Fig 2 - uploaded by John Hunter
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Map of vegetation communities for Narran Lake Nature Reserve.

Map of vegetation communities for Narran Lake Nature Reserve.

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The vegetation of Narran Lake Nature Reserve (4527 ha) in the central north of New South Wales approximately 30 km west of Cumborah (29°43', 147°29') in the Walgett Shire on the North Western Plains and the Darling River Plains Bioregion is described. Seven communities are defined based on flexible UPGMA analysis of cover-abundance scores of all va...

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... of community boundaries in Fig. 2 was based on the location of sites and their position within the multivariate analysis, air photograph interpretation and ground truthing. The vegetation map is based on 1: 50 000 topographic map produced by the Western Zone, NSW NP&WS. Structural names follow Specht et al. (1995) and are based on the most consistent uppermost ...


... At larger extents, current classifications that include examples of ephemeral wetlands in arid and semi-arid areas of NSW are largely supervised approaches, relying on expert opinion (Fox 1991;Scott 1992;Porteners 1993;Pickard and Norris 1994;Westbrooke et al. 1998;Keith 2004;Benson et al. 2006). At smaller extents and specific locales, such as parks and reserves, many examples of unsupervised classifications exist (Westbrooke and Miller 1995;Porteners et al. 1997;McGann et al. 2001;Westbrooke et al. 2003;Hunter 2005;Bell et al. 2012;Smith and Smith 2014;. Keith (2004), using a type-based supervised classification, produced a set of higher-order hierarchical vegetation types for NSW termed 'formations' and 'classes'. ...
Describing, classifying and quantifying vegetation communities is fundamental for understanding their current distribution, rarity, interrelationships, and ecosystem functions. In this study, we apply a consistent objective classification system for ephemeral wetlands of arid and semi-arid areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Our approach uses a two-step statistically-based, hierarchical, multi-scale classification of environmental data at broad-scales and floristics data at intermediate-scales. At broad-scales ecoregionalization methods were used to describe three wetland macrogroups. Within these groups, we performed unsupervised analyses of 640 floristic survey plots using the Bray-Curtis algorithm, clustering via group averaging and testing of clusters using SIMPROF. From this we delineated 18 vegetation groups with class definition based on a combination of diagnostic and non-diagnostic SIMPER outputs and dominant taxa. We show that a consistent classification system can be effectively created for subsets of vegetation that have adequate plot data within a general matrix that is poorly sampled if outputs are restricted to appropriate scales of resolution. We suggest that our approach provides a stable and robust classification system that can be added to as more data becomes available.
... The scree plot analysis indicates that the point of inflection lies near the 0.65 dissimilarity level ( Figure 2). This level of inference for community definition is lower than that used by investigators within the same bioregion Hunter 2000: Hunter 2001Hunter 2002) but similar to that used in the nearby Imbota NR, Yina NR and Aberbaldie NR (Hunter 2003;. The six communities recognised are displayed in a summary dendrogram ( Figure 3) and an ordination ( Figure 4). ...
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Floristic analysis, vegetation mapping and community description of Ngulan Nature Reserve, Nowendoc, NSW, Australia
... ha 2 89 Trinkey State Conservation Area (Hunter 2008). 20 x 20 m sites Narran Lake Nature Reserve (Hunter et al. 2001). 20 x 20 m sites. ...
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Floristic analysis, vegetation mapping and community description of the Etoo, Cubbo and Dewson's Lease additions to the Pilliga group of reserves, NSW, Australia
... Shallow ephemeral wetlands with sporadic wetting and drying cycles are however not unique to the Pilliga. Although mostly undescribed (but see McGann et al. 2001), ephemeral wetlands are known to occur in other semiarid to arid parts of NSW (see Porter et al. 2007). But we are unaware of any that are numerous enough to form aggregations in such a relatively small area and on such distinctive geomorphology. ...
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3 Office of Environment & Heritage, Baradine, NSW 2396 AUSTRALIA Abstract: The floristic composition and vegetation partitioning of the ephemeral wetlands of the Pilliga Outwash within the Pilliga National Park and Pilliga State Conservation Area (30˚30'S, 149˚22'E) on the North Western Plains of New South Wales are described. SPOT5 imagery was used to map 340 wetlands across the Pilliga Outwash. A total of 240 plots within 31 wetlands explored composition and species richness in relation to water depth and wetland size. The predominant community described is the species-rich herbfield of shallow basin wetlands, along with the structurally distinct but the less common sedgeland/herbfield of the deeper 'tank' wetlands and a single wetland with a floristically depauperate Diplachne fusca wet grassland. A total of 131 taxa were recorded including three species listed under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995): Eriocaulon australasicum, Lepidium monoplocoides and Myriophyllum implicatum. New records for an additional six taxa were recorded for the North Western Plains. 11% of taxa were exotic in origin.
