Fig 12 - uploaded by Patrice Baby
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Map of the maturity (R o , vitrinite reflectance) of the Basal Napo source rock (modified from Bernal 1998), which corresponds to the deepest Cretaceous source rock level of the Oriente Basin. This map has been constructed from the Petroproducción database (R o analysis from 37 wells distributed over the Oriente Basin and from outcrops located in the Napo Uplift and Cutucú Cordillera). It shows local current kitchens in the Napo Uplift, in the northern SSC (Auca kitchen) and in the southern part of the Oriente Basin. The Auca kitchen seems to be associated to the thermal anomaly created by the Cretaceous alkaline intraplate magmatism characterizing the northern part of the SSC.  

Map of the maturity (R o , vitrinite reflectance) of the Basal Napo source rock (modified from Bernal 1998), which corresponds to the deepest Cretaceous source rock level of the Oriente Basin. This map has been constructed from the Petroproducción database (R o analysis from 37 wells distributed over the Oriente Basin and from outcrops located in the Napo Uplift and Cutucú Cordillera). It shows local current kitchens in the Napo Uplift, in the northern SSC (Auca kitchen) and in the southern part of the Oriente Basin. The Auca kitchen seems to be associated to the thermal anomaly created by the Cretaceous alkaline intraplate magmatism characterizing the northern part of the SSC.  

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The Oriente Basin is part of the retro-arc foreland basin system that developed in the zone of transition between the Central Andes and the Northern Andes since Late Cretaceous times. It is deformed by thick-skinned tectonics related to the inversion of pre-Cretaceous exten- sional fault systems, which have broken the basin into three tectonic doma...

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... Isopaches and facies distribution suggest that major NNW striking faults played a critical role in controlling the rift and post-rift basin evolution and morphology. These faults were subsequently used during structural inversion and incorporated in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic thin-and thick-skinned tectonics that affected the region (Rosas et al., 2007;Baby et al. 2013Baby et al. , 2018Calderon et al., 2017). ...
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... El borde oriental de la cordillera Real es la zona Subandina, la cual, es considerada un cinturón corrido, plegado y exhumado, que representa una zona de transición entre rocas metamórficas de la cordillera Real y rocas sedimentarias e ígneas de la cuenca Oriente (Gutiérrez et al., 2019;Gramal et al., 2021). Como se observa en la Figura 1B, la zona Subandina es limitada estructuralmente de norte a sur por: el levantamiento Napo, la depresión Pastaza y la cordillera Cutucú (Baby et al., 2013). ...
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To the south of the Sub-Andean zone of Ecuador, the Zamora intrusive complex includes a broad spectrum of granitoid calc-alkaline affinity, interpreted as the magmatic roots of the Jurassic (180 to 145 Ma) long-lived volcanic arc. The regional geologic cartographic reports 32 subvolcanic intrusive bodies affected the Zamora intrusive complex. These subvolcanic rocks were arbitrarily mapped as these Zamora intrusive complex. The shear relationships between intrusive rocks and host rocks were not described. The nature and stratigraphic position of the host rock have not been analyzed. The petrographic and geochemical details of intrusive rocks were not considered. This information is necessary to ensure an adequate understanding of this region’s Jurassic magmatism and other magmatic episodes. This research discusses, the tectonic environment of an intrusive body near the General Leónidas Plaza village (Limón), called Limón intrusive. Regional lithostratigraphic analysis, shear relationships, and petrographic and geochemical characterization support this work. The intrusive Limón outcrop on the Limón to Chiviaza road. It consists of a dome-type central body and a set of dome-type peripheral bodies, oriented N-S and approximately 3 km long. It is composed of a lithological including granodiorites and quartz monzonites. The relationships between silica and alkali indicate alkaline-calcic to alkaline affinity, with a magnesian and peraluminous character. The Th and Co concentrations indicate a high K calc-alkaline series. The relationships between Th, Yb, Nb, Rb, Y, Yb, Hf, and Ta indicate that the samples analyzed come from a continental arc developed in an orogenic tectonic domain of thickened crust, which evolved to an intra-continental post-magmatic episode.
