Frequency distribution of the research sample regarding the sources of information on the environment

Frequency distribution of the research sample regarding the sources of information on the environment

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This paper investigates the comparative knowledge and attitudes of girls and boys 17-18 years old high school graduating students of Rhodes (Greece) on the topic of protected areas, both locally and nationally, as part of Education for Sustainable Development. The purpose of this research is to study the responses of the graduating students and to...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... frequency distribution of the research sample by gender, shows that out of 297 students 168 are girls (56.57%), while 129 are boys (43.43%). Table 1 records the results of responses to the question concerning the principal sources from which students derive information about the environment. It shows that the majority of girls (28.57%) and boys (22.48%) say they use the Internet as a main source of information. ...
Context 2
... is noteworthy that the students who indicated in a previous question that they have visited protected areas, a percentage of 7.80% did not mention any. The question concerning the protected areas visited by students' shows from the data from Table 10 that the majority of the total sample has visited a certain area or they did not answer at the rate of 56.23%, boys especially comprising 63.57% and 50.60% of girls. The Valley of the Butterflies is almost the only protected area that has been visited by girls at the rate of 42.86% and the boys at 30.23%. ...
Context 3
... the answers the girls answered positively with an overwhelming majority, 89.29%, while the majority of boys with a 57.36% say they know what protected areas are. The question concerning the right approach of the identification of protected areas from the total sample, as shown by the data in Table 12, "Areas of particular ecological interest," was chosen by the girls with a 41.67% and the boys with 17.83%. In second place was "natural areas rich in flora and fauna" with a 16.67% for males and 10.08% for girls. ...
Context 4
... second place was "natural areas rich in flora and fauna" with a 16.67% for males and 10.08% for girls. Concerning the activities that can be performed on protected areas, according to Table 13, more girls 54.76% than boys 41.09% chose from the suggested response "controlled human activities depending on the situation". Overall the total sample response rate was 48.82%. ...
Context 5
... the total sample response rate was 48.82%. For the categories of the protected national legislation areas, as seen in Table 14, most girls 51.19% and the boys 40.31% chose the answer "all of the above." Second place was students that commented on the national parks with a percentage of 11.90% girls and 24.03% boys. ...
Context 6
... place was students that commented on the national parks with a percentage of 11.90% girls and 24.03% boys. The question that asked on knowledge about the role of protected areas (Table 15), more than one answer was recorded, and as a result all the frequencies exceeded the sample size. For the best picture of the distribution of responses for each option there is a declaration of two rates. ...
Context 7
... economic rate is lower than the three above, but substantially higher in females (58.93%) than boys (20.93%). From the research about the knowledge of the priority areas in the protected areas, as seen from the data of Table 16, it shows for girls the first right choice "environmental protection" with a 54.17%, while for boys the wrong choice "All of the above" with a 51.16%. These answers have the highest percentage in the whole sample, 48.48%. ...
Context 8
... answers have the highest percentage in the whole sample, 48.48%. The attitude of students in the matter of those who are responsible for protected areas (Table 17) it is observed that girls with a rate of 64.88%, indicated that all proposed in the table should be responsible and liable, however the boys answered that the state and the local municipality should be responsible with the same rate of 24.03%. From the entire sample the majority concentrated on the answer "all of the above at the rate of 51.52%. ...
Context 9
... the entire sample the majority concentrated on the answer "all of the above at the rate of 51.52%. When asked about the students' knowledge about the threats to protected areas, Table 18 shows the vast majority of girls, 85.71% and the majority of boys, 68.99% indicated that the fires are a main risk. For the boys the second choice is the proportion of agrochemicals with 68.22%, while for girls, they answered free grazing at a proportion of 32.74%. ...
Context 10
... the boys the second choice is the proportion of agrochemicals with 68.22%, while for girls, they answered free grazing at a proportion of 32.74%. Exploring the opinions of students in the sample question of building a hotel near the protected area of the Valley of the Butterflies, based on Table 19, it shows that the majority of girls with an 88.10% chose for it not to be built. The boys respond the same with 67.44%. ...

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