Fig 1- - uploaded by Nicola M. G. Ardenghi
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Geographical distribution in Sicily of Vitis rupestris (red dots), Vitis ×goliath (green dots), and Vitis ×ruggerii (blue dots). 

Geographical distribution in Sicily of Vitis rupestris (red dots), Vitis ×goliath (green dots), and Vitis ×ruggerii (blue dots). 

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With the aim to improve and update the information on distribution and invasiveness of the genus Vitis across the Euro-Mediterranean area, the authors explored Sicily (Italy), one of the world most important areas for viticulture, where this taxonomic critical group seems to have been neglected on floristics grounds. One naturalized (V. ×goliath) a...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Rare, recorded from only two localities in the provinces of Catania and Messina (Fig. ...
Context 2
... Widespread, especially in the southern part of the region; recorded from the provinces of Agrigen- to, Caltanissetta, Messina, Palermo, and Ragusa (Fig. ...
Context 3
... Rather widespread, recorded from the provinces of Agrigento, Catania, Messina, Palermo, Ra- gusa, and Siracusa. Prior to our records, the species was known only from two localities in the provinces of Mes- sina and Ragusa (Ardenghi et al., 2014) (Fig. ...
Context 4
... each treated taxon we list: the currently accepted name, reasons for its recording (e.g., floristic novelty, invasion status modified), regional distribution, habitat, invasion status (according to the definitions provided by Celesti-Grapow et al., 2009), information on its use in Sicily (acquired from: Falci, 1914;Rossi, 1955;Galet, 1988;Bica, 2007; Ministe- ro delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, 2015), comments ("notes"), examined herbarium material ("spe- cimina visa"), and localities recorded only in the field. Herbarium and field records were employed to elaborate the distribution maps ( Figs. ...


... These studies are mainly focused on native flora and only consider the most evident elements of the alien flora. Subsequently, several contributions have been published on single alien taxa of the vascular flora of the Aeolian Islands (Troìa 1998;Pasta 2003;Domina 2005;Domina and Spallino 2007;Pasta et al. 2008;Crisafulli et al. 2011;Ardenghi and Cauzzi 2015). Domina and Mazzola (2008) presented a cultivated flora of the circumsicilian archipelagos indicating the naturalized plants. ...
... Trivial plants were identified in situ; the problematic specimens were collected or photographed and then identified using the reference flora of the territory (Tutin et al. 1964(Tutin et al. -1980(Tutin et al. , 1993Pignatti 1982;Pignatti et al. 2017Pignatti et al. -2019, the "European garden flora" (Walters et al. 1984(Walters et al. , 1986(Walters et al. , 1989Cullen et al. 1995Cullen et al. , 1997Cullen et al. , 2000, and contributions on single taxa monographies (e.g. Sanders 2006Sanders , 2012Verloove 2008;Ardenghi et al. 2014Ardenghi and Cauzzi 2015;Gallo 2019;Smith et al. 2020). New herbarium specimens were housed in the "Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum" (PAL; herbarium acronyms according to Thiers 2021+). ...
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The updated censuses of the alien flora of the islands of Stromboli and Vulcano, Aeolian Islands in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, are presented here. They currently consist of 40 and 57 specific and subspecific taxa respectively. As many as 16 and 18 taxa respectively are new in comparison with the last censuses in 2016. Mesembryanthemum × vascosilvae , commonly cultivated in both islands, is reported for the first time as naturalized alien to Italy. Passiflora incarnata from Stromboli and Pelargonium graveolens from Vulcano are reported for the first time as casual aliens to Sicily. The evolution over time of these florulas, as inferred from the main floristic works published on these islands, is commented on. Biology, ecology and possible causes of settlement of these plants are discussed briefly.
... Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Lonicera japonica and Vitis vinifera have been included in the list of the 150 most widespread alien species in Europe (Lambdon et al. 2008), whereas at a country or regional level, the number of invasive and potentially invasive lianas is often higher. Fast spread and invasion of several species of the genus Vitis has been observed in Italy (Ardenghi et al. 2014;Ardenghi and Cauzzi 2015). Pueraria montana var. ...