... Al este de la cordillera Real, la zona Subandina es considerada el wedge-top andino, es decir, una zona corrida, plegada y exhumada que representa una zona de transición entre la cordillera Real y la cuenca Oriente (Gutiérrez et al., 2019). La zona Subandina está compuesta al norte por el levantamiento Napo, que es separado al sur de la cordillera Cutucú por la depresión Pastaza (Figura 1) (Baby et al., 2013). La litoestratigrafía de la zona Subandina incluye diversas secuencias sedimentarias y volcanoclásticas, separadas por discordancias de carácter regional (Ruiz et al., 2007). ...
... Angulo et al. (2018) en función de análisis sísmico y la identificación de estructuras de semi-graben y graben en el centro norte de la zona Subandina, propone que la extensión del Jurásico tardío está vinculada a los períodos de retroceso de un slab, que se evidencia por el desarrollo de una zona de subducción y un control extensional en la región de trasarco. Por otro lado, Jaillard et al. (1997) y Baby et al. (2013) afirman que un episodio de inversión tectónica regional ocurrió en el Cretácico Inferior e invirtió fallas inversas y normales, generando mega estructuras positivas como son los anticlinales Sacha y Shushufindi en el centro norte de la cuenca región Subandina. En la zona de estudio, no existen datos sísmicos que confirmen esta hipótesis, sin embargo, datos de campo presentados en esta investigación concuerdan con esta interpretación. ...
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En los Andes ecuatorianos, el registro del magmatismo Jurásico aflora al sureste de la zona Subandina. Estas rocas intrusivas fueron agrupadas indiscriminadamente en el batolito de Zamora, que fue definido como un cinturón de rocas intrusivas de 100 km de largo y de tendencia N-S, considerado las raíces magmáticas de un arco continental metaluminoso, calco-alcalino de larga vida, datado en el Jurásico Inferior (180 a 162 Ma). Sin embargo, el batolito de Zamora y rocas sedimentarias contemporáneas fueron afectadas por múltiples intrusiones, las cuales tienen alto interés científico y económico debido a su estilo de mineralización. Recientemente, al noroeste de Indanza, en el sector de Naiza, un granitoide emplazado en rocas sedimentarias de la Formación Chapiza y volcánicas de la Formación Misahuallí fue datado en 148,34±1,65 Ma. El intrusivo Naiza es una cuarzomonzonita, compuesta por oligoclasa, andesina, microclina, cuarzo, biotita y hornblenda. Datos geoquímicos indican que este intrusivo tiene afinidad alcalina a calco-alcalina alta en K y carácter metalumínoso. Patrones de tierras raras muestran: enriquecimiento de LREE respecto a HREE, anomalías positivas de Rb y Th, anomalías negativas de Eu y Nb. Estos patrones son comunes en ambientes de arco magmático de margen continental. Anomalías positivas de Pb indican contaminación cortical. Las relaciones entre Y, La y Nb sugieren que este intrusivo se formó en un episodio tardío a postmagmático en un dominio intracontinental.
... The Oriente Basin is in the Ecuadorian foreland of the Cordillera Real (Localities 27, 28 and 29, Fig. 1). Various authors mentioned the presence of Devonian units drilled by a limited number of wells, with the Sacha Profundo-1, IP-17, BEX-1, and Shushufindi A-39 wells being the primary sources of published data (Angulo et al., 2018;Baby et al., 2013;Diaz et al., 2003;Suarez and Ordoñez, 2007). The Pumbuiza Formation (Frasnian?) is the only suspected Devonian unit known although its thickness remains uncertain since no borehole has reached its base. ...
