Gambar 1 Peta Pulau Mandangin dari Google Eart Tabel 1 Form Potensi Ekoiogis Pengunjung (k) dan Luas Area Kegiatan (lt) Jenis kegiatan K (∑pengunjung) Unit area(lt) Keterangan Rekreasi pantai 1 50m 2 1 orang setiap 50m panjang pantai Sumber: Yuiianda 2007 dalam (Wunani et al 2013)

Gambar 1 Peta Pulau Mandangin dari Google Eart Tabel 1 Form Potensi Ekoiogis Pengunjung (k) dan Luas Area Kegiatan (lt) Jenis kegiatan K (∑pengunjung) Unit area(lt) Keterangan Rekreasi pantai 1 50m 2 1 orang setiap 50m panjang pantai Sumber: Yuiianda 2007 dalam (Wunani et al 2013)

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Pulau mandangin merupakan salah satu wilayah di kabupaten sampang dengan luas 1650 km2 dan jumlah penduduk 20.568 jiwa. Sebagai sebuah pulau, mandangin berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai ekowisata bahari. Saat ini pemerintah desa bermaksud mengembangkan pulau mandangin sebagai kawasan pariwisata. Maka untuk menjamin keberlanjutan konservasi dan reabil...

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... Jumlah ini akan mempengaruhi kemampuan pengelola kawasan dalam menjaga kelestarian alamnya sehingga dibutuhkan pemeliharaan kawasan dan pencegahan yang sesuai bagi wilayah tersebut. Kegiatan wisata dapat mengakibatkan turunnya kualitas sumberdaya, sehingga perlunya keseimbangan pemanfatan dengan melakukan pengelolaan berlanjut (Ariani, Hayati, 2020). Apabila jumlah pengunjung yang datang melebihi kapasitas daya dukung kawasan ekowisata dapat berakibat tidak optimal dalam pemanfaatan kawasan dan dapat berakibat fatal terhadap ekosistem danau sehingga dapat menggangu kenyamanan wisatawan saat berwisata. ...
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Sulistyaningrum N, Kurniawati B, Nugroho GD, Sunarto, Kusumaningrum L, Sujarta P, Nisyawati, Thenya T, Setyawan AD. 2022. Conservation-based ecotourism development at Pasir Putih Prigi Beach, Trenggalek District, East Java, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 6: 29-35. One of the contributors to state revenue is the tourism sector. To advance the tourism sector, the government has begun to develop tourism based on sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism is useful for helping nature conservation efforts. Moreover, creating sustainable tourism, it can be done by creating ecotourism. This research was conducted in June 2022 with 50 respondents around the research location. Respondents aged 20-70 years consisted of traders, homemakers, fishermen, and Pasir Putih Prigi Beach management staff. This study examines conservation and ecotourism efforts by the community around Pasir Putih Prigi Beach and social perceptions of ecotourism. Several aspects studied in the Pasir Putih Prigi Beach conservation efforts include protection, preservation, utilization, and public perceptions of Pasir Putih Prigi Beach ecotourism. The study results show that protection employs local wisdom called Larung Sembonyo, a form of gratitude for the fishing community for the marine products that have been obtained. This ceremony is also a request for the safety of the fishing community when looking for fish in the sea. Preservation by regularly cleaning the beach while utilizing the beach as a recreation and trade center improves the community's economy. Recreation offered at the beach is swimming, boat rides, snorkeling, and deep diving. More than 90% of the coastal communities of Pasir Putih Prigi Beach do not understand the concept of ecotourism. People think that ecotourism is the same as tourism in general. Ecotourism conservation and development efforts are carried out by the Tourism and Culture Office of Trenggalek District through the TIU of Tourism Destinations with the community groups. Cooperation between the government and the community will increase coastal conservation and the economic benefits the community receives.
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Setapuk Mangrove tourism has the potential to be developed into natural tourism because it has the potential in the form of natural scenery, rainbow bridges and mangrove areas with various attractions and tourism infrastructure. The purpose of the study was to explain the perception and satisfaction of visitors to the attractiveness of Setapuk Mangrove tourism through available facilities. The method used a survey with 50 visitors as research informants selected by accidental sampling. Data collection was conducted through observation and interviews using a list of questions. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. Visitors' perception of the Setapuk Mangrove tourism area feels interested and quite satisfied with tourist objects in the form of natural scenery, flora, fauna, beaches, rivers and roads/tracks. It is also supported by the condition of facilities, cleanliness, comfort, safety and satisfaction of visitors as well as the physical condition of tourist facilities and infrastructure that are available or well maintained. It is supported by several tourism activities that get satisfied assessments by visitors, namely when observing mangrove beaches by speedboat. Accessibility conditions that are not supportive and physical conditions of infrastructure that are not good are basically weaknesses as well as advantages, because accessibility in muddy conditions will get more attention from visitors/researchers with educational purposes that require elements of unity with nature so that these conditions remain original, so this area has potency for ecotourism