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The woody vine Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae), Oriental bittersweet, is an alien species that recently has been found to be spreading in Europe. Many aspects of its biology and ecology are still obscure. This study evaluates the distribution and habitats, as well as size and age of stands of C. orbiculatus in Lithuania. We investigated whether meteorological factors affect radial stem increments and determined seedling recruitment in order to judge the plant's potential for further spread in Europe. We studied the flower gender of C. orbiculatus in four populations in Lithuania and found that all sampled individuals were monoecious, although with dominant either functionally female or male flowers. Dendrochronological methods enabled us to reveal the approximate time of the first establishment of populations of C. orbiculatus in Lithuania. The youngest recorded individual with fruits was determined to be 10 years old. Analysis of radial increments revealed no reliable correlations with meteorological conditions. Therefore, we conclude that climatic conditions in the region are favourable for the growth, reproduction, and invasion of this species. C. orbicu-latus produces viable seeds, successfully reproduces and spreads within and around the established stands. The presence of seedlings and two-to four-year-old saplings in the population confirms constant generative recruitment. Available information on the distribution of C. orbiculatus in Europe revealed its existence in 13 countries. In total, 58 occurrences of this species have been recorded in Europe so far. We consider that the lag period lasted until 2005 and that the exponential population growth phase has now set in. In Lithuania, the invaded area is quite small (0.51 ha); however, the total estimated invaded area in Europe could be about 250 ha. At the current stage of invasion and distribution in Europe, measures for control, management, and eradication of C. orbiculatus have a chance of being effective and economically feasible.
... Planta present al País Valencià (Laguna, 2004(Laguna, , 2005 i assilvestrada a Extremadura (Vázquez & García, 2017). A Europa es troba naturalitzada a Itàlia Ardenghi & Cauzzi, 2015;Galasso et al., 2018). La planta observada al Baix Llobregat correspon a les descrites per Aymerich i, com aquest autor indica, també hem detectat que totes les fulles presenten base truncada sense sinus peciolar o poc marcat, i que en el mateix peu s'observa una conspícua variabilitat en la forma del limbe (des de fulles enteres de contorn reniforme, molt similars a V. rupestris, fins a altres més grans i gairebé pentalobulades, que recorden a V. vinifera). ...
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Resum Presentem cites de 34 plantes aŀlòctones trobades a Catalunya i al País Valencià fruit principalment del treball de camp dut a terme en aquests territoris. Com a novetats, en citem dues per a Europa-Agave albomarginata i Euryops chrysanthemoides × E. pectinatus-, cinc per a la península Ibèrica-Opuntia chlorotica, Ptelea trifoliata, Rosa multiflora, Siphonostylis unguicularis i Solandra maxima-, vuit per a Catalunya-Aspidistra elatior, Echinopsis oxygona, Mammillaria elongata, Morus kagayamae, Paraserianthes lophantha, Proboscidea louisianica, Tara spinosa i Vachellia caven-, i vuit per a les diferents províncies catalanes: per a Barcelona, Malephora purpureocrocea, Oenothera lindheimeri, Solanum pseudocapsicum, Tecomaria capensis i Tipuana tipu; per a Girona, Bouteloua dactyloides; per a Lleida, Erythrostemon gilliesii; i, per a Tarragona, Agave lophantha. Tot i no ésser novetats, també aportem noves observacions de plantes poc ci-tades. La majoria de les espècies són presents al territori de forma ocasional (tot i que en alguns casos estan plenament naturalitzades), i en general hi són com a conseqüència d'activitats principalment de jardineria. We provide here records of 34 non-native plants found in Catalonia and the Valencian Country, mainly as a result of recent field research. The following taxa are cited as new at different scales: two in Europe-Agave albomarginata and Euryops chrysanthemoides × E. pectinatus-, five in the Iberian Peninsula-Opuntia chlorotica, Ptelea trifoliata, Rosa multiflora, Siphonostylis unguicularis and Solan-dra maxima-, eight in Catalonia-Aspidistra elatior, Echinopsis oxygona, Mammillaria elongata, Morus kagayamae, Paraserianthes lophantha, Proboscidea louisianica, Tara spinosa and Vachellia caven-, five in the province of Barcelona Malephora purpureocrocea, Oenothera lindheimeri, Solanum pseudocapsicum, Tecomaria capensis and Tipuana tipu; and one in the provinces of Girona, Lleida and Tarragona-Bouteloua dactyloides, Erythrostemon gilliesii, and Agave lophantha, respectively. Data of some other plants not new for these regions but scarcely cited are also provided. Although most of the species are casual, for a few cases they are naturalized, mostly being originally introduced for horticultural purposes.
