Lighting recommendations related to the Illuminance and Uniformity levels in kindergartens, created by authors based on the EN 12464-1:2011 lighting standards [34]. The minimum illumination level for playroom, nursery and handicraft room is 300 lux. The recommended colour rendering is 80.

Lighting recommendations related to the Illuminance and Uniformity levels in kindergartens, created by authors based on the EN 12464-1:2011 lighting standards [34]. The minimum illumination level for playroom, nursery and handicraft room is 300 lux. The recommended colour rendering is 80.

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Light is the foundation of the visual perceptual process that initiates the evaluation of the surrounding area. Linked to various aspects and rhythms of the body, light connects us to both the natural environment and the interior space. The process of perceiving and assessing space for children and adults with different viewing heights and viewing...

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... in educational spaces and classrooms, the amount of light needed has a great variety due to the numerous different course activities that take place throughout the day. Specifically, lighting standards as shown in Figure 3, the requirements in kindergartens are set by the EN 12464-1:2011 lighting standards [34]. ...


... Emotion plays an important role in the use of furniture. Through combining case study and field investigation, the user emotion can be integrated, the user's emotional response can be identified, and the user's emotional evaluation can be analyzed, which can enrich the research of emotional design (Cheng et al. 2020;Angelaki et al. 2022). ...
In this work, kindergarten toy storage, defined as the construction area, puzzle area, scientific observation area, and role-playing area, and the toy characteristics of the four areas, was studied. Interviews and grounded theory were used to observe and summarize the behavioral needs of 3- to 6-year-old children and preschool teachers. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was used to analyze behavioral needs. It was concluded that the kindergarten toy locker optimization was designed to improve storage efficiency. However, the current layout of kindergarten toy lockers is chaotic, and children cannot efficiently and autonomously take toys from toy lockers. The best toy locker layout scheme was selected through an eye tracking experiment. The subjects were all 3- to 6-year-old children, a total of 30 people. By comparing the data such as hot spot map, trajectory map, area of the first viewpoint, and gaze time when children observed different lockers layout during the experiment, the optimal layout scheme of kindergarten toy lockers was comprehensively analyzed. Optimizing the zoning, classification, and storage of kindergarten toys is conducive to improving the efficiency of children’s independent storage, creating a kindergarten game and teaching environment conducive to children’s development.
... Ata et al. (2012) highlighted the importance of how lighting affects children's mental attitude. Angelaki et al. (2022) studied the literature on spaces for kindergartners' perception of space relating to lighting design. They synthesized the literature focuses on 3 design concepts: 1) Highlight each part of the room that has an activity area; 2) Concentrate light for activity clusters; and 3) Combination of light sources and light distributions (Angelaki et al., 2022: p. 20). ...
... The kinds of children's play spaces in a rural ODE that can better allay parents' concerns about safety in order to improve consumer satisfaction with the environment are subject to further research. Moreover, children are extremely sensitive to the physical environment, especially the light environment [64]. A reasonably good light environment can elicit positive emotions and a desire to explore, [65] has similar findings to our study, and we believe that suitable restaurant lighting environment has a certain appeal and competitive advantage for parent-child groups. ...
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The quality of the environment should be measured by the satisfaction of the public and guided by the issues of public concern. With the development of the internet, social media as the main platform for people to exchange information has become a data source for planning and management analysis. Nowadays, the rural catering industry is becoming increasingly competitive, especially after the pandemic. How to further enhance the competitiveness of the rural catering industry has become a hot topic in the industry. From the perspective of consumers, we explored consumers’ preferences in a rural outdoor dining environment through social media data. The research analyzed the social media data through manual collection and object detection, divided the landscape of the rural outdoor dining environment into eight categories with 35 landscape elements, and then used BP (Back Propagation) neural network nonlinear fitting and least square linear fitting to analyze the 11,410 effective review pictures from eight rural restaurants’ social media comments in Chengdu. We derived the degree of consumer preference for the landscape quality of the rural outdoor dining environment and analyzed the differences in preference among three different groups (regular customers, customers with children, and customers with the elderly). The study found that agricultural resources are an important factor in the competitiveness of rural restaurant environments; that children’s emotions when using activity facilities can positively influence consumers’ dining experiences; that safety and hygiene environment are important factors influencing the decisions of parent–child dining; and that older people are more interested in outdoor nature, etc. The research results provide suggestions and knowledge for rural restaurant managers and designers through human-oriented needs from the perspective of consumers, and clarify the preferences and expectations of different consumer groups for rural restaurant landscapes while achieving the goal of rural landscape protection.
... The Special Issue, entitled "The Future of Interior Lighting Is Here", addressed several subjects on interior lighting such as architectural lighting, daylighting, Human Centric Lighting (HCL), the impact on human health, lighting design, sustainability, and social impact and wellbeing. A total number of eleven articles, ten research papers [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] and one review paper [34], were published. In terms of the geographical distribution of the affiliations of the 34 contributing authors, contributions originated from ten countries, including Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Korea, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, and UK. ...
... An educational building constitutes a unique type of building, and the lighting parameters affecting students' performance are the illuminance, uniformity, visual comfort, glare, and light sources-correlated color temperature. Angelaki et al. [24] described the general lighting design strategies for kindergarten students. Their objective was to identify environments that support each pupil's spatial perception. ...
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One word that characterizes the situation in the lighting industry during recent years is “change” [...]