-a-g. Aeschynomene brevipes -a. ramo; b. estípula; c. face adaxial do folíolo; d. face abaxial do folíolo; e. flor; f. lomento; g. semente. h-m. Aeschynomene denticulata -h. ramo; i. estípula; j. face adaxial do folíolo; k. flor; l. lomento; m. semente. (a-g. L.E.A.M. Lescano 109; h-m. F. Matos-Alves 487).

-a-g. Aeschynomene brevipes -a. ramo; b. estípula; c. face adaxial do folíolo; d. face abaxial do folíolo; e. flor; f. lomento; g. semente. h-m. Aeschynomene denticulata -h. ramo; i. estípula; j. face adaxial do folíolo; k. flor; l. lomento; m. semente. (a-g. L.E.A.M. Lescano 109; h-m. F. Matos-Alves 487).

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Resumo O Chaco é maior domínio de florestas contínuas da América do Sul e agrega distintas famílias botânicas com destaque à Leguminosae. A elevada riqueza e diversidade de membros de Leguminosae, sobretudo de Papilionoideae, aliada à distribuição de determinados gêneros comuns às florestas secas tem motivado a investigação deste interessante grupo...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... 70: e04542017. 2019 11ʼ. Folhas 3-folioladas; brácteas presentes; bractéolas não peltiformes; corola sem indumento esparsoestrigoso . Fig. 2a-g Subarbustos eretos, ca. 0,5 m de altura; ramos cilíndricos, estriados, esparso-seríceos, inermes, glabrescentes. Estípulas deltadas, livres, caducas, esparso-seríceas, venação acródroma, margem ciliada. Folhas imparipinadas, 4,3-7,9 × 1,4-2,6 cm; pecíolo circular, pubescente; estipelas ausentes; folíolos 16-86, 0,5-1,5 × 0,1-0,7 cm, ...
Context 2
... Aeschynomene denticulata Rudd, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 32: 69. 1955. Fig. 2h-m Subarbustos eretos, 0,5-1 m de altura; ramos cilíndricos, estriados, hispidulosos, inermes, pubescentes. Estípulas peltiformes, lanceoladas, livres, caducas, esparso-hispidulosas, venação actinódroma, margem dentículo-ciliada. Folhas imparipinadas, 0,7-8,2 × 0,3-1,1 cm; pecíolo circular, pubescente; estipelas ausentes; folíolos ...
Context 3
... 70: e04542017. 2019 11ʼ. Folhas 3-folioladas; brácteas presentes; bractéolas não peltiformes; corola sem indumento esparsoestrigoso . Fig. 2a-g Subarbustos eretos, ca. 0,5 m de altura; ramos cilíndricos, estriados, esparso-seríceos, inermes, glabrescentes. Estípulas deltadas, livres, caducas, esparso-seríceas, venação acródroma, margem ciliada. Folhas imparipinadas, 4,3-7,9 × 1,4-2,6 cm; pecíolo circular, pubescente; estipelas ausentes; folíolos 16-86, 0,5-1,5 × 0,1-0,7 cm, ...
Context 4
... Aeschynomene denticulata Rudd, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 32: 69. 1955. Fig. 2h-m Subarbustos eretos, 0,5-1 m de altura; ramos cilíndricos, estriados, hispidulosos, inermes, pubescentes. Estípulas peltiformes, lanceoladas, livres, caducas, esparso-hispidulosas, venação actinódroma, margem dentículo-ciliada. Folhas imparipinadas, 0,7-8,2 × 0,3-1,1 cm; pecíolo circular, pubescente; estipelas ausentes; folíolos ...


... A number of floristic studies have shown the Leguminosae richness in the Chaco (Adámoli et al. 1972;Ortega-Torres et al. 1989;Lewis 1991;Spichiger et al. 1991;Navarro et al. 2006;Noguchi et al. 2009;Torrela et al. 2011;Gimenez et al. 2011;Giorgis et al. 2011;Freitas et al. 2013;Neves et al. 2015;Souza-Lima et al. 2017;Sartori et al. 2018;Morales et al. 2019;Sinani et al. 2019). In addition, species such as Bauhinia hagenbeckii, Muellera nudiflora and Neltuma rubriflora, of restricted distribution, suggest areas of endemism in the Chaco wet sector (Wunderlin 1968;Burkart 1969;1976;Vaz et al. 2010). ...
