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Fibular/Lateral collateral ligament of knee joint

Fibular/Lateral collateral ligament of knee joint


... Radiographic analysis using the Kellgren-Lawrence grading scale revealed varying degrees of OA severity, with the majority of patients classified as grade III, indicating moderate to severe disease. This distribution mirrored earlier research demonstrating the progressive nature of OA and the significant structural changes that occur within the joint as the disease advances (15)(16)(17). The biochemical analyses revealed elevated levels of collagen type II cleavage products (C2C) and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in both serum and synovial fluid, indicating ongoing cartilage degradation. ...
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Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent and debilitating joint disorder characterized by the degeneration of articular cartilage and underlying bone. Understanding the pathophysiology of OA is essential for developing targeted therapies and improving patient outcomes. Objective: To explore the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms ofosteoarthritis within the context of joint anatomy, focusing on cartilage degradation, synovial inflammation, and subchondral bone changes. Methods: This prospective study was conducted at private hospitals in Karachi from June 2022 to December 2022. Eighty patients aged 45 to 70 years, diagnosed with OA, were included. Detailed clinical evaluations were performed, including pain assessment using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and functional status assessment using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Radiographic analysis was conducted using the Kellgren-Lawrence grading scale. Biochemical analysis of serum and synovial fluid was performed to measure levels of collagen type II cleavage products (C2C), cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), and inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Synovial fluid and tissue samples were collected during arthroscopy or joint replacement surgery for molecular pathway analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25, with correlations and regression analyses performed to identify predictors of disease progression. Results: OA was associated with significant pain and functional impairment, with a mean pain score of 7.2 ± 1.3 on the VAS and WOMAC scores averaging 55 ± 10 for physical function and 30 ± 5 for stiffness. Radiographic analysis showed 25% of patients classified as grade II, 50% as grade III, and 25% as grade IV. Biochemical markers indicated elevated levels of C2C (serum: 150 ± 20 ng/mL; synovial fluid: 200 ± 25 ng/mL) and COMP (serum: 10 ± 2 µg/mL; synovial fluid: 15 ± 3 µg/mL). Inflammatory cytokines were also elevated (IL-1β: 50 ± 5 pg/mL; TNF-α: 75 ± 10 pg/mL; IL-6: 100 ± 12 pg/mL). A strong positive correlation (r = 0.85, p < 0.01) was observed between VAS pain scores and synovial IL-1β levels. Conclusion: The pathophysiology of osteoarthritis involves a complex interplay of biomechanical, biochemical, and cellular factors. The findings from this study enhance the understanding of OA mechanisms and provide a foundation for developing more effective therapeutic strategies aimed at halting or reversing the progression of OA.
... Knee ligament injuries can occur due to a sudden axial load on the knee, combined with valgus stress and rotational force around the tibia. An injury to the ligament complex results in a loss of stability; therefore, an early clinical diagnosis of instability is imperative [1][2][3][4][5]. ...
... There are also scales based on questionnaires from the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) and the Tegner Activity Scale (TAS). However, these are subjective measurements [4,5]. ...
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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) instability poses a considerable challenge in traumatology and orthopedic medicine, demanding precise diagnostics for optimal treatment. The pivot-shift test, a pivotal assessment tool, relies on subjective interpretation, emphasizing the need for supplementary imaging. This study addresses this limitation by introducing a machine learning classification algorithm integrated into a mobile application, leveraging smartphones’ built-in inertial sensors for dynamic rotational stability assessment during knee examinations. Orthopedic specialists conducted knee evaluations on a cohort of 52 subjects, yielding valuable insights. Quantitative analyses, employing the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), demonstrated robust agreement in both intraobserver and interobserver assessments. Specifically, ICC values of 0.94 reflected strong concordance in the timing between maneuvers, while signal amplitude exhibited consistency, with the ICC ranging from 0.71 to 0.66. The introduced machine learning algorithms proved effective, accurately classifying 90% of cases exhibiting joint hypermobility. These quantifiable results underscore the algorithm’s reliability in assessing knee stability. This study emphasizes the practicality and effectiveness of implementing machine learning algorithms within a mobile application, showcasing its potential as a valuable tool for categorizing signals captured by smartphone inertial sensors during the pivot-shift test.
... Cartilage destruction and bone resorption take place because of the generation of osteoclasts and chondrocytes. Under normal conditions, chondrocytes secrete and maintain the components of the cartilaginous layer (Prathap Kumar et al., 2020). This causes parts of the cartilage to wear away and the bone to be exposed, causing friction, and aggravating the pain and inflammation. ...
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Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by immune response overexpression, causing pain and swelling in the synovial joints. This condition is caused by auto-reactive antibodies that attack self-antigens due to their incapacity to distinguish between self and foreign molecules. Dysregulated activity within numerous signalling and immunological pathways supports the disease's development and progression, elevating its complexity. While current treatments provide some alleviation, their effectiveness is accompanied by a variety of adverse effects that are inherent in conventional medications. As a result, there is a deep-rooted necessity to investigate alternate therapeutic strategies capable of neutralizing these disadvantages. Medicinal herbs display a variety of potent bioactive phytochemicals that are effective in the complementary management of disease, thus generating an enormous potency for the researchers to delve deep into the development of novel phytomedicine against autoimmune diseases, although additional evidence and understanding are required in terms of their efficacy and pharmacodynamic mechanisms. This literature-based review highlights the dysregulation of immune tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis, analyses the pathophysiology, elucidates relevant signalling pathways involved, evaluates present and future therapy options and underscores the therapeutic attributes of a diverse array of medicinal herbs in addressing this severe disease.
