Figure 3 - uploaded by joão carlos Coimbra
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Map of the ocean area off the coast of NE Brazil, with some emphasis on the Fracture Zone of Fernando de Noronha and the Rocas Atoll (modified from Almeida, 2006).  

Map of the ocean area off the coast of NE Brazil, with some emphasis on the Fracture Zone of Fernando de Noronha and the Rocas Atoll (modified from Almeida, 2006).  

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Twenty-one ostracode species from Trindade Island and 23 species from Rocas Atoll are herein recorded. The collective fauna shows low richness and low abundance compared with other oceanic islands. Nevertheless, the presence of tropical pandemic species such as Kotarocythere inconspicua (Brady) and Triebelina sertata Triebel, of the almost exclusiv...

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... Research conducted in the Brazilian oceanic islands in the last decade has significantly improved taxonomic knowledge of podocopid ostracods and provided zoo-and paleozoogeographical insights (Coimbra et al. 2009(Coimbra et al. , 2013(Coimbra et al. , 2018Antonietto et al. 2012;Coimbra & Carreño 2012;Luz & Coimbra 2014). The establishment of scientific programs dealing exclusively with oceanic islands by the Brazilian Navy in collaboration with the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), such as 'PROTRINDADE' (dedicated exclusively to supporting research on Trindade Island), has made access to these remote areas relatively easy, allowing continuous sampling of a large marine area. ...
... The ostracods of Trindade Island were first studied by Coimbra et al. (2009), who noted 21 species, seven of which were listed in open nomenclature, and a group of indeterminate Bairdiidae. Subsequently, Coimbra & Carreño (2012) described Tenedocythere trindadensis (= Neohornibrookella trindadensis) and identified the occurrence of Australimoosella polypleuron Coimbra, Ramos, Whatley, & Bergue, 2004, previously known only from the equatorial Brazilian shelf. The genus Australimoosella is more widespread and species-rich in the Australian region, and A. polypleuron is the only species recorded outside that region. ...
... K. amazonica has a straighter dorsal margin, is ornamented by more uniform punctuations on the carapace, including the central portion, and has more pronounced ribs, the posterior one being more sinuous. Finally, it is noteworthy that the specimens studied by Coimbra et al. (2009) and Coimbra & Carreño (2012) Material. Dead assemblage: 11 adults and 8 juveniles. ...
This work is the second part of the analysis of ostracods from the Vitória-Trindade Chain ̶ consisting of four seamounts and Trindade Island—which resulted in the recording of 28 species belonging to 14 genera and eight families. Five new species of Cytherellidae, Bairdiidae, Bythocytheridae, and Xestoleberididae are described in this paper, as follows: Keijcyoidea oceanica sp. nov., Bairdoppilata vitoriensis sp. nov., Vandenboldina kyryia sp. nov., Xestoleberis acuminata sp. nov. and Xestoleberis caperata sp. nov.
... Such studies are pivotal for understanding the distribution pattern of these microcrustaceans in the South Atlantic. Research carried out in the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago (Antonietto et al. 2012;Coimbra et al. 2013Coimbra et al. , 2018Luz & Coimbra 2014) and Rocas Atoll and Trindade Island Coimbra & Carreño 2012) are examples of contributions that provided important zoo-and paleozoogeographic insights. It is noteworthy that Coimbra et al. (2013) pointed out some taxonomical misidentifications of Antonietto et al. (2012). ...
... 4 remarks. This species, described by Coimbra & Carreño (2012) for Trindade Island, was firstly allocated within the genus Tenedocythere. However, Warne & Whatley (2016), after analyzing a range of species of this genus, found that fossil and living Tenedocythere occur exclusively in the Mediterranean region, placing all species outside this region in the genus Neohornibrookella Jellinek, 1993. ...
... See references in the synonymy list. Family THAerOCYTHerIDAe Hazel, 1967 genus Neohornibrookella Jellinek, 1993Neohornibrookella trindadensis(Coimbra & Carreño, 2012) ...
