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El Bajío de México. Fuente: Elaborado con información obtenida del Sistema Estatal y Municipal de Bases de Datos (SIMBAD) de INEGI (2009). 

El Bajío de México. Fuente: Elaborado con información obtenida del Sistema Estatal y Municipal de Bases de Datos (SIMBAD) de INEGI (2009). 

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Los residuos de cosecha, llamados rastrojos, esquilmos, pajas, zacate, pastura, clazol, basura, etc., juegan un papel preponderante en los sistemas agrícolas y pecuarios, y han sido estudiados desde diferentes perspectivas temáticas y metodológicas a nivel mundial. Existe una vasta literatura que relaciona el manejo de los rastrojos con la calidad...

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Under the conditions found in México, it is necessary to increase agricultural productivity with sustainable technologies such as farming systems based on the principles of conservation agriculture (CA). However, although the benefits of this technology have already been shown, until today it has rarely been tested and adopted by small and medium p...


... Los residuos o desechos de cosecha son reconocidos por su importancia en los sistemas agrícolas y pecuarios, ya que se relacionan con la calidad del suelo y del aire, con el uso en el alimento de ganado, así como con otros usos secundarios de alto valor económico y en la adopción de innovaciones tecnológicas (Reyes-Muro et al., 2013). El aprovechamiento de los residuos sirve de base para la elaboración de bioproductos en los eslabones de cadena de valor que incluyen a diferentes actores productivos (cepal et al., 2021). ...
... This diversity has been reflected in the culinary traditions of the Mexican people, where corn is the fundamental raw material in the preparation of dishes such as tortillas, pozol, pinole, tamales, tostadas, tejuino, piznate, atole, marquesote, just to name a few [4,5]. On the other hand, the grains can be used to obtain pigments, sugars and totomoxtle, oils, honeys, ethanol; the plant is used as fodder, silage or stubble, the cob is used for human food or fodder, and the ear is used as fuel [6][7][8]. ...
... For these reasons, understanding the behavior and adaptation of different genotypes to environmental variations have basically been criteria used by producers in their selection process of local maize, although empirically, but with a high success level. Biomass production in maize not only serves as an indicator of crop health, but also plays an essential role in the productivity and efficiency of the agricultural system and the family economy [6]. This process is intrinsically linked to both the quantity and quality of harvested products, including grains. ...
... In addition, the biomass remaining after the grain harvest is used in various ways, either as direct animal feed for grazing or by incorporating it into the soil. These practices not only ensure the feeding of livestock in producer families, which usually combine maize production with livestock, but also contribute significantly to soil improvement or conservation, especially in cases where there are soil erosion problems [6,27]. ...
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Local maize varieties in Mexico play a crucial role in food security, cultural diversity, and agricultural sustainability. These varieties constitute a reservoir of genetic diversity critical for the adaptability of maize to changing climatic conditions. To characterize 12 local maize varieties from the Frailesca Region, Chiapas, an experiment was established under completely randomized field conditions. Evaluated variables included phenological cycle, leaf and root biomass production, plant height, stem diameter, ear shape, and leaf coloration. A Hierarchical Cluster Multivariate Analysis was conducted to group varieties based on their characteristics. A mixed correlation model was used to assess the dynamic proportion of root biomass to total biomass. Two groups were identified based on phenological characteristics: the first type grouped 10 varieties with early traits, and the second type comprised 2 late varieties. Regarding biomass production, three types were found: high biomass production, with 4 varieties; low biomass production, represented by 7 varieties; and one atypically high biomass production variety. Radical biomass increased linearly until 120 days. The variety "Olotillo Amarillo Parral Dos" achieved greater height, while "Macho Totomoxtle Morado" was the smallest. Ear shapes varied between open and semi-open, and the leaf color was an intense green.
... Sobre este supuesto, de forma más operativa, las prácticas sociotécnicas que se observan en la agricultura comercial pueden caracterizarse de acuerdo con: a) Por el tipo de solución de problemas concretos que enfrentan los Boyle productores: conocimientos, capacitación y asesoría para: comercialización, manejo de plagas, nutrición de suelo, manejo de rastrojo y residuos agropecuarios, fertilización, manejo de malezas, organización para la producción, entre otros. (Vélez et al., 2013). ...
... Comprende el territorio no montañoso del estado de Guanajuato, las llanuras situadas al oeste de la ciudad de Querétaro, los valles de Morelia y la Piedad en Michoacán, y las llanuras orientales de Jalisco. El Bajío se encuentra conformado por 26 municipios del estado de Guanajuato, 17 de Michoacán, 20 de Jalisco y 4 de Querétaro (Vélez et al., 2013). ...
