Figura 17 - uploaded by Luca Carrubbo
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Service Value Network

Service Value Network


... Attempting to interpret these interesting conceptual intersections in systems, values, and service, we can deduce that (Carrubbo 2013): ...
... However, if we analyse the story of humanity in depth, we can observe that great historical revolutions were subsidiaries of the adoption of new interpretative schemes of reality (the part of information variety related to the According to systems thinking and its paradigmatic developments, reflections about complexity and its management, as well as the interpretative consequences of analysed phenomena, are fundamental. In fact, phenomena can also be analysed assuming a structural and behavioural perspective, which can provide different insights into the way in which new systems aimed at value creation emerge and how they might be managed (Barile et al. 2013b;Carrubbo 2013). ...
... The first aspect concerns the nature of SSMED. Although SSMED is recognized as a multidisciplinary science (Carrubbo, 2013), it seems to be too transversal, i.e., inclusive of disciplines and sub-disciplines that can be unrelated to each other. The majority of the studies conducted in the SSMED field are sectorial and confined to certain issues related to specific subject areas. ...
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SSMED (Service Science, Management Engineering and Design) is multidisciplinary by nature. However, some authors stated that SSMED publications remain focused on single scientific domains. This paper proposes a Semiautomatic Literature Review (SALR) using integrated techniques for knowledge extraction –‘Time Aware Knowledge Extraction’ (TAKE) – to analyse the interdisciplinarity of SSMED publications and the potential for transdisciplinarity based on the actual adoption of Service-Dominant Logic as the foundation of SSMED research. Findings reveal that: 1) most SSMED publications are not interdisciplinary and are mainly related to Management; 2) Service-Dominant Logic has been adopted very often in SSMED publications, paving the way for SSMED transdisciplinarity. This paper offers theoretical and practical insights by enhancing the knowledge about SSMED literature and enriching the state of the art related to techniques to perform literature reviews. Furthermore, it stimulates the expansion of scholars’ and managers’ views of holistic approaches to service systems while fostering SSMED viability.
... Secondo la S-D logic, il servizio è l'applicazione di competenze specializzate attraverso attività, processi e prestazioni finalizzate a realizzare benefici per sé stessi e per terze parti coinvolte in una rete di relazioni (Vargo e Lusch, 2008). L'ottica cambia completamente rispetto al passato, il servizio è posto al centro di 39 ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA 2/2017 tutte le interazioni e transazioni, e richiede la partecipazione di tutte le parti (o attori) direttamente o indirettamente coinvolte nei processi di generazione di valore (Grönroos, 2011); esso è ineluttabile, imprescindibile, alla base del moderno fare impresa, e consente il definitivo superamento della dicotomia classica tra beni e servizi (Vargo e Lusch, 2008) proiettandosi in una vision aziendale, di tipo service oriented, più consapevole, attuale e adeguata (Polese e Carrubbo, 2008;Carrubbo, 2013). ...
In Italia, il settore agroalimentare è tra i principali protagonisti dell’export nazionale, anche grazie alla crescente attenzione e preferenza per i prodotti Made in Italy. Qui, come negli altri Paesi sviluppati, l’agricoltura sta subendo una forte trasformazione digitale. Un numero sempre più elevato di aziende, infatti, si occupa oggi di Agritech (serre idroponiche, orti personalizzati bio, agricoltura di precisione, utilizzo di droni, etc.) e di Agricoltura verticale, con aumenti significativi degli investimenti nei processi innovativi. In tale rinnovato scenario, l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie comporta un’evoluzione del ruolo stesso dell’agricoltore, che oggi è più affine alla figura di un manager chiamato ad assumere decisioni in grado di sviluppare soluzioni nuove ed innovative. Diventa inoltre necessario definire nuove relazioni tra gli attori operanti nel contesto o nuove modalità di interazione tra di essi, in grado di definire nuove “regole di gioco” e nuove possibilità di crescita per ciascuno. Il presente lavoro si propone di interpretare le più recenti innovazioni nel campo dell’agricoltura di precisione in Italia secondo la prospettiva della Service-Dominant logic, allo scopo di fornire nuovi strumenti d’indagine e di analisi delle dinamiche relazionali e dei processi decisionali degli Attori e desumere nuove riflessioni manageriali e di gestione d’impresa. Vengono pertanto suggeriti nuovi spunti interpretativi delle dinamiche relazionali che intercorrono tra gli attori operanti nell’ambito dell’agricoltura di precisione, attraverso la lente interpretativa fornita dagli studi sui service eco-system. Dal punto di vista metodologico infatti, le moderne tecniche colturali sono analizzate sulla base degli avanzamenti scientifici sui service eco-system. Allo scopo di verificare le riflessioni e le considerazioni derivate da tale prospettiva, viene presentato un case study progettuale, relativo ad una iniziativa di R&S (“POMOVINO”) relativa allo sviluppo e test di nuove tecnologie di telerilevamento nell’agricoltura di precisione, recentemente co-finanziata con fondi europei a valere su un Avviso Pubblico nazionale e svolta in Regione Campania. L’originalità del lavoro risiede nella nuova prospettiva utilizzata per l’osservazione dell’ecosistema di servizio dell’agricoltura di precisione, volta ad indagare le modalità di interazione tra le parti, in ambito agricolo, e la possibilità che le nuove tecnologie adottate, attraverso un impatto sulla resourceness di ciascuno, ne possano riqualificare la capacità di essere attrattivi.
