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Mathematics Identification Questionnaire: The average answer and the standard deviation on the five-points scale 

Mathematics Identification Questionnaire: The average answer and the standard deviation on the five-points scale 

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Previous research has showed that school achievements depend on studentś motivation and identification (Zimmerman, 2000). There are some differences between girls and boys beliefs about mathematics (Gallagher & Kaufman, 2005). We still do not have enough information about relations between identification and gender beliefs and about the impact of t...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... general level of MIQ was calculated from the sum of each particular statement12. The means of answers are shown in Table 3. Based on Table 3, we can conclude that older children disagree more often with all the statements, except D. It means that adolescent identification with mathematics is lower than identification of 10-11 years old children. ...
Context 2
... means of answers are shown in Table 3. Based on Table 3, we can conclude that older children disagree more often with all the statements, except D. It means that adolescent identification with mathematics is lower than identification of 10-11 years old children. With regard to gender, there is no significant difference in the general level of identification with math. ...

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Implicit association tests have emerged in recent years as a useful tool measuring the influence of stereotypes on behaviour. The present study investigated the potential influence of stereotypes on grade 8 student’s academic motivations. Similar to an investigation by Steffens and Jelenec (2011), math-male and language-female stereotypes were code...


... In actuality, online courses might as well prolong mathematical stress, as anxious students could find the ideal opportunity to avoid stressful circumstances such as in-class assessments, tests, or group discussions of mathematical concepts, and consequently, generalize their symptomatology and amplify their difficulties in the long run (Choe et al., 2019). Considering both the advantages and the drawbacks, institutions should approach the "convenient" nature of online courses with a grain of salt, and utilize blended-learning tactics, that capitalize on the benefits of both approaches ( (Smetackova, 2015). However, although appealing, this form of psychoeducation might be shortlived, if not adopted by the educational system and instructed upon teachers in a way wherein the latter, can correctly assessand not misidentify -the issue, according to standardized instruments, such as the popular and practical Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS; for a review see Hopko et al., 2003). ...
... Mathematics anxiety negatively affects student achievement (Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016). Both male and female students showed similar levels of intellectual ability, which generally had the same mathematical ability (Smetackova, 2015). Meanwhile, gender review on mathematics anxiety, according to Hill et al. (2016) reveals that female students have higher anxiety than males. ...
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An innovative approach to education should be provided in Mathematics learning activities to battle anxiety. However, studies on handling mathematical anxiety problems through psychoeducational programs have not been conducted. This study aims to analyze the benefits of implementing a psychoeducational program that integrates Qur’anic values on students’ mathematics anxiety. The quasi-experimental research was applied to junior high schools in Indonesia, consisting of experimental and control groups. Furthermore, the mathematical anxiety scale was used as a data collection technique, while the Kruskal-Wallis Test was used for analysis. The results showed that the application of psychoeducational programs is beneficial in reducing students’ mathematics anxiety levels. Therefore, psychoeducation programs integrated with Quranic values are recommended for mathematics learning activities. The application is suitable for various groups of students. However, initial training is needed for teachers to have a level of mastery of scientific integration (Islam), hence the application of the programs can run well. Received: 8 August 2022 / Accepted: 5 October 2022 / Published: 5 November 2022
... Kinerja aljabar siswa lakilaki dengan siswa perempuan mempunyai perbedaan yang tidak terlalu signifikan (Goodchild & Grevholm, 2007). Ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa siswa laki-laki memiliki tingkat kemampuan matematika yang lebih tinggi daripada perempuan (Smetackova, 2015). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) jenis kesalahan, (2) tingkat kategori kesalahan, dan (3) penyebab siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal perpangkatan dan bentuk akar berdasarkan kriteria Watson ditinjau dari perbedaan gender. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Terdapat enam subjek penelitian yaitu tiga siswa laki-laki dan tiga siswa perempuan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah instrumen tes dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa laki-laki cenderung melakukan kesalahan konflik level respon dengan kategori kesalahan cukup tinggi dimana siswa sudah berusaha dalam menyelesaikan soal akan tetapi siswa kurang memahami konsep pengerjaan soalnya sehingga gagal mendapatkan kesimpulan yang tepat. Selain itu, siswa hanya menuliskan jawaban akhirnya tanpa disertai alasan atau langkah penyelesaian yang jelas yang disebabkan karena siswa tidak mengetahui cara yang tepat untuk mengerjakan soal. Sedangkan siswa perempuan cenderung melakukan kesalahan masalah hirarki keterampilan dengan kategori kesalahan kecil dimana siswa kurang menguasai keterampilan dalam menghitung beberapa operasi hitung yang terdapat dalam langkah penyelesaian soal dan cenderung melakukan kesalahan selain ketujuh kategori Watson dengan kategori kesalahan kecil dimana siswa tidak menjawab soal karena siswa tidak mengetahui langkah penyelesaian yang harus digunakan dalam pengerjaan karena siswa jarang mengerjakan soal dengan bentuk yang berbeda.Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Perpangkatan dan Bentuk Akar, Kriteria Watson, GenderThis study aims to determine: (1) the types of errors, (2) the level of error categories, and (3) the causes of students making mistakes in solving problems of rank and root form based on Watson's criteria in terms of gender differences. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. There are six research subjects, namely three male students and three female students. The instruments used in data collection were test instruments and interview guidelines. The results showed that male students tended to make errors in the response level conflict with a fairly high error category where students had tried to solve the problem but students did not understand the concept of working on the problem so they failed to get the right conclusion. In addition, students only write the final answer without being accompanied by a clear reason or step for solving it because students do not know the right way to work on the problem. Meanwhile, female students tend to make mistakes in the skill hierarchy problem with the small error category where students lack the skills to calculate some arithmetic operations contained in the problem solving step and tend make mistakes other than the seven Watson categories with the small error category where students do not answer questions because students do not know the steps. solution that must be used in the work because students rarely work on problems with different forms.Key Words: Error Analysis, Powers and Root Forms, Watson Criteria, Gender
... The results of the research by Meilani and Pujiastuti (2020), Dorisno (2019), Siswandi, et al (2016) show that the percentage of male students' errors is greater than that of womale in solving steps and the results in solving math problems. According to Smetackova (2015) that male students tend to use strategies for spatial and mathematical abilities (abstraction), and (Hidayat & dwiningrum, 2016;Mulyani & Muhtadi, 2019) female students tend to use verbal strategies, (Indrawati & Tasni, 2016) because Most female students have more memory and memory, are diligent / diligent, can divide their time (between playing and studying). This is what gives rise to differences in skills in solving math problems seen from differences in emotional, behavioral, thought patterns and intelligence (Ambarwati et al, 2014;Zhu, 2007). ...
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This study aims to analyze student errors in resolving word problems, which are then formulated into characteristics of student errors according to gender. The subject selection was done randomly from male and female students of grade VII who made mistakes in solving the questions. Research data from the test results of 2 items word problem type. The form of student error is based on misconceptions, procedures, and techniques. The results showed the students' misconceptions, don't understand question commands, do not write information correctly, misinterpret question information, do not simplify fractions correctly, do not understand the value of fractions, misunderstand number signs/symbols and do not understand number signs/symbols, incorrectly determine signs/symbols of operations. Procedural error, incorrectly determining the settlement operation Technical errors, incorrectly using calculation operation marks, incorrectly performing calculation operations, incomplete settlement steps, incomplete simplification, incorrect simplification. Technical errors, namely calculations are not in accordance with the command, less careful (careless) writing answers, errors in writing answers and it do not match the command questions (conclusion). The reason is not understanding the reading and not being familiar with the questions. Students' understanding and knowledge of reading have an important role in identifying, interpreting, and even selecting or determining completion strategies.
... Female students have higher levels of mathematical anxiety compared to male students [12]. Male students in mathematics learning highlighted success in learning mathematics while female students saw mathematics as a relevant field and would be useful in life [13]. Mathematics is often considered a field for men, many students believed that mathematics was a masculine field so that approaches to understanding mathematics in male and female students differed [13], [14]. ...
... Male students in mathematics learning highlighted success in learning mathematics while female students saw mathematics as a relevant field and would be useful in life [13]. Mathematics is often considered a field for men, many students believed that mathematics was a masculine field so that approaches to understanding mathematics in male and female students differed [13], [14]. ...
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Mathematics communication skill is one of the important abilities that students must have. This study aims to explain how mathematical communication abilities female and male students in solving rectangles problem. The subject of this study was 6 students who already studied rectangles in the class. In this research, the researcher used a qualitative method. There were found that male students tend to solve problems by stated it into the sketch. While female students tend to solve problems by restating with their own language.
... Motivasi, kecemasan matematika, dan sikap terhadap matematika merupakan faktor penting dalam prestasi matematika (Smetackova, 2015). Siswa yang dapat memahami pola bilangan memiliki dampak positif pada pencapaian hasil belajar matematika di tingkat selanjutnya (Papic, 2013). ...
