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This study presents a review about what great figures of history thought about the existence of God and a worldwide comparison between religious believers and non-believers using the World Social Survey (WSS) database, comprising a sample of 90,350 respondents. Results reveal that most people believe in the existence of God and consider that God is...


... Berdasarkan keempat pertimbangan pemilihan model pembelajaran di atas, pada penelitian ini, model pembelajaran Quantum dan Problem Based Learning (PBL) akan dikolaborasikan dalam pembelajaran menulis cerita fantasi. Menulis cerita fantasi adalah salah satu pembelajaran keterampilan menulis dalam kurikulum 2013 di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) kelas VII semester I. Menurut Nurgiyantoro (2013), karangan fantasi merupakan cerita yang di dalamnya terdapat keraguan, baik seluruh atau sebagian, memuat unsur tema, alur, dan tokoh. Cerita fantasi merupakan salah satu bentuk sastra anak yang biasa disebut dongeng. ...
... Dongeng adalah media penting untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anak (Nuryatin & Irawati, 2019). Ketika anak-anak lebih dekat dengan dongeng, memungkinkan anak-anak belajar dengan lingkungan aman (Nuryatin & Irawati, 2019). ...
... Dongeng adalah media penting untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anak (Nuryatin & Irawati, 2019). Ketika anak-anak lebih dekat dengan dongeng, memungkinkan anak-anak belajar dengan lingkungan aman (Nuryatin & Irawati, 2019). Cerita fantasi sebagai sastra memiliki sifat dulce et utile, sehingga pembelajaran menulis cerita fantasi diharapkan tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan, tetapi juga menghibur para siswa. ...
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This research is motivated by the low writing ability of students at various levels of education, especially at the junior high school level. This study aims to describe the stages of planning, implementing, and evaluating learning to write fantasy stories using a combination of Quantum (QL) and Problem Base Learning (PBL) models in Class VII SMP. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and test assessments. The application of a combination of QL and PBL models is considered effective in learning to write fiction if the student who scores 75 is 75%. The results of this study are: 1) at the planning stage, the preparation of the combination model of QL and PBL has been adapted to class conditions, teacher and student conditions; 2) at the implementation stage, teachers and students have carried out all the learning steps in accordance with the learning design; 3) at the evaluation stage, the average score of students who have passed the KKM (Teaching Completeness Criteria) is 75%, so it can be said that the combination of QL and PBL learning models is effectively used in learning to write fantasy stories.