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This research was conducted from April 2022 to June 2022 in Anak Setatah Village, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province. This study aimed to analyze the carrying capacity of mangrove forest ecosystems, the level of participation, and the perceptions of local communities towards developing mangrove ecotourism in Anak Setatah Village. The method used in this research is the survey method, which is data collection by interview. The data collected consists of primary and secondary data. Preliminary data includes water quality measurement data, carrying capacity (area measurement, length of visit time, physical data of the area), general condition of the research location, questionnaires, and documentation. Secondary data came from journals on mangrove ecotourism potential. Then, the sampling of respondents was determined/selected purposively (purposive sampling). The results showed that the Anak Setatah Village mangrove ecotourism area had several activities: tracking, sitting, photography, and education. The calculation results of the area's carrying capacity in the mangrove ecotourism of Anak Setatah Village are 168 people/day. This means that the maximum number of visitors allowed to do tourist activities in mangrove ecotourism is 168 visitors per day, with the time provided by the manager for traveling being 12 hours. The perception of the Anak Setatah Village community shows promising results, with the IPR category strongly agreeing, and the mean count category is classified into a high category
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p>The challenge of Pererenan Beach Development is to determine the efficiency of resource utilization, so that it does not exceed its carrying capacity. The carrying capacity of Pererenan Beach tourism is carried out by analyzing the suitability of coastal tourism. Then calculate the capacity to measure the number of tourists that can be accommodated without damaging the ecosystem. This study aims to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of coastal tourism. The method used is quantitative and descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the carrying capacity of the area on Pererenan Beach was classified under the carrying capacity and had a very suitable relative criterion (S1) with a percentage value of 96% suitable for use as beach recreation tourism. The Covid-19 pandemic provides a lesson that the concept of carrying capacity is important to avoid mass tourism and reduce the number of tourists according to their capacity so that visitors get comfort and travel satisfaction.</p
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The existence of hydro-oceanographic information such as tides plays an essential role in supporting coastal areas' transportation. This study aims to compare the tidal analysis results in Mandangin Island, Sampang Regency, East Java using the Admiralty and Least Square methods. The data used in this study are tidal data for May and November 2020, which represent the dry and rainy seasons in Indonesia. Tide data are obtained from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) at one-hour intervals. From this research, it can be concluded that the tidal types generated from the Admiralty and Least Square methods in Mandangin Island, East Java, are mixed types with semidiurnal tendencies. The use of the Admiralty and Least Square methods results in the difference in the harmonic components' amplitude values. The M2 and O1 components have an enormous difference in May 2020, with amplitude values of 0.0003 and 0.0002, and the difference in the amplitude values of the harmonic components also occurred in November 2020. The M2 component has the most significant difference compare to other components, namely 0.0011. The components O1, P1, and MS4 in the same month result in a relatively small difference in amplitude values with values of 0.0002, 0.0002, and 0.0001. For further tidal research, data corrections should be considered, a nodal correction to produce more accurate observational data. This correction can use the T_Tide program with constants obtained from the analysis process.