... Some regional seismic interpretations help to delineate the subsurface configuration and lateral extents of stratigraphic sequences. Although seismic imaging beneath Cretaceous reflectors in the Colombian, Venezuelan, Ecuadorian and Brazilian foreland basins is poor, various authors have published seismic profiles showing the configuration of the Paleozoic strata (e.g., Moreno-López and Escalona, 2015;Colletta et al., 1997;Diaz et al., 2003;Baby et al., 2013;Angulo et al., 2018;Caputo, 1991). However, only a few wells have reached the Devonian strata in these basins, indicating its limited lateral extent. ...
... For example, no Pennsylvanian and Permian strata have been reported in the Llanos Orientales and Apure basins (Bartok, 1993;Dueñas-Jiménez et al., 2020;Rodriguez et al., 2021) and could be considered a time of no deposition. In contrast, the Oriente Basin preserves Pennsylvanian and Permian successions, which laterally extend further to the western flank of the Iquitos High (Diaz et al., 2003;Baby et al., 2013). Considering this, we selected three regional seismic profiles from the Llanos Orientales and the Oriente Basins to show the distribution of Devonian sequences in the subsurface (Fig. 5, location of 2D-seismic lines in Fig. 1). ...
The Devonian Period experienced the proliferation of vascular plants and had the highest levels of carbonate production, reef-building, and marine faunal diversity in the Paleozoic Era, which led to a diverse biostratigraphic record. While the presence of extensive reef systems is a characteristic feature of many Devonian deposits worldwide, this aspect is relatively subdued in northwestern South America. Instead, the Devonian stratigraphy of Colombia and Venezuela is characterized by marine faunas and flora which altogether point to a connection between Laurussia and Gondwana. Despite these biostratigraphic pieces of evidence, paleogeographic reconstructions of northwestern Gondwana are challenging. For these reasons in this contribution, we summarize the current knowledge of metamorphic, plutonic, and sedimentary Devonian rocks from northwestern Brazil to Venezuela along with our new results to propose paleogeographic evolution during Early, Middle, and Late Devonian time. Devonian sedimentation in northwestern Gondwana took place under an extensional tectonic regime widely documented at the current Eastern Cordillera and Llanos basin in Colombia delineating a Devonian back-arc basin, shaped by normal and dextral strike-slip en echelon faults. Paleontological data discloses to ages ranging from Pragian to Frasnian for the Devonian sedimentary rocks in northwestern Gondwana deposited during a transgression along a north-south trending epicontinental basin, on top of a Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement. During Eifelian-Givetian times, the build-up of a carbonate platform indicates the maximum flooding surface of the basin. Finally, during the Frasnian-Fammenian, a regressive cycle characterized by coastal facies indicates a period of uplift possibly linked with the first stages of western Pangaea amalgamation and the Rheic Ocean closure. Recently, published U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology from Devonian sediments of Colombia basins suggests a protracted active margin during Paleozoic times, with near-zero lag times between zircon crystallization and sedimentation. These provenance constraints appear to contradict Devonian magmatic quiescence in northwestern Gondwana. In contrast, south of the Macarena Range in the structural domain of the Guiana Shield, Devonian sedimentary rocks exclusively yield Proterozoic zircon inheritance. Observed changes in detrital zircon provenance suggest, 1) A Devonian magmatic arc in the Oaxaquia, Mixteca, or Maya blocks, was likely the source of detritus to Devonian basins in northern Colombia and Venezuela, and 2) A paleogeographic control must have prevented the interconnection of northern Devonian sediment routing systems with their southern counterparts in the Guiana Shield. In this scenario, basement highs within the Guiana Shield vicinity likely acted as paleogeographic barriers compartmentalizing Devonian sedimentary basins in northwestern Gondwana.
... The first Cretaceous sequence is formed by the Hollin and Napo Formations, which is composed of sandstones, limestones, and organic-rich shales (Fig. 2). The Albian sandstones from the Hollin Formation were deposited above the pre-Albian unconformity (Baby et al., 2013) and derived from the Amazon craton (Gutiérrez et al., 2019;Ruiz et al., 2007). The Upper Cretaceous Napo Formation sedimentary rocks are derived from eastern cratonic sources, mainly from the Rondonian-San Ignacio terrane (1.8-1.3 ...
