Key questions in the questionnaire.

Key questions in the questionnaire.

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Measures to mitigate climate change are being considered all over the world. Reducing the use of air conditioners is one such measure. While it seems to be effective in mitigating climate change, it may also reduce individuals’ well-being and increase the risk of heatstroke. To compare the impact of reducing air conditioner use and the mortality ri...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... questionnaire was aimed at revealing the relationship between the use of air conditioners and users' emotional happiness. The important questions are presented in Table 1. Participants were asked to answer several questions, including "Did you use an air conditioner at your house yesterday [yes/no]?" ...
Context 2
... questions that remained after this procedure are presented in Tables A1 and A2. Covariates which showed a p-value of 0.1 or less were adopted. ...


To clarify the relationship among subjective factors of QoL as a basic study for evaluating the impact of climate change on QoL in the future, a questionnaire survey was conducted throughout Japan, and 11, 880 samples were obtained. The results showed that satisfaction with economic status and personal relationships had a significant impact on satisfaction with living, while there was a certain impact on that by satisfaction with regional conditions as convenience of living and local environment and culture. Positive emotions had a particularly large effect on subjective well-being, but there was also a direct effect of satisfaction with living. The classification of regions by the level of satisfaction with regional conditions revealed characteristic clusters, such as regions with low average temperatures and low satisfaction with regional climate. While there were no regional differences in subjective well-being, there were large regional differences in satisfaction with living, suggesting the need for evaluation tailored to regional characteristics.