Figura 185 - uploaded by Santos Cirujano
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Utricularia minor: a) aspecto; b) bráctea; c) flor; d) fragmento de hoja con utrículos; e) utrículos.

Utricularia minor: a) aspecto; b) bráctea; c) flor; d) fragmento de hoja con utrículos; e) utrículos.


... Aquatic vegetation was characterized and identified by visual examination of the shore and by making a transect from the shoreline to the deepest point of the pond. Species were identified according to Cirujano et al. (2014). ...
Available DNA barcodes of freshwater zooplankton are scarce in regions like the Iberian Peninsula, which harbours many rare and endemic species and is considered a hotspot of crustacean biodiversity. Recently, a new species of Ceriodaphnia (Cladocera: Daphniidae) was described using morphological analysis of specimens in the Mediterranean region and molecular data on a single locality in southern Spain. In our study, we detected the presence of the newly discovered taxa and here, we provide new DNA sequences on the barcoding region mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I together with ecological information of the recently described Ceriodaphnia smirnovi . Additionally, we built a molecular phylogenetic tree and genetically compared these specimens with previously available mitochondrial DNA sequences and with new sequences of the genus recovered in Iberia. Our data suggest that this morphospecies might contain some cryptic taxa and might be more common than previously thought, occupying temporary to semi‐permanent ecosystems, with vegetation and highly variable pH and turbidity conditions. Moreover, the existence of a non‐identified clade within our phylogenetic tree requires additional morphological research. Our study highlights the need for further research on microcrustacean biota to better constrain its spatial boundaries, phylogenetic relationship and determine species hiding cryptic diversity.
... Temporary pools and ponds are usually flooded during the winter and spring, with waters of low to moderate nutrient content and important inputs of freshwater. Plant communities vary according to the substrate and the drying cycle, but some of the most representative are macrophyte groups of Myriophyllum, Ranunculus, Potamogeton, Callitriche and Isoetes (Domínguez et al., 1993;Cirujano et al., 2014). Water channels within the marshes are usually covered by Cyperaceae (Scirpus maritimus, S. lacustris, S. littoralis, Eleocharis multicaulis). ...
... Species from the Chenopodiaceae family grow in temporary pools of brackish or saline water, the edges of lagoons, the open spaces of coastal marshes, and areas affected by tides (Domínguez et al., 1993;Galán de Mera et al., 1997;Latorre et al., 1996;Rivas-Martínez et al., 1997); hence, it is used here as a good marker of marine influence. Isoetes typically grows in shallow waterlogged environments associated to fresh water marsh communities, usually with oligotrophic waters (Cirujano et al., 2014); thus, it is used as an indicator of environments with a progressive loss of marine influence. Glomus (HdV-207) is associated to processes related to the development of new soils, soil erosion from watersheds, dry or desiccated areas, and farming activities (Anderson et al., 1984(Anderson et al., , 2011López-Sáez et al., 2000;van Geel et al., 1989); therefore, it is considered a marker of erosive processes of different nature. ...
... En este sentido, cabe destacar la presencia de la segunda población ibérica de Nuphar pumila, en las Lagunas de Jano, dos lagos de montaña de tamaño medio en San Miguel de Aguayo, con un centenar de individuos, donde comparte hábitat con el helecho amenazado Pilularia globulifera y con Luronium natans, taxones ambos poco competitivos y dependientes de la escasa concurrencia intererespecífica y hábitats pioneros. Este taxón cuyas poblaciones más próximas son las sitas en el Macizo Central Francés (distancia: 595 kilómetros), supone ésta la estación de conexión con las radicadas en la Laguna Reconcos, dentro de la Reserva Natural Parcial Cueto de Arbás (distancia: 202 kilómetros) (Bañares et al. 2004, Cirujano 2014. ...
