-Tláloc, según el Códice Vaticano A (20r, 48v). Dibujos: Loïc Vauzelle.

-Tláloc, según el Códice Vaticano A (20r, 48v). Dibujos: Loïc Vauzelle.

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... Dicha campaña de análisis forma parte de un proyecto interdisciplinario más amplio, enfocado al estudio de los materiales pictóricos empleados en la manufactura de códices mesoamericanos prehispánicos y coloniales. 1 Como lo han mostrado varios estudios del original del manuscrito, la gama de colores del Códice Vaticano b es sumamente rica y articulada, en particular porque seis láminas del manuscrito -específicamente las láminas 12, 20, 71, 72, 95 y 96-fueron parcial o completamente repintadas en tiempos antiguos, después de que se cubriera con un nuevo enlucido blanco la capa pictórica original (Cassidy 2004;Dupey 2017a;Dupey et al., en este volumen). Se conformó de esta manera un complejo palimpsesto en donde se puede identificar el uso de cinco paletas cromáticas diferentes (Dupey y Álvarez Icaza 2017, 2018. ...
... In a world entirely under the sway of supernatural forces, the image of divinity received concrete expression through a partial anthropomorphization. The structure of the human body was further used to give presence to a cluster of concepts that were materialized through the juxtaposition of symbolic elements (Mikulska 2017;Vauzelle 2017). The ornaments, attributes, clothing, manner of arranging the hair, body painting, and so on formed a true visual language that enabled the names or functions of the gods and their variants to be distinguished. ...
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Many studies, even those conducted in the field of the Americas, still argue that graphic communication necessarily builds on coding units of speech. However, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the narrowness of this concept by focusing on Indigenous and pre-Columbian societies, who favore(d) non-glottographic systems over written speech. This paper concerns the development of a semiological multidimensional theory and methodology to analyze Indigenous Graphic Communication Systems (GCSs) in Mesoamerica, Amazonia, the Isthmo-Colombian Area and the Central Andes. The aim of this theory and methodology is to understand how and in what ways Indigenous societies communicate and encode knowledge using graphic units. Placing emic concepts and epistemologies increasingly at the center of the investigation comes with a rethinking of Western concepts of writing, and a change of perspective. The proposed model provides access to new analytical dimensions that have not been considered in an integrated way so far. Graphic units are not only studied in relation to each other and on the semantic level, but in the broader context in which they arise. Three examples are used to demonstrate the complexity of graphic communication based on semasiographic principles and test the proposed approach focusing on various forms of Yukpa graphic expressions in Colombia and Venezuela and framed graphic units of the Tiwanaku culture in the Central Andes, Peru.
En el presente trabajo se exponen los principales rasgos de contenido, tanto del Libro Escrito Europeo como del Libro Indígena, de la primera fiesta contenida en el contexto del xiuhpohualli del Códice Tudela. En estas páginas analizamos detenidamente, por un lado, cada uno de los elementos que el amanuense describe y, por otro, aquello que el tlacuilo recoge, para tratar de esclarecer lo que esta fuente poco estudiada puede aportar a la luz de otras y por sí misma. De esta forma, el presente trabajo pretende poner el foco en la gran cantidad de información que ha quedado olvidada en las páginas de este documento, por su difícil acceso y por la poca atención que la historiografía tradicional le ha prestado. Por este motivo, lo aquí contenido es el primer análisis detallado que incorpora a la historiografía la información que el amanuense nos aporta en relación con el xiuhpohualli, y pone de manifiesto todo lo que aún queda por descubrir en las páginas de este manuscrito. Las páginas que siguen se limitan exclusivamente a la primera fiesta por la enorme cantidad de información que contiene, prueba una vez más de la importancia del Códice Tudela como fuente histórica.
El presente artículo busca analizar el Libro Escrito Europeo y el Libro Indígena del folio 12r y 12v del Códice Tudela. El objetivo es resaltar la necesidad de atención de este manuscrito y recopilar y analizar su contenido. A través de esta información, estableceremos una comparativa para observar su originalidad en comparación con otros miembros de su grupo, acierto respecto a otras fuentes, características de sus pinturas y el orden de composición. No es objetivo de este estudio tratar aspectos propios de la religiosidad tradicional de los indígenas, sino concretar qué elementos buscaban destacar sus autores, y resaltar la importancia del análisis de los materiales para un estudio y aprovechamiento más productivo de su contenido.
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The central part of the Manuscrito Aubin No. 20 (BNF, Ms. Mexicain 20), housed in the Bibliothèque nationale de France as part of the Mexican Collection, has disappeared. It is widely believed that two copies of this codex that were undertaken in the 18th century managed to reproduce the central part of this document before its erasure. This view does not seem to have been questioned, apart from a doubt expressed by Maarten Jansen some time ago. Therefore, when a reproduction of Ms. 20 is needed in any publication, it is frequently accompanied by the reproduction of the copy made by León y Gama (BNF, Ms. Mexicain 21) so as to supply the missing image. On the basis of codicological research, the aim of this article is to verify if the copy by León y Gama, and the one made by Father Pichardo (BNF, Ms. Mexicain 88-4), can be treated as reliable reproductions The codicological study of the original document will also allow the formulation of a hypothesis regarding the possible use of the original indigenous document.
This article seeks to contribute to the development of a method for analyzing the attributes of the gods of central Mexico in the manuscripts and the statuary from the time of the Spanish conquest. I focus on the Goddess of Water, Chalchiuhtlicue, “Jade Her Skirt.” The method consists of isolating the component designs of her array and grouping them in semantic groups. I begin by examining these designs and show that all of them were used in the notation of toponyms. These findings call into question the traditional separation between glyphs and icons. I next study the semantic groups and show that they consist of a series of culturally selected manifestations of water. Hence, it follows that the rules of composition of the goddess were grounded on a process of “definition by extension.” Thus, most of the semantic groups referred to different secondary names of the goddess, allowing us to think that they represented theonyms of a particular type.