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This paper presents the main factors influencing quality of human resources. High-tech affects practical aspects of the functioning of society and organization, including the selection process. The company's priority tasks are formation of a professional and competent team, hiring, recruiting, and finding the appropriate personnel. Digital-economy...
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... However, when the British took possession of the island, a tug-of-war for language supremacy ensued, becoming a crucial aspect in the development of the sociolinguistic landscape of the country (Tirvassen, 2014;Rughoonundun-Chellapermal, 2020). Both languages -English and French -have survived through negotiations, and continue to be the two most 'prestigious' languages in the linguistic landscape, symbolising status and education (Sauzier-Uchida, 2009;Tirvassen, 2015Tirvassen, , 2017Mahadeo, 2017;Rughoonundun-Chellapermal, 2020). Furthermore, the educational system was anglicised, which is an important feature in the Mauritian sociolinguistic landscape (Tirvassen, 2014). ...
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Since the arrival of indentured immigrants to Mauritius in the 19th century, the teaching of the Telugu language has been present across various levels. Over time, it gained official recognition when it was formally incorporated into the curriculum as an ancestral language during the 1960s. The inclusion of ancestral languages as optional core subjects fulfils linguistic roles such as revitalisation, identity preservation, and cultural maintenance. This stands in contrast to compulsory subjects like English and French, which primarily serve as languages for epistemological development. Teachers teaching Telugu, like other ancestral languages, experience their role as teachers differently. This study delved into the nuances of these experiences. A case study design was employed to investigate and gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of teachers instructing Telugu in state secondary schools. Initial data sources, directed at the entire population, allowed me to obtain a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon and subsequently select participants for the subsequent phases. Adopting an interpretive phenomenological approach, I conducted semi-structured interviews with six participants in three distinct settings. The collected data were analysed through the application of a socio-cultural perspective and Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. This approach and theory provided a framework to comprehend the experiences of a culturally and linguistically minority group of teachers within a multilingual environment. Various constructs and concepts such as ‘language power’, ‘’minority languages, ‘linguistic identity’, ‘language preservation’, and ‘revitalisation’ were unpacked and a thematic approach was employed to interpret and analyse the data. The study reveals that Telugu teachers exhibit a strong sense of attachment and belonging to the language of their immigrant forefathers, even though it is largely no longer spoken. Ascribing a distinct role and significance to their profession, these teachers exhibit language loyalty and actively contribute to the preservation of language. Telugu teachers are actively involved in the revitalisation process, and the existing language policies lead to transformations in identities and experiences of Telugu teachers over time. Telugu teachers mediate the use and study of the language by maintaining a home environment where Teluguness is omnipresent. Socio-cultural factors influence the experiences of teachers. Similarly, the participating Telugu teachers were socially involved and influenced by their engagement in socio-cultural activities in socio-cultural spaces.
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Introduction: The JLE editors explore multilingual perspectives in language learning, education, and society, as compared with mono- and bilingual perspectives. The notion of a separate language system turned out to be far from today’s multilingual communications. The approaches to multiple language learning have dramatically changed towards multilingualism. The editorial review aims to consider the potential of the field for the JLE. Basic Terminology and Definitions: the JLE editors dwell upon the key terms applicable to the field of multilingualism, including multilingualism on its own, plurilingualism, bilingualism, multilinguality, polylingualism, metrolingualism, heteroglossia, and linguistic repertoire. Research on Multilingualism and beyond: in this section, the JLE readers can find a short review of the research publications on multilingualism, bilingualism, plurilingualism, and linguistic repertoire indexed in the Scopus database. Conclusion: multilingualism as a research field has a perspective for the Journal of Language and Education. Multilingualism is a many-faceted field, developing rather fast. Research on multilingualism may enrich the scope of the JLE and attract new readers.
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Learning through tasks has always been known for its effectiveness in providing learners with the ability to apply and practically benefit from knowledge in their future academic endeavors. The more challenging task for teachers is to integrate the task-based approach into education, keeping in mind the diversity in student types. In most cases, preschools include mixed age groups which encourages every child to accept involvement in a group. This study focuses on exploring the effect of a task-based approach in raising children’s cultural awareness. It aims at proving that a task-based approach may offer children the opportunity to experiment and use a foreign language more naturally, thus raising and reciprocating their cultural awareness of the target language. The research method is qualitative, and the analysis is descriptive. The sample is composed of 275 learners in KG3 classrooms in an Islamic educational institution. The results yielded positive outcomes concerning raising the children’s cultural awareness.
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This volume contains a selection of eighteen articles that originated as papers presented at the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching International Conference and Exhibition (ALLT 2018), which was held at Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in March 2018. The articles selected for inclusion showcase high quality contributions that document theory, research, and pedagogy within the field of Applied Linguistics and language teaching in the Arab Gulf and beyond.