Figura 2 - uploaded by José Eladio Monge-Pérez
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Evolución del número de empresas exportadoras de meñón y/o sandía en Costa Rica, 2001-2011. Fuentes: CANAPEMS, 2011; PROCOMER, 2012.

Evolución del número de empresas exportadoras de meñón y/o sandía en Costa Rica, 2001-2011. Fuentes: CANAPEMS, 2011; PROCOMER, 2012.

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Melon production and exports from Costa Rica were studied. Information obtained from different sources (FAO, BCCR, PROCOMER, MAG, CANAPEMS) was analyzed. Personal communications were held with managers of melon export companies, and related publications were reviewed. Data about melon planting area, number of trading companies, geographical distrib...


... In Mexico, the Cantaloupe-type melon, also known as Chinese melon, which is rough or reticulated, accounts for 70 % of all melon production, followed by the Honeydew melon, also known as Honeymelon, with 28 %; other types of melon make up the remaining 2 % (Espinoza-Arellano, Orona-Castillo, & Cano-Ríos, 2002). Each country has its own cultural traditions in terms of preferred tastes; consequently, while Harper / Cantaloupe melons account for 85 % of all melon exports to the United States and Honeydew melons only 15 %, Europe's imports are substantially different: 58 % Honeydew melons, 39 % Harper melons and 3 % Galia melons (Monge-Pérez, 2014). ...
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In the Comarca Lagunera, the melon is considered the most important vegetable crop, so there is interest in venturing into new export markets for which various ways of preserving the fruit have been investigated. The new Harper-type melon hybrids have higher fruit quality, longer post-harvest life and higher yields than commercial ones. The objective of this work was to identify new Harper-type melon hybrids with longer post-harvest life to reach distant markets. Three Harper-type melon hybrids (King RZ, Queen RZ, Alaniz Gold) were evaluated against a control of the region (Cruiser F1). The experiment was carried out in Matamoros, Coahuila, Mexico, under a randomized block design. The post-harvest life of the fruits stored at 18 °C was evaluated at 10, 20 and 30 days, from the weight loss percentage and the speed factor thereof. There was no significant difference in fruit weight and yield. Queen RZ and King RZ hybrids had the highest total soluble solids values at the time of harvest (13.62 and 13.42 °Brix, respectively) and 30 days post-harvest (10.25 and 10.44 °Brix, respectively) (P ≤ 0.05). Both were marketable after 30 days of storage, sufficient to reach distant markets.
... Los principales tipos de melón que se cultivan en este país son: Harper, Amarillo, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew, Galia, Charentais, Piel de Sapo, y Orange Flesh (Monge-Pérez, 2014). En el año 2011 el melón fue el quinto producto agrícola de mayor importancia económica, con un monto de exportaciones de 66,9 millones de dólares; el área cultivada con melón se redujo en un 50% en comparación con los años [2005][2006][2007], debido al exceso de oferta en los mercados internacionales, la migración de la mano de obra, los efectos negativos por lluvias durante la época de cultivo, y la crisis económica de 2008 (SEPSA, 2010;SEPSA, 2012;Monge-Pérez, 2014). ...
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Debido a que no existe información sobre el efecto de la poda y la densidad de siembra sobre el cultivo de melón en invernadero en Costa Rica, se planteó el siguiente estudio con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de tres densidades de siembra (1,9; 3,2 y 3,9 plantas/m 2) y tres tipos de poda (un tallo secundario, dos tallos se-cundarios y plantas sin poda) sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del melón Cantaloupe Torreón F-1. El cultivo se manejó con fertirrigación, en sustrato de fibra de coco. No se presentaron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para los días a inicio de la cosecha ni para la relación pulpa:cavidad. Se registraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos, tanto para el rendimiento como para el porcentaje de sólidos solubles tota-les. El mayor rendimiento correspondió a las plantas sin poda con una densidad de siembra de 3,9 plantas/m 2 , que obtuvo 2,76 y 2,62 kg m-2 de rendimiento total y comercial, respectivamente. En cuanto a sólidos solubles totales, a la mayor densidad se obtuvo 11,02 °Brix, mientras que a la menor densidad el valor encontrado fue de 12,88 °Brix; las plantas sin poda obtuvieron mayores valores para esta variable, en comparación a las plantas podadas. Palabras clave adicionales: peso fruto, sólidos solubles totales, firmeza pulpa, número frutos, relación pulpa:cavidad.
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Because of a lack of information on the effect of pruning and planting density on melon grown under greenhouse conditions in Costa Rica, this study was carried out to determine the effect of three planting densities (1.9, 3.2 and 3.9 plants/m2) and three pruning methods (one secondary shoot, two secondary shoots, and no pruning) on the yield and quality of Cantaloupe melon Torreón F-1. The crop was established with fertigation, using coconut fiber as the substrate. There were no significant differences between the treatments, neither for the days to start the harvest nor for the fruit pulp:cavity ratio. There were significant differences between the treatments, both for yield and for the percentage of total soluble solids. The highest yield was obtained with the highest planting density and no pruning (2.76 and 2.62 kg m-2, total and commercial yield, respectively). For the total soluble solids, 11.02 °Brix were obtained with the highest planting density, whereas 12.88 °Brix were measured with the lowest planting density; for this variable, the highest values were obtained in the unpruned plants, as compared to the pruned plants.