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General framework of Internet of Things (IoT) + Fog + Cloud.

General framework of Internet of Things (IoT) + Fog + Cloud.

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In the Internet of Things (IoT) + Fog + Cloud architecture, with the unprecedented growth of IoT devices, one of the challenging issues that needs to be tackled is to allocate Fog service providers (FSPs) to IoT devices, especially in a game-theoretic environment. Here, the issue of allocation of FSPs to the IoT devices is sifted with game-theoreti...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... differently from the Cloud, in Fog computing, the processing of data and storage of data is done locally to the available Fog service providers (FSPs). The general framework consisting of Cloud computing, Fog computing, and IoT devices is depicted in Figure 1. Talking in terms of Fog computing, currently, the number of FSPs are not ample. ...
Context 2
... the other hand, in the second case, the results obtained on comparing MTM-FSA and TM-FSA are given in Figure 10a-c. ...
Context 3
... Case 2: t i = ∞. In Figure 10, MTM-FSA is compared with TM-FSA based on the second parameter, i.e., Best allocation. In Figure 10, it can be seen that the number of best allocations made in the case of MTM-FSA is more as compared to that of TM-FSA in all three different scenarios. ...
Context 4
... Figure 10, MTM-FSA is compared with TM-FSA based on the second parameter, i.e., Best allocation. In Figure 10, it can be seen that the number of best allocations made in the case of MTM-FSA is more as compared to that of TM-FSA in all three different scenarios. This is due to the reason that, in the case of MTM-FSA, no FSP is exclusively given access to a particular user and a single FSP can be allocated to multiple users. ...
Context 5
... is due to the reason that, in the case of MTM-FSA, no FSP is exclusively given access to a particular user and a single FSP can be allocated to multiple users. If this is the case, then the number of users getting their best preference among the available FSPs gets increased as depicted in Figure 10. Also, these simulation results are supporting the claim made in Lemma 3 that the expected number of allocation of the first preference of all the agents will increase as the available number of slots is increased. ...
Context 6
... Figures 11a and 12b, the comparison between MTM-FSA and FMTM-FSA is done on the basis of lateness incurred on scheduling the tasks of the users. The x-axis represents the number of users, and the y-axis represents the total maximum lateness (in hours). ...
Context 7
... x-axis represents the number of users, and the y-axis represents the total maximum lateness (in hours). In Figure 11a,b, the simulations are performed on a small data set, whereas in Figure 12a,b, the simulations are performed on a large data set. In the case of MTM-FSA, it can be seen that the tasks of the users are scheduled based on the random number assigned to the users. ...
Context 8
... x-axis represents the number of users, and the y-axis represents the total maximum lateness (in hours). In Figure 11a,b, the simulations are performed on a small data set, whereas in Figure 12a,b, the simulations are performed on a large data set. In the case of MTM-FSA, it can be seen that the tasks of the users are scheduled based on the random number assigned to the users. ...
Context 9
... simulations are done for two different distributions, namely random distribution (RD) and normal distribution (ND). In Figure 11a, for the ND case, the mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) for the processing time are 5 and 2, respectively. The mean and standard deviation for the deadline are taken as 8 and 3, respectively. ...
Context 10
... mean and standard deviation for the deadline are taken as 8 and 3, respectively. In Figure 11b, for the RD case, the processing time and deadline are generated randomly between [3,10] and [5,12], respectively. In Figure 11a,b, it can be seen that the total maximum lateness in the case of FMTM-FSA is less as compared to MTM-FSA. ...
Context 11
... Figure 11b, for the RD case, the processing time and deadline are generated randomly between [3,10] and [5,12], respectively. In Figure 11a,b, it can be seen that the total maximum lateness in the case of FMTM-FSA is less as compared to MTM-FSA. This is due to the reason that, in the case of FMTM-FSA, the tasks of the users are scheduled based on the earliest deadline first, whereas in the case of MTM-FSA, the tasks of the users are scheduled based on the random number assigned to the users. ...
Context 12
... it can be inferred that FMTM-FSA performs better than MTM-FSA on the basis of maximum lateness. In Figure 12a, for the ND case, the mean and standard deviation for the processing time are 75 and 10, respectively. The mean and standard deviation for the deadline are taken as 85 and 10, respectively. ...
Context 13
... mean and standard deviation for the deadline are taken as 85 and 10, respectively. In Figure 12b, for the RD case, the processing time and deadline are generated randomly between [50,100] and [75,110], respectively. In Figure 12a,b, it can be seen that the total maximum lateness in the case of FMTM-FSA is less as compared to MTM-FSA due to same reason as above. ...
Context 14
... Figure 12b, for the RD case, the processing time and deadline are generated randomly between [50,100] and [75,110], respectively. In Figure 12a,b, it can be seen that the total maximum lateness in the case of FMTM-FSA is less as compared to MTM-FSA due to same reason as above. ...

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