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We investigated the influence of Quaternary climate fluctuations on the current distribution of three species of Leguminosae (Fabaceae) occurring in the Chaco. Potential distribution models of Bauhinia hagenbeckii, Muellera nudiflora and Neltuma rubriflora with a supposed endemism area were generated. The Last Interglacial, Last Glacial Maximum, Holocene Middle and current scenarios were used. The species showed a potential distribution according to the South American biogeographic history regarding the glacier regression and the formation of the Dry Diagonal. The models for each Quaternary event exhibited a tolerable AUC ≥ 0.9 for the validations. The LGM was the event that favoured the current species establishment areas in the Dry Diagonal. Quaternary climatic events were related to the current Leguminosae distribution. Bauhinia hagenbeckii and Neltuma rubriflora present similar areas of environmental suitability. Muellera nudiflora models with areas of environmental suitability were larger for the LIG and Holocene than for areas from other periods. All scenario models (LGM, HM and current scenario) highlighted the potential distribution of the three species concomitant with the glacier regression events and were consistent with the history of formation of South American dry areas. Keywords: biogeography; dry areas; Fabaceae; species distribution; ecological niche modelling
... The leaves have a glabrous adaxial face, and during the reproductive phase, inflorescences form in panicles that produce small flowers with yellow-orange color. The drupe-like fruit is hard and fleshy, usually containing a single seed (Mendoza, 2012;Sinani et al., 2019). ...
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Background Neotropical species lack autecological information. Among these, are phenological studies, which help to understand forest dynamics and provide important contributions to the collection, restoration, and conservation programs. This research aimed to characterize the vegetative and reproductive phenological behavior of neotropical species Geoffroea spinosa Jacq. in a seasonally dry tropical forest, as well as to verify if there is a correlation between phenophases and environmental parameters. Twenty individuals were accompanied monthly for two years, to detect and tally the presence of floral buds, flowers, immature fruits, ripe fruits, leaf emergence, presence of mature leaves, and defoliation. A semi-quantitative evaluation was carried out with the Fournier method. Results The results showed that the population had synchrony of reproductive events, with more than 50% of the individuals blooming and fruiting during the same time interval. Furthermore, the circular statistical test indicated a high seasonality for reproductive events (r ≥ 0.50 and p < 0.001). Among the vegetative events, all were classified as non-seasonal (r < 0.5). G. spinosa, showed a significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) for all meteorological variables evaluated. Conclusion The reproductive phenophases of G. spinosa showed strongly seasonal behavior, unlike vegetative events. the period between mid-February and the end of March was the most propitious for fruit collection. No seasonality was observed for the vegetative events. The species proved to be sensitive to El niño conditions. Follow-up phenological studies associated with meteorological variables are important for a better understanding of the dynamics of vegetative behavior in response to climate change. Keywords: Fabaceae; Flooded ground; tropical forest; seasonality
... Legume inflado, 3-3,5 cm compr., elasticamente deiscente, glabro; sementes 3×2 mm, reniformes.Material examinado: BRASIL. Minas Gerais: Ouro Preto,Calais, 9/XII/2003, fl., fr., Dutra et al.154 (VIC).Ocorre em Goiás, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Mato Grosso e Distrito Federal, em cerrados e campos(Fillliettaz 2002;Flores 2004). No PEI, ocorre no Calais, em campos graminosos secos. ...
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O presente trabalho trata do estudo florístico de Papilionoideae dos Campos Rupestres do Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (PEI), localizado no sul da Cadeia do Espinhaço. O trabalho de campo foi realizado no período entre setembro/2003 e outubro/2004. Foram encontradas 28 espécies de Papilionoideae, reunidas em 18 gêneros, sendo Desmodium o mais representativo, com cinco espécies. São fornecidos neste trabalho chaves analíticas, diagnoses, ilustrações e comentários sobre a distribuição geográfica e fenologia de cada espécie.
... O gênero Andira compreende o grupo de plantas popularmente conhecidos por angelins, representado por mais de 30 espécies distribuídas na América Tropical, com uma espécie na África (Matos, 1979;Pennigton & Lima, 1995), sendo a maioria originária do Brasil (Matos, 1979). No Brasil, foram encontradas 27 espécies e 7 variedades, sendo que o maior número de espécies se encontra na Amazônia (Matos, 1979). ...
