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The presence of ancient underground urban drainage system in cities entails serious risks to public safety. Often, the presence of these hydraulic structures is forgotten and their projects missing in public offices. In this work the critical issues of the old urban drainage system of Corato, a city in the south of Italy, are described. In particul...
Technical Report
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Gli episodi di allagamento in aree urbane con conseguente devastazione delle abitazioni, delle attività produttive e perdita di vite umane costituiscono notizia sempre più frequente. In effetti il progressivo sviluppo urbanistico ed edilizio e il conseguente aumento delle aree impermeabili hanno provocato da una parte un rilevante incremento delle...
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The complex phenomenon of sedimentation in urban areas is well studied using numerical models. Because they may be used to mimic sediment flow, obstructions, and drainage system optimization, the simulations are useful in urban planning and design. By merging ANSYS Fluent with Rocky, researchers were able to track the motion of sediment particles o...
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Processes of urbanization and climate change are affecting the water balance in our cities, resulting in challenges such as flooding, droughts and heat stress. In many places worldwide the development of watersheds has increased the impervious land cover and led to an increase in stormwater runoff volume, with resultant flooding. Now, with increase...
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Pervious concrete, characterized by its composition of coarse aggregate embedded in cement paste without fine aggregates, creates a network of interconnected pores that enable water flow within the material’s internal structure. This paper presents an analysis of the unsaturated flow behavior within pervious concrete elements specifically designed...