Figure - available from: Research in Science Education
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Interaction between intuitive and logical thinking in problem solving (This figure represents the interaction between intuitive and logical thinking in the process of problem solving. We intend this figure to represent the main interaction between them, although this continuous interaction is difficult to separate completely)

Interaction between intuitive and logical thinking in problem solving (This figure represents the interaction between intuitive and logical thinking in the process of problem solving. We intend this figure to represent the main interaction between them, although this continuous interaction is difficult to separate completely)

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In the process of problem solving, intuitive thinking leads to findings that go beyond gaps and plays a decisive role in problem solving. Considering that problems often need to be solved in groups rather than by individuals, it is necessary to examine how intuitive thinking expressed by individuals is shared and elaborated among peers in a group s...


... Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) menyebutkan pada abad ke-21, isu ini terus menjadi isu yang krusial, dikarenakan relevansinya terus bertambah sehingga menjadi salah satu kapabilitas utama dalam pembelajaran sains. Pemecahan masalah merupakan keahlian yang menuntut peserta didik untuk menggunakan pengetahuan yang telah mereka pelajari dengan cara yang inventif [10]. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah melibatkan usaha peserta didik untuk mencari solusi melalui proses pengumpulan dan pengorganisasian informasi sehingga dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan prosedur yang baik dan benar [11]. ...
Conference Paper
Abstrak Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada abad ke-21 menuntut masyarakat dunia untuk memiliki keterampilan proses sains dan keterampilan kognitif tingkat tinggi. Studi dari Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) tahun 2015 menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia berada pada urutan ke-46 dari 51 negara dengan skor rata-rata 397. Artinya, nilai sains siswa Indonesia berada pada level yang sangat rendah. Pada abad ini, pembelajaran sains membutuhkan model pembelajaran yang lebih efisien, yaitu pembelajaran berbasis e-project. Dengan model pembelajaran ini, peserta didik berperan aktif dalam menggunakan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ilmiah. Keterampilan pemecahan masalah terus menjadi kapabilitas utama dalam menghadapi pembelajaran sains di abad 21. Dalam mengembangkan keterampilan ini, peserta didik harus mempunyai pemikiran analitis dan pemikiran kritis agar bisa memecahkan suatu masalah. Berdasarkan hal itu, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental dengan desain The Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti penerapan e-projects berbantuan nano learning physics pada konsep energi alternatif sebagai model pembelajaran efektif yang dapat membantu meningkatkan problem solving skills pada peserta didik. Penelitian yang dilakukan masih dalam proses dan terus berlanjut. Kata-kata kunci: E-projects, Keterampilan pemecahan masalah, Pembelajaran sains abad 21. Abstract Advances in science and technology in the 21st century require the world community to have high-level scientific process skills and cognitive skills. A study from the 2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) shows that Indonesia ranks 46th out of 51 countries with an average score of 397. This means that Indonesian students science scores are at a very low level. In this century, science learning requires a more efficient learning model, namely e-project based learning. With this learning model, students play an active role in using scientific knowledge and skills. Problem solving skills continue to be the main capability in dealing with science learning in the 21st century. In developing these skills, students must have analytical thinking and critical thinking in order to be able to solve a problem. Based on that, the method used in this research is quasi-experimental with The Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This study aims to examine the application of e-projects assisted by nano learning physics on the concept of alternative energy as an effective learning model that can help improve problem solving skills in students. Research conducted is still in process and continues. Keywords: E-projects, Problem solving skills, 21st century science learning.
... Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) menyebutkan pada abad ke-21, isu pemecahan masalah terus menjadi isu yang krusial terutama dalam bidang pendidikan, dikarenakan pemecahan masalah dianggap sebagai salah satu kapabilitas dalam Pendidikan sains [9]; [10]. Masyarakat dunia harus mulai terbiasa dengan penalaran ilmiah dan pemecahan masalah, kedua hal tersebut telah diakui sebagai fitur dalam literasi sains karena meningkatnya masalah lingkungan, teknologi dan sosio-sains dalam pendidikan sains [11]. ...
