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Goldenhar Syndrome  

Goldenhar Syndrome  

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Hemifacial macrosomia (HFM) is the second most common facial congenital anomaly. Deficiency of hard and soft tissue on one side of the face is its obvious clinical finding, which can cause facial asymmetry. Hemifacial microsomia is described in three grades of severity, although grade II has two subgroups (mild and severe). Many anomalies can be mi...

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... these features, multiple accessory tragi in a preauricular/mandibular distribu- tion is an important clinical marker (25). Facial asymme- try is reported in 65 -75% of cases (26) (Figure 4). A, Grade I of HFM, deficiency of hard and soft tissue on left side of the face; B, Grade II of HFM, obvious chin deviation to right, severe hypoplasia of right condyle and soft tissues, ear malformation; C, Grade III of HFM, absence of left condyle and ramus, severe soft tissue deficiency, bilateral ear malformation. ...


... Collins syndrome, Parry-Romberg syndrome, Nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome, branchio-oto-renal syndrome, Miller syndrome, unilateral condylar hyperplasia etc. 4 These cases require precise linear mandibular measurements on each side of the mandible to diagnose, monitor and plan any type of treatment including orthognathic surgery or distraction osteogenesis. 4 For this purpose, lateral cephalogram cannot be used due to overlapping of right and left sides of craniofacial and oral structures. ...
... Collins syndrome, Parry-Romberg syndrome, Nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome, branchio-oto-renal syndrome, Miller syndrome, unilateral condylar hyperplasia etc. 4 These cases require precise linear mandibular measurements on each side of the mandible to diagnose, monitor and plan any type of treatment including orthognathic surgery or distraction osteogenesis. 4 For this purpose, lateral cephalogram cannot be used due to overlapping of right and left sides of craniofacial and oral structures. Although postero-anterior (PA) cephalogram can be used in detecting craniofacial asymmetries but according to some studies including Damstra et al study, 5 it is found to be unreliable in detection of some of the mandibular body length asymmetries. ...
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Background: Mandibular asymmetries are commonly seen as asymmetric traits among orthodontic and orthognathic patients which require bilateral mandibular assessment for diagnosis and treatment. An orthopantomogram can be used to measure and compare right and left sides of mandible. The objective of this study was to investigate the reliability of left and right sides of orthopantomogram for determining the linear mandibular measurements and to check whether these values are identical with the values of linear mandibular measurements determined from lateral cephalogram. Methods: Orthopantomogram and lateral cephalogram were taken from 118 patients of age group 12-35 years from Orthodontic department, Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry and Darul Sehat Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Linear mandibular measurements were detected and compared between orthopantomograms and lateral cephalograms. Right and the left sides of orthopantomograms were compared for all of the linear mandibular parameters by using paired t-test. Independent sample t-test was performed for the comparison between orthopantomogram and lateral cephalogram using SPSS version 26.0. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed when orthopantomograms were compared with lateral cephalograms for mandibular body length (p=0.000) and total mandibular length (p=0.000). No statistically significant difference was found between orthopantomograms and lateral cephalograms for ramus height (p=0.226, p=0.177). Neither any significant difference was observed between right and left sides of an orthopantomogram. Conclusion: An orthopantomogram can be used to evaluate vertical mandibular measurements as reliably as a lateral cephalogram. However, it is required for clinicians to be vigilant when determining horizontal mandibular measurements from orthopantomograms as they are unpredictable.
Le syndrome de Goldenhar est une maladie rare qui affecte la croissance de la moitié de la face. Les principaux symptômes sont la microsomie hémifaciale, les dermoïdes du limbe et les microties mais on retrouve aussi de manière plus occasionnelle des atteintes systémiques cardiaques ou encore rénales. Son étiologie est mal connue mais serait majoritairement sporadique. C’est l’hémorragie de l’artère stapédienne à la cinquième semaine qui serait responsable des malformations. Il en résulterait un défaut de croissance asymétrique d’importance variable en fonction des cas. Le déficit de croissance doit être dépisté au plus tôt et être quantifié afin de proposer un plan de traitement adapté. La prise en charge est bien souvent chirurgicale et précoce pour permettre à l’enfant de s’accepter, même si une seconde chirurgie en fin de croissance est nécessaire dans la majorité des cas. Un cas clinique présentant une atteinte sévère, traité avec plusieurs chirurgies, et un cas frustre, traité avec une prise en charge principalement fonctionnelle, sont détaillés.
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Kraniofasial bölgeyi etkileyen birçok sendrom bulunmaktadır. Sendromların çoğu ağız ve baş-boyun bölgesinde birçok belirti vermektedir. Diş hekimlerine rutin olarak gelen sağlıklı bireylere göre daha az sıklıkla gelmekte olan sendromlu bireyler, özel durumlarına özgün özellikler göstermektedirler. Bu özellikler, bireylerin hayatını tehdit edecek ciddiyette olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu bireylerin hekim tarafından ayırt edilebilmesi; doğru tanının konması, ihtiyaç duydukları tedavi planının doğru bir şekilde oluşturulabilmesi ve gerekirse bireyin ve ailesinin yönlendirilmesi bakımından çok büyük önem taşımaktadır. Brankial arklar prenatal dönemde baş ve boyun yapılarının köken aldığı yapılardır. Özellikle birinci ve ikinci brankial arklarda anomaliler geliştiğinde maksilla, mandibula ve kulak gibi yerlerde malformasyonlar gelişmektedir. Teşhis, diğer sendromlarda olduğu gibi multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla konulur ve tedavi semptomlara yönelik yapılır. Bu derlemenin amacı diş hekimi kliniğine gelen brankiyal ark sendromlu bireylerde özellikle ağız, diş ve çenelerde görebileceğimiz anomalileri tanımak ve bu bireylerin tedavisine yaklaşımı değerlendirmektir. ANAHTAR KELİMELER Kraniofasial bölge, Brankial ark sendromları, Anomali ABSTRACT Branchial Arch Syndromes Relating to the Craniofacial Region And Its Importance in Dentistry Many syndromes affect the craniofacial region. In most syndromes, there are numerous symptoms in the mouth, head, and neck regions. Individuals with syndromes, who visit the dentist less frequently than healthy individuals who routinely visit the dentist, have features that are unique to their particular conditions. These features can be severe enough to threaten the lives of those affected. It is crucial to make the correct diagnosis, develop the proper treatment plan, and guide the affected individual and their family as needed. Branchial arches are structures from which head and neck structures develop in the prenatal period. Especially when anomalies develop in the first and second branchial arches, malformations develop in places such as maxilla, mandibula and ear. Diagnosis, as with other syndromes, is made with a multidisciplinary approach, and treatment is based on symptoms. This review aims to identify the anomalies that we can diagnose, especially in the mouth, teeth, and jaw of individuals with the branchial arch syndrome who apply to the dental clinic, and to evaluate the approach to treating these individuals. KEYWORDS Craniofacial region, Branchial arch syndromes, Anomaly GİRİŞ Kafatası malformasyonları, baş-boyun bölgesinin oluşma ve gelişme aşamalarındaki aksamalar ya da sapmalar sonucu ortaya çıkan yapısal ve işlevsel bozukluklardır. Kafatasının etkilendiği olguların büyük bölümünde çene-yüz bölgesinin de etkilenmesi kaçınılmazdır; bu tür olgulara kraniyofasiyal anomaliler ya da kraniyofasiyal malformasyonlar nitelemesi yapılır.