... Ga) (Gutiérrez et al., 2019). The Tena Formation (Maastrichtian-Paleocene) exhibits fine-grained reddish sediments that were deposited in a fluvial setting within a distal foredeep deposition zone (Baby et al., 2013). The sedimentary sources were related to the exhumation of the Cordillera Real to the west (Ruiz et al., 2004) and the recycling of ancient formations (Hollin and Napo formations) (Gutiérrez et al., 2019). ...
... La cuenca es asimétrica, se superpone gradualmente al escudo guyanés al este y está limitada por el cinturón plegado y sobrecorrido Subandino en el oeste (Ruiz et al., 2007). Respecto a la estructura de la cuenca, Baby et al. (2013) proponen tres dominios tectónicos: Subandino, Sacha-Shushufindi y Capirón-Tiputini. ...
... La cuenca desarrolló dos grupos de fallas con tendencias NO-SE y NE-SO, por separado (Yinfu et al., 2010). A partir de secciones geológicas regionales, la cuenca Oriente puede dividirse en tres cinturones estructurales de oeste a este: el cinturón de empuje del piedemonte occidental (Cinturón Plegado Sobrecorrido Subandino), el sistema de rift invertido central a lo largo del Corredor Sacha-Shushufindi y el Sistema Invertido Capirón-Tiputini o región de deslizamiento de rumbo (strike-slip) conjugado oriental (desde la falla inversa Fanny-Dorine y más al este la falla inversa del ITT) (Baby et al., 2013;Lin et al., 2015). La orientación de los tres cinturones tectónicos es casi N-S, donde la parte norte de la cuenca está más desarrollada estructuralmente que la parte sur. ...
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The Oriente Basin (Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic) is one of the most complex and attractive foreland sedimentary basins of the northern Andes. It is made up of various tectonic and sedimentary cycles developed on a Precambrian basement. To evaluate the theoretical geothermal potential and the potential uses of heat in the basin, data on Bottom Hole Temperatures (BHT) of 1683 deep oil wells, distributed in 202 individual fields, have been plotted on a geo-referenced map, covering an area of 57.400 km2. The statistical treatment of the data for the calculation of the geothermal gradient included corrections of the BHT according to the method proposed by Willet and Chapman. From the plotted data, it becomes clear that the Sacha-Shushufindi Corridor shows low gradient values (7.38 to 26.1ºC/ km). Instead, high gradient values (26.1 to 69.01ºC/km) are present in the Sub-Andean System and Capirón-Tiputini System. The distribution of temperature anomalies seems to be related to the NNE-SSO structural control of the basin, whose permeability pattern is well known. The extraction of heat for commercial uses is highly facilitated by the existence of deep wells that penetrate high-gradient zones, saving the generally prohibitive costs of deep drilling.
... From the Late Cretaceous to the Early Paleogene, the Andean shortening started to control the configuration of the Western Amazonian basins (Horton, 2018;Hurtado et al., 2018;Louterbach et al., 2014Louterbach et al., , 2017Calderón et al., 2017b;Hermoza et al., 2005). The Cenozoic retroarc foreland infill comprises the fluvial and lacustrine siltstones/mudstones of the Paleogene Yahuarango Fm. (Marañon-Huallaga-Ucayali basins) Roddaz et al., 2010;Hermoza et al., 2005;Gutierrez, 1982;Kummel, 1948), which can be correlated with the Tiyuyacu (Oriente Basin) (Baby et al., 2013) and Huayabamba formations (Madre de Dios Basin) (Louterbach et al., 2014). These formations can be correlated with the Paleocene-lower Eocene braided fluvial deposits of the Rentema Fm. in the Bagua Basin (Moreno et al., 2022(Moreno et al., , 2020 (Fig. 3B). ...
