-Map of potential agricultural of soils, presented by using a visual order.

-Map of potential agricultural of soils, presented by using a visual order.

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On the teaching and learning of Geography, at least in Europe, School Geographic Atlases have earned credit among the didactic materials since the early nineteenth century. The fi rst school atlas of the european continent was the germanic «Kleiner Atlas Scholasticus», concluded in 1710. Other similar atlases appeared, conceived as simplifi catio...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... takes into account a classifi cation criterion that defi nes a threelevel hierarchy. In order to represent it in a map, the ordered chorochromatic method is selected, which employs a visual order between colors, ranging from dark to light green. The representation shows the spatial arrangement of soils in accordance with their potential order. (Fig. 2) ...
Context 2
... classes will appear on the map through the use of two opposing visual orders. In the case of cool colors, from the darkest to the lightest color, while for the hot colors, from the lightest to the darkest color, in a succession of the positive values of the classes (Fig 12). ...


... Para melhor compreender as possibilidades das cartografias afetivas digitais e aplicá-las de forma mais adequada ao contexto proposto, alguns princípios provenientes da revisão bibliográfica foram elencados. Ressalta-se que estes princípios não são binários, mas sim intensidades de uma escala, na qual uma cartografia pode ter uma característica predominante (Martinelli;Hess, 2014). Para simplificar sua explicação, no entanto, serão apresentados como pares ( Fig. 1). ...
... Um mapa interativo e estático, segundo Menezes (2000), possui atributos "clicáveis", os quais funcionam como uma interface para outras informações internas, portanto, é denominado não responsivo. No caso de mapas interativos e dinâmicos, tem-se a incorporação de dados gerados externamente ao dispositivo utilizado pelo usuário (Martinelli;Hess, 2014). Martino et al. (2019) definem uma cartografia responsiva imediata como aquela capaz de fornecer respostas em tempo real aos seus usuários advindas de dados espaço-temporais externos. ...
Conference Paper
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The following research aims to elaborate and evaluate a categorical method of systematization, the thus called digital affective cartographies. In the context of 21st century smart cities, technological devices enable urban capture and processing of a large amount of dynamic data, which can facilitate the understanding of dynamic data from digital maps. The categorical method was organized into four system layers: (a) dynamicity (dynamic x static), (b) responsiveness (immediate x non-immediate), (c) implementation domain (hard x soft) and (d) affective aspect (quantitative x qualitative). For the evaluation of this and to test its applicability, it was applied in four cases of the Senseable City Lab: (1) City Veins (several cities), (2) City Ways (San Francisco and Boston), (3) Unparking (Singapore) and ( 4 ) Copenhagen in real time (Copenhagen). Keywords: Affective cartography, Affect, Map categorization, Smart City. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo a elaboração e avaliação de um método categórico de sistematização das aqui chamadas cartografias afetivas digitais. No contexto das cidades inteligentes do século XXI, dispositivos tecnológicos possibilitam a captação e processamento de uma grande quantidade de dados, os quais podem facilitar a compreensão das dinâmicas urbanas através dos mapas digitais. O método categórico de sistematização foi organizado em quatro camadas: (a) dinamicidade (dinâmica x estática), (b) responsividade (imediata x não imediata), (c) domínio de implementação (hard x soft) e (d) vertente afetiva (quantitativa x qualitativa). Para a avaliação deste método e testar sua aplicabilidade foi aplicado em quatro casos da Senseable City Lab: (1) City Veins (diversas cidades), (2) City Ways (São Francisco e Boston), (3) Unparking (Cingapura) e (4) Real time Copenhagen (Copenhagen). Palavras-chave: Cartografia afetiva, Afeto, Categorização de mapas, Smart City.
... Para melhor compreender as possibilidades das cartografias afetivas digitais e aplicá-las de forma mais adequada ao contexto proposto, elencaram-se alguns princípios provenientes da revisão bibliográfica. Ressalta-se que estes princípios encontrados não são binários, mas sim intensidades de uma escala, na qual uma cartografia pode ter uma característica predominante (Martinelli e Hess, 2014). Para simplificar sua explicação, no entanto, serão apresentados como pares. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper focuses on the study of affective and digital cartographies and on relating them systematically with their design applications. The research is based on theDesign Science Research strategy, through the following logical structure: (1) Problem identification; (2) Communication; (3) Definition of the objective of the solution; (4)Artifact design, development and implementation; (5) Demonstration and Evaluation.The results presented correspond to phases (1), (2) and structuring of (3). The categorization was based on the principles: (a) dynamism (dynamic vs. static), (b)responsiveness (immediate vs. non-immediate), (c) implementation domain (hard vs.soft), and (d) affective aspect (quantitative vs. qualitative). This was synthesized in achart, which was submitted to the analysis of a group of 4 experts from a public urban planning entity, and possible applications of affective cartographies in urban projects were obtained. Those were confronted with reality from the overlapping of the problems listed with the synthesis chart, positioning such cartographies as to their vocations (PDF) Affective Cartographies for Smarter Cities. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358607280_Affective_Cartographies_for_Smarter_Cities [accessed Aug 16 2022].
... The advantages of using land-use update modules are based on the scale and intensity of land-use changes in terms of improving the spatial distribution responses and temporal predictions of the model [16]. Based on these approaches, many studies have emphasized the effects of land-use changes on soil and water resources [18][19][20][21], groundwater and surface runoff [16], water quality [22], and water components and sediment [23,24]. ...
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The main objective of this study was to evaluate various land-use input conditions in terms of the performance improvement found in consequent flow and sediment simulations. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was applied to the Dakbla watershed from 2000 to 2018. After the calibration and validation processes, dissimilar effects between the input conditions on the flow and sediment simulations were confirmed. It was recognized that the impact of the land use on the sediment simulation was more sensitive than with the flow simulation. Additionally, through monthly evaluation, the effects against the flow and sediment in the rainy season were larger than those in the dry season, especially for sediment simulation in the last three months from October to December. Changing land-use conditions could improve flow and sediment simulation performance better than the performance found with static land-use conditions. Updated land-use inputs should be considered in simulations if the given land-use condition changes in a relatively short period because of frequent land-use policy changes by a local government.