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Laboratory study of Ohm's law for a section of a circle in the virtual laboratory PraxiLabs.

Laboratory study of Ohm's law for a section of a circle in the virtual laboratory PraxiLabs.

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The use of cloud computing in the form of virtual laboratory workshops is a way to solve the existing problems of training future physics teachers, especially in the widespread use of e-learning. The world educational community has developed and is using a variety of electronic educational resources combined in collections and libraries, and the us...


... • Personal Learning Environment Design: person-oriented tools, adaptive [38] and intuitive learning, cloud-based learning environment [39,40,41,42,43,44,45] ...
Conference Paper
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The 3L-Person 2023 workshop provided a unique forum for researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to explore the multifaceted role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in lifelong learning and professional development. Held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on October 25, 2023, the workshop showcased 11 high-quality papers that addressed a wide range of topics, including: personal learning environment design, advanced ICT for professional retraining and training in the workplace, and blended and remote learning/teaching with emerging ICT. The workshop facilitated lively discussions and networking opportunities among participants, who shared their experiences and insights on the emerging trends and issues in this interdisciplinary field. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the 3L-Person 2023 workshop, including its theme, aims, topics of interest, program committee, accepted papers, and key outcomes. Orcid 0000-0003-3184-1147 (S. J. Papadakis); 0000-0003-0789-0272 (S. O. Semerikov); 0000-0002-0164-8365 (Y. V. Yechkalo); 0000-0001-9752-0907 (V. Ye. Velychko); 0000-0001-6825-4697 (T. A. Vakaliuk); 0000-0002-6008-3122 (S. M. Amelina); 0000-0001-8011-5956 (A. V. Iatsyshyn); 0000-0002-8087-962X (M. V. Marienko); 0000-0003-4957-0904 (S. M. Hryshchenko); 0000-0002-5879-5147 (V. V. Tkachuk)
... Matific, and others are appropriately used as interactive instruments for studying physics, mathematics and astronomy [27,[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. The most popular among teachers is PhET Interactive Simulations which is a free educational Internet resource that contains more than 150 interactive simulations in different branches of science, in particular, physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. ...
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The development of students’ key competences and their scientific worldview is one of the significant tasks of secondary education. Understanding of the Universe, its objects, structure and research methods is an important part of natural and mathematic worldview. Problem-based learning is a relevant form for develop critical thinking during the study of these topics in the course of astronomy. In the conditions of distant learning this can be realized with the help of interactive online platforms whereas practical tasks can be realized through the use of simulators, mobile and computer applications. This will contribute the development of students’ key competences and practical skills. This research offers to emphasize the Universe study and interactive technology use in order to develop research, information and digital competences as well as competences in natural sciences and technologies.
... Long noted that CERN is also using innovative software adapted by European particle physics researchers and made available on the Internet to introduce more innovative research methods for teaching particle physics concepts [20]. This allows students to get a "hands-on" experience in the classroom and see what real scientific research might look like [21]. ...
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The article discusses the theoretical justification, and the process of developing, implementing, and experimentally verifying the methodology for training future physics teachers using open experimental data from the European Center for Nuclear Research in studying elementary particle physics. The main stages of the study of elementary particle physics are clarified, taking into account the modern achievements of CERN. In the work, the study of elementary particles was carried out based on data from the CMS detector (Compact Muon Solenoid). A description of the methods, techniques, and ways of using the proposed methodological tools for the workshop on the physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles is presented. The process of selection and preparation of tasks and instructions based on the open experimental data of the European Center for Nuclear Research, recommendations for working with software, and their approbation in the educational process is considered. An experimental verification, analysis, and generalization of the research results were carried out. Arguments are given regarding the effectiveness and practicality of using the open experimental data of CERN in the process of studying elementary particle physics.
... An important stage in the development of intellectual education-scientifically abilities of students is not only the study of theory, but also the implementation of this theory in practical activities [1,7]. Therefore, modern methods of teaching physics foresees the involvement of students in such types of educational activities that allow to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, in particular, to perform laboratory work by students [2,8,9]. ...