The current work is part of a taxonomic study on ostracods from Trindade Island and four seamount summits of the Vitoria-Trindade Chain. Twenty-six species belonging to nine families and 17 genera were identified. Five species are described as new, as follows: two Cytheruridae (Hemicytherura trindadensis sp. nov., Semicytherura parva sp. nov.) and three Loxoconchidae (Loxocorniculum micropapillosum sp. nov., Phlyctocythere christophei sp. nov., Phlyctocythere apua sp. nov.). The other taxa are being studied in an ongoing survey.
... Additionally, shallow water environments in oceanic regions could also have been created by the glacial events from the Miocene on allowing the existence of ancient unknown populations. Migration routes during sea-level lowstands about 21 Ka BF was suggested to explain the cosmopolitan fauna of ostracods in TR (Coimbra and Carreño, 2012). ...
Grapsus grapsus and Grapsus adscensionis are supralittoral crabs that are known to inhabit oceanic islands and depend on surface currents to recruit in the rocky shores. The ornamentation of the cephalothorax is very distinct among species, but morphological differences are controversial, and integrative studies with different approaches are needed. This study investigated the genetic variation among the populations of G. grapsus from Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SP), Fernando de Noronha (FN), Rocas Atoll (RA) and Trindade Island (TR) in the western Atlantic, and G. adscensionis from the islands of Ascension (AI) and Saint Helena (SH) in the mid-Atlantic. Morphology was assessed by geometric morphometric analyses of the carapace and chelae, and numerical analyses of tubercles in the frontal plate of SP, FN, RA, TR and AI populations. In addition, dispersal of the larvae in the Atlantic Ocean was simulated performing a Lagrangian analysis using HYCOM reanalysis dataset as the ocean surface velocity field. The data obtained for the mitochondrial D-loop gene confirmed the distinctness of the two putative species and demonstrated the connectivity between the populations of G. grapsus from the three equatorial islands. The TR population presented unique haplotypes, as well as AI and SH. The geometric morphometric analyses showed differentiation between the carapace shapes for G. grapsus and G. adscensionis, however, the chelae shape does not allow to distinguish between the species or the population. The morphometric and molecular results were consistent with the pattern of particles dispersion in the Atlantic ocean. The larvae of SP, FN and RA mix after two months of drift, while the larvae of TR, AI, SH circulate only around the respective islands. The results reinforce the validation of the two species and the isolation of populations of G. grapsus in TR and of G. adscensionis in AI and SH. The populations of these islands might be maintained by self-recruitment, through larval behavior associated with the local current system, and therefore should be the target of conservation measures.
... Here, we explore the ecological factors that drive the distribution and composition of fish communities on the seamounts and oceanic islands of the Vitória-Trindade Chain (VTC), in the Southwestern Atlantic. The VTC seamounts have been proposed as stepping-stones that support the marine biodiversity found in the insular complex situated at the end of the chain (Floeter and Gasparini 2000;Joyeux et al. 2001;Coimbra and Carreño 2012;Pinheiro et al. 2015a). Reef fish endemism level at the islands is high (9.6%) ...
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The mechanisms driving the ecology and biodiversity of seamount communities are still unclear. Here we analyzed the distribution and species traits of reef fish species recorded over seamounts, oceanic islands, and the continental shelf of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean to understand the influence of mechanisms of dispersal and establishment in these ecosystems. Species richness did not decrease with distance from the mainland, and community composition was not related to geographic position and geological history of seamounts and oceanic islands. Similarity among sites was explained by habitat heterogeneity, shallowest depth, and distance from mainland. Inter-site isolation had a significant influence on the spatial turnover of species. All species traits related to dispersal and establishment worked as ecological filters driving the composition of communities and distribution of species along seamounts and oceanic islands. We conclude that seamount communities are closely related to those of oceanic islands, with the stepping-stones (inter-site isolation) process being the most important one shaping species composition and distribution. Establishment and dispersal mechanisms, in combination with historical sea-level fluctuations, regulate the persistence of species and the similarity of communities among adjacent and environmentally similar sites.
