Graph Mean Improved Learning Outcomes 

Graph Mean Improved Learning Outcomes 

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p class="Abstract">The purpose of this research was determined the effect of application WhatsApp Messenger in the Group Investigation (GI) method on learning achievement. The methods used experimental research with control group pretest-postest design. The sampling procedure used the purposive sampling technique that consists of 17 students as a c...

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... The results of other studies concluded that the health education media that was considered effective in improving breastfeeding behavior in the first week of birth was the WhatsApp group (Sukriani and Arisani, 2020). The use of WhatsApp Messenger is effective as a mobile learning group method to be applied in the learning process in improving learning outcomes compared to the usual face-to-face learning method (Pratama and Kartikawati, 2017). ...
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Background: Nowadays problems of teenagers are very complex and worrying, both those that arise from within themselves and from outside themselves. Various internal and external factors that affect adolescents will also have an impact on adolescents to have negative and unhealthy attitudes and behaviors (high-risk behaviors). Efforts to increase knowledge and attitudes in adolescents can be used in preventing risky sexual behavior through WhatsApp peer groups. Objective: This study analyzes the effectiveness of the WhatsApp peer group on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about risky sexual behavior in Isen Mulang Senior High School, Palangka Raya City. Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental study with two groups, pretest-posttest with a control group design which was carried out from July to September 2020. The population in this study were all adolescents who were in the age range of 15-21 years in Isen mulang Senior High School at SMA Isen Mulang, Palangka Raya city numbered 169 people with the sampling technique in this study using consecutive sampling with a sample of 31 respondents in the intervention group and 31 respondents in the control group. Results: There is a significant difference in the average value of knowledge (P-value = 0.000) and attitude score (P-value = 0.000) before and after the intervention in each group, there is a significant difference in increasing knowledge (P-value = 0.045) and attitude (P-value = 0.048) between the intervention group and the control group. The average increase in knowledge scores and attitude scores of the intervention group was higher than the control group. Conclusion: WhatsApp peer groups are considered effective in increasing adolescent knowledge and attitudes about risky sexual behavior. WhatsApp peer groups can be used as dynamic communication media and become one of the alternative choices in providing health education to adolescents other than face-to-face.
... In addition, these applications are easy to operate and are commonly used. The finding of the study done by (Sawant & Chari, 2021;Pustikayasa, 2019;Pratama & Kartikawati, 2017;(Jain, Luaran, & Rahman, 2016;Tamim, Colburn, Saadi, & Qunneis, 2016) also found that technology applications gave the benefit on online learning and it helped the students and teacher in sharing the source information. Next, the same finding showed that the zoom meeting has made it easier for the process of interacting during the covid-19 pandemic (Erna, Asriani, Genisa, Muslaini, & Suhartini, 2022). ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the implementation of online learning on university students majoring in economic education at Halu Oleo University, Kendari. This type of research was a case study research. The informants in this study consisted of Economic Education students who were taken using the Purposive Sampling technique (n=100 students). The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The findings of this study were the implementation of online learning for Economic Education students was as follows: the learning applications most often used by Economic Education students were zoom meetings, WhatsApp groups and google classroom. Regarding the availability of learning time, students felt that it was enough, although it cannot be denied that sometimes it was also not enough. To access online learning, Economics Education students used a private packet connection type with less stable network quality. Economic education students' learning readiness was quite good, but the concentration and involvement of students were not good and the ability to understand learning materials is also still lacking. This study concluded that online learning in university could be used a variation of device technology which was designed by a teacher or used from the internet.
... Using these three platforms helps the effectiveness of online learning if managed properly. Several research results report that the WhatsApp Group affects increasing learning outcomes (Oyewole et al., 2020), increases learning achievement (Pratama & Kartikawati, 2017), and improves the learning process (Awada, 2016;Baishya & Maheshwari, 2020;Rahaded et al. , 2020). In addition, PowerPoint also has an impact on learning (Akhlaghi & Zareian, 2015;Erdemir, 2011;Mensah & Nabie, 2021;Meo et al., 2013). ...
