Figure 8 - uploaded by Rémi Moyen
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Left, proposed pads (producers in red, injectors in green) between the median (P50) position of the top and base of the target bitumen zones, which are shown as horizons. Right, section showing the probability of producing bitumen across southern pad (along the plane in the left figure) after connectivity analysis.

Left, proposed pads (producers in red, injectors in green) between the median (P50) position of the top and base of the target bitumen zones, which are shown as horizons. Right, section showing the probability of producing bitumen across southern pad (along the plane in the left figure) after connectivity analysis.

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Context 1
... Three maps (P10, P50, P90) representing pessimistic, median and optimistic scenarios of the depth of the base of the target bitumen zones (Figure 8, left). ...
Context 2
... inverted triangles move upward from the well pairs and will be blocked or deviated by shale barriers. This producible volume was computed for each individual realization and by combining all the realizations, the probability of producible bitumen (Figure 8, right) could be generated. In this final step of the post-inversion analysis; the histogram of volume of sand connected to the producer(s) can be used to make better decisions in the light of the existing uncertainty (as it was for the length of the marine cable in the introduction). ...

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Responsibly using the subsurface for geo-energy extraction or storage requires an accurate understanding of the static and dynamic behaviour of the targeted reservoirs. While mostly dependent on intrinsic rock properties (e.g. porosity and permeability), this behaviour is also believed to be significantly impacted by the presence of natural fractures. For example, depending on their opening, connectivity, intensity or cement infill, natural fractures can both channel or inhibit fluid flow, thereby causing significant local flow heterogeneities which can both increase or decrease geo-energy production values. Therefore, assessing the possible characteristics of natural fractures has become an integral component in complex reservoir studies. The characterization of natural fractures in the subsurface is often done using a multitude of scales, tools and data-types. 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This is done using numerical modelling, outcrop analogues and subsurface data. Using a numerical modelling procedure expanded upon previous literature studies, we investigate the development of natural fracture networks. Our work shows that the characteristics of the numerically-acquired networks are mostly controlled by the interplay between the applied stress conditions and Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. For instance, we show that mode I fracture networks reach a saturated state, where further fracture infill is inhibited, becaue of local tensile driving stress reductions (chapter 2). Depending on the applied tensile stress conditions and Poisson’s ratio, saturated network geometries range from close spaced parallel fractures to orthogonal nested arrangements. Mode II conjugate fractures form in response to compressive differential stresses and reach a ’saturated’ state via stress localization, with numerically derived geometries being resembled out of conjugate fractures having coeval abutment relations (chapter 3). Here the network characteristics such as intensity or porosity are dependent on the applied differential stresses. Natural fractures are also influenced by the mechanical stratigraphy (chapter 4). We show that differences in elastic properties result in significant local stress changes and tensile stresses developing in the stiffer layers. Our results also show that these local stress changes can explain the differences in fracture behaviour commonly observed in laboratory experiments and outcrop examples. Finally, implementing low inter-facial frictions and/or high confining pressures negate the observed effects caused by contrasting layer properties. In chapter 5, we present an outcrop analogue study which highlights clear correlations between natural fractures, compressive far-field stresses and a large underlying cave system. The acquired drone imagery and on-site investigations indicate a large and connected fracture network whichmost likely formed due to two compressive deformation events. Further, field evidence, geometrical data and fluid-flow simulations portray a clear correlation between the observed fractures and cave tunnels. Because of this correlation, we believe that the observed fractures acted as conduits for fluid-flow, which given enough time, resulted in the development of the large underlying cave-system. Our and other outcrop examples indicate that natural fracture network arrangements generally have distinct hierarchical, spacing and topological relationships. In chapter 6, we present FracSim2D, a open-source and python-based 2D discrete fracture network (DFN) simulator which incorporates these characteristics by introducing user-defined placement rules. By doing so, geological observations made on outcrop analogues can be adequately captured by the simulated DFN’s. In chapter 7, we investigate the potential impact of natural fractures on geothermal heat extraction from tight reservoirs, by performing a subsurface case study which presents a multi-scale and data-driven workflow of 1) image-log and core-data analysis, 2) seismic reservoir characterization and 3) DFN - and temperature modelling. The results show that the studied Triassic reservoir is significantly fractured and faulted, with the analysed fractures being hydraulically conductive. Further, the DFN - and temperature models indicate that if open, the observed natural fractures significantly increase the effective permeability of the reservoir, thereby making fluid-flow and heat production possible. The results presented in this Thesis further illustrate the mechanical and tectonic controls on fracture network development and saturation, as well as, the impact that these structural features have on the effective permeability, fluid flow and geo-energy production. While some important processes and uncertainties are not fully addressed, we believe that the results and workflows presented in this Thesis provide a framework which can help in better characterizing natural fracture networks on outcrops and in subsurface reservoirs. However, it should be noted that the prediction and characterization of natural fractures in subsurface reservoirs remains an relatively uncertain process.
... The seismic and well data were integrated using geostatistical inversion, which allows for the generation of high-frequency property models (McCrank et al., 2009;Delbecq & Moyen, 2010;Fig. 4; Table 1). ...