Figure 10 - uploaded by Mark Kidd
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Herman Boerhaave (1668±1738) (bottom left) was the foremost clinical teacher in Europe in the 18th century. In addition to his extraordinary clinical perspicacity, he was an astute pharmacologist and served as an inspiration to generations of aspiring physicians who travelled from distant countries to attend his classes in Leiden. Many subsequently became the leaders of medicine in their own countries (clockwise from top left: Cullen, Linnaeus, Haller and van Swieten), the Boerhaave school of thought thus being disseminated throughout Europe. His principles of clinical teaching have survived to this time and remain embodied in the curricula of medical schools throughout the world. 

Herman Boerhaave (1668±1738) (bottom left) was the foremost clinical teacher in Europe in the 18th century. In addition to his extraordinary clinical perspicacity, he was an astute pharmacologist and served as an inspiration to generations of aspiring physicians who travelled from distant countries to attend his classes in Leiden. Many subsequently became the leaders of medicine in their own countries (clockwise from top left: Cullen, Linnaeus, Haller and van Swieten), the Boerhaave school of thought thus being disseminated throughout Europe. His principles of clinical teaching have survived to this time and remain embodied in the curricula of medical schools throughout the world. 

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