Figure 1- - uploaded by Marco Pavia
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Location map of the Apricena quarries area (left) and view of the Dell'Erba quarry (right top) and details on the extensive fossiliferous karst network developed in the Mesozoic limestone (right bottom).

Location map of the Apricena quarries area (left) and view of the Dell'Erba quarry (right top) and details on the extensive fossiliferous karst network developed in the Mesozoic limestone (right bottom).

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A new species, Palaeortyx volans n. sp., of Phasianidae (Aves: Galliformes) is described from the Neogene vertebrate assemblage of the Gargano (Italy). The Gargano fossil vertebrate association has been well known since 1971, and it is considered to be an island fauna because of the high degree of endemism shown by different taxa. The original desc...

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... locality -Chirò 27, Chirò quarry, Apricena, (Foggia) Gargano area, Southern Italy ( fig. 1). The Chirò 27 fissure excavaded by Freudenthal in the Chirò quarry no longer exists because of the quarry activities; the Chirò quarry is still active at the present ...

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The author has studied a number of fossil bird bone remains from palaeontological sites in the Carpathian Basin during the last years. Their description was planned in three subsequent papers following the taxonomic order. Following the first paper (KESSLER 2009), this second part includes remains of species from the order of Galliformes (Phasianid...


... The barn owl from Polgárdi, Tyto campiterrae, which was previously synonymized with the Middle Miocene species T. sanctialbani ( Mlíkovský, 2002), actually significantly differs in morphology (see above) from Middle Miocene members of the family ( Pavia and Mourer-Chauviré, 2012;Göhlich and Ballmann, 2013). The genus Palaeortyx, primitive in morphology compared to extant phasianids ( Mayr et al., 2006;Zelenkov, 2009), apparently persisted in Europe at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary only on islands of the Mediterranean ( Göhlich and Pavia, 2008); and small phasianids from Pol , 2016Eurobambusicola turolicus Zelenkov, 2016 Syrmaticus phasianoides ( Jánossy, 1991) Plioperdix hungarica ( Jánossy, 1991) Phasianidae gen. indet. ...
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A taxonomic revision of Upper Miocene Neoaves from Polgárdi locality is summarized. Rallicrex polgardiensis is transferred to the genus Rallus. The taxonomic position of R. kolozsvarensis is discussed. Porzana estramosi veterior and P. kretzoii are transferred to the genus Zapornia former is ranked as species. It is shown that the material referred to Egretta polgardiensis, Surnia robusta, and Otis kalmani actually belong to the fossil barn owl Tyto campiterrae. The genera Cuculus and Tetrao are identified incorrectly and several other taxa cannot be identified to genus. A fragmentary carpometacarpus originally referred to as Gallinago veterior actually belongs to Glareolidae. A complete list of revised non-passeriform taxa from Polgárdi is provided and the composition of the avifauna is discussed. The absence of taxa shared with approximately contemporaneous avian assemblage from the Hyargas-Nuur 2 locality in eastern Mongolia is evidence that at least two separate zoogeographical units of temperate avifaunas existed in the Late Miocene of Eurasia.
... The fossil remains have been found in the lower part of the Scontrone Calcarenite, marginal marine carbonates representing the early stage of the Tortonian transgression, in an interval represented by coastal sandbars [19]. Gargano and Scontrone represent the most important fossil localities of this palaeobioprovince [17], which was characterized by very peculiar vertebrate associations with highly endemic macro-and micromammals, reptiles and birds [16][17][18][20][21][22][23][24][25], all of them grouped in the so-called Mikrotia fauna [18,26]. It is worth mentioning that the fossil vertebrate association of this palaeobioprovince is also characterized by the absence of terrestrial predators, with the exception of the very peculiar hedgehog Deinogalerix [25], the otter Paralutra [27] and a crocodile [28], the latter two known from very few remains. ...
... Remarks: The faunal composition of the Apulia-Abruzzi Palaeobioprovince has been extensively studied [16,18,[20][21][22]24]. The largest avian taxa are the Accipitridae Garganoaetus freudenthali and the Tytonidae Tyto gigantea [20,21]. ...