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This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach that aims to describe the cognitive processes of students in solving problems in the number pattern material in terms of the level of students' mathematics anxiety. The instruments used in this study were the mathematics ability test (TKM) to control subject selection, the mathematics anxiety questionnaire (AKM), the problem-solving test (TPM), and the interview guidelines. From several 8th grade students, there are 21 male and 9 female students, one student was selected with a male student with high mathematical ability and high math anxiety and one male student with high mathematical ability and low math anxiety. The results showed that students with high and low math anxiety could solve problems, but there were differences in receiving, processing, storing, and recalling information. Students with low math anxiety check their answers again by processing the information in other ways, while students with high math anxiety do not. With the difference in the cognitive processes of students with math anxiety, teachers are advised to develop appropriate learning methods to reduce students' math anxiety, so that students can improve their thinking skills in mathematics at a higher level with low math anxiety. Keywords: Cognitive, Mathematical Ability, Math Anxiety, and Problem Solving
... (dalam Joyce, 2011) yang juga menggali isu-isu gender dan kemudian mendapatkan suatu data, bahwa skor rata-rata NAEP dalam bidang matematika yang muncul dalam kurun waktu 1990 hingga 1960 menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan gender tidak lagi menjadi masalah serius, sebab rata-rata prestasi siswa wanita sering kali lebih tinggi dari prestasi yang dicapai siswa pria (beberapa dekade yang lalu, skor prestasi laki-laki jauh lebih tinggi dibanding perempuan). Hal serupa juga diungkapkan oleh Smetackova (2015) bahwa tidak ada peredaan yang signifikan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hasil tes matematika, sehingga diasumsikan bahwa kemampuan laki-laki dan perempuan dalam bidang matematika itu sama (p. 218). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender (laki-laki dan perempuan) terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa Boarding School Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020; untuk mengetahui pengaruh rombongan belajar (Reguler dan Intensif) terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa Boarding School Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020; serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender dan rombongan belajar (Reguler dan Intensif) terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa Boarding School Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuasi eksperimen. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMA di Boarding School Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 sebanyak 13 kelas. Sampel yang terpilih sebanyak 4 kelas, yaitu kelas X (setara dengan kelas pada umumnya) laki-laki dan perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini aladah dengan cara memberika tes kemampuan penalaran matematis, sedangkan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa soal tes kemampuan penalaran matematis dalam bentuk uraian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu Uji Anova Dua Jalur dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan gender (laki-laki dan perempuan) terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa boarding school Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020; terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan rombongan belajar (Reguler dan Intensif) yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa boarding school Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020; tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan interaksi gender (Laki-laki dan perempuan) dan rombongan belajar (Reguler dan Intensif) terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa boarding school Darussalam Rajapolah Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020
... Moreover, stereotypical attitudes pertaining to gender-subject competence appear to translate into students' perceptions about their academic self-concept, with girls reporting lower self-concept in mathematics and science and higher self-concept in English (Aronson & Steele, 2007;Chatard, Guimond, & Selimbegovic, 2007;Else-Quest, Hyde, & Linn, 2010;Ireson, Hallam, & Plewis, 2001;Smetackova, 2015). ...
Research has examined how standardized tests give rise to gender differences in English and STEM attainment, but little research has explored gender differences in classroom-based attainment and the degree to which these correspond to differences in school-related attitudes. To explore the extent to which gender-achievement gaps in classroom-based performance parallel differences in self-perceptions and scholastic attitudes. An independent sample of first (n = 187, age 11–12, Study 1) and second-year students (n = 113, age 12–13, Study 2) from a UK comprehensive secondary school completed a questionnaire measuring academic mindset, self-efficacy, self-concept, competence beliefs, personal and social self-esteem, and endorsement of gender-subject and career stereotypes. Responses were then matched to their respective classroom grades in English, mathematics, science, and computing. Girls outperformed boys in English in their first year but reported lower global self-esteem and greater endorsement of science-career stereotypes. Conversely, girls outperformed boys in mathematics in their second year, but paradoxically reported lower self-concept and competence beliefs in mathematics and science, and higher competence beliefs in English. Across both studies, mindset, self-efficacy, competence beliefs, and social self-esteem were positively related to English attainment; academic self-efficacy was positively related to mathematics attainment; and mindset, self-efficacy, self-concept, and competence beliefs were positively related to science attainment. Gender-achievement gaps in classroom-based academic attainment are complex and highly nuanced; they appear to vary between school subjects across years and may not correspond with similar differences in self-perceptions and scholastic attitudes.
... Moreover, stereotypical attitudes pertaining to gender-subject competence appear to translate into students' perceptions about their academic self-concept, with girls reporting lower self-concept in mathematics and science and higher self-concept in English (Aronson & Steele, 2007;Chatard, Guimond, & Selimbegovic, 2007;Else-Quest, Hyde, & Linn, 2010;Ireson, Hallam, & Plewis, 2001;Smetackova, 2015). ...