... O gênero Andira compreende o grupo de plantas popularmente conhecidos por angelins, representado por mais de 30 espécies distribuídas na América Tropical, com uma espécie na África (Matos, 1979;Pennigton & Lima, 1995), sendo a maioria originária do Brasil (Matos, 1979). No Brasil, foram encontradas 27 espécies e 7 variedades, sendo que o maior número de espécies se encontra na Amazônia (Matos, 1979). ...
... O gênero Andira compreende o grupo de plantas popularmente conhecidos por angelins, representado por mais de 30 espécies distribuídas na América Tropical, com uma espécie na África (Matos, 1979;Pennigton & Lima, 1995), sendo a maioria originária do Brasil (Matos, 1979). No Brasil, foram encontradas 27 espécies e 7 variedades, sendo que o maior número de espécies se encontra na Amazônia (Matos, 1979). Devido às propriedades vermífugas, esse gênero foi utilizado na Europa desde 1755, por médicos e farmacêuticos de diversos países que preconizavam a industrialização das cascas, transformando-as em pó, com o qual procuravam obter uma droga de aplicação anti-helmíntica (Matos, 1979). ...
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As cascas e as raízes de A. anthelmia têm sido utilizadas tradicionalmente como vermífugas. Um estudo biomonitorado do extrato metanólico das raízes de A. anthelmia conduziu ao isolamento das isoflavonas biochanina A e genisteína da fração acetato de etila; biochanina A 7-O-β-D-glicopiranosídeo, biochanina A 7-O-α-L-rhamnopiranosil-(1→6)-β-D-glicopiranosídeo e biochanina A 7-O-β-D-apiofuranosil-(1→5)-β-D-apiofuranosil-(1→6)-β-D-glicopiranosídeo da fração n-butanólica e catequina da fração metanólica. Suas estruturas foram elucidadas com base em dados espectrométricos. A atividade anti-helmíntica foi investigada em camundongos naturalmente infectados por Aspiculuris tetraptera. Os compostos isolados aplicados nos animais por via intragástrica na dose de 2,0 mg.kg-1 durante três dias consecutivos revelaram percentuais significativos na eliminação de A. tetraptera, quando comparados com o lote controle.
... Calycinae Wight & Arn. (Flores 2004). These sections have a west-east distribution, the former mainly in western Africa and America tropics, and the latter extending from there to Asia, Australia and the New World (Polhill 1982). ...
... This study was based on data from the taxonomic treatment of Crotalaria (Flores 2004), obtained from analysis of herbarium specimens from ALCB, BHCB , BHMH, BM, BR, C, CEN, CEPEC, CGMS, CPAP, CTES, CVRD, FUEL, FUFMT, GH, HAS, HB, HBG, HBR, HEPA, HRCB, HUEFS, ICN, IAC, IAN, INPA, IPA, L, LP, MBM, MG, MO, NY, PACA, PEL, PEUFR, PMSP, R, RB, S, SJRP, SP, SPF, SPFR, SPSF, U, UB, UEC, US, and VIC (acrônimos segundo Holmgren et al. 1990) and extensive fieldwork in different regions of Brazil. ...
... Brazil possesses the majority of the Crotalaria species occurring in South America, with 31 native and 11 introduced or naturalized (Flores 2004). The naturalized species are native mostly to Africa and Asia; only C. longirostrata Hook & Arn. is native to North and Central America. ...
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The phytogeography and preferred habitat of Crotalaria species from Brazil are studied. Four species are widely distributed in Brazil, while C. goiasensis and C. irwinii are endemic to the state of Goiás, C. clausseni to São Paulo, C. rufipila to Minas Gerais and C. brachycarpa and C. harleyi to Bahia. Crotalaria species occurs in the following biogeographical provinces: Amazonian, Atlantic, Caatinga, Cerrado, Chaqueña, Guayana, Pampeana and Paranaense. The Cerrado province presents the largest number of species with restricted distribution, followed by the Paranaense province. The geographical distribution of species in Brazil shows higher species diversity in the highlands (800 - 2000 m.s.m.), such as the Serra Geral de Goiás, Chapada dos Veadeiros, Espinhaço Range (15-16 spp.), Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar (14 spp.). As well as the altitude, vegetation and climate influence the distribution of Crotalaria in Brazil.
