Figure 1 - uploaded by Rob Meijer
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Hypothetical person-response functions for three types of response behavior. A: Test anxiety. B: Item disclosure. C: Random response behavior.

Hypothetical person-response functions for three types of response behavior. A: Test anxiety. B: Item disclosure. C: Random response behavior.

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Person-fit statistics test whether the likelihood of a respondent's complete vector of item scores on a test is low given the hypothesized item response theory model. This binary information may be insufficient for diagnosing the cause of a misfitting item-score vector. The authors propose a comprehensive methodology for person-fit analysis in the...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... assume that the resulting atypical item-score vector was detected by the U3 statistic. To facilitate the diagnosis of the cause of the misfit, we estimated the PRF ( Figure 1A) for this respondent. Given the effect of test anxiety described, the PRF started at a low value for the lower levels of item difficulty, increased for the items of average difficulty when test anxiety has diminished, and decreased when item dif- ficulty increased further. ...
Context 2
... return to this latter case in the Item disclosure section. For the PRF in Figure 1A, a local test statistic (Emons, 2003), to be explained below, may be used to determine whether the increase in the first 10 items is significant. When a signifi- cant local test result is found, the researcher may use the bell shape for further diagnostic decision-making, possibly tak- ing additional background information into account. ...
Context 3
... that the U3 person-fit statistic identified the resulting item-score vector as a misfit. A smooth estimate of the PRF shows a decrease for the easiest 40 items because with increasing item diffi- culty the probability of a correct answer decreases and then shows an increase for the 10 most difficult items because here the respondent gave an unusually high number of correct answers given the item difficulty level; see Figure 1B for this U-shaped PRF. The local test of the PRF may be used to investigate whether the increase in the last 10 items is significant. ...
Context 4
... that the item-score vector that was pro- duced by random response behavior on almost all items was identified by the U3 statistic. Figure 1C gives a near- horizontal PRF that resulted from an almost constant ran- dom response behavior probability of .25 for all J items. This PRF does not deviate noticeably from monotone non- increasingness, and the local test cannot be applied here. ...
Context 5
... about use of other information. A near-hori- zontal PRF, as in Figure 1C, that is typical of randomly responding cannot be distinguished from a similar PRF that would result from test anxiety for a low-ability respondent or test anxiety for higher ability respondents that resulted from serious panic. Here, other auxiliary information about the respondent may be helpful when evaluating item- score vectors. ...
Context 6
... assume that a respondent takes different versions of the same test several times per year, for example to measure cognitive improvement after therapy. Given this knowledge, for a high-ability respondent who took the first version of this test, a PRF like that in Figure 1C would probably indicate random response behavior. In this situa- tion, no additional action needs to be taken. ...
Context 7
... was concluded that each application requires some trial and error to find the best compromise. The PRFs in Figure 1 were estimated using this kernel-smoothing procedure. ...
Context 8
... procedure demonstrates that the confidence enve- Figure 10) was obtained using Equation 11. Table 2 gives the results of the local person-fit tests. ...
Context 9
... Case 1, the PRF shows a local increase for the first four subsets, A 1 through A 4 ( Figure 10A). We combined these subsets into one vector, Y, and counted the number of Guttman errors, G. ...

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... Another index proposed by the same author is U3 (van der Flier, 1977; see also Emons et al., 2005): This estimates the Guttman pattern with a specific set of weights wg = ln (πg/1-πg). Large values are again indicative of aberrant responding in the form of carelessness, inattention, lack of motivation, guessing, or randomness. ...
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... Several studies confirmed the efficacy of U3 as an index of inattentive responding (e.g., Beck et al., 2019). The index reflects the ratio of the actual number of Guttman errors in a response pattern relative to the maximum number of errors using the log scale (Emons et al., 2005). It is being estimated as follows: ...
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... Person fit research examines the pattern of individual item scores in comparison with what has been expected on the basis of the measurement model (Emons et al., 2005). Traditionally, one aspect of model-data fit is assessed using person fit statistics based on response residuals (Walker et al., 2016). ...
... For a particular person, the person response function (PRF) is a plot relating the probability of endorsing or correctly responding to items at various difficulty levels (Embretson & Reise, 2000). PRFs can be used to identify various categories of response behaviors. ...
... PRFs represent the relationship between observed person responses and an underlying construct represented by a set of items that are located on a latent variable. There has been consistent interest in this area including research conducted by Thurstone (1926), Mosier (1940Mosier ( ), (1941, Lumsden (1977), Trabin andWeiss (1979), Carroll (1985), Sijtsma and Meijer (2001), and Emons et al. (2005), Walker et al. (2018, and Carroll and Schohan (1953) first suggested estimating the probabilities of endorsing or correctly responding to the various items in order to make score interpretations clear. Furthermore, they suggested representing these probabilities graphically, and called such graphs individual operating characteristics. ...
... For careful responders, the correlation between synonym (antonym) pairs should be strongly positive (negative); respondents with low correlations (or maybe even correlations that have the wrong sign) are considered careless responders. We will not discuss person-fit statistics here because they would require a more indepth discussion of item-response theory and because they are not common in practice; the interested reader is referred to Emons et al. (2005). ...
... Finally, by comparing the students' predicted results with the actual test results, we can judge whether the students cheat or not. George Karabatsos et al. proposed a variety of cheating detection methods based on Person-Fit index [28][29][30][31]. ...
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... In addition, satisficing is not measured directly but inferred from response behavior that is presumably due to respondents' reluctance or inability to expend the required cognitive resources. Included in this category are techniques for identifying unusual observations such as outlier detection based on the Mahalanobis D statistic (Meade and Craig, 2012) and person-fit 22 statistics developed in the item response theory literature (Conijn, Emons, and van Assen, 2013;Emons, Sijtsma, and Meijer, 2005;Meijer, 2003;Reise and Widaman, 1999). Although these methods may be useful in identifying aberrant response behavior, it is doubtful that such behavior is necessarily due to satisficing. ...
... Another example is so-called "sleeping behavior," in which the student underperforms on the first questions in the test. Various forms of cheating may, of course, occur as well; students raise their score artificially through correct answers to test questions having been divulged or the student may have obtained the correct answer from another student completing the same test (Emons, Sijtsma, & Meijer, 2005;Meijer & Sijtsma, 2001). ...
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... Variation in results across independent item calibration studies of the same item set would depend in part upon how and how much non-random variation in item ''inappropriateness'', ''item differential functioning'', or respondent ''response set'' occurs across their different (neither random nor assuredly representative) samples of persons and measurement occasions (e.g., de Ayala 2009, pp. 409-413, 417-418, and 323-345;Emons et al. 2005;Meijer and Sijtsma 1995;Roussos and Stout 2004;Zumbo 2007). Therefore, simply to assume that any given calibration opportunity-sample of n persons on some given occasion or the average of any obtained set of such samples can properly be relied upon to produce an accurate person and occasion population estimate of a given item set's m ICCs is fanciful. ...
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... Practical person-fit indices are non-specific screening devices for tracing potentially inconsistent respondents. Ideally, however, once a pattern has been flagged as potentially inconsistent, further information should be obtained regarding (among other things) (a) the type of inconsistency, and (b) the impact that the inconsistency has on the trait estimates (Emons et al., 2005). FA-based analytical and graphical procedures for obtaining this information already exist and are implemented in stand-alone programs . ...
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