Conference Paper
Abstrak Perkembangan pesat Teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi yang terjadi pada abad ke-21, telah mengubah pola kehidupan masyrakat secara signifikan. Para siswa dan guru memanfaatkan era ini untuk membantu mereka dalam belajar dan mengerjakan tugas. Studi pendahuluan telah dilakukan dengan menyebar google form ke siswa SMA, sebanyak 78,6% siswa menyatakan bahwa mereka lebih sering menggunakan internet sebagai sumber belajar. Pada era digitalisasi ini, E-Learning merupakan salah satu media krusial yang membantu jalannya proses pembelajaran. Pemecahan masalah terus menjadi isu yang krusial terutama dalam bidang pendidikan pada abad ke-21. Siswa harus mulai terbiasa dengan penalaran ilmiah dan pemecahan masalah, kedua hal tersebut telah diakui sebagai fitur dalam literasi sains karena meningkatnya masalah lingkungan dan teknologi dalam pendidikan sains. Berdasarkan hal itu, Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan model ADDIE dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan E-Learning berbasis problem based learning (PBL) pada konsep pemanasan global sebagai media yang valid untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar. Validasi media telah dilakukan kepada ahli dan didapatkan hasil rata-rata total sebesar 88% artinya media termasuk kategori sangat valid untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar. Kata-kata Kunci: E-Learning, PBL, Pemanasan Global. Abstract Development of technology, information and communication in the 21st century has significantly changed the habit of community life. Students and teachers use this opportunity to help them do their studies and assignments. Preliminary studies have been carried out by distributing Google forms to high school students, 78.6% of students stated that they more often use the internet as learning resources. This era of digitalization, E-Learning is one of the crucial media that helps learning process. In the 21st century, problem solving becoming crucial issue, especially in education field. Students should become familiar with scientific reasoning and problem solving, both of them have been recognized as features of scientific literacy due to the environmental and technological issues in science education. Based on that, this study is being designed using the ADDIE model with the aim of developing PBL-based E-Learning of global warming as valid media to be used as teaching material. Media validation has been carried out to experts and obtained average total result is 88% meaning that the media is in a very valid category to be used as teaching material. Keywords: E-learning, PBL, Global Warming.
... Therefore, in the group work process it is necessary that members work together and the teacher is a good facilitator to produce good feedback. That is, the teacher can form heterogeneous groups wherein a group is not dominated by smart students or less smart students (Hwang et al., 2023;Limniou et al., 2018;Park & Song, 2020). The PBL model was student-centered learning so that students are required to be active in the learning process. ...
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This research was motivated by the low ability of students to understand scientific concepts and solve scientific problems. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of the PBL learning model in improving Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) abilities. A quantitative approach was used in this research using the Quasi Experimental method with a Non Equivalent Control Group design to determine the effectiveness of learning using the problem based learning (PBL) model in improving students' high-level thinking skills in vocational school student product competencies. The sample selection technique used was purposive sampling by selecting a sample of 200 class III vocational school students. Data is collected by using is pretest-intervention-posttest. The test conducted in normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis tests. The results of the research show that the problem-based learning method is effective in improving high-level thinking abilities significantly compared to control abilities using conventional methods. Overall student cognitive learning outcomes from the pre-test and post-test always increase, where in the experimental class it increases from 28.45 to 68.6 while in the control class it increases from 23.78 to 55.32. Then a Wilcoxon test of 0.000 (2-tailed sig <0.05) was carried out to determine the magnitude of the intervention effect. Based on the test results, students who received intervention with PBL experienced a significant increase in high-level thinking skills in product competency for vocational school students compared to students who received intervention with conventional methods.
... Teaching using HOTS is highly recommended to be introduced to students because the application of HOTS in learning can help students overcome more varied and complex math problems in various domains and develop their mathematical abilities (4). Several studies have proven the success of the application of HOTS in learning as done by (5)(6)(7). In his research, Lince uses a creative thinking approach. ...
... Lince's research results show that there is an increase in students' abilities. Meanwhile, the research conducted by Park and Song showed that there was an increase in students' ability in terms of their intuitive and logical thinking when students were given problems that not only required understanding and application of concepts but also required analysis and evaluation (6). Research conducted by Kashani also showed similar results (7). ...
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Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are abilities that must be taught to students as a provision to face the progress of the times. To measure students' HOTS, a teacher must be able to compose HOTS questions. For this reason, prospective teacher students must also be equipped with the ability to prepare HOTS questions to teach and measure their students' higher-order thinking skills. This study aims to explore the content knowledge of prospective teacher students in designing HOTS questions. Content knowledge of prospective mathematics teacher students is seen from three main components, namely knowledge of subject matter, pedagogical content, and curricular content. This research is a qualitative descriptive with 7 groups of subjects formed from 20 students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, State University of Malang. Data was collected through project assignments and unstructured interviews. Data analysis was carried out by presenting data, reducing data, and concluding data. The results showed that there were differences in knowledge about mathematics, pedagogical content, and curriculum content. This difference can be seen from the HOTS questions compiled by prospective teacher students in each group. Group 1 can compile HOTS questions as much as 42.5% of the total questions. Groups 2, 6, and 7 compose HOTS questions as much as 25% of the total questions. Group 3 compiled HOTS questions as much as 35% of the total questions. Group 4 compiled HOTS questions as much as 27.5% of the total questions. Group 5 compiled HOTS questions as much as 0% of the total questions. Suggestions that can be given from the results of this study are the importance of designing new learning models that can improve the ability of prospective mathematics teachers in designing and teaching mathematics to future students.