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... This study uses a research and development approach, with an orientation to develop and validate online assessment methods by utilizing google meet and whatsapp. The development model used was adapted from the 4-D model [10] with 4 stages, namely (1) define, including observation and journal analysis to determine the specifications of the assessment method that will be developed according to the needs of educators and students in online learning ; (2) designs; ...
... Whatsapp messenger is a mobile learning technology that can help students to learn social, easy to construct knowledge by sharing with other group members through short messages, and ease of online interactions quickly between learners and teachers (Pratama & Kartikawati, 2017). Whatsapp is an application that can be used to send and receive messages with a audio, video, and text base. ...
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This research has a background by the phenomenon of online learning using the WhatsApp application in learning English at SMAN 6 Padang. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive method which aims to describe and see the students' interest in learning by using the WhatsApp application in learning English. Participants in this study were 11th grade social studies students at SMAN 6 Padang. The data was collected by the researchers by distributing questionnaires to students through the Google Drive application in the form of Google Form with a total of 27 statements related to students' interest in learning by using the WhatsApp application in the learning process. To add information from the students, the researcher conducted interviews with 20 students from 4 classes which were taken using the Purposive Random Sampling technique. Interviews were conducted by sending messages using the WhatsApp application which was then recap by the researcher. During the study, from the questionnaire data and interviews, the researchers concluded that students were interested in using the WhatsApp application in learning English Keywords: student’s interest, WhatsApp Application
... Furthermore, Oktaria (2021) found Google Classroom gave an improvement of students' skills which include abilities, discipline, and independent learning through teaching materials. Pratama (2017) recommended the use of Whatsapp was effective if this application was combined with a group investigation method. Combining the application and group investigation method improves students' achievement if compared to face-toface learning methods usually. ...
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Since the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) was present in Indonesia, the government took a policy to conduct the online teaching-learning process. Some applications were used in conducting the teaching-learning process. Two applications are most used in South Tapanuli namely WhatsApp and Google Classroom because these applications had the widest range. Based on the background, the research was conducted to investigate whether there were any significant effects of using WhatsApp and Google Classroom on Language Testing subjects in the fifth-semester students of the Education Institute of South Tapanuli. Quasi-experimental was applied (pretest and posttest design) with 25 students for WhatsApp class (experimental class 1) and 25 students for Google Classroom (experimental class 2). Furthermore, the independent sample t-test as the parametric statistics couldn't be used to determine the hypothesis because the data was not normal distribution so the Mann Whitney U test was used which is equivalent to the independent sample t-test. The result of the pretest showed that both groups didn’t give any significant difference because the Man Whitney U test showed Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) was more than 0.05 (0.600>0.05). The result of the posttest showed that both groups didn’t give significant differences either because the Man Whitney U test showed Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) was more than 0.05 (0.541>0.05). This calculation showed there were no significant effects of using WhatsApp and Google Classroom on Language Testing subjects among the fifth-semester students of the Education Institute of South Tapanuli. In other words, this calculation gave us that the use of WhatsApp and Google Classroom gave almost the same effect.
... She also stated that the application of Cooperative learning can enhance the ability to listen of students who are infused with the ability to listen to the students each cycled increase. This statements also in line with Pratama (2017) opinions on International Journal of Science and Applied Science Conference series. He found out that on the investigation research that there are differences between the experimental group and the control group. ...