... Foto: Ernesto Cárdenas Bejarano Además, en la región del Bajío, para la producción de alimentos, se han implementado prácticas sociotécnicas encaminadas a la producción de cereales, hortalizas y en menor medida ganadería, bajo un modelo agroindustrial, el cual es el modelo prevaleciente a nivel nacional (Vélez et al., 2013), aunque existen, aún, áreas de cultivos de temporal. ...
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Los sistemas de producción agropecuarios han sido configurados bajo la lógica de un modelo altamente productivo, la cual ha generado problemas sociales y efectos negativos en el medio ambiente. El objetivo de la investigación fue sistematizar, sintetizar y analizar, como sistema complejo, las modalidades de las prácticas sociotécnicas agropecuarias, en un contexto neoliberal, entre los tipos de sistemas de producción agropecuaria locales en Salvatierra, Guanajuato, y sus efectos socioecológicos. Las unidades de estudio fueron los Sistemas de Producción Familiar de dos comunidades del municipio de Salvatierra, Guanajuato, así como agentes de cambio, actores clave, representantes de instituciones y organizaciones locales.
... The importance of green tomatoes lies in their culinary use, and their antioxidant and vitamin contents (5), and when tomatoes are harvested, the plant residues are left on the field and used as organic matter for soil improvement. These byproducts could be used as ruminant feed, either as a grazing material or cut fresh (6). To date, there are no reports on the use of green tomato silage for ruminant feed. ...
... Two additional syringes without substrate were also prepared as blanks to account for the presence of other soluble extracts on overall gas production and to correct readings for substrate, including syringes from the self-fermentation of rumen inoculum. Glass syringes per triplicate per treatment, were filled with the incubation solution under a CO 2 stream, and incubated for 96 h in a water bath at 39 • C. The gas volume was recorded at 3, 6,9,12,24,36,48,60,72,84, and 96 h of incubation in three series of incubation. ...
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Mexico has many agricultural by-products that can be used for animal feed, and green tomatoes are produced throughout the country and can be an alternative to overcome the high prices of cereal-based feeds. This study determined in vitro fermentation kinetics, production performance, nutrient intake, digestibility, and nitrogen balance from sheep supplemented with whole plant green tomato (GT) on corn silage (CS) based diets. For 21 days, eighteen Suffolk lambs (38 ± 4 kg of live weight) were grouped into three dietary GT inclusion levels to replace CS: a control diet based on 100% CS (GT0, 570 g /kg dry matter, DM), while 100 g/kg DM (GT100) and 200 g/kg DM (GT200) of GT were included as a replacement for CS. A completely randomized design was used to measure in vitro gas production, in vitro rumen fermentation, chemical composition, and in vivo parameters. In vitro gas production, “A” (ml/g DM), fermentation rates “B,” (h⁻¹), and “C” (h−½), were lower for GT200, while DM disappearance (mg/100mg) was lower for GT100 compared with GT0. Compared to GT0, GT100 and GT200 did not affect (P > 0.05) DM and organic matter (OM) intake (g/kgLW0.75). Ether extract intake was higher for GT0 and GT100 (P < 0.001) compared to GT200. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake was higher (P < 0.05) for GT200 compared with GT0. Intake of lignin was higher (P < 0.001) for GT200 than that of GT0 and GT100. Digestibility coefficients for DM, OM, NDF, and Acid detergent fiber (ADF) were lower (P < 0.05) in GT100 than in the rest of the treatments. Nitrogen intake and N excreted in feces and urine were lower (P < 0.001) for GT0. N balance was negative for all treatments, being higher for GT200 (P < 0.05). Overall, the addition of GT at 100 or 200 g/kg DM in sheep diets negatively affects nutrient digestibility and N balance, so their dietary inclusion is not recommended.
... The grain is a rich source of carbohydrate and protein and is mainly used for human and farm animal consumption. The corn stover (leaves, stems, panicles, husk and cobs), which has a high fiber and low protein content, is commonly used to feed livestock during the cold season and as compost (Reyes et al., 2013). However, such by-products can be used to add value to diets of some animals, for instance in the aquaculture field. ...