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Nesta publicación, recompiláronse textos temáticos de carácter técnico, científico ou divulgativo, dando cabida tanto a traballos que proveñen de teses doutorais, traballos fin de grao/máster, revisións, recensións, notas corolóxicas, traballos empíricos (de campo ou laboratorio), comunicacións curtas, etc. En consecuencia, a obra que agora publica o IBADER, a través da súa serie Monografías do IBADER, vén servir como fonte de continuación das xornadas internacionais do tezo celebradas en España entre os anos 2007 e 2014, e contribuír a incrementar o coñecemento e información xerados polos proxectos TAXUS (LIFE11 NAT/É/000711) e LIFE TAXUS (LIFE12 NAT/PT/000950) entre os anos 2014 e 2017. O proxecto LIFE BACCATA (LIFE15 NAT/ES/000790), executado entre 2016 e 2021, foi cofinanciado ao 75% pola Comisión Europea, e posibilitou a mellora do estado de conservación do hábitat 9580* (Bosques mediterráneos de Taxus baccata) en 15 lugares da Rede Natura 2000 da Cordillera Cantábrica repartidos entre Galicia, Castilla y León, e País Vasco. Esta publicación, prevista no Plan After-LIFE BACCATA elaborado durante a execución do proxecto, é unha das actuacións que se desenvolven tras a súa finalización, asegurando a continuidade e a difusión da aprendizaxe e o coñecemento xerado. Os contidos desta publicación reflexan únicamente a opinión dos autores, non sendo responsable a Comisión Europea do uso que poida facerse da información que conten.
... We sampled all macrophytes we found inside the quadrats. Aquatic macrophyte taxa were identified according to Velásquez (1994); Posada & López, (2011), Cirujano et al. (2014 and Madriñán et al. (2017). When necessary, plants were compared in the herbarium reference: Armando Dugand Gnecco Herbarium from Universidad del Atlantico to confirm identification. ...
... For this purpose, a reference collection was made and deposited in the Armando Dugand Gnecco Herbarium of the Universidad del Atlántico. For their identification, they were compared with herbarium collections and with the help of specialized literature (Velásquez, 1994;Posada & López, 2011, Cirujano et al., 2014and Madriñán et al., 2017. According to Gyosheva et al. (2020), they were classified into three life forms: floaters (plants on the water surface), rooted floaters (plants rooted in sediment with leaves floating on the water surface), and emergent plants (the aerial part of the plant emerges above the waterline). ...
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Aim The associated flood events to floodplain of many rivers in the world affect the composition and structure of aquatic biota due the water levels variation can ensure ecological integrity of associated wetlands. This study describes the spatial and temporal variation in the macrophyte assemblage in the Santo Tomás wetland during seasonally flood-pulsed of the Magdalena River (North of Colombia). Methods For eight months, between 2017 and 2018 samplings were carried out in three stations for composition and abundance of aquatic macrophytes. Spatio-temporal pattern of richness was estimated with Chao methodology and vegetation cover was calculated using Kruskal-Wallis and U Mann-Whitney tests. A range abundance curve was used for species dominance between samplings and stations. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) was used to analyze the Spatio-temporal distribution, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (ACC) was performed to relate the physicochemical variables to the species composition. Results A total of 24 species of aquatic plants distributed in 23 genera and 15 families were registered in the transects. The most abundant species (% of vegetation cover) were Ipomoea aquatica (19%), followed by Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (14%) and Eichhornia azurea (13%). The most frequent life form was free-floating, followed by the emergent one. The Spatio-temporal changes and the highest values of richness and vegetation cover in the Santo Tomás wetlands occurred during the filling and high waters period. L. helminthorrhiza, E. azurea, Pistia stratiotes, Neptunia oleracea, I. aquatica, Salvinia auriculata, and Hymenachne amplexicaulis were the most dominant species. The quality water of Santo Tomás Wetlands showed spatial and temporal variations during flooding pulse and some physicochemical variables such as organic matter (COD, BOD5), pH, depth, ammonia, and fecal coliforms were related to macrophyte community composition Conclusions Spatial and temporal changes of aquatic plants in Santo Tomás wetlands were related to the flooding pulse of Magdalena River.
... Density classes were also measured using the Braun-Blanquet visual assessment technique. Taxonomic identification was made according to Cirujano-Bracamonte (2014). Aquatic vegetation inventories were carried out annually in August (summer) and November (autumn). ...
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The progressive abandonment and disappearance of traditional water uses and management of wetlands during the twentieth century has led not only to a loss of identity, heritage, and landscape values, but also to significant declines in the diversity and abundance of many organisms. Here, we take advantage of an existing project for the restoration and management of traditional irrigation infrastructures in the wetland of El Prado (Pinoso, south-eastern Spain) to evaluate the spatio-temporal effect of this action on the alpha diversity and abundance of Odonata. The wetland was organized in different sectors according to the coverage of riparian and aquatic vegetation, width and depth of watercourses, ditches and ponds, water flow, and restoration and management. Odonates were sampled every month for ten years. We used alpha diversity to measure biodiversity using Hill’s number diversity. To analyse how alpha diversity measures varied across all sectors sampled over the years, we determined diversity-time relationships. To assess the effects of the different variables on odonate biodiversity we used partial least squares regressions. Our results showed that restoration of traditional water infrastructures, encouraging the increase of aquatic vegetation cover, an adequate and regular management of riparian vegetation naturalizing the margins, as well as reducing speed of water flow have a positive effect on odonate diversity and abundance. Our study provides useful information for conservation and management of semi-arid wetlands and its associated water infrastructures by showing which actions are most successful to enhance biodiversity in one of the priority habitats for conservation in Europe.
