Figure 2 - uploaded by Vidal Haddad Junior
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Injuries in the hand and fingers of the victim that attempted to hold the animal. 

Injuries in the hand and fingers of the victim that attempted to hold the animal. 

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Human injuries caused by South American porcupines (in Portuguese, ouriço-cacheiro) are rare. This study reports severe hand injuries provoked by the body spines of the animal in a human and discusses the circumstances involved in the accident, with emphasis on environmental factors.

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Context 1
... HADDAD JUNIOR, Departamento de Dermatologia e Radioterapia, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Caixa Postal 557, Botucatu, SP, 18.618-000, Brasil. Phone/fax: +55 14 3882 4922. Email: South American porcupines, or ouriços-cacheiros , are rodent mammals that belong to the family Erethizontidae, with at least eight known species distributed among three genera: Coendou , Sphiggurus and Chaetomys (1) (Figure 1). They are arboreal animals that stay attached to tree branches through their long and prehensile tail and rarely come down to the forest floor. They feed mainly on leaves and fruits (from which they extract water), have nocturnal habits and are not often viewed, which makes their habits little known (2). The South American porcupines have no resemblance to hedgehogs or porcupines of Eurasia and Africa. However, they present a similar defense mechanism that consists of spines up to ten inches in length, originated from modified body hairs. They are mainly distributed on the body sides and back, and bristle when the animal feels threatened. Domestic dog attacks on hedgehogs are fairly common and usually the dog is injured by a large number of spines on its snout. Accidents in humans, however, are rare. A 34-year old male was admitted to the emergency room of the municipal hospital Santa Casa de Ubatuba, in São Paulo state, Brazil, with numerous spines slicked in his right hand. The victim, a tourist, reported that he saw a porcupine in the woods near his vacation house and tried to capture it without knowing anything about the animal, even when it bristled and became more aggressive. While strongly holding the animal, several quills were released and embedded in the palm and fingers of his right hand, causing pain and psychomotor agitation (Figure 2). The spines were extracted with pliers after troncular anesthesia (Figure 3). After that, the patient was treated with cephalosporin for ten days and instructed to wash the area with soap and water three times a day. In the return consultation, after ten days, the injured area was completely recovered. The South American porcupines are shy animals that avoid contact with humans and present arboreal habits, rarely coming down to the ground. Accidents involving humans are therefore unlikely and motivate this communication. These animals have an effective defense mechanism based on their spines and are cognizant of the fact that inhabitants of the areas where they occur avoid them, which did not happen in the accident herein described due to the lack of knowledge of the victim. The Portuguese word cacheiro , resulting in the term ouriço-cacheiro , means "hiding" and the association is obvious. Other interesting facts were the presence of severe pain, but only associated with the presence of quills, since it ceased completely after the removal of spines, even after the end of anesthesia. Finally, it is worth recording the increasing incidence of accidents caused by wildlife in towns or their surroundings, which is due to a sum of factors, the most important being the increase of leisure activities in forest areas (Ubatuba city has most of its area covered by the Atlantic Forest) and the lack of knowledge of tourists regarding the fauna of these places (3). Accidents previously considered very rare or anecdotal are becoming increasingly more likely to happen, as this report ...


... Therefore, the affected skin surface should be thoroughly cleansed, and the patient should be administered antibiotics to cover both gram-positive cocci and anaerobes. 12,13 Tetanus toxoid is also recommended. Quills should be firmly gripped with pliers and removed by applying a strong force directly opposite to the direction of penetration without twisting or breaking the quills. ...
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The Indian crested porcupine, Hystrix indica, is a large rodent with the unique feature of long quills. These quills are an integral part of its defense mechanism against predators. Injuries resulting from human contact with quills may cause pain, bleeding, and swelling. Quill-related injuries are common among animals such as dogs, cats, and some wild animals. The mechanism of injury, consequences, and management of injuries to humans from H indica quills are rarely described. In this report, we describe the injuries and management of a man who sustained injury from H indica quills.
... S. villosus showed a similar autosome complement (chromosome morphology and basic number) as that described for S. vestitus pruinosus [2,3]. South American porcupines are arboreal animals with crepuscular and nocturnal habits [4][5][6]. They have short, stiff, and sharp spines completely or partially covered by long hairs. ...
... Porcupines climb up trees and from these they may accidentally move on to wires or posts in residential areas close to the reforested areas. The urban inhabitants living close to the forest as well as tourists visiting the forest and people practicing sports (Figure 4(c)) may accidentally come upon the porcupine with a consequent risk of injuries from spines as these are part of the animal's defense mechanisms [5,9]. Accidents like these are considered rare or anecdotal. ...
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Injuries to humans caused by porcupines are rare. However, they may occur due to the proximity of urban areas and the animal’s habitat in areas such as the Floresta da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro. Outdoor sports and leisure activities in areas close to forests or in the rain forest are also relevant for incidents of this kind and a better knowledge of the local forest fauna would prevent such undesirable accidents. Porcupine quills have microscopic barbs at their tips which facilitate skin penetration, but hampering their removal. Once the spines are lodged in tissue, the microscopic backward-facing deployable barbs at the tips cause trauma if anyone tries to remove them. Local haemorrhage and an inflammatory response to the contaminated foreign body occur. Depending on the time lapse in removing the spines either septic or sterile foreign body reactions may occur. There is also the risk of migration of the spines, where fatal cases have been reported in human and veterinary medicine. Herein we report two unusual cases of accidents involving humans and the South American porcupine. The Sphiggurus villosus spines removed from scalp skin were also documented through Scanning Electron Microscopy.