... The shallow marine deposits of the middle Eocene-Oligocene Pozo Fm. are recorded in the Santiago, Marañón, Huallaga and Ucayali basins. The Pozo Fm. can be correlated to the north with the Ortegaza Fm. (Oriente Basin) (Baby et al., 2013) and to the west with the Eocene Series (Eastern Cordillera) and the fluvio-lacustrine Cajaruro Fm. (Bagua basin) (Moreno et al., 2022(Moreno et al., , 2020 ( Fig. 3A and B). It is overlaid by the Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene fluvial deposits of the Chambira Fm. in the Peruvian retroarc foreland basins (Antoine et al., 2016) and by the Chalcana Fm. in the Ecuadorian Oriente retroarc foreland basin (Baby et al., 2013). ...
... The Pozo Fm. can be correlated to the north with the Ortegaza Fm. (Oriente Basin) (Baby et al., 2013) and to the west with the Eocene Series (Eastern Cordillera) and the fluvio-lacustrine Cajaruro Fm. (Bagua basin) (Moreno et al., 2022(Moreno et al., , 2020 ( Fig. 3A and B). It is overlaid by the Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene fluvial deposits of the Chambira Fm. in the Peruvian retroarc foreland basins (Antoine et al., 2016) and by the Chalcana Fm. in the Ecuadorian Oriente retroarc foreland basin (Baby et al., 2013). These formations can be correlated with the Upper Eocene-middle Miocene meandering deposits of the Sambimera Fm. in the Bagua Basin (Moreno et al., 2022(Moreno et al., , 2020 and Eastern Cordillera, and the Capas Rojas Fm. in the Santiago Basin (Fig. 3B). ...
... The Ecuadorian Andes constitute a bivergent orogen with active thrusting at the western flank of the Western Cordillera (Eguez et al., 2003;Jaillard et al., 2004Jaillard et al., , 2005 and in the sub-Andean ranges in the east (Baby et al., 2013). Currently, transpression dominates this region, which causes the northward extrusion of the North Andean Sliver along the dextral Puna-Pallatanga-Cosanga-Chingual fault system (Figure 1b; e.g., Alvarado et al., 2016). ...
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The subduction of bathymetric highs, such as aseismic ridges, leads to far‐reaching changes in the dynamics of subduction zones with increased plate coupling and deformation in the upper plate. Subduction of the submarine Carnegie Ridge on the Nazca Plate has fundamentally impacted late Cenozoic magmatism and tectonic activity in the northern Andes. However, the timing of onset of Carnegie Ridge subduction has been a matter of debate. Time‐temperature inverse modeling of new thermochronological data from the Western Cordillera of Ecuador reveals two phases of cooling separated by isothermal conditions. The first cooling phase postdates early and middle Miocene magmatism in the Western Cordillera and is attributed to post‐magmatic thermal relaxation. The second cooling phase started after 6 Ma. Inferred to record the onset of tectonically controlled rock uplift and exhumation in the Western Cordillera, this phase is coeval with the last cooling phase recorded in the Eastern Cordillera. Based on these findings, we suggest that the onset of subduction of the Carnegie Ridge at ∼6–5 Ma increased plate coupling at the subduction interface, promoting shortening, regional rock uplift, and exhumation in the northern Andes. Overall, our results highlight the essential role of bathymetric highs in driving regional upper‐plate deformation at non‐collisional convergent plate margins.
... Turonian to the Quaternary (Subandean Domain), its effect was highly variable depending on the area affected and the orientation of pre-existing structures Baby et al., 2013;McGroder et al., 2015). This "continuous" deformation developed in time and space with different intensities and it was probably controlled by the pre-Cretaceous paleogeography. ...