... Consistent squads addressed two goals: firstly, it simulates the close, interactive working environment that characterizes wildland fire operations and provides the opportunity for crew cohesion, which has been identified as a preventative factor in reducing accidents on incidents [26]. Secondly, this crew cohesion might also contribute to developing bonds of empathy among the group, which has been associated with the emergence of intuitive thinking among group members in science education literature [27]. ...
... While the "see one, do one, teach one" approach is still an essential way to acquire new skills outside of classroom environments [45], trust is essential to ensure trainees are honest about their skill levels before teaching others. This role of trust in learning echoes the bonds of empathy [27] we sought to develop with our attempts to facilitate crew cohesion within groups. ...
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Wildland fire literacy is the capacity for wildland fire professionals to understand and communicate fundamentals of fuel and fire behavior within the socio-ecological elements of the fire regime. While wildland fire literacy is best developed through education, training, and experience in wildland fire science and management, too often, development among early-career professionals is deficient in one or more aspects of full literacy. We report on a hands-on prescribed fire methods workshop designed to provide training and experience in measuring and conducting prescribed fire, with a focus on grassland ecosystems. The workshop was held in March 2022 at The Nature Conservancy’s Dunn Ranch Prairie in northern Missouri. It consisted of hands-on training and experience in measuring fuels, fire weather, and fire behavior. Prescribed fire operations training facilitated both hands-on learning and vicarious learning by rotating squad roles among several small sub-units on the first day of live fire exercises. Participants then gained experience as crew members for two larger prescribed burns (60 and 200 ha). We report here on the successes and lessons learned from the perspectives of both participants and the instructor cadre for what was widely regarded as a successful workshop.
... Ölçüm Ģekline karar verildikten sonra sezgisel düĢünme becerilerine iliĢkin alanyazın taraması yapılmıĢtır. Alanyazın taraması sonucunda sezgisel düĢünmenin göstergeleri ve sezgisel biliĢ özellikleri tanımlanmıĢtır (Alipour, 2019;Ares, Mawad, Giménez ve Maiche, 2014;Avaroğlu, 2013;Bahadır ve Atılgan, 2018;Denovan, Dagnal, Drinkwater, Parker ve Neave, 2020;Epstein, Pacini, Denes-Raj ve Heier, 1996;Farias, van Mulukom, Kahane, Kreplin, Joyce, Soares, Oviedo, Rokita, Savulescu ve Möttönen, 2017;Güler, 2015;Göncü, 2020;Hoffman ve Novak, 2009;Karakoç ve Dönmez, 2014;Kaya, 2003;Manara, Van Gils, Nübold ve Zijlstra, 2020;Nabbout-Cheiban, 2017;Le Menn, Bossard, Travassos, Duarte ve Kermarrec, 2019;Park ve Song, 2020;Patterson, Quinn ve Baron, 2012;Pytlik, Soll ve Mehl, 2020;Steiner, 1995;Styhre, 2011;ġen, 2010;Tirosh ve Tsamir, 1996;Wescott ve Ranzoni, 1963;YeĢilyurt ve Çapraz, 2018). Fischbein'in (1987) sezgisel biliĢ özellikleri temel alınarak "içsel kesinlik, kavrayıĢın örtüklüğü, kararlılık, zorlayıcılık-baskıcılık, özkanıtlayıcılık" olmak üzere beĢ faktörlü ve 13'ü ters madde olmak üzere toplam 90 maddelik taslak ölçek oluĢturulmuĢtur. ...