... This species has also been recorded along the tropical Brazilian shelf and from the oceanic Trindade Island, located off the southeastern Brazilian coast (Figure 1). Caudites exmouthensis has been recorded living in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans, including Trindade Island and the Rocas Atoll (Brazil) (more details in Coimbra et al., 1999a;Coimbra et al., 2009;Coimbra & Carreño, 2012). Some authors have suggested that A. costatus migrated from the Indo-Pacific to the western Atlantic during the Pleistocene (Jellinek, 1995;Fauth & Coimbra, 1998;. ...
... Some authors have suggested that A. costatus migrated from the Indo-Pacific to the western Atlantic during the Pleistocene (Jellinek, 1995;Fauth & Coimbra, 1998;. Besides these two species, Caudites seminudus, a very shallow species recorded in the Brazilian coast, Trindade Island and Rocas Atoll, was previously described from the Reunion Island, Indian Ocean (Machado et al., 2005;Coimbra et al., 2009;Coimbra & Carreño, 2012;Morais & Coimbra, 2019). It was suggested that some species of Ostracoda might have passively migrated into the Atlantic Ocean during the Quaternary, reaching the Brazilian coast through the Vitória-Trindade seamounts (see Figure 1). ...
... They might have been dispersed attached to algae fragments and holdfasts in long transoceanic journeys as already discussed, among other authors, by Morais & Coimbra (2019). It is possible that a passive dispersion by sweepstakes acted as an important mechanism for the dispersion between Trindade Island and the Brazilian shelf during the Quaternary (Coimbra & Carreño, 2012). Throughout its history, Trindade Island has barely been occupied and is currently used only as a Brazilian Navy base. ...
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This study analyzes the geographical distribution of 131 podocopid ostracod species recovered from the Brazilian continental shelf between Cabo de São Roque (lat. 05°30’S) and Cabo Frio (lat. 23oS). This very large area corresponds to the northeastern and eastern Brazilian marine regions. The 104 samples studied were collected in water depths ranging from 12 to 110 m as part of the legs 4 and 7 of the REMAC Project. The cosmopolitan species, as well as those shared with the Caribbean and/or Gulf of Mexico region, represent a small part of the ostracods herein studied and it is assumed that their dispersion was prompted by processes linked to events of relative sea level changes during the Neogene and Quaternary. The fossil record of some species spans to the Neogene, mostly from the Atlantic coast of North and Central America, while one species has Tethyan origin. Three species known from the Neogene of the Caribbean have been recorded as relicts in the study area. From the 131 species herein identified, 36.5% are more widespread in temperate waters south of Cabo Frio town, 46.5% of warm waters north of Cabo Frio town, 4% are present only in the studied area, and 11.5% are rare and probably restricted to the E region. A new province – the Brazilian Province – is herein proposed based on the species occurrence.
... This kind of natural formation is rather common in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, however, in the Atlantic Ocean, there are merely Rocas Atoll, in northeastern Brazil, and a few more in the Caribbean Sea. Rocas Atoll was the first acknowledged marine biological reserve in Brazil, granted in 1979, being a highly preserved marine environment [7]. Located 260 km off the coast, Rocas Atoll is a unique environment, hosting many endemic species [4,5]. ...
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Rocas Atoll is a unique environment in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, hosting a large number of endemic species, however, studies on the chemical diversity emerging from this biota are rather scarce. Therefore, the present work aims to assess the metabolomic diversity and pharmacological potential of the microbiota from Rocas Atoll. A total of 76 bacteria were isolated and cultured in liquid culture media to obtain crude extracts. About one third (34%) of these extracts were recognized as cytotoxic against human colon adenocarcinoma HCT-116 cell line. 16S rRNA gene sequencing analyses revealed that the bacteria producing cytotoxic extracts were mainly from the Actinobacteria phylum, including Streptomyces, Salinispora, Nocardiopsis, and Brevibacterium genera, and in a smaller proportion from Firmicutes phylum (Bacillus). The search in the spectral library in GNPS (Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking) unveiled a high chemodiversity being produced by these bacteria, including rifamycins, antimycins, desferrioxamines, ferrioxamines, surfactins, surugamides, staurosporines, and saliniketals, along with several unidentified compounds. Using an original approach, molecular networking successfully highlighted groups of compounds responsible for the cytotoxicity of crude extracts. Application of DEREPLICATOR+ (GNPS) allowed the annotation of macrolide novonestimycin derivatives as the cytotoxic compounds existing in the extracts produced by Streptomyces BRB-298 and BRB-302. Overall, these results highlighted the pharmacological potential of bacteria from this singular atoll.