Surface geology, well data and 2D seismic interpretations reveal the presence of triangle zone structures at the contact of the Subandean Ranges and the Amazonian foreland in Peru. From north to south the Santiago, Marañon, Ucayali and Madre de Dios basins have been studied. Interpretations presented in this study show a great variety of structural styles at this contact area. Simple triangle zones with one back thrust, composite ones with several back thrusts, more complex double vergent ones with pop-up structures, best described as fish-tails, tectonic wedges and passive-roof duplexes are present in the study area. The role of pre-Andean tectonics and paleogeography is key to understanding the Andean evolution, due to the control on the location and geometry of the main detachment levels. The Santiago Basin is characterized by the presence of fish-tail structures with a Permian-Triassic evaporitic basal detachment located at the base of the Pucara Gr. At the Ucayali Basin, several detachment levels interact, the basal ones located within the Ordovician, Devonian, and Carboniferous defining triangle zones or tectonic wedges. At the Madre de Dios Basin, two detachment levels define the base of the triangle zone, Permian shales in the northwest at the Inambari Imbricates area, and Lower Devonian (Cabanillas Gr.) in the southeast at the Candamo area. A roof thrust is located within the Paleogene section at both the Madre de Dios and Ucayali basins, defining passive-roof duplex structures. Several detachment levels are rooted into the Lower Paleozoic; others within the Permian-Triassic section, being locally evaporitic, and finally others are located at the base of the Cretaceous. Paleozoic shales represent the main basal detachment level of the southern Subandean ranges. The role of these detachments and the role of the sedimentation rate are discussed as factors that control the development and geometry of the triangle zones described in the study area. Except for the San Martin-Sagari area of the Ucayali Basin, the triangle zones of the Santiago and Madre de Dios basins remain unexplored even though active petroleum systems are present. Sub-thrust structures at the Azulmayo area of the Madre de Dios Basin remain promising undrilled structures.
... El levantamiento Napo corresponde a un complejo tipo antiforma relacionado con un mega sistema de empuje y acortamiento (Baby et al., 2013). Donde afloran esencialmente formaciones neógenas y cuaternarias de la Cuenca Oriente, existe un cambio en la geometría de las fallas que se vuelven más cabalgantes al contacto Zona Subandina con la Cordillera Real (Mariño, 2015). ...
... ➢ Corredor Sacha-Shushufindi: Conocido como (SSC), se encuentra en la parte más profunda del foredeep de la Cuenca Oriente, es decir en su depocentro. Al norte se extiende por el mencionado foredeep, mientras que al sur se extiende en dirección de la zona Subandina, gracias a la información sísmica se conoce que el corredor se abría formando durante el Turoniano y el Maastrichtiano (Baby et al., 1999(Baby et al., , 2013. La tendencia estructural de los esfuerzos durante el triásico tardío al jurásico temprano explican la tendencia oblicua del corredor con respecto a la los andes (Baby et al., 2013). ...
... Al norte se extiende por el mencionado foredeep, mientras que al sur se extiende en dirección de la zona Subandina, gracias a la información sísmica se conoce que el corredor se abría formando durante el Turoniano y el Maastrichtiano (Baby et al., 1999(Baby et al., , 2013. La tendencia estructural de los esfuerzos durante el triásico tardío al jurásico temprano explican la tendencia oblicua del corredor con respecto a la los andes (Baby et al., 2013). ...
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This work was based on the use of geochemical tools such as chemostratigraphy and discriminating geochemical diagrams (lithogeochemistry), with the following applications: lithological classification, provenance, sediment composition, paleoredox environments, weathering indices, mineral association, differentiation of marine sediments and nonmarines of the Hollin formation in the Sub-Andean zone of the Oriente Basin. The results of the lower member of Hollín formation reflected a predominance of non-marine quartz sandstones with an acidic to intermediate composition, without paleoredox environments, high weathering rates and with a mainly Andean contribution. On the other hand, the results for the upper member of the Hollín formation showed an important lithological variation with predominance in the field of non-marine shale and wackes with acidic to intermediate composition, which were affected by reducing conditions (paleoredox environments), low weathering rates and with a mainly cratonic contribution. The geochemical data collected in each of the lithofacies of the Hollín formation was compared with the data from studies by Mariño (2015) and Vallejo et al. (2021), in this way it was shown these studies are consistent with the results of this research.