... In Brazil there are 31 native and 11 introduced or naturalized species of Crotalaria (Flores, 2004). The native ones are grouped into two sections, section Chrysocalycinae (Benth.) ...
Chromosome numbers were counted for 23 species of Crotalaria native to Brazil. Among these data there were new counts for 15 taxa, and some confirmed previous reports or represented numbers that were different from those cited previously. The chromosome numbers most frequently found were 2n = 16 and 2n = 32. Only C. incana L. had 2n = 14 and C. tweediana Benth. had 2n = 54. The counts 2n = 32 and 54 were found in species of section Calycinae and 2n = 16 and 14 in species of section Chrysocalycinae. The data revealed the importance of chromosomal parameters in the characterization of sections Calycinae and Chrysocalycinae in Brazil. We discuss the systematic significance and evolutionary aspects for the genus, comparing the results with the two sections that are native in Brazil. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 151, 271–277.
Neste capítulo apresentamos uma breve revisão de estudos sobre diversidade e estrutura genética, e padrões filogeográficos de espécies de plantas do Chaco. As espécies estudadas apresentaram de moderados a altos níveis de diversidade genética em comparação a outras espécies da mesma família, mas que ocorrem em outras fisionomias brasileiras. O sistema misto de cruzamento e a fragmentação do habitat são fatores que provavelmente contribuem para a alta estruturação genética e altos coeficientes de endogamia observados em algumas das espécies estudadas. Também apresentamos estudos de caso com representantes de Apocynaceae, Bromeliaceae, e Cactaceae, recentemente desenvolvidos por nosso grupo de pesquisa. Esses estudos revelam que as populações destas espécies apresentaram de baixa a alta diversidade genética, de acordo com a fragmentação populacional observada nas respectivas áreas de amostragem. Nossos estudos destacam a importância do Chaco para a diversidade genética destas espécies, bem como a necessidade de mais estudos genéticos populacionais neste bioma, subsidiando medidas de conservação.
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The presence of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) attracts predators and parasitoids, and protects the plant against herbivorous insects. By improving plant defences, EFNs reduce the fitness of herbivores. The use of similar host plants with no EFNs or adaptations in response to predators and parasitoids may enhance herbivore fitness. In this context, we studied the feeding habit (on leaves or on unripe seeds inside the pods) of larvae of the specialist moth Utetheisa ornatrix in two Crotalaria host plant species in which EFNs are present (C. micans) or absent (C. paulina). We hypothesized that the moths’ feeding habit was influenced by its natural enemies via their presence on EFNs. In C. micans, we found more larvae feeding inside the pods rather than on the leaves, while in C. paulina, larvae were found in both parts of the plant. There was greater activity of natural enemies in C. micans than in C. paulina. The moth sequesters enough pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PAs) to defend against predators in the leaves and seeds of C. paulina, but only in seeds of C. micans. Therefore, a change in the feeding habit in U. ornatrix larvae is a plastic response that depends on whether EFNs are present or not, or whether PA concentrations are low or high. This change does not affect overall moth performance. However, other factors, such as pod hardness, predation by organisms other than those visiting EFNs or even parasitoids cannot be ruled out as being responsible for the change in feeding habit. To date, both the EFNs and PAs in Crotalaria species are a parsimonious explanation of how larvae of U. ornatrix use different species of Crotalaria for feeding.
belongs to C. sect. Crotalaria (Polhill 1982: 288). This combination was based on C. globifera E.Mey. var. brachycarpa Bentham (1843: 581). However, the specific epithet “brachycarpa ” was already occupied by C. brachycarpa Bentham (1859: 29), which is included in C. sect. Chrysocalycinae (Benth.) Bak. f. (Flores 2004: 199). Crotalaria brachycarpa Benth. is a very rare species known only from the type and one other collection from Caatinga vegetation in Bahia State, Brazil (Flores & Tozzi 2008). In conclusion, Verdoorn’s name is a later homonym, and a new name is required. The new epithet magaliesbergensis is chosen and refers to the type locality of the basionym, Magaliesberg, which is a mountain range extending from Pretoria to Pilanesberg in South Africa.