Iron-related characteristics of typical anemia of chronic disease (ACD) and iron-deficiency anemia (IDA)

Iron-related characteristics of typical anemia of chronic disease (ACD) and iron-deficiency anemia (IDA)

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Periodontal infections were previously found to be associated with systemic diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia, and preterm low births. Individuals with gum disease have increased concentrations of circulating inflammatory markers that contribute to systemic inflammation, and periodontitis may tend toward...


... (14) However, others have reported improved anemia with the control of periodontal disturbances. (15)(16)(17) . ...
... It can also exist as a co-morbidity along with many chronic inflammatory infectious diseases, neoplasia and autoimmune disorders, where it is referred to as Anemia of chronic diseases (ACD). [4] Anemia of chronic disease is known to be mediated by cytokines released in the blood stream due to underlying chronic inflammatory/infectious conditions. [5] Additionally hepcidin, an iron binding protein, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ACD. ...
... , 대사증후군과의 관련성 연구 8,9) , 골다공증과 의 관련성 연구 10,11) , 당뇨와의 관련성 연구 12,13) 16) , 치주염 을 치료함으로서 백혈구, 혈소판 수치를 감소시키고 적혈구, 헤모글로빈, 헤마토크리트를 증가시킨다고 보고하였다 17) . 한 편 치주질환의 심도와 헤모글로빈 수치와의 상관관계가 없다 는 보고도 있었다 18) . ...
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the periodontal health indexes of some college students and awareness of periodontal health by conducting a survey and complete blood count(CBC) to evaluate periodontal health status. Methods : The study subjects were 133 college students. After receiving informed consent, the health-related majoring students voluntarily participated in this study from May 1 to 30, 2012. Results : 1. In order to assess periodontal health indexes, total scores of all the 15 items were calculated and mean was 3.06 of 5 points. Mean of periodontal health was 3.48. 2. High hemoglobin and high hematocrit revealed high periodontal health indexes and high platelet resulted in low peridontal health indexes. 3. Red blood cell, hemoglobin, and hematocrit of the male, older, smoking, and high periodontal index students showed higher range of score in the meanwhile white blood cell and platelet was low range. The range of female students were not statistically significant. Conclusions : Periodontal health education program is very important to periodontal care and can motivate the oral health behavior change.
... The third case was a severe anemia patient who recovered from the anemia dramatically after extraction of many hopeless teeth and resolution of severe periodontitis. 3 This case is very interesting. The authors also taught us how to differentiate anemia of chronic disease from iron-deficiency anemia. ...
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... periodontitis. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] These clinically interesting reports have mentioned the importance of clinical treatment of anemia in order to obtain an acceptable oral health status. Thus, researchers should investigate the relation between periodontitis and anemia. ...
... 10 However, other studies have reported improved anemia with the control of periodontal disturbances. [6][7][8] Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain these observations, but there is currently limited high level clinical evidence that applies to all patients with anemia and periodontitis. ...
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Anemia is a worldwide health problem that manifests in different types. This illness has some causes, which affect body health generally. Studies have shown that some anemia types make humans more sensitive to infections. A 23-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with complaints about tooth mobility. Generalized severe alveolar bone loss was verified by a radiographic examination. After a comprehensive clinical examination and taking her medical history, we decided to schedule a medical consultation with a physician. Medical consultation revealed that the patient suffered from severe anemia. Her periodontal treatment was modified because of her systemic situation. After treatment, the patient was monitored for one year. Her periodontal and systemic statuses were stable during this period. In this case report, severe periodontal destruction was observed in a patient with severe iron and B12 deficiency anemia.
... periodontitis. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] These clinically interesting reports have mentioned the importance of clinical treatment of anemia in order to obtain an acceptable oral health status. Thus, researchers should investigate the relation between periodontitis and anemia. ...
... 10 However, other studies have reported improved anemia with the control of periodontal disturbances. [6][7][8] Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain these observations, but there is currently limited high level clinical evidence that applies to all patients with anemia and periodontitis. ...
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Fibroepithelial polyp has densely collagenous, well organised connective tissue and usually occurs on the hard palate beneath a maxillary denture. A 48 year old female patient with gingival overgrowth in the mandibular anterior region referred to the Department of Periodontology, with complaint of chewing and esthetic problems. She was using a fixed prosthesis between mandibular canine to canine. The lesion was totally excised. A second surgery, free gingival graft, was applied. Wound healing was without any problems.