... The levels of endemism and species richness in the TMV vary among taxa (Carvalho, 1950;Oliveira, 1951;Vannucci, 1951;Albuquerque & Guille, 1991;Tavares, 1999;Leal, 2000;Floeter & Gasparini, 2000;Paiva, 2006;Coimbra et al., 2009;Moraes, 2011;Coimbra & Carreño, 2012;Anker et al., 2016). However, to a certain extent, this may be only a reflection of sample size (McClain, 2007), as not only the Brazilian oceanic islands and seamount chains are yet to be intensively sampled, but also many surveys in the area have been and continue to be taxon-oriented. ...
... Even though these seamounts cannot support species restricted to very shallow habitats, the connectivity between the coast and TMV was possibly facilitated by the low sea level during the * * X X X X ? Pawson (1978), Hendler et al. (1995), present paper Pleistocene glaciations (Andrade et al., 2003;Coimbra & Carreño, 2012). This connectivity has most probably influenced species spillover and, not surprisingly, resulted in the low level of endemism of echinoids and holothuroids in the TMV. ...
Two new species in the genera Thyone and Havelockia are described and illustrated based upon specimens collected from off the southeastern Brazilian coast. Thyone florianoi sp. nov. is characterized by having two pillared body wall tables with four-holed discs and introvert with multilocular tables. Thyone crassidisca is recorded herein for the first time from the South Atlantic Ocean (Brazil). Havelockia mansoae sp. nov. is distinctive in having two pillared body wall tables with four-holed discs and introvert with plates. This is the first record of the genus Havelockia from Brazilian waters.
... Coimbra and Bergue (2011) in an inventory of the ostracodes from the biological substrates of the northern rocky shores of the State of São Paulo, recorded many living specimens of this species, most of them on algae. Coimbra and Carreño (2012) registered 18 carapaces and 28 valves of C. seminudus in samples of dry bottom sediments of the Trindade Island, a large Brazilian island of the tropical South Atlantic. It is noteworthy that this species of Caudites was described by Whatley and Keeler (1989) based on 129 specimens recorded in the intertidal zone of the Saint-Pierre Harbor of Réunion Island (Southwestern Indian Ocean), i.e., very far from the Brazilian coast. ...
... It is noteworthy that this species of Caudites was described by Whatley and Keeler (1989) based on 129 specimens recorded in the intertidal zone of the Saint-Pierre Harbor of Réunion Island (Southwestern Indian Ocean), i.e., very far from the Brazilian coast. Machado et al. (2005) and Coimbra and Carreño (2012) hypothesized that C. seminudus arrived at Trindade Island from the east on buoyant algal remains and Aurila ornellasae is the second more abundant species in the present study. Although relatively well-distributed along the entire sampled area, around 67% of its 276 living specimens were concentrated in one algae sample at Sepultura beach, in the town of Bombinhas. ...
... It seems that this loxoconchid species is widely distributed, since it has been recorded along the eastern and southern Brazilian coasts and on the northern Argentinian littoral (Machado et al. 2005;Coimbra et al. 2006Coimbra et al. , 2007Whatley et al. 1997). It is also noteworthy that L. bullata is relatively abundant in the oceanic island of Trindade (for more detailed discussion see Coimbra and Carreño, 2012). In the sampled area, its 34 living specimens were recovered from algae from the south of Florianópolis Island (Naufragados beach) to Grant beach in the Barra Velha town. ...
