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-Lean Seven Kind of Waste (TOYOTACOMPANY, 2007)

-Lean Seven Kind of Waste (TOYOTACOMPANY, 2007)

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Purpose: This article is focused on the premise that applying Lean tools in transport and logistic services can contribute to reduce the costs, stocks, lead time and simultaneously contributing to major financial achievements. The objective is to create a model that allows the analysis and deployment of a Lean project in Logistic and Transport serv...

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... after knowing all the flux of inputs and outputs of added value in the process we can dedicate time into waste elimination. Only through the study and development of the following items, figure 4, it's possible to create value: With the objective of knowing Lean philosophy, figure 5, we need to know the 7 kinds of waste: ...

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In recent days global competition is prevailing between the manufacturers. The key to competing in the international market place is to simultaneously improve both quality and productivity on continual basis. Lean production gives reduced lead time, continuous process flow, reduced cycle time, eliminates wastes and over production. To achieve these...
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The study shows the application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as a tool in assessing the outcome of the Gemba Kaizen Event. AHP-QFD method is used to analyze the process of prioritizing the Lean strategy, tools and technique for a Gemba Kaizen Event performed at a manufacturing company. The data obtaine...


... A number of works and publications devoted to the "problems of implementing lean manufacturing" actually consider not problems but obstacles, i.e., quite surmountable circumstances that hinder the implementation and broad use of lean manufacturing tools. For example, they identify a shortage of time and resources, the lack of a development program, the reluctance of workers to use new technologies, the cost of implementing these technologies, the type of management thinking, and the misunderstanding of lean manufacturing concepts [1,2,3,6,7,8]. The common feature of all these obstacles is that their solution can be trivially reduced to an increase in the budget or implementation term, and as we know, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem but an expense. ...
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The article explores the techniques and tools of lean manufacturing, and formulates the concept of implementing lean approaches in transportation enterprises. Lean manufacturing technologies are necessary for the transportation industry, and their application is already in progress in many companies with varying speed and effectiveness. To achieve this, firstly, existing practices in implementing lean manufacturing technologies in transportation enterprises are analysed, secondly, the organisation of flow of individual transportation and logistics operations is identified as the fundamental basis for a lean transformation, and thirdly, a possible approach to revising the overall organisation of transportation enterprises is proposed to realise a continuous flow through the transition to network-centric logistics. The scientific novelty of the study is that it presents and analyses the problem of contrasting partial and systematic implementation of one of the most promising management methodologies, and identifies a direction for formulating specific recommendations for transportation enterprises. The main idea of the concept is that transportation enterprises are encouraged to focus on the flow of information rather than material.
... In light of global economic integration, companies need a reliable transportation system to keep production supplies flowing and deliver to consumers on time and within budget (Villarreal, Garza-Reyes & Kumar, 2016). This will ensure clients receive their items safely and reduce the chance of damage or loss (Pinho & Lobo, 2019). Pooling is the process of combining multiple client orders into one for picking and loading based on location, size, priority, or any other criterion. ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of lean supply chain practices on the performance of Kassmatt Supermarket Limited. Methodology: A descriptive research design was used for the investigation. The study targeted 180 employees from Kassmatt supermarket limited. The sample size of the study was 124 respondents. The researcher utilized self-administered questionnaires to collect primary data with the aid of the drop and pick method. The pilot study utilized 10 percent of the actual sample size, which was equal to 12 participants. The data obtained from the questionnaires was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 28. The study employed percentages, frequencies, means and standard deviations to analyze descriptive research. Inferential analysis was also done. Tables were used to present findings. Finally, multiple regression model was fitted into the study. Results: The findings revealed a positive significant relationship between lean supply chain practices in the elements of demand management, process standardization, lean customer practice, lean transport [predictor variables] and performance of Kassmatt Supermarkets Ltd. The study concluded that Kassmatt had implemented the aforementioned lean supply chain practices with the aim of improving its firm performance. