang signifikan antara pendanaan pemerintah dan indikator pertumbuhan bisnis, serta dampak pembangunan infrastruktur dan akses pasar terhadap berbagai metrik pertumbuhan bisnis. Analisis kualitatif mengidentifikasi tema-tema utama yang berkaitan dengan pentingnya dukungan pemerintah, kualitas infrastruktur, serta ukuran pasar dan permintaan untuk keberhasilan wirausaha. Temuan-temuan ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya menumbuhkan lingkungan yang mendukung melalui program-program dukungan pemerintah, peningkatan fasilitas infrastruktur, dan peningkatan akses pasar bagi para wirausahawan di Jawa Barat. Rekomendasi dari studi ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi para pembuat kebijakan dan praktisi dalam merumuskan strategi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis wirausaha di daerah perkotaan di Jawa Barat.
... More specifically, with the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 or I4.0) and the massive advancements it has brought about in terms of information technology and networking, modern society has entered a new era of technological development, which could be called the era of "virtual information technology" or "virtual reality" (Aquilani et al. 2020). This new transformation shapes specific relationships between individuals, things, the real world, and the cyber world, ultimately increasing human quality life and economic growth (Roblek et al. 2020;Amadasun et al.;. In fact, one could assert that the Fourth Industrial Revolution can expand human capacity via such technologies as artificial intelligence and can return Fig. 1 The evolution of human societies (Fukuyama 2018) humanity to the center of the world (Grybauskas et al. 2022). ...
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Society 5.0 promotes the use of artificial intelligence in human life and the return of humanity to the center of the world. Society 5.0 seeks to achieve economic growth while overcoming social and environmental challenges, contributing to the welfare of the global community. The purpose of this study is to explore how digital transformations introduced by Society 5.0 can contribute to the realization of sustainable development. To answer this question, the study primarily used the systematic literature review method to identify the dimensions and indicators that would quantify the role of Society 5.0 in achieving sustainable development. Then, the study utilized the total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) method to construct the conceptual model. Through the spherical fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (SF-AHP) and spherical fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (SF-DEMATEL), the importance and influence of the indicators were determined. The results revealed that the most important indicators were “super-smart society” and “implementing circular economy to decrease environmental waste.” The novelty of this research can be found in its application of the spherical fuzzy approach to examine the impacts of Society 5.0 smart technologies on achieving sustainable development, by addressing five major dimensions (governmental, economic, social, environmental, and technological). The findings could help managers to more effectively respond to the challenges of sustainable development by relying on Society 5.0.
... In other to meet this demand without increasing the environmental pollution the proliferation of masts that individual mobile operators would have caused. 1,2 The government of countries like Nigeria has made rules to encourage infrastructure sharing among the mobile operators and the tower companies (Towercos) or energy service company (ESCOs) have availed themselves of this opportunity. 3 The ESCO provides the platform for multiple mobile operators to share passive infrastructures such as mast, shelter, space, and the required power supply system. ...
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Background: Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) for telecommunication sites operate by providing reliable power supply at 100% uptime and billing the mobile operators accommodated on their sites for power usage. To achieve this, there is a need for them to accurately meter the power consumed by connected telecommunication equipment. Method : This work focused on the design and implementation of a remote monitoring agent (RMA) that will pool both power and environmental data from a telecommunication site. The data pool can be presented as real-time data on the RMA’s webpage, it can be downloaded as historical data, and it can be sent to a remote cloud server at regular intervals. The RMA collects both power and environmental data over an RS485 Modbus network and I2C bus respectively. An alternating current (AC) energy meter and a direct current (DC) energy meter were used to harvest the energy data while the environmental data were harvested using a developed Input/Output controller board based on an Atmega328P microcontroller. Raspberry pi was used as the master controller and Node.js was used to build the application running on the master controller. Result: The result showed how both power and environmental data can be harvested from a telecommunication site and locally presented on the web dashboard for real-time monitoring of the site power system. The data could be saved locally on the RMA and downloaded for future use. Conclusion: The implementation of this work provided a prototype of the remote monitoring agent (RMA) that can be deployed by Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in the telecommunication industry to monitor the usage of the power systems on a cell site.
... It is a recent concept with an essentially political origin. This concept emerged in Japan as a super-smart society, and its purpose, articulating the virtual with the real world, is human and social development in fostering quality of life and economic growth with cohesion and social justice while respecting sustainability [1,8,[21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. ...
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Digital society is already a reality and is increasingly shaping many aspects of social, economic and political life, among other aspects. The concept of Society 5.0 is a proposed form of a possible political nature to fulfil this digital society through a super-smart society. Based on document analysis of articles and books on this topic, this conceptual paper aims to critically discuss some aspects of Society 5.0, such as the dimensions of digitalization and sustainability. It is concluded that Society 5.0 is not an inevitability, and that the transformations it entails, as well as its advantages, also have challenges and limitations that should be considered, such as the risk of reproducing old forms of micro, meso and macrosocial inequalities within each country and between countries and regions, and, at the same time, creating new forms of social, cultural, economic and political inequalities, among others. A critical spirit seems to be necessary in the follow-up of this Society 5.0 and for which citizen-science logic, in an interdisciplinary way, can potentially provide tools for previous and prospective analysis of its implementation. We justify the need for smart education in these smart societies as a way of contributing to responding to the pressing problem of sustainability. It is smart education in and for a super smart society.
New digital trends are generating new habits in society. The democratization of mobile devices, such as smartphones, has caused a new paradigm in areas such as access to information and the skills necessary to be an active part of society. The end of this revolution is still impossible to define, however, there are already numerous customs that have been displaced towards virtual contexts. The latest generations are verifying how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are the axis of daily processes, one of them being access to information. During the last decades, the change regarding the consumption of information, as well as entertainment, has become evident, with a clear conversion towards fast and digital reading content. A situation which repercussions are manifested transversally in society, from those generations that have grown up with physical newspapers to the most recent ones and who find non-daily news obsolete. Its impact in the educational field is reflected when considering the personal development of students and their preparation for the 21st century. It is a context in which digital skills are no longer complementary but necessary, from the personal sphere to the professional through the social. Training requirements are reflected in institutions such as higher education, both university, and professional training.