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FIguRe 2 - A taxonomic revision of the genus Aethionema S.L. (Brassicaceae) in Iran

FIguRe 2. Habit and morphological variation in Aethionema. A, B, D, H, L, N: representative habits; C, F, G, K, P: petal color; B, H, L, P: habitat; A-C: Aethionema semnanense; D-G: A. spinosum; H-K: A. transhyrcanum; L-M: A. umbellatum; N-P: A. virgatum. Photos by: A: Valiyollah. Mozaffarian; B-C: Klaas Kamastra and José van Son; D-E: Hamid Moazzeni; G: Amir Talebi; H-K: Farshid Memariani; L-P: Jalil Noroozi. 
Habit and morphological variation in Aethionema. A, B, D, H, L, N: representative habits; C, F, G, K, P: petal color; B, H, L, P: habitat; A-C: Aethionema semnanense; D-G: A. spinosum; H-K: A. transhyrcanum; L-M: A. umbellatum; N-P: A. virgatum. Photos by: A: Valiyollah. Mozaffarian; B-C: Klaas Kamastra and José van Son; D-E: Hamid Moazzeni; G: Amir Talebi; H-K: Farshid Memariani; L-P: Jalil Noroozi. 
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