Introduction: The aim was to elucidate the magnitude of alterations in systemic blood counts in healthy patients during the first 14 days after fixed orthodontic appliance placement. Methods: This prospective cohort study consecutively included 35 White Caucasian patients starting orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. The mean age was 24.48 ± 6.68 years. All patients were physically and periodontally healthy. Blood samples were collected at 3 time points: (1) baseline (exactly before the placement of appliances), (2) 5 days after bonding, and (3) 14 days after baseline. Whole blood and erythrocyte sedimentation rates were analyzed in automated hematology and erythrocyte sedimentation rate analyzer. Serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels were measured by the nephelometric method. Standardized sample handling and patient preparation procedures were adopted to reduce preanalytical variability. Results: A total of 105 samples were analyzed. All clinical and orthodontic procedures were performed without complications or side effects during the study period. All laboratory procedures were performed per protocol. Significantly lower white blood cell counts were detected 5 days after bracket bonding, compared with baseline (P <0.05). Hemoglobin levels were lower at 14 days than baseline (P <0.05). No other significant shifts or alteration patterns were observed over time. Conclusions: Orthodontic fixed appliances led to a limited and transient change in white blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels during the first days after bracket placement. The fluctuation of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels was not significant, demonstrating a lack of association between systemic inflammation and orthodontic treatment.
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Background: Periodontitis is a localized, chronic inflammatory reaction, induced by bacteria, and effect healthy periodontium. The third highest prevalence of periodontal disease in the world is in Asia.6 Infections, malignant cells, and autoimmune dysregulation these all factors lead to the activate the immune system and start production of cytokines. Chronic periodontitis can be a cause of anemia of chronic diseases. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 160 individuals between the age groups of 20-70 years, Hemoglobin concentration, Erythrocyte count, Mean corpuscular volume, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin, Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was measured using an automated hematology analyser. ESR was estimated using Westergren’s method. Serum ferritin was measured on ELISA kit by a semi automated analyser on LISA SCAN. Students “t” test was used for comparing the mean Hb, erythrocyte count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, ESR, and ferritin between the two groups. Results: The comparison of blood parameters was done among study and control males. Mean value of hemoglobin, RBC, MCH, MCHC, ESR and Serum Ferritin were statistically significant(P<0.001) whereas mean value of MCV was statistically insignificant. The comparison of blood parameters was done among study and control females.
Generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) is a rare form of periodontitis resulting in early loss of teeth. Most of the clinical evidence available in literature focuses on the diagnosis and management aspects of GAP. Systemic manifestations of GAP have been reported infrequently. To the best of our knowledge, the present case report is the first-ever evidence providing a possible mechanism and link between GAP, dimorphic anemia, and mental depression suggesting that dimorphic anemia and mental depression are probable systemic manifestations of GAP. A young female reported with her father to the hospital with a complaint of pain in her oral cavity and lack of desire to eat. On thorough examination, GAP with dimorphic anemia and mental depression were diagnosed. Periodontal treatment along with nutritional supplements was prescribed. An improvement was noticed in the patient's condition after a follow-up period of 6 months. Systemic manifestations of GAP should include the diagnoses of dimorphic anemia and mental depression and should be treated accordingly. ©2018 Indian Society of Periodontology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow.
Although systemic effects of periodontal disease in animals are under investigated, data from human periodontal medicine are suggestive of this oro-systemic link, although in some points conflicting. Most of the data indicate that periodontitis can stimulate and/or perpetuate inflammation in distant tissues/organs. However some recent data suggest that also in the very early phases of periodontal disease (i.e. gingivitis or oral pathogens only entering the body through the oral route without causing disease) local and systemic elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins occurs, although the significance of this needs to be clarified further. Until the association between periodontitis and systemic diseases is more clear, it is crucial to prevent periodontal disease, which can be in most cases easily achieved with regular plaque removal by daily tooth brushing. Once the disease has developed, thorough periodontal treatment is suggested, especially in debilitated animals.