... The fourteen woodland assemblages are phytosociological units derived from analysis of full vascular floristic surveys of the 14 reserves in which they occurred (Hunter et al. 1999a). Each of the reserves was surveyed using the same methodology , under a similar intensity, with the same surveyor, in spring to summer and using the same statistical methods to define and map all assemblages present. ...
Species density, pattern diversity and species pool are often studied in isolation and correlated individually to environmental gradients. However analysis of how these three measures interrelate can give insights into the interpretation of local and regional processes. In addition, an understanding of how these diversity measures change across the natural distribution of a community may help in decision making processes regarding reservation. Temperate eucalypt woodlands in eastern Australia are one of the most visible and ubiquitous communities in eastern Australia, but have undergone one of the most significant modification and fragmentation processes due to past and current pressure to clear for agriculture. Data from 176 vascular plant survey sites sampled across 14 woodland assemblages are used here to analyse geographic gradients in species density, pattern diversity and species pool size. It was discovered that species density was significantly correlated to pattern diversity and species pool size but that pattern diversity and species pool size were uncorrelated. There was a significant relationship whereby species density increased as pattern diversity decreased. These patterns may be explained by the maintenance of interconnectedness, dispersal and rescue effects at this scale of investigation but local interactions cannot be ruled out as important. Generally species density and species pool size increased from west to east in the study area and pattern diversity was strongly correlated to the coldest minimum winter temperatures. It is suggested that if local woodland richness is maintained by low pattern diversity and greater habitat connectedness then larger reserves are required in order to maintain the largest area of contiguous habitat. In such situations small isolated patches, which are increasingly fragmented by the pressure to clear for agriculture will accumulate larger extinction debts.
... Dick (1993) conducted an intensive floristic survey and produced a vegetation map of the Wombeira Land System which covers 32% of the Park. Though covering an extensive land system, this work used a variable plot size and the assemblages described were not based on statistical analyses, making cross comparisons with other areas difficult (Hunter et al. 2001). Other minor unpublished vegetation mapping products based on Land System types (Soil Conservation Service 1991) or on underlying soil type have been produced. ...
... However, the average richness of sites was 26 species per quadrat which is considerably higher than that the 20.4 per quadrat recorded by Dick, using larger quadrats. In similar communities within the Narran Lake Nature Reserve, Hunter et al. (2001) recorded 120 species within 22 sites, with an average species richness of 12.6 per site, decidedly less than that recorded by Dick, and during this survey. These results reinforce the comments made by Hunter (1999) that, although similar communities occur at Narran Lake, they show far greater beta diversity (differences between site composition). ...
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The vegetation of Culgoa National Park (22 986 ha in area; 29°15' S, 147°15' E) in the central north of New South Wales, approximately 40 km west of Goodooga and adjoining the NSW/Queensland border, is described. Six vegetation communities are delineated based on UPGMA analysis of cover-abundance scores of all vascular plant taxa. These communities are mapped based on ground truthing and air photo interpretation. All communities are simple in structure being primarily woodlands, shrublands and grasslands. Communities described are: 1) Eucalyptus coolabah Woodlands, 2) Muehlenbeckia florulenta Shrubby Thickets, 3) Eucalyptus coolabah – Acacia pendula Woodlands & Grasslands, 4) Eucalyptus largiflorens – Eucalyptus coolabah Woodlands, 5) Eucalyptus largiflorens – Alectryon oleifolius Woodlands, 6) Callitris glaucophylla – Eucalyptus populnea Woodlands and Shrublands. A total of 240 vascular plant taxa were found of which 8% were exotic in origin. Conservation issues are discussed.
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Vegetation and mapping of Nocholeche Nature Reserve in far western New South Wales
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Vegetation survey, floristic analysis and vegetation mapping of Butterleaf National Park, Butterleaf State Conservation Area and Bezzant's Lease, New England, Northern Tablelands, New South Wales, Australia
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Vegetation survey, florisitc analysis and vegetation mapping of Nullamanna Nature Reserve, New England Region, New South Wales, Australia
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Vegetation survey, floristic analysis, vegetation mapping of Tingha Plateau State Conservation Area, Northern Tablelands, New England Region, New South Wales, Australia