... La diversificación de estos productos procedentes de la diversidad y selección vegetal dentro del genero Vitis, con destino a los cultivos de vid en todo el mundo ha facilitado la dispersión de un gran número de taxones por todas las regiones vitivinícolas de la Tierra, con diferentes consecuencias: las más aparentes y dirigidas al fortalecimiento, adaptación, resistencia y calidad de las producciones de Vitis vinifera L., y sus cruces; pero además, los portainjertos sobre los que se ha estructurado la producción de uvas en todo el mundo, han saltado de los cultivos naturalizándose y generando una flora subespontánea, naturalizada o asilvestrada que convive y llega a competir con la vegetación y flora nativa (Laguna, 2003(Laguna, , 2004Arrigo & al., 2007;Ardenghi & al., 2014Ardenghi & al., , 2015, generando diferentes situaciones sobre el entorno como la invasión de áreas (Arrigo & al., 2007), o el incremento de la diversidad (Ardenghi & al., 2014). ...
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Our previous research on the xenophytes vascular flora of the Iberian Peninsula was continued in 2016-2017. Several new provincial or regional data are presented (18 taxa), especially for the provinces of Alicante, Huelva and Sevilla (Spain), and Algarve and Estremadura regions (Portugal). Special interest was paid to the naturalized flora of the Natural Park of Sintra-Cascais. For each taxon details are given about the distribution, occupied habitats, ecology, previous citations, the degree of naturalization, etc. Adiantum raddianum, Ageratina ligustrina, A. riparia and Fuchsia boliviana, are possibly mentioned for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. The naturalization and spread of Blechnum cordatum is confirmed in Sintra (Estremadura, Portugal). Local novelties for Estremadura include Cenchrus setaceus, Cyperus papyrus and Nassella tenuissima are reported from Huelva, probably for the first time for Andalusia (Spain). Lemna minuta is possibly first recorded for the Algarve (Portugal), while Soliva sessilis is new for the provinces of Sevilla (Western Andalusia) and Algarve (Portugal). Elaeagnus angustifolia and Senecio angulatus turn out to be new for the province of Huelva. Finally, Leucaena leucocephala, Oenothera lindheimeri, Parthenocissus inserta and Tipuana tipu have been observed for the first time from Alicante province.
... La diversificación de estos productos procedentes de la diversidad y selección vegetal dentro del genero Vitis, con destino a los cultivos de vid en todo el mundo ha facilitado la dispersión de un gran número de taxones por todas las regiones vitivinícolas de la Tierra, con diferentes consecuencias: las más aparentes y dirigidas al fortalecimiento, adaptación, resistencia y calidad de las producciones de Vitis vinifera L., y sus cruces; pero además, los portainjertos sobre los que se ha estructurado la producción de uvas en todo el mundo, han saltado de los cultivos naturalizándose y generando una flora subespontánea, naturalizada o asilvestrada que convive y llega a competir con la vegetación y flora nativa (Laguna, 2003(Laguna, , 2004Arrigo & al., 2007;Ardenghi & al., 2014Ardenghi & al., , 2015, generando diferentes situaciones sobre el entorno como la invasión de áreas (Arrigo & al., 2007), o el incremento de la diversidad (Ardenghi & al., 2014). ...