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The effect of dietary supplementation of corn husk meal (CHM) on growth performance, liver antioxidant status and intestinal microbiota in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings was evaluated. Four experimental groups of fish with initial weight 0.47 ± 0.7 g in triplicate tanks were used; three of them were fed CHM incorporated diets (12.5 g/kg, DH12; 25 g/kg, DH25; and 50 g/kg, DH50), whereas a CHM-free basal diet served as control (DH0). No significant differences were observed in growth performance or feed efficiency in fish fed experimental diets (P > 0.05); however, fish fed the DH50 diet had a significant higher proportion of crude protein of whole-body composition (P < 0.05). Analysis of antioxidant enzyme activity showed significant differences (P < 0.05) with higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in fish fed the DH25 diet, and lower glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in fish fed the DH12 diet. No significant differences were found in catalase (CAT) activity between treatments. Fusobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla in all feces samples but no significant differences were found in microbial diversity among diets. Results suggest that CHM is safe for Nile tilapia consumption improving crude protein of whole-body composition and enhancing SOD activity. Graphic Abstract
... Los cálculos de la biomasa disponible de los residuos se realizaron mediante la fórmula propuesta por Borja et al. (2013), considerando las extensiones de siembra reportadas por los productores y estadística descriptiva con Statistica V7. ...
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El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los principales residuos vegetales disponibles en sistemas agrícolas de pequeños productores y utilizarlos como sustratos para el cultivo de dos cepas de Pleurotus ostreatus (CP 50 y CP 753) en condiciones de laboratorio. Se aplicaron 184 cuestionarios en 13 comunidades rurales Campeche, México. Se evaluó la disponibilidad de los residuos agrícolas (t MS ha-1) en cultivos de maíz, calabaza chihua, frijol x-pelón y especies arbóreas. La selección de los residuos vegetales se evaluó en el cultivo de cepas de Pleurotus ostreatus. Las variables evaluadas en el cultivo de pleurotos fueron: colonización del sustrato, aparición de primordios, eficiencia biológica, tasa de colonización y tasa de producción. Los resultados se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y un diseño experimental de bloques al azar. La disponibilidad (t MS ha-1) de los residuos vegetales fue maíz (10.7), calabaza chihua (14) y frijol x-pelón (17.36). La CP-753 en rastrojo de frijol presentó los tiempos más cortos con 12 y 15 días en colonización y aparición de primordios, mientras que la CP-50 inoculada en fruta de pixoi fue la menos eficiente. El sustrato rastrojo de frijol inoculado con la cepa CP-753 presentó la mejor eficiencia biológica con valores de 102.75 ±7.48 y una tasa de producción de 5.13 g día-1. La mayoría de los productores encuestados tienen interés en utilizar los residuos vegetales que se generan en los solares o traspatios como alternativas productivas utilizando estrategias agroecológicas que aporten a la generación de ingresos económicos durante gran parte del año.
... The grain is a rich source of carbohydrate and protein and is mainly used for human and farm animal consumption. The corn stover (leaves, stems, panicles, husk and cobs), which has a high fiber and low protein content, is commonly used to feed livestock during the cold season and as compost (Reyes et al., 2013). However, such by-products can be used to add value to diets of some animals, for instance in the aquaculture field. ...
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Corn stover, a corn harvest by-product, can be used to add value to feeds for farmed fish through their extracts, which are rich in phenolic compounds (PCs) and could confer antioxidant properties and possible health benefits to fish. In this study, PCs from corn husk extracts (CHE) were identified by ultra performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole time of fly-mass spectroscopy (UPLCESI-Q-ToF-MS/MS), and used to provide antioxidant potential to diets for Nile tilapia fingerlings. Three experimental diets for tilapia were formulated with 0, 100 and 200 mg PCs from CHE/kg feed and their antioxidant capacity was determined by DPPH• and ORAC assays. A total of 180 Nile tilapia fingerlings (0.35 ± 0.06 g) were fed for 14 days to determine the effect of experimental diets on feed intake and growth performance. PCs from CHE such as ferulic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids were the most abundant. The inclusion of PCs into tilapia diets increases linearly (p < 0.05) their antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC). Growth performance and feed intake increased linearly (p < 0.05) as the level of CHE inclusion increased. Results suggest that the CHE can provide antioxidant potential to tilapia diets, promote growth performance and feed intake without toxic effects.
... La paja de trigo es la segunda biomasa más abundante en el planeta, alcanza 8.8x10 8 ton anuales (Tishler et al., 2015). En Sonora, anualmente, se generan cerca de 5.3x10 5 ton de paja de trigo (Vélez et al., 2013). Este residuo puede contener 33-40 % de celulosa, 20-28 % de hemicelulosa y 15-20 % de lignina (Prasad, Singh y Joshi, 2007). ...