... Quanto fin qui descritto è origine, d'altro canto, dei tipici problemi legati al governo del territorio, soprattutto quando i livelli di complessità risultano essere particolarmente significativi. Il processo di valorizzazione territoriale richiede di concepire soluzioni condivise per le complesse questioni ambientali, sociali ed economiche a livello locale (Napolitano, 2000;Sciarelli, 2007;Marino et al., 2013;Carrubbo, 2013;Iandolo et al., 2016;Basile et al., 2016;Simone et al., 2018;Iandolo et al., 2019). In particolare, Basile et al. (2016) e Simone et al. (2018) inquadrano la natura complessa del governo del territorio e delle relative problematiche di decision making, proponendo, rispettivamente, uno schema interpretativo dei fenomeni di adattamento tra gli attori del territorio basato sulla teoria sistemica della complessità ed un modello in grado di supportare i decisori di fronte alla crescente sfida di una gestione del territorio efficace, efficiente e sostenibile (ConsulCubo VSA). ...
... The founders of SSMED consider the service as a system of interacting and in- terdependent parts that includes people, technologies and organizations; these are used to generate the distinctive characteristics of a company, to achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage [7] [8]. In agreement with the S-D logic, the service is seen as a combination of different dimensions, managerial, technological and cultural, three profiles to be constantly considered in order to gain a lasting competitive advantage [15]. For this reason, the most appropriate organizational model to the emergence of value is represented by a model that takes into account these three profiles, that is the service system. ...
... A few studies have attempted to provide an operational and unifying view of value, but considered only two of the three conceptualizations through quantitative modeling, neglecting important variables in the ecosystem (Durugbo and Pawar, 2014). This paper focuses on the tourism domain (Polese and Carrubbo, 2008;Polese and Minguzzi, 2009;Carrubbo, 2013;Polese et al., 2018bPolese et al., , 2018c, with a focus on the case of Airbnb, an example of actor-for-actor (Polese et al., 2017d;Polese et al., 2018d) interaction enabled by new ICTs. This peer-to-peer Internet platform provider enables authentic tourist-host encounters not replicable in conventional hotels (Tussyadiah, 2016). ...
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The increasing attention in the field of value management is highlighting multiple challenges for researchers and practitioners. Building on previous managerial contributions, the paper aims to define a possible path for combining the conceptual contributions related to value in exchange, value in use, and value in context in a common framework to improve understanding of emerging social and economic dynamics under the interpretative lens provided by studies on ecosystems. Based on previous managerial contributions in the tourism management domain, the study identifies a set of variables related to the three conceptualizations of value with reference to the case of Airbnb.
... In today economy, any supply-chain could be re-conceptualized as SSS, and for this reason being changeable, adaptable and evolving in relation to changing contextual conditions [41], as context is subjectively felt [9,10]. The multi-part contributions of knowledge, the application of skills, the ability to configure and re-configure, and the desire to maintain long-terms relationships, all represent the elements of a systemic way of being adaptive in SSS and link to several leverages of value generation, decision making and sustainability. ...
... In today economy, any supply-chain could be re-conceptualized as SSS, and for this reason being changeable, adaptable and evolving in relation to changing contextual conditions [41], as context is subjectively felt [9,10]. The multi-part contributions of knowledge, the application of skills, the ability to configure and re-configure, and the desire to maintain long-terms relationships, all represent the elements of a systemic way of being adaptive in SSS and link to several leverages of value generation, decision making and sustainability. ...
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Purpose - The topic of this paper is about Smart Service Systems (SSS), as recent evolution of service systems. The aim is to focus on the connection between structural/system traits of SSS and the value co-creation therein, and how the achievement of a co-creative experience is effectively supportive of the SSS viability.
... From international literature, we know that today serviceoriented culture identifies the service concept as a key success factor for all organizations, much more than in the past (Levitt, 1981;Drucker, 1993;Gummesson, 1993;Gronroos, 2000). This culture creates and promotes actions aimed at stakeholders satisfaction, in order to effectively adapt to their needs; this service culture could be realized, in any organization, with a long-term view that is accomplished through policies (supporting and recognizing the behaviors and attitudes of organizations), including the enhancement of the territory's resources that can create and provide excellence in service Carrubbo, 2013;Carrubbo, Bruni, Antonucci, 2014). ...
... Destination Management (DM), from this point of view, is an increasingly competitive and complex organization that involves the coordination of the economic, social and geographical components of a tourist destination. Traditional research over DM has the tendency to use a reductionist approach to monitor only some flow variables (number of visitors, operating costs) or to measure relationships between discrete variables (tourist expense and employment rate, number of visitors and social impact) (Carrubbo, 2013). The limits of this approach are becoming more and more apparent, so that it is now necessary to undertake new ways of analysis. ...
... According to systems thinking and its paradigmatic developments, reflections about complexity and its management, as well as the interpretative consequences of analysed phenomena, are fundamental. In fact, phenomena can also be analysed assuming a structural and behavioural perspective, which can provide different insights into the way in which new systems aimed at value creation emerge and how they might be managed (Barile et al. 2013b;Carrubbo 2013). ...
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In recent years, common interests have led the fields of marketing and management to differentiate themselves, even in similar research areas. This chapter provides an overview of systems thinking in these two disciplines, reading the main concepts in an integrated way according to relational and value perspectives. A systematic literature review is conducted using the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases, focusing on applications of the Viable System Model and the viable Systems approach. Due to the adoption of systems thinking, the paper can serve to spur further studies to better define the boundaries and the eventual inclusion of marketing in management and vice-versa.