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The present study aims to identify the diversity within the genus Vitis L. which is naturalized and lives in the wild in Extremadura. The results obtained show the presence of 16 taxa: V. cinerea (Engelm.) Engelm. ex Millardet var. helleri (L.H. Bailey) M. O. Moore, V. labrusca L., V. acerifolia Raf., V. riparia Michx., V. rupestris Scheele, V. ×alexanderi Prince ex Jacques, V. ×bacoi Ardenghi, Galasso & Banfi, V. ×goliath Ardenghi, Galasso & Banfi, V. ×instabilis Ardenghi, Galasso, Banfi & Lastrucci, V. ×koberi Ardenghi, Galasso, Banfi & Lastrucci y V. ×ruggerii Ardenghi, Galasso, Banfi & Lastrucci) y V.cinerea (Engelm.) Engelm. ex Millardet var. helleri (L.H. Bailey) M. O. Moore x V. rupestris Scheele x V.vinifera L. y V. acerifolia Raf., x V. rupestris Scheele x V. vinifera L., that only had evidence of the presence of V. vinifera L., subsp. sylvestris (C.C.Gmelin.)Hegi. Additionally two new hybrids taxa are described: V. ×gallica F.M.Vázquez nothosp. nov. y V. ×hispanica F.M.Vázquez & D.García nothosp. nov. It provides information on its distribution area and the habitat they occupy in Extremadura, as well as adding a dichotomous key and a set of 14 plates, with which you can identify the leaf morphology of most taxa found to date in Extremadura.
... These hybrids are capable of escaping from cultivation and forming self-sustaining populations. Some of them were recently described as authentic species (Ardenghi et al., 2014Ardenghi et al., , 2015b), occurring in natural and semi-natural habitats and often showing an invasive character (Ardenghi et al., 2014Ardenghi et al., , 2015aArdenghi & Cauzzi, 2015;Silva et al., 2015). Such grapevines can affect riparian and woody habitats, remnant natural vegetation in Mediterranean maquis shrubland and disturbed habitats (Laguna Lumbreras, 2003b;Facsar & Udvardy, 2008;Celesti-Grapow et al., 2009). ...
... They colonise a wide range of different habitats, such as wasteland, garrigues, riparian woodlands and woodland fringes. On the other hand, V. riparia, less widespread than often believed, acts as an invasive species mostly in riparian habitats (Ardenghi et al., 2014;Ardenghi & Cauzzi, 2015;S aez et al., 2016). Invasion success has been ascribed, among other factors, to high germination capability (Radford & Cousens, 2000;Mand ak, 2003) across a wide range of conditions (Richardson et al., 2000;Baskin & Baskin, 2014). ...
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Alien grape (Vitis, Vitaceae) species and recently described hybrids are recognised as major environmental weeds in southern Europe, based on their tendency to spread into natural and semi-natural habitats, often behaving as invasive species. Despite a high number of agronomic, genetic and phytopathological studies on Vitis cultivars, regeneration from seed has been poorly investigated, although it plays a key role in plant distribution and evolution. To this end, in this study we exposed seeds of eight wild grapes in Europe (three species and five nothospecies, including the native Vitis vinifera), to different temperature treatments in the laboratory. Fresh seeds from all studied taxa were dormant and germinated only after cold and/or warm plus cold stratification, but showing significant differences between the species. Seeds of V. vinifera showed an intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy, while all other tested Vitis taxa exhibited a deep complex morphophysiological dormancy. Dark conditions reduced the germination percentage in Vitis labrusca, Vitis riparia and V. vinifera and their hybrids, and alternating temperatures elicited the highest germination percentages in all populations. Our results demonstrated for the first time that Vitis hybrids are capable of regeneration by seed, even in the absence of dispersal by animals. The germination processes studied here help understand the current expansion of alien Vitis taxa in Europe outside the viticultural areas. Consequently, germination requirements contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying alien Vitis taxa establishment and invasion.
... Dumping of yard trimmings and green waste could explain the establishment of Podranea ricasoliana in this locality.Vitis rupestris has been one of the first rootstocks to be used to face at the phylloxera crisis; its employment decreased in recent times, having been replaced by hybrids (such as V. × ruggerii) more resistant to drought and characterized by a minor vigor. This species is regarded as naturalized and invasive in different parts of Europe and the Mediterranean region (Laguna, 2003;Ardenghi & Cauzzi, 2015).This species is native to Central America (Thiede, 2001). It is widely cultivated as an ornamental in warm regions of the world (López-Pujol & Guillot, 2014). ...
