Glycopeptide identification strategy. (A) Data flow scheme for real-time glycopeptide identification in PaSER. The broken arrows indicate search-results-dependant acquisition (RDA) which is not yet implemented. (B) A schematic illustration of a glycopeptide fragmentation spectrum annotated with the features used for decomposition and identification (p is peptide moiety mass (Y 0 ion)). (C) Schematic example for how glycan moiety compositions are generated in PaSER using the glycan moiety mass of the spectrum in (B). and Glycopeptide identification strategy. (A) Data flow scheme for real-time glycopeptide identification in PaSER. The broken arrows indicate search-results-dependant acquisition (RDA) which is not yet implemented. (B) A schematic illustration of a glycopeptide fragmentation spectrum annotated with the features used for decomposition and identification (p is peptide moiety mass (Y0 ion)). (C) Schematic example for how glycan moiety compositions are generated in PaSER using the glycan moiety mass of the spectrum in (B). ✓ and  indicate compositions that fit or do not fit the glycan mass, respectively. The red whiskered line on the right represent the mass deviation of the incorrect compositions from the glycan mass.

Glycopeptide identification strategy. (A) Data flow scheme for real-time glycopeptide identification in PaSER. The broken arrows indicate search-results-dependant acquisition (RDA) which is not yet implemented. (B) A schematic illustration of a glycopeptide fragmentation spectrum annotated with the features used for decomposition and identification (p is peptide moiety mass (Y 0 ion)). (C) Schematic example for how glycan moiety compositions are generated in PaSER using the glycan moiety mass of the spectrum in (B). and Glycopeptide identification strategy. (A) Data flow scheme for real-time glycopeptide identification in PaSER. The broken arrows indicate search-results-dependant acquisition (RDA) which is not yet implemented. (B) A schematic illustration of a glycopeptide fragmentation spectrum annotated with the features used for decomposition and identification (p is peptide moiety mass (Y0 ion)). (C) Schematic example for how glycan moiety compositions are generated in PaSER using the glycan moiety mass of the spectrum in (B). ✓ and  indicate compositions that fit or do not fit the glycan mass, respectively. The red whiskered line on the right represent the mass deviation of the incorrect compositions from the glycan mass.

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Real-time database searching allows for simpler and automated proteomics workflows as it eliminates technical bottlenecks in high-throughput experiments. Most importantly, it enables results-dependent acquisition (RDA), where search results can be used to guide data acquisition during acquisition. This is especially beneficial for glycoproteomics s...


... While not truly quantitative, these ions provide supporting evidence for the identities of the peptides assigned by the search engine and mirrors recently described methods for analysis of intact glycopeptides. 20,21 . CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license available under a (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. ...
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Epigenetic programming has been shown to play a role in nearly every human system and disease where anyone has thought to look. However, the levels of heterogeneity at which epigenetic or epiproteomic modifications occur at single cell resolution across a population remains elusive. While recent advances in sequencing technology have allowed between 1 and 3 histone post-translational modifications to be analyzed in each single cell, over twenty separate chemical PTMs are known to exist, allowing thousands of possible combinations. Single cell proteomics by mass spectrometry (SCP) is an emerging technology in which hundreds or thousands of proteins can be directly quantified in typical human cells. As the proteins detected and quantified by SCP are heavily biased toward proteins of highest abundance, chromatin proteins are an attractive target for analysis. To this end, I applied SCP to the analysis of cancer cells treated with mocetinostat, a class specific histone deacetylase inhibitor. I find that 16 PTMs can be confidently identified and localized with high site specificity in single cells. In addition, the high abundance of histone proteins allows higher throughput methods to be utilized for SCP than ever described. While quantitative accuracy suffers when analyzing more than 700 cells per day, 9 histone proteins can be measured in single cells analyzed at even 3,500 cells per day, a throughput 10-fold greater than any previous report. In addition, the unbiased global approach utilized herein identifies a previously uncharacterized response to this drug through the S100-A8/S100-A9 protein complex partners. This response is observed in nearly every cell of the over 1,000 analyzed in this study, regardless of the relative throughput of the method utilized. While limitations exist in the methods described herein, current technologies can easily improve upon the results presented here to allow comprehensive analysis of histone PTMs to be performed in any mass spectrometry lab. All raw and processed data described in this study has been made publicly available through the ProteomeXchange/MASSIVE repository system as MSV000093434 Abstract graphic
... Current work in the lab to institute DIDAR filtering in real time may allow significant increases in duty cycle by allowing the TIMSTOF to only spend time sequencing MS/MS spectra which possess a user specified number of single cell reporter ions, similar to a recently described glycoproteomics workflow. 20 ■ ASSOCIATED CONTENT ...
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Recent advances in the sensitivity and speed of mass spectrometers coupled with improved sample preparation methods have enabled the field of single cell proteomics to proliferate. While heavy development is occurring in the label free space, dramatic improvements in throughput are provided by multiplexing with tandem mass tags. Hundreds or thousands of single cells can be analyzed with this method, yielding large data sets which may contain poor data arising from loss of material during cell sorting or poor digestion, labeling, and lysis. To date, no tools have been described that can assess data quality prior to data processing. We present herein a lightweight python script and accompanying graphic user interface that can rapidly quantify reporter ion peaks within each MS/MS spectrum in a file. With simple summary reports, we can identify single cell samples that fail to pass a set quality threshold, thus reducing analysis time waste. In addition, this tool, Diagnostic Ion Data Analysis Reduction (DIDAR), will create reduced MGF files containing only spectra possessing a user-specified number of single cell reporter ions. By reducing the number of spectra that have excessive zero values, we can speed up sample processing with little loss in data completeness as these spectra are removed in later stages in data processing workflows. DIDAR and the DIDAR GUI are compatible with all modern operating systems and are available at: All files described in this study are available at as accession MSV000088887.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has become a significant health concern with increasing incidence and mortality rates over the past few decades. Researchers have turned their attention to cutting-edge mass spectrometry (MS) technology due to its high-throughput and accurate detection capacity, which plays a vital role in understanding the mechanisms and discovering biomarkers for pancreatic diseases. In this review, we comprehensively investigate various methodologies of quantitative and qualitative proteomics MS technologies, alongside bioinformatical platforms employed in pancreatic cancer research. The integration of these optimized approaches provides novel insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis and disease progression, ultimately facilitating the discovery of potential diagnostic, prognostic biomarkers, and therapeutic targets. The robust MS-based strategy shows promise in paving the way for early diagnosis and personalized medicine for pancreatic cancer patients.