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This article presents laboratory equipment for practice learning of physics specialties students in the framework of educational course “Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics”. The presented laboratory equipment allows measuring the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity coefficient of molecular liquids under atmospheric pressure and saturated vapors pressure in the temperature range from 150K to 400K. A general scheme of the developed experimental setup for measuring the thermal conductivity of liquids by the steady-state method under isobaric condition has been described. The created laboratory setup uses general design solutions of the coaxial cylinder method, preserving its features and measurement precision in general. The measurements are carried out on coaxial-geometry cell under atmospheric pressure. A modified heat potentiometer method with one thermometer was used, which allowed us to minimize the error in the estimation of the thermal conductivity coefficient due to the uncontrollable heat flows and different calibration of thermometers. The total systematic error in the measurement of the molecular liquids thermal conductivity does not exceed 3%. The procedures for direct measurement and calculation of the thermal conductivity coefficient of molecular liquids using the developed laboratory equipment are described.
... Впливу хмарних технологiй на вищу освiту присвячено детальнi дослiдження об'єднання EDUCASE [8] та колективу авторiв пiд керiвництвом С. Л. Гупти [4]. В. Є. Величко зi спiвавторами [2,30] дослiджують можливостi впровадження хмарних технологiй у навчальну дiяльностi педагогiчних унiверситетiв. Дослiдники описують переваги й недолiки хмаро орiєнтованих засобiв як технологiчної основи створення навчальних ресурсiв. ...
... Крiм того, платформа OwnCloud пiдтримує створення нових додаткiв, що є актуальним для пiдготовки фахiвцiв з програмної iнженерiї та викладання iнформатичних дисциплiн. Вбудований текстовий редактор системи OwnCloud розпiзнає близько 30 ...
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Objective: This study aims to develop a comprehensive methodology for integrating cloud-based learning tools into software engineering education for students in higher education institutions (HEIs).Research tasks: The research encompasses exploring the psychological and pedagogical aspects of software engineering education in HEIs, investigating the influence of cloud technologies on higher education, designing a robust model for implementing a methodological system that incorporates cloud-based learning tools, and conducting an experimental implementation of the proposed model.Research focus: The research focuses on the teaching and learning process of software engineering disciplines among students in HEIs, specifically emphasizing the utilization of cloud-based learning tools.Research methods: The research methodology involves analyzing relevant scholarly publications, dissertations, conference proceedings, and seminars, along with studying the experiences of educators through surveys and questionnaires. Additionally, the research incorporates practical experimentation with cloud-based learning tools.Research findings: The study highlights the crucial need to prioritize fundamental knowledge acquisition in software engineering education, which can be facilitated by the mobility features inherent in cloud-based learning tools. Furthermore, it reveals a significant correlation between emerging trends in information technology and the development of methodological teaching systems. The analysis underscores the transformative impact of cloud technologies on learning tools and other key components of the methodological teaching system. The research successfully implements an experimental model that integrates cloud-based learning tools into the methodological system.Conclusions and recommendations: The findings demonstrate that cloud technologies profoundly influence the technological aspects of the methodological system while simultaneously shaping the objectives and curriculum of IT professionals. The developed methodological system, which incorporates cloud technologies, plays a pivotal role in fostering the foundational education of IT professionals.
... In the study, it was found that educational materials using technology can inspire students' imagination, and showed how technology can inspire students' imagination while fostering a more motivating learning environment. More options for communication between teachers and students have also been shown to exist because of technology [10]. ...
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The goal of this study is to ascertain whether simulations created using Physics Education Technology (PhET) may enhance SMAstudents' performance on particular physics topics. The performance of SMA high school students on a chosen physics topic, specifically electrodynamics, can be improved using (PhET) simulation. The performance of SMA students on a chosen physics topic, namely electrodynamics, was examined in this study using a quasi-experimental methodology. In this study, 72 SMA students participated in a quasi-experimental design with multiple-choice pre- and post-tests. The division of the class into two parts—one for the control group and the other for the experimental group—was done based on the sections that the students were in. Every day during their spare time, the experimental group was permitted to play the PhET simulation for an hour, whereas the control group received no exposure to any supplemental activities that would have caused the experiment to be successful. ideas in electrodynamics are formalized through production. Despite the students' apparent interest in the simulation, the results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between the control and experimental groups' mean scores. Perhaps the simulations that they had experienced throughout the lectures piqued students' interests further. The study also revealed that there was not necessarily a significant difference between students' performance before and after exposure to the PhET simulation, but rather a slight improvement.
