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Level 1 DFD of Free Bus Ticketing Systems.

Level 1 DFD of Free Bus Ticketing Systems.

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High population growth causes an increase in community mobility to meet their travel needs. This has an impact on the use of private vehicles that are not controlled, which is causing transportation problems. The solution to the transportation problem is to use public transportation as a mode of travel. The government is obliged to provide adequate...

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... as customers must register prior to using the facility, buses/feeders are public transport vehicles that provide the service where service admin is a staff who manage the administration of the system. The level 1 DFD of Free Bus Ticketing Systems is presented at the Figure 5. The DFD contains two external entities, 3 data stores and 3 processes. ...

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Sering terjadi dijumpai pada jalanan kota-kota besar maupun perkotaan, biasanya masyarakat memulai aktivitasnya pada pagi hari, yang mana baik itu sekolah, bekerja maupun aktivitas lainnya. Sehingga dalam kegiatan pada saat yang sama, arus lalu lintas menjadi padat di jalan pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Tujuan Pemerintah Jember dalam program bus sekolah gratis adalah untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kemacetan, kecelakaan maupun pelanggaran lalu lintas. Dengan ini, pelaksanaan program bus sekolah sesdikit membantu untuk kelancaran arus lalu lintas di Jember khususnya di wilayah Jember Kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Penentuan informan pada penelitian ini yaitu Dinas Perhubungan Jember, orang tua, dan pelajar. Hasil dari penelitian ini dimana, Dinas Perhubungan Jember selaku lembaga pemerintahan yang melaksanakan program mengenai Bus Sekolah Gratis sebagai bentuk inovasi dalam transportasi publik yang di khususkan untuk para pelajar. Pelaksanaan program ini ditemukan beberapa dampak yang terjadi di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil kesimpulan untuk keseluruhan bahwa upaya penerapan program yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tuntutan transportasi dari segi pendidikan yang sangat berdampak sekali, sehingga melalui program ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan kemacetan, kecelakaan pada anak di bawah umur, dan dapat mengurangi konsumsi penggunaan BBM.
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The city of Surakarta has experienced a population growth of 2.42% since 2010 which has an impact on increasing public needs in the transportation sector. The increasing number of transportation in Surakarta City can causes various kinds of problems, one of which is increase air pollution of SO 2 and NO 2 . This study aims to determine impact transportation developments on increase in air pollution of SO 2 and NO 2 gases in Surakarta City during 2013 – 2020. Research method using regression calculation to determine the effect of transportation growth on the accumulation of SO 2 and NO 2 gases and time series analysis. The time period is 2013 – 2020 in Surakarta City by determining 20 monitoring points to obtain SO 2 and NO 2 gases data collected using the passive sampler method. The results obtained indicate a fluctuating increase and decrease in SO 2 and NO 2 gases during the period 2013 – 2020. Total amount of SO 2 gas collected during 2013 – 2020 was 2095.67 g/Nm ³ with the highest amount being in 2014 at 353.72 g/Nm ³ , while the total amount of NO 2 gas collected during 2013 – 2020 Overall it was 2202.64 g/Nm ³ , the highest was in 2014 which was 416.07 g/Nm ³ . The impact of transportation growth on NO 2 gas is 89,4% during 2013 - 2020, while for SO 2 gas there is no significant effect.