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study enhances our understanding of lean supply chain methods and company performance. The study validated and extended supply chain management and performance theories by evaluating lean approaches in retail. The study's finding of additional variables that may affect lean practices and performance led to new suggestions. The study informed managers and practitioners about lean supply chain benefits. The study helped Kassmatt Supermarkets Limited and other merchants improve their supply chain management and operations. Supply chain management innovation and development may help organizations stay competitive in the rapidly changing business environment, according to the paper. The study informed policymakers and regulators on how lean supply chain methods may affect retail sector efficiency. Lean methods improve consumer satisfaction, waste reduction, and efficiency, which can inform retail supply chain excellence policies. The research also stressed the need of regulations encouraging industry-wide cooperation and knowledge sharing, which can increase innovation and efficiency.
... Meanwhile, the practice of doing business in developed countries shows that logistics plays a strategically important role in organizing trade flows. Logistics has many forms and directions -these are industrial logistics, trade logistics, information logistics, transport logistics, management logistics, warehouse logistics and others [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
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In the research article, it is emphasized that the logistics information system has a high role in the world and in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in order to create effective logistics systems and speed up the process of cargo delivery, the author is asked to organize transportation and logistics information centers based in Uzbekistan on information resources in the railway sector. indicates that it occupies an important place in the practice of the main trends in the development of the transport-logistics sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the factors hindering the development of the local transport-logistics information system are revealed. The object of research is the transportation logistics information system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and improving its efficiency. The method of analysis, grouping, synthesis, organizational-operational model was chosen as research methods. The model proposed in the study is divided into a number of modules united by the decision of common functional tasks. With this method, it is achieved by expanding the scope of services provided, fulfilling the order on time, increasing the volume of transportation and reducing the overall operational and logistics costs. As a result of the studies, proposals were developed to increase the potential of the transport communication system of our country, to create an effective system of transport-logistics and communication services.
The development and implementation of logistics systems for managing the quality of transport services is important and expedient from the point of view of ensuring customer satisfaction (quality management makes it possible to ensure high quality of transport services, which, in its turn, leads to customer satisfaction), effective use of resources during the provision of transport services, increasing efficiency and productivity of production processes and application of innovative technologies. Quality management of transportation services includes regular monitoring of service quality, collection and analysis of data on customer requirements, customer satisfaction, investigation of emerging problems and their resolution. The analysis of existing theoretical provisions and practical experience regarding the integration of quality management and logistics activities showed that insufficient attention has been paid to this issue. The theoretical aspects of implementing an integrated approach to the creation of a logistics system for managing the quality of transport services, as well as the definition of the main principles of its formation and implementation, require clarification. The article substantiates the expediency of applying a systemic approach to the integration of logistics and quality management of transport services and logistics service, and specifies the composition and interrelationship of the elements of the logistics quality management system. Logistics management of the quality of transport services involves activities to ensure the required level on the basis of consumer requirements and directions for increasing the efficiency of using financial, material, personnel and information resources. The main provisions of the logistic approach to the management of the transport services quality are as follows: application of the process approach to the logistics flow and the flow of quality formation; the principle of complexi­ty; optimization of logistics flows and flows of quality formation based on interaction and synergy. A scheme of a system approach to the integration of logistics and quality management at the enterprise has been developed. The composition of the logistics system elements for managing the quality of transport services is substantiated. The directions of further scientific research are the development of functions and implemen­tation mechanisms of the proposed logistics system for managing the quality of transport services.