... In the study, it was found that educational materials using technology can inspire students' imagination, and showed how technology can inspire students' imagination while fostering a more motivating learning environment. More options for communication between teachers and students have also been shown to exist because of technology [10]. ...
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The goal of this study is to ascertain whether simulations created using Physics Education Technology (PhET) may enhance SMAstudents' performance on particular physics topics. The performance of SMA high school students on a chosen physics topic, specifically electrodynamics, can be improved using (PhET) simulation. The performance of SMA students on a chosen physics topic, namely electrodynamics, was examined in this study using a quasi-experimental methodology. In this study, 72 SMA students participated in a quasi-experimental design with multiple-choice pre- and post-tests. The division of the class into two parts—one for the control group and the other for the experimental group—was done based on the sections that the students were in. Every day during their spare time, the experimental group was permitted to play the PhET simulation for an hour, whereas the control group received no exposure to any supplemental activities that would have caused the experiment to be successful. ideas in electrodynamics are formalized through production. Despite the students' apparent interest in the simulation, the results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between the control and experimental groups' mean scores. Perhaps the simulations that they had experienced throughout the lectures piqued students' interests further. The study also revealed that there was not necessarily a significant difference between students' performance before and after exposure to the PhET simulation, but rather a slight improvement.
... The authors' related works are referenced as [41,42,143]. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of thoroughly assessing the effectiveness of e-learning implementation models and associated resources in higher education institutions. ...
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This article serves as an introduction to a collection of selected papers presented at the ACNS Conference on Cloud and Immersive Technologies in Education (CITEd 2022), which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, on December 21-22, 2022. The collection provides valuable insights into the latest advancements in cloud and immersive technologies in the field of education. The introductory text offers an overview of the conference events and provides concise summaries of the selected papers, offering a glimpse into the diverse topics and research areas covered. These selected papers reflect the cutting-edge research and innovative approaches showcased at CITEd 2022, making them a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and practitioners interested in exploring the potential of cloud and immersive technologies in education.
... In Ukraine the problems of using free software in the education system are highlighted by Fedorenko et al. [2], Habrusiev [5], Horoshko, Kostiuchenko and Shkardybarda [6], Khakhanovskyi and Tonevytskyi [7], Lehka and Shokaliuk [12], Panchenko [21], Semerikov et al. [24], Teplytskyi and Semerikov [31], Velychko, Fedorenko and Kassim [37], Zlobin [39] and others. The current state of the issue of the use of cloud technologies in educational activities was revealed by Glazunova et al. [4], Kiv, Soloviev and Semerikov [8], Kolgatin et al. [9], Korobeinikova et al. [10], Korotun, Vakaliuk and Soloviev [11], Lytvynova [14], Markova et al. [15], Merzlykin, Popel and Shokaliuk [16], Modlo and Semerikov [17], Nechypurenko, Semerikov and Pokhliestova [18], Nosenko, Popel and Shyshkina [19], Oleksiuk and Oleksiuk [20], Popel and Shyshkina [22], Symonenko et al. [28], Tarasenko et al. [30], Vakaliuk et al. [32], Valko, Kushnir and Osadchyi [33], Velychko et al. [35] and others. However, the problem of in-depth exploration of free software capabilities and widespread use in educational activities remains. ...
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This article delves into the utilization of online services for studying and incorporating free software into educational settings. Free software embodies the principles of freedom and intellectual creativity, yet despite the existence of numerous software products within repositories, their integration into educational activities remains limited. Through questionnaires, analysis of open data, and reviewing existing research on the use of free software, this study identifies factors that facilitate or hinder its adoption in educational contexts. Drawing on the collected data, the article provides insights into the viability of incorporating free software into educational activities and showcases specific examples of its usage. Additionally, the study highlights the value of online resources in familiarizing educators and learners with free software, underscoring the central focus of this investigation. By shedding light on the potential benefits and challenges of leveraging free software in education and emphasizing the role of online services, this article contributes to the discourse surrounding the integration of free software in educational settings.
... This article highlights further research by the authors, begun in [89,312,315]. The article "Web-based support of a higher school teacher" [3] by Vitaliy V. Achkan in higher education. ...
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This is an overview of the Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020), which was held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on November 12-13, 2020. It includes an introduction, a summary of the papers, and some reflections on the event and its future.