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New skeletal elements of the recently described endemic giant anseriform Garganornis ballmanni Meijer, 2014 are presented, coming from the type-area of the Gargano and from Scontrone, southern and central Italy, respectively. The new remains represent the first bird remains found at Scontrone so far, and another shared element between these two localities, both part of the Apulia-Abruzzi Palaeobioprovince. The presence of a very reduced carpometacarpus confirms its flightlessness, only previously supposed on the basis of the very large size, while the morphologies of tarsometatarsus and posterior phalanges clearly indicate the adaptation of G. ballmanni to a terrestrial, non-aquatic, lifestyle. Its very large body size is similar to that observed in different, heavily modified, insular waterfowl and has been normally interpreted as the response to the absence of terrestrial predators and a protection from the aerial ones. The presence of a carpal knob in the proximal carpometacarpus also indicates a fighting behaviour for this large terrestrial bird species.
... In these avifauu nas, which include many endemic elements, a signifii cant Palearctic influence is also seen, manifested, for example, in the presence of taxa widespread in Eurr asia, such as the phasianid genus Palaeortyx, the dabb bling ducks Chenoanas and Mioquerquedula, and the grebe genus Miobaptus (see above). Future finds of the phasianid Palaeortyx in the Neogene of Asia were pree dicted by Kurochkin (1985); however, it is remarkable that this genus existed in Europe from the Oligocene to terminal Miocene ( MourerrChauviré, 1992;Göhlich and Pavia, 2008), but, judging from presently available data, appeared in Asia only at the end of the Early Miocene-beginning of the Middle Miocene. Another important paleozoogeographic feature of Early Miocene avifaunas from Central Asia is comm plete absence of members of "Dendrocheninae." ...
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A complete taxonomic review of Neogene birds of continental Asia is provided. To date, avifauna from the latter half of the Miocene and Pliocene of Central Asia (Mongolia and adjacent regions of Inner Asia) are most thoroughly investigated. Available data enable a reconstruction of successive replacement of Early and Middle Miocene avifaunas by communities of the Recent type. Middle Miocene avifaunas of Mongolia include a great number of extinct genera and species, many of which were widespread in Eurasia. Extant genera became dominant in the Late Miocene and taxa close to living species appear in the Late Pliocene fossil record. Late Pliocene communities of birds of Central Asia were complex in genesis, composed of Miocene relicts (Struthio), immigrants from the European regions of the Palearctic (phasianid Plioperdix), North American immigrants (Calcarius), and also autochthonous elements, the origin of which is apparently connected with the arid belt of Central Asia (diverse passerines).
... R e m a r k s. Some specimens of small Phasianidae from Polgárdi belong to rather small taxa, similar in size and proportions to Palaeortyx brevipes Milnee Edwards, 1869 from the Upper Oligocene-Middle Miocene of Western Europe and Palaeortyx grivensis Lydekker, 1893 from the upper Middle Miocene of France ( MourerrChauviré, 1992;Göhlich and MourerrChauviré, 2005;Göhlich and Pavia, 2008); however, it is larger than Palaeortyx volans Göhlich et Pavia, 2008 andPalaeortyx joleaudi Ennouchi, 1930. At the same time, structural details of the coracoid and tarsometatarsus preclude the assignment of this form to the genus Palaeortyx. ...
... R e m a r k s. Some specimens of small Phasianidae from Polgárdi belong to rather small taxa, similar in size and proportions to Palaeortyx brevipes Milnee Edwards, 1869 from the Upper Oligocene-Middle Miocene of Western Europe and Palaeortyx grivensis Lydekker, 1893 from the upper Middle Miocene of France ( MourerrChauviré, 1992;Göhlich and MourerrChauviré, 2005;Göhlich and Pavia, 2008); however, it is larger than Palaeortyx volans Göhlich et Pavia, 2008 andPalaeortyx joleaudi Ennouchi, 1930. At the same time, structural details of the coracoid and tarsometatarsus preclude the assignment of this form to the genus Palaeortyx. ...