... One site (Aguilar) could not be sampled in 2018 due to high flow. Macrophyte identifications were based on Bailly, Vergon, & Vadam, 2004;Cirujano, Molina, & Murillo, 2014;Laplace-Treyture et al., 2009;Ordóñez, Carmen, & Collado Prieto, 2003;Talavera & Castroviejo, 1999. It must be noted that we selected October as the sampling month because it is the unique concurrent period of the year where the altered and controls sites could be compared under similar condition of flow. ...
Rivers are intensively managed worldwide through unprecedented flow regime alterations on a global scale. This has led to an increasing interest in the development of quantitative tools to assess the ecological response of organisms to flow alteration. To date, studies reflect a large diversity of responses that make the intensity and prevalence of effects difficult to generalize. The present study analyzed how flow alterations caused by dams affect the structure, composition and traits of diatoms and macrophytes in three Spanish River basins (Cantabric, Ebro and Duero). By using a control‐impact design based mainly in hydrological similarity, our results showed consistent patterns of change in diatom and macrophyte communities. Our study showed a shift from resistant traits such as non‐colonial diatom forms and crust‐forming algae, which are adapted to the extreme events and natural dynamism of unregulated rivers, towards planktonic diatoms, free‐floating algae and the mass development of aquatic plants in hydrological altered sites. Both communities shared common thresholds of response to altered hydrological attributes that could be considered in a flow management context. The hydrological indices that impacted diatom and macrophyte communities the most were related with the magnitude and duration of minimum flows. However, our results also show that it is important to consider the inter‐relationships between the different hydrological attributes such as the seasonal variability of monthly flows, the magnitude of maximum annual extremes, the timing of flow events, and the frequency and rate of flow changes.
... We strictly focused on freshwater plant species that are strongly associated with inland aquatic habitats (i.e. hydrophytes), removing marine and peatland species following Castroviejo (1986Castroviejo ( -2012, Crow and Hellquist (2000), Cirujano et al. (2014), Lichvar (2014), Schmidt-Kloiber and Hering (2015) and Murphy et al. (2019). Riparian, shoreline and semi-aquatic species were also excluded from our study. ...
Patterns of species rarity have long fascinated ecologists, yet most of what we know about the natural world stems from studies of common species. A large proportion of freshwater plant species has small range sizes and are therefore considered rare. However, little is known about the mechanisms and geographical distribution of rarity in the aquatic realm and to what extent diversity of rare species in freshwater plants follows their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we present the first in–depth analysis of geographical patterns, potential deterministic ecogeographical factors and projected scenarios of freshwater vascular plant rarity using 50 × 50 km grid cells across Europe (41°N–71°N) and North America (25°N–78°N). Our results suggest that diversity of rare species shows different patterns in relation to latitude on the two continents, and that hotspots of rarity concentrate in a relatively small proportion of the European and North American land surface, especially in mountainous as well as in climatically rare and stable areas. Interestingly, we found no differences among alternative rarity definitions and measures when delineating areas with notably high diversity of rare species. Our findings also indicate that few variables, namely a combination of current climate, Late Quaternary climate–change velocity and human footprint, are able to accurately predict the location of continental centers of rare species diversity. However, these relationships are not geographically homogeneous, and the underlying factors likely act synergistically. Perhaps more importantly, we provide empirical evidence that current centers of rare species diversity are characterized by higher anthropogenic impacts and might shrink disproportionately within this century as the climate changes. Our reported distributional patterns of species rarity align with the known trends in species richness of other freshwater organisms and may help conservation planners make informed decisions mitigating the effects of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity.
... , pero no están naturalizadas. Pistia stratiotes L. es una especie invasora, naturalizada en Cádiz, Cáceres y Guipúzcoa (Cirujano et al. 2014;GBIF 2020), aunque erradicada de la primera provincia (MITECO 2013). Está presente en el estanque de flora acuática del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (RJB 2015). ...