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Aquest article inclou dades per a 67 tàxons, 25 dels quals són nous per a la flora de les Illes Balears: Agave fourcroydes, Amaranthus emarginatus, Asparagus aethiopicus, Bidens pilosa, Cardiospermum grandiflorum, C. halicacabum, Cotyledon orbiculata, Eschscholzia californica, Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba, Gomphocarpus physocarpus, Gossypium hirsutum, Hedera hibernica, H. maroccana, Lathyrus odoratus, L. sativus, Lycianthes rantonnetii, Malephora uitenhagensis, Opuntia engelmannii subsp. lindheimeri, Osteospermum ecklonis, Phytolacca icosandra (primera citació per a Europa), Vitis × koberi, V. × ruggeri, V. rupestris, Washingtonia robusta i Yucca gigantea. A més, diversos tàxons suposen novetats per a la flora d’algunes illes de l’arxipèlag.
... Vitis rupestris has been one of the first rootstocks to be used to face at the phylloxera crisis; its employment decreased in recent times, having been replaced by hybrids (such as V. × ruggerii) more resistant to drought and characterized by a minor vigor. This species is regarded as naturalized and invasive in different parts of Europe and the Mediterranean region (Laguna, 2003; Ardenghi & Cauzzi, 2015). This species is native to Central America (Thiede, 2001 ). ...
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Resum Aquest article inclou dades per a 67 tàxons, 25 dels quals són nous per a la flora de les Illes Balears: Agave fourcroydes, Amaranthus emarginatus, Asparagus aethiopicus, Bidens pilosa, Cardiospermum grandiflorum, C. halicacabum, Cotyledon orbiculata, Eschscholzia californica, Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba, Gomphocarpus physocarpus, Gossypium hirsutum, Hedera hibernica, H. maroccana, Lathyrus odoratus, L. sativus, Lycianthes rantonnetii, Malephora uitenhagensis, Opuntia engelmannii subsp. lindheimeri, Osteospermum ecklonis, Phytolacca icosandra (primera citació per a Europa), Vitis × koberi, V. × ruggeri, V. rupestris, Washingtonia robusta i Yucca gigantea. A més, diversos tàxons suposen novetats per a la flora d’algunes illes de l’arxipèlag.
... Vitis rupestris has been one of the first rootstocks to be used to face at the phylloxera crisis; its employment decreased in recent times, having been replaced by hybrids (such as V. × ruggerii) more resistant to drought and characterized by a minor vigor. This species is regarded as naturalized and invasive in different parts of Europe and the Mediterranean region (Laguna, 2003; Ardenghi & Cauzzi, 2015). This species is native to Central America (Thiede, 2001 ). ...
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This paper deals with 67 taxa, 25 of which are new to the Balearic Islands flora: Agave fourcroydes, Amaranthus emarginatus, Asparagus aethiopicus, Bidens pilosa, Cardiospermum grandiflorum, C. halicacabum, Cotyledon orbiculata, Eschscholzia californica, Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba, Gomphocarpus physocarpus, Gossypium hirsutum, Hedera hibernica, H. maroccana, Lathyrus odoratus, L. sativus, Lycianthes rantonnetii, Malephora uitenhagensis, Opuntia engelmannii subsp. lindheimeri, Osteospermum ecklonis, Phytolacca icosandra (new for Europe), Vitis × koberi, V. × ruggeri, V. rupestris, Washingtonia robusta and Yucca gigantea. Moreover several taxa are novelties for the flora of certain islands.
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La “vite selvatica” (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris) è considerata l’antenato selvatico dei moderni vitigni afferenti a Vitis vinifera. Sebbene attualmente questa entità sia ritenuta di scarsa valenza tassonomica, questo lessico botanico risulta spesso citato soprattutto nelle fonti letterarie storiche. In questo lavoro è stata effettuata, per la prima volta, una sintesi dei dati disponibili attraverso una minuziosa analisi delle fonti letterarie considerate pertinenti. I primi riferimenti alla “vite selvatica” sono stati rintracciati nell’Odissea di Omero, il poema epico composto probabilmente tra l’VIII ed il VII secolo a.C.