... V. 2015.115.1, this incisure and respective crest are undeveloped. In the relative dimensions, the carpometacarpus of Eurobambusicola corresponds to that of extant Bamm busicola and extinct Palaeortyx brevipes and Palaeoc ryptonyx donnezani ( Göhlich and Pavia, 2008;Pavia et al., 2012); in Plioperdix and extant Coturnix, the carpometacarpus is significantly elongated in relation to the humerus. The carpometacarpi of extant Bambuu sicola and Gallus is similar to that of Eurobambusicola in the structure of the distal part of the trochlea carpaa lis, which is indistinctly separated from the proximal part of the trochlea. ...
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A taxonomic revision of Galliformes (Aves) from the Upper Miocene of Polgárdi has confirmed the presence of five taxa. A large pheasant originally described as Pavo aesculapi phasianoides Jánossy, 1991 is referred to the genus Syrmaticus as a valid species, S. phasianoides (Jánossy, 1991), comb. nov. Small phasianids are represented in Polgárdi by four taxa: Mioryaba magyarica gen. et sp. nov., Eurobambusicola turolicus gen. et sp. nov., Plioperdix hungarica (Jánossy, 1991), and a form similar in size to Mioryaba magyarica, but having a more primitive structure of the tarsometatarsus and carpometacarpus.
... cf. Palaecryptonyx sp. (Fig. 3h) Stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the genus: Late Early Miocene to Pleistocene in Europe (Göhlich and Mourer-Chauviré 2005, Göhlich and Pavia 2008, Sanchez Marco 2009, Pavia et al. 2012). Material: Proximal end of right humerus, damaged (UMJGP 210965). ...
... Another difference between Palaeortyx and Palaeocryptonyx (Zelenkov 2009) is a shallow and proximally indistinctly outlined sulcus ligamenti transversus for the latter genus, which is the case in the Gratkorn humerus. The distal border of the ventral pneumotricipital fossa—even if crushed—seems to be formed by a bony crest, often observed in Palaeocryptonyx (Göhlich and Pavia 2008). Also the metrical comparisons are ambiguous. ...
Among the rich late Middle Miocene vertebrate fauna from Gratkorn [MN(7+)8] in Styria, Austria, birds are among the rarest of vertebrate fossils. Only isolated elements—13 bones and two claws—have been recorded, most of which are fragmentary, thereby hampering systematic determinations. However, four different taxa have been identified as representing at least three different species of galliforms (Miogallus altus, cf. Palaeocryptonyx edwardsi, cf. Palaeocryptonyx sp.) and the mousebird Necrornis cf. palustris. All of these taxa have been known to be present before from Middle Miocene deposits in Europe, but there existence has been proven for the first time in Austria.
... Despite its damage, by means of its shallow dorsal fossa pneumotricipitalis, which proceeds smoothly slightly oblique distoventrally, the bone can be identified as Palaeocryptonyx. In the contemporary and more frequent genus Palaeortyx this dorsal fossa is deeper (Göhlich and Mourer-Chauviré 2005;Göhlich and Pavia 2008). An additional distinguishing feature, the nonpneumatisation of the ventral fossa pneumotricipitalis (which is pneumatized in Palaeortyx) (Göhlich and Mourer-Chauviré 2005; Göhlich and Pavia 2008) is not verifiable due to complete sediment filling in this fragile fossa. ...
... Another difference between Palaeortyx and Palaeocryptonyx (Zelenkov 2009) is a shallow and proximally indistinctly outlined sulcus ligamenti transversus for the latter genus, which is the case in the Gratkorn humerus. The distal border of the ventral pneumotricipital fossa-even if crushed-seems to be formed by a bony crest, often observed in Palaeocryptonyx (Göhlich and Pavia 2008). ...
... and Fanfani, 2013; Van der Geer, 2008; Villier et al., 2013). The Neogene fossil bird assemblage of Gargano was first described by Ballmann (1973 Ballmann ( , 1976 ), who identified 16 avian taxa, most of them endemic, in the orders Galliformes, Anseriformes, Accipitriformes, Strigiformes, Columbiformes, Apodiformes, Piciformes and Passeri- formes. Göhlich and Pavia (2008) described the small phasianid Palaeortyx volans, the most abundant species in the assemblage. Birds of prey were abundant and varied greatly in size, with the largest being the buteonine hawk Garganoaetus freudenthali Ballmann, 1973 (the size of a Golden Eagle) and the barn owl Tyto gigantea Ballmann, 1973 (larger than the Eurasian eagl ...