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Sezgi, insanoğlunun varoluşunun özünde yer alan bilginin, kaynağını ve ilhamını yaşamsal faaliyetlerden alarak genellikle zamandan ve mekândan bağımsız bir biçimde açığa çıkması şeklinde tanımlanabilir. Sezgisel düşünme, nitelikleri açısından bir bütünlük oluşturmakla birlikte diğer tüm düşünme biçimlerinin kapısını aralama görevini de üstlenmektedir. Bu açıdan eğitim-öğretim sürecinde bireylere akademik başarı, keşfetme, yaratıcılık gibi birçok özelliğin kazandırılmasında sezgisel düşünme becerileri oldukça önemlidir. Bu araştırma, lise öğrencilerinin sezgisel düşünme özelliklerini tespit etmeye yönelik Likert tipi bir ölçek geliştirmenin amaçlandığı tarama modelinde nicel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmada ölçek geliştirme sürecine yönelik madde havuzu oluşturulduktan sonra dil ve kapsam geçerliği çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri Kahramanmaraş ili Onikişubat ilçesinde yer alan devlet okullarının lise kademesinde öğrenim gören, pilot çalışma için 414, AFA için 588 ve DFA için 264 öğrenciden toplanmıştır. AFA sonucunda elde edilen dört boyutlu yapı DFA ile test edilmiş olup, 22 maddeden oluşan ölçeğin uyum değerleri χ²/df= 1.55; GFI= .90; RMSA= 0.46; SRMR= 0.77; GFI= .95; CFI= .94; NFI= .87; NNFI(TLI)= .94; IFI= .95 olarak ve boyutların Cronbach alpha güvenirlik katsayıları ise kararlılık için 0.735, içsel kesinlik için 0.799, duygusal okur-yazarlık için 0.840, kavrayışın örtüklüğü için 0.802 ve ölçeğin geneli için 0.808 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, geliştirilen Sezgisel Düşünme Ölçeği’nin geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
... Multimodal meaning-making in the science classroom is often investigated from a discourse perspective in terms of the discursive interaction of coordinating talk, gesture, and other modes of representation (Tang et al., 2014). In order to investigate conversation in the science classroom, recent research has used a micro-genetic approach that allows a closer examination of how the discourse progresses turn-by-turn as the utterances made by the participants unfolded (e.g., Jaipal, 2009;Kress et al., 2014;Maeng & Kim, 2011;Park & Song, 2020;Tang et al., 2011;Xu, Ferguson, & Tytler, 2020). In particular, researchers have paid attention to how conversation is shaped and built using multiple modes such as spoken language, physical actions, and so on, focusing on how these modes combine in the meaning-making process. ...
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The use of group drawing to promote student‐generated representation is a common instructional strategy as it combines the benefits of using visual representation and collaborative talk. Although the affordances of group drawing have increasingly been emphasized in science education, few studies have investigated how drawing as a visual mode interacts with group discourse as a verbal mode as well as how that interaction facilitates the development of students' collective ideas. Informed by theories in classroom discourse and multimodality, this paper examines the interaction process between a verbal and visual mode of representation as groups of students engaged in collaborative drawing during guided science inquiry lessons. On the basis of the analysis of data from a science class that adopted group drawing, we found and documented a recurring pattern, Plan‐Draw‐Evaluate or PDE pattern, in how the interaction between the verbal and visual modes occurred during collaborative drawing. This PDE pattern consisted of a triad of moves that alternate between the two modes and fulfilled various discursive purposes, such as suggesting, requesting, recording, visualizing, elaborating, agreeing, and rejecting. The PDE pattern provided a basic social structure that facilitated the collaboration and progression of students' ideas. With illustrations of PDE patterns and its variations, we argue that the PDE pattern provides an insight into the dynamic organization of interactions involved in group drawing that takes into consideration the multimodal affordances of verbal and visual modes of representation and the progression of ideas developed through collaborative discourse.
... Karena dalam memecahkan masalah matematika kadangkala memerlukan suatu dugaan atau klaim terhadap suatu pernyataan dengan tidak harus dibuktikan terlebih dahulu (Mariotti & Pedemonte, 2019;Antonini, 2019). Dengan demikian terdapat aktivitas lain selain kognisi formal dalam memecahkan masalah matematika (Park & Song, 2018). Dalam pemecahan masalah matematika diperlukan suatu proses berpikir yang berbeda dari berpikir analitis dan logis. ...
... Dalam pemecahan masalah matematika diperlukan suatu proses berpikir yang berbeda dari berpikir analitis dan logis. Aktivitas mental tersebut sering dikatakan dengan kognisi intuitiv (intuitive cognition) atau intuisi (intuition) (Fischbein, 1994;Park & Song, 2018). Dalam memecahkan masalah matematika terdapat dua pendekan yang sering digunakan yaitu pendekatan analitis dan intuitiv (Bruner, 1971(Bruner, , 1977. ...