У статті розглянуто питання сутності якості транспортно-експедиційного обслуговування (ТЕО) та логістичних принципів його ефективності. Наголошено, що транспортний сервіс в Україні не відповідає міжнародним вимогам за якістю обслуговування. Рівень розвитку транспортно-експедиторської галузі, якість послуг, що надаються, конкурентоспроможність українських компаній та їхня фінансова спроможність дуже відстають від середньосвітових показників, а це призводить до значних фінансових втрат і негативно позначається на іміджі національної транспортної системи загалом. Водночас вважається, що зусилля з розвитку транспортно-експедиційної діяльності в Україні мають бути спрямовані на підвищення їхньої якості. У зв’язку з цим своєчасне вирішення проблем управління якістю транспортно-експедиційних послуг виступає важливим етапом оптимізації експедиційної діяльності. Показано, що підставою виокремлення кількох доволі великих груп складових елементів ТЕО слугує розуміння будь-якої системи як сукупності безлічі елементів, що перебувають у відносинах і зв’язках один із одним, утворюють певну цілісність, єдність. А проблема управління якістю ТЕО є однією з першорядних, пов’язаною з виконуваною роллю транспорту як найважливішої інфраструктурної галузі економіки. Способом вирішення питань управління якістю ТЕО виступає її забезпечення, що виражається в ефективному управлінні перевізним процесом, що являє собою цілеспрямований вплив на організацію використання знарядь і засобів праці (транспортних засобів) та на поведінку персоналу, який бере безпосередню участь у переміщенні вантажів або пасажирів. Суб’єкти ринку ТЕО мають досить обмежену базу даних щодо перевізників і ще скромніший досвід організації перевезень, вони не можуть охопити для аналізу весь обсяг різних варіантів доставки вантажів, що не завжди дає їм змогу вибрати найоптимальніший варіант транспортування. Сформована система на рівні дрібних транспортно-експедиційних компаній діє на засадах мережевого маркетингу, але замість залучення нових учасників “іззовні” відбувається відокремлення їх від уже існуючих на ринку підприємств. Запропоноване наступне трактування поняття “управління якістю транспортно-експедиційного обслуговування”, під яким розуміється безперервна поетапна взаємодія керуючої та керованої підсистем (взаємодія суб’єктів управління) на стратегічній, корпоративній, навчальній основі, спрямована на забезпечення якості транспортно-експедиційного обслуговування. Доведено, що управління якістю ТЕО проектується на нижні рівні управління, які впливають на систему показників і критеріїв для оцінювання результативності процесів, структурних підрозділів, діяльності керівників і персоналу, а також враховує формування стратегії розвитку та цілі конкретних компаній, що здійснюють ТЕО.
Green bonds are fixed-income financial instruments that resemble conventional bonds but differ from them in the purpose of issuance. Since their purpose is to finance socially responsible and environmentally sustainable projects, they are linked to ESG criteria and have only been present in the financial market for a relatively short time. Despite the increasing presence of green bonds in recent years, many countries have not yet recognized the importance of this form of financing because they have not issued green bonds. In the context of the research objective, this paper defines the purpose of issuing green bonds under adverse climatic conditions that pose systemic risk to financial systems. The paper stands out the importance of the regulatory framework needed for the further development of the green bond market in the world. With an overview of green bond representation by region in the world and a special focus on Europe, this paper offers conclusions and recommendations for future development.KeywordsESG criteriaCapital marketSystemic risk
Globalization, regional integration, and the era of digitalization impose the need for Customs, as an entity of the state administration, to implement process innovations in terms of integration, automation, and digitalization. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the possibilities of improving the customs system by applying process innovations. For the experiment, economic operators, as end users of the customs system were employed for a case study to test and verify the proposed guidelines for the lean innovation approach. The main methods used in the research are descriptive analysis of the processed data collected by survey and the method of interview with the economic operators. The result of the research is that applying process innovation supported by lean approach prior to digitalization can significantly improve efficiency, effectiveness and shorten the execution time of customs transit procedure.KeywordsLean innovationProcess innovationDigitalizationCustoms system
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Purpose: Develop a new model that combines the concepts of Maintenance, Lean Philosophy, and Industry 4.0 to improve maintenance management. Methodology/Approach: For the elaboration the following methodology was used: Bibliographic review of the existing models of joint application: Maintenance, Lean Philosophy, and Industry 4.0. Critical analysis of the existing models of joint application of the three concepts. Preparation of the model proposal and analysis of the results. Findings: The model developed is easy to apply, flexible and inexpensive, being a useful tool for both the maintenance and production areas, in any size and industrial area. Research Limitation/implication: One of the limitations is the distance between the devices that make up the system, as it can influence their performance. The implementation of Total Productive Maintenance can present some challenges within companies. Originality/Value of paper: The study presents a new model to improve maintenance management, being unique since the existing models are mostly focused on predictive maintenance. The system also allows the introduction of the monitoring of other important parameters such as vibrations, temperature among others.