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The infralittoral guarded by rocky promontories is one of the most productive and important coastal ecosystems. It is home to numerous benthic species of recognized ecological and economic value, such as mussels, oysters, crustaceans, and algae. However, the ecology and composition of the ostracode faunas of the rocky infralittoral are little known not only in Brazil, but also elsewhere. In this study, both live and dead ostracodes recovered from 62 samples of algae and sediments from the upper rocky infralittoral (≤ 3 m depth) of the central and northern regions of Santa Catarina State (26°10′/27°50′S – 48°26′/48°40′W), southern Brazil, were studied. A total of 18 families, 33 genera, and 45 species were identified, most of them (29 species) represented only by empty shells and/or isolated valves. Among the 16 species with living specimens, the authors considered only seven as autochthonous. Live ostracodes were recorded almost exclusively on substrates formed by multi-species mats of turf algae and on Sargassum. The most abundant species were Caudites seminudus Whatley and Keeler, Aurila ornellasae Coimbra and Bergue and Xestoleberis sp. 2, in this order. Aurila ornellasae was the most widely distributed ostracode in the sampled area. The paleontological and zoogeographical aspects of some species were discussed.
... The levels of endemism and species richness in the TMV vary among taxa (Carvalho, 1950;Oliveira, 1951;Vannucci, 1951;Albuquerque & Guille, 1991;Tavares, 1999;Leal, 2000;Floeter & Gasparini, 2000;Paiva, 2006;Coimbra et al., 2009;Moraes, 2011;Coimbra & Carreño, 2012;Anker et al., 2016). However, to a certain extent, this may be only a reflection of sample size (McClain, 2007), as not only the Brazilian oceanic islands and seamount chains are yet to be intensively sampled, but also many surveys in the area have been and continue to be taxon-oriented. ...
... Even though these seamounts cannot support species restricted to very shallow habitats, the connectivity between the coast and TMV was possibly facilitated by the low sea level during the * * X X X X ? Pawson (1978), Hendler et al. (1995), present paper Pleistocene glaciations (Andrade et al., 2003;Coimbra & Carreño, 2012). This connectivity has most probably influenced species spillover and, not surprisingly, resulted in the low level of endemism of echinoids and holothuroids in the TMV. ...
The degree of isolation of oceanic islands makes these environments an excellent model for evolutionary studies. Proper knowledge of the species composition of oceanic islands, however, is required to better understand evolutionary processes (e.g. speciation events). A 3-year survey in the shallow waters (up to 30 m) of the Trindade and Martin Vaz oceanic insular complex, and a literature review on the data published for these islands and for Fernando de Noronha and São Pedro and São Paulo oceanic archipelagos have been conducted to document the biodiversity of echinoids and holothuroids from these isolated Brazilian oceanic islands. Sixteen species were collected and characterized morphologically, including two first records for the South Atlantic and one for Brazil. Comparison with conspecific specimens from the Brazilian coast and congeners was also done. Species richness increased from six to 18; the richness in Trindade Island being the highest among the South Atlantic oceanic islands. However, these islands remain undersampled beyond 30-m depth. Endemism was very low, suggesting the potential role of oceanic currents and seamounts as stepping-stones in transoceanic dispersal of species to remote islands. The Brazilian oceanic islands are impoverished oceanic outposts of the Brazilian Province; nevertheless, endemic species and intraspecific morphological variations compared with the mainland suggest they may also be regions of speciation. Documenting their biodiversity is critical for effective management and conservation of their marine ecosystems.
... In addition, in studies on benthic ostracodes from the oceanic Brazilian islands performed by Coimbra & Carre?o (2012), Coimbra et al. (2013) and Luz & Coimbra (2014this new taxon is absent. Thus, we conclud that it is very likely that Bulbocythere calida gen. ...
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Bulbocythere calida gen. et sp. nov., a benthic marine ostracode, is herein described and illustrated. The geographic and bathymetric distributions of this new taxon are based on the analysis of 923 bottom samples collected along the entire Brazilian continental shelf in a depth range of about 11 to 280 m, plus sediments of 176 samples from the Sepetiba Bay and 37 samples from the Tamandaré Bay. In the study material, this ostracode was rare, and restricted to the warm waters of the E and NE shelves and to the substrates around the reefs of the Tamandaré Bay.