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div class="page" title="Page 1"> Objetivo: identificar las biotecnologías disponibles para valorizar y tratar los residuos generados en granjas de cerdos y cultivos de trigo. Método: revisión de literatura científica y reportes gubernamentales para recopilar la información y datos presentados. Resultados: identificación de procesos novedosos que aplican biotecnología para la obtención de productos de valor actual a partir de residuos de paja de trigo y agua residual porcina. Limitaciones: se centra en procesos microbiológicos para la valorización de los residuos. Principales hallazgos: se propone la aplicación de procesos que permiten la generación de energía por medios alternos y la producción de compuestos químicos de valor, aunado a la disminución de desechos que entran al ambiente. </div
... Al respecto, Guevara et al. (2013) evaluaron el total de energía consumida en dos unidades ganaderas y reportaron valores menores a los encontrados en los análisis realizados. Según Llanos et al. (2013) los gastos energéticos están influenciados por los insumos externos utilizados, por lo que el aprovechamiento adecuado de los recursos naturales que ofrece el entorno garantizará un mejor uso de los nutrientes y la energía circundante en el sistema. ...
... En relación a los residuos producidos en las fincas para la alimentación animal (Tabla 1), estuvieron por debajo de los reportados por Reyes et al. (2013) para explotaciones con cultivos similares; no ocurrió igual con los residuos introducidos con valores superiores. Los residuos introducidos proceden de productores con mayor nivel de especialización hacia la actividad agrícola y constituye una de las principales alternativas para mantener los animales, estos resultan básicamente de los cultivos del arroz, el plátano y la soya. ...
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Aim: The aim of this research was to characterize agricultural systems using cattle in the Guayas River basin, Ecuador. Materials and Methods: The samples from 50 farms, and 19 variables (16 input and 3 output variables) were considered study cases. All instances were classified by factorial and conglomerate analysis during the first stage, based on the principal component and non-hierarchical clusters (k-mean) methods. Four conglomerates were defined and codified according to the mean values of the related variables, from I to IV. Finally, the productive response was evaluated by one-way analysis of variance, which considered each particular codification as study factors, based on the conglomerates; the output variables were deemed as the productive response. Results: The results showed the priority of the components, which expressed more variability in the systems studied, and depended on the use of inputs, residues, and food produced. The classification made according to the variables included in the input component comprised half the sample in conglomerates III and IV, with the highest values. Conclusion: The agricultural productive response was determined by the greater use of inputs; however, cattle response was higher in the categories with the lowest utilization levels.
... El comportamiento presentado por esta variable se relacionó con los gastos energéticos, donde se incluyeron los derivados de los fertilizantes químicos y los herbicidas, con similares coeficientes de variación. Al respecto, Guevara et al. (2013) evaluaron el total de energía consumida en dos unidades ganaderas y reportaron valores menores a los encontrados en los análisis realizados. Según Llanos et al. (2013) los gastos energéticos están influenciados por los insumos externos utilizados, por lo que el aprovechamiento adecuado de los recursos naturales que ofrece el entorno garantizará un mejor uso de los nutrientes y la energía circundante en el sistema. ...
... En relación a los residuos producidos en las fincas para la alimentación animal (Tabla 1), estuvieron por debajo de los reportados por Reyes et al. (2013) para explotaciones con cultivos similares; no ocurrió igual con los residuos introducidos con valores superiores. Los residuos introducidos proceden de productores con mayor nivel de especialización hacia la actividad agrícola y constituye una de las principales alternativas para mantener los animales, estos resultan básicamente de los cultivos del arroz, el plátano y la soya. ...
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Aim: The aim of this research was to characterize agricultural systems using cattle in the Guayas River basin, Ecuador. Materials and Methods: The samples from 50 farms, and 19 variables (16 input and 3 output variables) were considered study cases. All instances were classified by factorial and conglomerate analysis during the first stage, based on the principal component and non-hierarchical clusters (k-mean) methods. Four conglomerates were defined and codified according to the mean values of the related variables, from I to IV. Finally, the productive response was evaluated by one-way analysis of variance, which considered each particular codification as study factors, based on the conglomerates; the output variables were deemed as the productive response. Results: The results showed the priority of the components, which expressed more variability in the systems studied, and depended on the use of inputs, residues, and food produced. The classification made according to the variables included in the input component comprised half the sample in conglomerates III and IV, with the highest values. Conclusion:The agricultural productive response was determined by the greater use of inputs; however, cattle response was higher in the categories with the lowest utilization levels.