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Research has examined how standardized tests give rise to gender differences in English and STEM attainment, but little research has explored gender differences in classroom-based attainment and the degree to which these correspond to differences in school-related attitudes. To explore the extent to which gender-achievement gaps in classroom-based performance parallel differences in self-perceptions and scholastic attitudes. An independent sample of first (n = 187, age 11–12, Study 1) and second-year students (n = 113, age 12–13, Study 2) from a UK comprehensive secondary school completed a questionnaire measuring academic mindset, self-efficacy, self-concept, competence beliefs, personal and social self-esteem, and endorsement of gender-subject and career stereotypes. Responses were then matched to their respective classroom grades in English, mathematics, science, and computing. Girls outperformed boys in English in their first year but reported lower global self-esteem and greater endorsement of science-career stereotypes. Conversely, girls outperformed boys in mathematics in their second year, but paradoxically reported lower self-concept and competence beliefs in mathematics and science, and higher competence beliefs in English. Across both studies, mindset, self-efficacy, competence beliefs, and social self-esteem were positively related to English attainment; academic self-efficacy was positively related to mathematics attainment; and mindset, self-efficacy, self-concept, and competence beliefs were positively related to science attainment. Gender-achievement gaps in classroom-based academic attainment are complex and highly nuanced; they appear to vary between school subjects across years and may not correspond with similar differences in self-perceptions and scholastic attitudes.
... En contraposición con la evidencia anterior, existen estudios que han encontrado que el desempeño de las mujeres no se relaciona y no es impactado por la amenaza de estereotipo. Además, mencionan que estas tienden a tener desempeños similares o superiores a los de los hombres en matemáticas, al igual que una alta identificación con este dominio y una baja ansiedad frente a las tareas en él en diferentes niveles educativos (Flore, Mulder & Wicherts, 2019;Ganley, Mingle, Ryan, Ryan, Vasilyeva & Perry, 2013;Gerstenberg et al., 2012;Hartley & Sutton, 2013;Smetackova, 2015;Tellhed & Adolfsson, 2018). La ansiedad, el interés en el dominio y las creencias en las habilidades son factores importantes para la presencia de la amenaza, de tal forma que los hombres que tengan niveles no deseables en estos factores (bajo autoconcepto, alto interés y alta ansiedad) también pueden ser susceptibles a la amenaza de estereotipo. ...
... Esto contradice los resultados de algunas investigaciones previas que han reportado que las mujeres tienden a ser más vulnerables a la amenaza de estereotipo (Arbuthnot, 2009;Boucher et al., 2015;Brown & Josephs, 2001;Galdi et al., 2014;Good et al., 2008;Irriberi & Rey-Biel, 2017;Kenney et al., 2006;Laurin, 2016;Osborne & Walker, 2006;Pérez-Garín et al., 2017;Picho & Schmader, 2018;Picho & Stephens, 2012;Rydell et al., 2011;Schmader & Johns, 2003;Spencer et al., 1999), pero apoya los resultados de otros estudios que han mostrado que cuando los estudiantes tienen un alto autoconcepto matemático y un alto interés en este dominio pueden contrarrestar los posibles estereotipos negativos que existen en el contexto social sobre el género (Flore et al., 2019;Ganley et al., 2013;Gerstenberg et al., 2012;Harley & Sutton, 2013;Smetackova, 2015;Tellhed & Adolfsson, 2018). ...
... En este estudio, como se mencionó, tanto hombres como mujeres, en su mayoría, se identificaron con el dominio y puntuaron bajo en los dos moderadores mencionados. Lo anterior, según estudios cuyos hallazgos no han encontrado relaciones entre la amenaza de estereotipo y el desempeño (Flore & Wichetts, 2015;Flore et al., 2019;Ganley et al. 2013;Gerstenberg et al., 2012;Smetackova, 2015), o han caracterizado a los estudiantes como poco vulnerables a la amenaza (Schmader & Johns, 2003;Picho & Rojas, 2011), los cuales presentan baja ansiedad ante las tareas del domino y son poco vulnerables al estigma de género que pueda existir en el ambiente, pues, como poseen una alta autoeficacia y confianza en sus habilidades para cumplir las tareas del dominio, les son indiferentes los estereotipos sociales; esto hace que aumente su esfuerzo para lograr cumplir con las demandas del dominio y tener buenos desempeños. ...
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Este artículo busca establecer las diferencias existentes entre el género, el desempeño académico en matemáticas y los diferentes grupos de susceptibilidad a la amenaza de estereotipo (no identificados, no involucrados, no susceptibles y de alta susceptibilidad) en 130 estudiantes de los últimos años de bachillerato, a quienes se les aplicó la escala de identidades y actitudes sociales (SIAS). Se encontró que tanto hombres como mujeres presentaron una baja susceptibilidad a la amenaza de estereotipo y desempeños aprobatorios en el curso de matemáticas. Asimismo, no hubo diferencias en el desempeño de los cuatro grupos de susceptibilidad a la amenaza de estereotipo.