A new large representative of the Anseriformes, Garganornis ballmanni n. gen. et n. sp., from the Miocene of Gargano, Italy, is described from the distal end of a left tibiotarsus. G. ballmanni displays morphological features that are characteristic of the Anseriformes, but differs from all extant and fossil Anseriformes, as well as from taxa closely related to Anseriformes. G. ballmanni is characterized by a very wide and shallow fossa intercondy-laris, a less pronounced difference in width of the lateral and medial condyle, reduced epicondyli, and a circular opening of the distal canal. G. ballmanni is larger than any living member of Anseriformes, and with an estimated body mass between 15.3 and 22.3 kg,it was most likely flightless. Although the observed similarities between G. ballmanni and basal taxa might indicate that G. ballmanni represents an insular relict of a stem lineage, it is considered more likely that G. ballmanni was a species of waterfowl highly adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle in an insular environment where mammalian carnivores are rare.
... More recently, I started the revision of the whole bird material from the Gargano Terre Rosse stored in the various institutions involved in the field activities. The preliminary results of this analysis reveal the presence of at least 28 taxa (Gö hlich and Pavia, 2008;Pavia, 2011). The aim of this paper is to describe the remains of Anatidae and Scolopacidae found in the ''Mikrotia fauna'' and stored in various collections. ...
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The late Neogene (MN13-14) fissure fillings found in the limestone quarries near Apricena (Foggia, Southern Italy) contain a well-diversified fossil bird assemblage. Most of the bird taxa show endemic characteristics following the high degree of insularity of the whole vertebrate assemblage. In addition to the endemic taxa, some non-endemic forms are present, mostly only recently found after the still ongoing revision of the whole bird remains. Here the remains of Anatidae and Scolopacidae are presented. This analysis reveals the occurrence of at least two taxa of Anatidae, Anas velox and Anatidae indet., and two taxa of Scolopacidae, Calidris sp. and an Scolopacidae indet. In addition, some remains are determined as Charadriiformes indet., but they probably represent more than one taxon, even if their bad status of preservation does not allow any further consideration. The detailed study of these remains and their comparison with the other European Neogene taxa already described is carried out.
... The tetrapods assemblages yielded by the Terre Rosse deposits present many taxa with different degree of morphological modification derived from evolution in insular conditions. All the classes of vertebrates are represented (Masini et al., 2010): Amphibia, Reptilia (Delfino, 2002; Delfino et al., 2007), Aves (Ballman, 1973Ballman, , 1976 Gö hlich and Pavia, 2008), and Mammalia. The fauna, as often happens in insular settings, is highly unbalanced: it consists primarily of endemic small mammals and birds, some of which of gigantic size. ...
... These assemblages, known in the literature as the Mikrotia fauna, for the occurrence of several species of the peculiar endemic murid Mikrotia, have been the object of several studies concerning systematic, paleogeography, biochronology and evolutionary topics (De Giuli et al., 1990;Masini et al., 2010). At present, detailed taxonomical studies have been carried out on birds (Ballmann, 1973(Ballmann, , 1976Gö hlich and Pavia, 2008;Pavia, 2013), murids (Freudenthal, 1971(Freudenthal, , 1976Zafonte and Masini, 1992;Abbazzi et al., 1993;Parra et al., 1999), cricetids (Freudenthal, 1985;Savorelli, 2013), glirids (Daams and Freudenthal, 1985;Freudenthal and Martín-Suá rez, 2006;Martín-Suá rez and Freudenthal, 2007;Rinaldi and Masini, 2009), ruminants (Leinders, 1984;Van der Geer, 1999Mazza and Rustioni, 2011;Mazza, 2013), Ochotonids (Mazza, 1987a(Mazza, , 1987b(Mazza, , 1987cMazza and Zafonte, 1987); and insectivores (Freudenthal, 1972;Butler, 1980;Fanfani, 1999;Villier et al., 2013). ...