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English is one of the primary subject that was taught in Electronic Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bali, which includes speaking, writing and listening. Other than speaking, writing also become one of the most challenging subject in Electronic Engineering. To overcome the low writing skills of students and create pleasant learning atmosphere during the Covid 19 Pandemic, the authors want to try out learning method, namely Cooperative Learning Method with online media in the form of whatsapp. This research is a quantitative research with quasi experimental approach. The groups used in this study consist of two groups namely the experimental group using Whatsapp Cooperative Learning methods and the control grouos using the conventional method. The data collection technique in this study was in the form of a questionnaire and given to the students in both classes. From the data, it can be concluded that learning with the Whatsapp Cooperative Learning method is more effective to be used in teaching writing. It can be seen from the value of 2 of -2, 087 with Sig 0,037< 0,05 means that there is significant difference between the control class and the experimental class. This significant difference can be said as the result of the use of Whatsapp Cooperative Learning in class.
... The results reported that WA application has proven to be the best social application for learning medium not only because of the features but it has been widely used in Malaysian community specialised to younger generation. Pratama & Kartikawati (2017) have studied the usage of WA application as learning instruction for Elementary Electronic course. Sample of 34 students of Electrical Engineering Education Study were split into two groups of experiment and control evenly. ...
... GI merupakan pembelajaran kooperatif inkuiri yang mendorong kerjasama melakukan penyelidikan secara sistematis dan melakukan presentasi. Penelitian terkait penggunaan WA pada model GI menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada kelas kontrol [32]. Artikel ini membahas penerapan GI pada pembelajaran daring mata pelajaran kompetensi keahlian memanfaatkan WAG dan GC untuk meningkatkan partisipasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik. ...
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SMK merupakan bagian dari sekolah yang harus ditutup sebagai dampak dari adanya pandemik COVID-19. Pembelajaran daring menjadi pendekatan yang harus diterapkan saat penutupan sekolah tersebut. Berbagai tantangan dan kendala pembelajaran daring mempengaruhi capaian pembelajaran. Penurunan partisipasi dan hasil belajar merupakan temuan yang diperoleh peneliti saat melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran daring. Artikel ini memaparkan mengenai cara meningkatkan partisipasi dan hasil belajar pada pembelajaran daring melalui pemanfaatan whatsapp group (WAG) dan google classroom (GC). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) terdiri atas beberapa tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Group Investigation menjadi model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) partisipasi dapat ditingkatkan melalui peran serta pengajar dalam membuka forum diskusi pada waktu yang disepakati melalui penggunaan WAG dan bagi peran aktif pengajar mengirim pesan pribadi kepada peserta didik agar aktif melakukan diskusi melalui WAG; dan (2) hasil belajar dapat ditingkatkan melalui dedikasi pengajar yang memberikan waktu untuk menerima pertanyaan baik melalui WAG maupun WA pribadi pada waktu yang disepakati dan pengumpulan video presentasi hasil investigasi penyelesaian proyek secara kelompok. Partisipasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pembelajaran daring di SMK dapat ditingkatkan dengan menghadirkan kegiatan investigasi, diskusi dan presentasi. Apabila peserta didik mendapatkan infrastruktur yang lebih baik, peningkatan partisipasi dan hasil belajar lebih dapat dioptimalkan melalui penyampaian video presentasi interaktif pada pembelajaran daring.
... This is because learning through PhET is a form of abstract physics that can be simulated directly on the laptop. Learners can also discuss learning material outside of learning hours by utilizing the WhatsApp application that has been in the form of group chat [8]. ...
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This research aims at understanding the influence of the direct instruction learning model assisted with PhET and WhatsApp media to students’ cognitive and motivation in studying gas kinetic theory at State Senior High School 3 of Banda Aceh. The population in this study was all science department students at year 11 divided into 5 classes. While the sample of the study was two classes that were selected using a random sampling technique. Data were collected by providing test and non-test. The obtained data were normal and homogeneous. Thus, it can be analyzed using the t-test to measure learning outcomes. To indicate the difference between experimental class and control class, it was used the t-test for questionnaire. Pretest has t test = 1.27 which its value is less than ttable. In conclusion, there is any significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. In addition, both classes revealed the same difference for the pretest. The posttest also showed the significant difference according to t count = 5.5 which is greater than ttable. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is any difference, which students’ cognitive experimental class is greater than the control class.