... sativus Boeckeler, taxón que IPNI (2020) no reconoce. Cirujano et al. (2014) la consideran espontánea en España, y Castroviejo (2008) también en Madrid, aunque indicando su origen incierto. También figura como nativa en los catálogos madrileños de López (2007) y Grijalbo (2019b). ...
... Distribuida por el oeste peninsular, con dos registros en Madrid (Manzanares el Real y El Escorial). Sanz et al. (2004) la incluyen en su lista de alóctonas de España, y DeFilipps (1980b) no la considero nativa, pero Castroviejo (2008), Cirujano et al. (2014) y Kew (2020) si la considera autóctona, criterio que hemos seguido. ...
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En esta segunda parte del atlas de flora alóctona de Madrid, se incluyen los órdenes Nymphaeales, Magnoliales, Laurales y las Monocotiledóneas. Se han considerado los taxones introducidos fuera de terrenos urbanos, parques o jardines, naturalizados o no. Se analizan 101 taxones y se incluyen referencias a otros 39. De los taxones analizados 58 son alóctonos en Madrid (49 naturalizados, 8 sin constancia de que lo estén y uno sin localidades concretas conocidas) y 9 en localidades próximas (8 naturalizados y 1 sin constancia de estarlo). Otros 11 son alóctonos en Madrid y podrían naturalizarse, pero no hay constancia de ello; 5 aparecen en jardines y en 6 hay sospechas de su posible presencia por usarse en cultivos o siembras extensivas. En 18 taxones hay discrepancias entre autores sobre si son o no alóctonas; en este trabajo se ha considerado que no lo son. Finalmente se propone excluir 5 taxones de la flora alóctona de Madrid. Entre los taxones incluidos Arundo donax está considerada una de las más agresivas invasoras del mundo. Algunos taxones son antiguas introducciones con poblaciones estabilizadas o en regresión. Hay muy pocas referencias a cereales naturalizados, lo que puede deberse a su baja persistencia. Algunas especies son neocolonizadoras, como Limnobium laevigatum, la más recientemente detectada, o Cortaderia selloana, en expansión.
... A particularly interesting situation for the study of the effects of the anthropogenic climate change on the persistence ability of threatened species populations living in the rear edge range concerns the hydrophytic flora of the Iberian Peninsula, where many Central European species occur at their northern range limits, often in peripheral isolates [19]. This pattern is closely associated with the climatic and geological history of the region with an important role of migratory processes caused by glacial and interglacial periods [20]. ...
... Five hydrophyte plant species of the European Flora were selected to carry out this study ( Table 1). Each of them has a different range of distribution, but they all have in common that they reach the Iberian Peninsula marginally with only a few populations which constitute the western limit of their European distribution range [19]. Moreover, due to the species' rarity within the Iberian territory, they are included in the Red List of the Vascular Flora [23][24][25]. ...
... Moreover, due to the species' rarity within the Iberian territory, they are included in the Red List of the Vascular Flora [23][24][25]. We based our selection on listed species because their distribution is solidly documented [19] and also because of their conservation significance. ...
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Biogeographical theory suggests that widespread retractions of species’ rear edges are expected due to anthropogenic climate change, affecting in a particularly intense way those linked to fragile habitats, such as species’ rear edges closely dependent on specific water conditions. In this way, this paper studies the potential effects of anthropogenic climate change on distribution patterns of threatened rear edge populations of five European hydrophyte plants distributed in the Iberian Peninsula. We explored (i) whether these populations occur at the limit of the species’ climatic tolerance, (ii) we quantified their geographic patterns of vulnerability to climate change, and in addition, (iii) we identified in a spatially explicit way whether these threatened populations occur in vulnerable environments to climate change. To do this, we simulated the climatic niche of five hydrophyte species using an ecological modelling approach based on occurrences and a set of readily available climatic data. Our results show that the Iberian populations studied tended to occur in less suitable environments relative to each of the species’ optimal climates. This result suggests a plausible explanation for the current degree of stagnancy or regression experienced by these populations which showed high sensitivity and thus vulnerability to thermal extremes and high seasonality of wet and temperature. Climatic predictions for 2050 displayed that most of the examined populations will tend to occur in situations of environmental risk in the Iberian Peninsula. This result suggests that the actions aimed at the conservation of these populations should be prioritized in the geographic locations in which vulnerability is greatest.