... The knee joint, which plays an important role in sprint, is the most important and complicated joint in the human body, with load-bearing function, and its stability will greatly affect the normal life of the human body (Prathap Kumar et al., 2020). Knee ligament injury is also known as knee ligament injury. ...
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Using the convenient sampling method, the control group and the observation group were established. The control group was given a routine nursing scheme, while the observation group was given rehabilitation nursing scheme. The difference of curative effect between the two groups were compared and the results were analyzed and summarized. Results of the quality of life scores of patients in the two groups were compared. The results showed that the quality of life score of the patients in the observation group were higher than that of the control group (P<0.05); the satisfaction scores of patients was also compared. The results showed that the satisfaction scores of patients in the experimental group were significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05), so the patients in the observation group are better than the control group. The rehabilitation nursing scheme has a certain effect on the rehabilitation of knee ligament injury of printing workers.
... It is a complex joint that allows for the movement of the patella during knee flexion and extension. The knee is known as the largest joint in the human body [1]. One of the important components in the knee joint is the cartilage. ...
... After placing the seed points, the algorithm will next begin to search for homogeneous pixels in neighbouring pixels [11] and keep updating the corresponding region's mean and expanding until the similarity requirement is met. In equation (1), let T represent the set of all pixels that adjacent to at least one of the pixels in Si where nb(x) denotes the set of nearest neighbours pixel of x. ...
... It has three articulations, two are between the tibial and femoral condyles, and one is between the patella and the femur. The fibula has no articulating surface involved in the creation of the knee joint (1). This joint helps stabilize the body in the erect posture (2). ...
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the joint characterized by reduced joint space, osteophyte formation, and subchondral sclerosis of bone. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the incidence of osteoarthritis is increasing. In the initial stages of OA, a mild reduction in joint space with or without osteophyte formation is seen on X-ray. Pain and stiffness are the main findings in this stage. In this case report, we presented a case of 60 years female patient having pain in the right knee for since2 years which was intermittent. One month back, her pain got aggravated. Because of this, she was not able to do her household work. Came to AVBRH for treatment. Physiotherapy assessment was done according to her x-ray correlating with Kallgren and Lawrence classification; she was having grade 2 osteoarthritis of the knee. Physiotherapy treatment using contrast bath therapy and the Otago exercise program was started showing significant improvement in her symptoms.
... Magnetic resonance imaging has proven helpful in subject identication, preoperative preparation, diagnosis, and 1 improved patient-doctor communication. The cost of MRI knee studies has decreased, allowing the orthopaedic community to accept them as a non-invasive alternative to 2 , 3 arthrography and non-therapeutic arthroscopy MRI provides a superior anatomic and pathologic interpretation of soft tissue, ligaments, brocartilage, and articular cartilage 4,5,6 than computed tomography (CT). The use of fast spin-echo imaging in conjunction with the MR fat suppression approach has improved the sensitivity and precision of MR in detecting articular cartilage lesions. ...
Background: The knee joint is complicated, having a multitude of components, and any of the signs or symptoms of a knee injury might be caused by any of them. The greatest signicant improvements in knee joint imaging were accomplished during the reign of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). It has replaced conventional arthrography in the assessment of the menisci and cruciate ligaments, reducing both the morbidity and cost associated with arthroscopic examinations that provide negative results. The present study was performed on MRI Aim: for evaluation of ligamentous knee injuries. This research was performed in 100 subjects, who has come to depart Material: ment of radiodiagnosis with suspected ligamentous injuries to the knee. The ndings obtained in our Results: study showed that medial meniscal tears/degeneration (64%) followed by anterior cruciate ligament tear (49%) were the most frequently found pathology of all subjects. Magnetic resonance imaging is highly sensitive, precise and accurate method of imag Conclusion: ing modality in the identication of posterior cruciate ligament and full length anterior cruciate ligament tears; however, it has no adequate sensitivity in the detection of partial anterior cruciate tears.
... Resonance Imaging (MRI) (Kumar et al., 2020). Penanganan cedera yang terjadi dapat dilakukan dengan dua pilihan yaitu operatif dan non-operatif, pada kasus cedera ACL dilakukan penanganan non-operatif pada pasien dengan syarat stabilitas lutut masih baik ketika melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari atau aktivitas olahraga, artinya tidak terbapat keterbatasan fungsional yang terjadi dan mengganggu aktivitas secara penuh. ...
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Rekontruksi anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) merupakan proses cangkok jaringan ligamen yang mengalami robekan atau putus akibat cedera, yang bertujuan untuk mengembalikan fungsinya seperti semula. Paska rekontruksi memerlukan proses rehabilitasi dan mencegah terjadinya komplikasi serta mengembalikan performa di lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain single case selama 3 kali dalam 4 minggu pada Desember 2021, di Jogja Orthopaedic Sport Clinic. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas penatalaksanaan fisioterapi terhadap nyeri, kekuatan otot quadriceps femoris, lingkup gerak sendi dan bengkak. Hasil signifikan didapatkan pada tingkat nyeri gerak dari 4 menjadi 2, nyeri diam bernilai 1 menjadi 0 dan nyeri tekan bernilai 2 menjadi 0. Pada kekuatan otot quadricep femoris dengan nilai 3 menjadi 4. Lingkup gerak sendi dari S: 0° - 15° - 65° meningkat menjadi 0° - 5° - 105°. Terjadi penurunan bengkak dari 38,5 cm menjadi 37 cm pada 10 cm di atas tuberositas tibia menurun sebanyak 1,5 cm, untuk 10 cm di bawah tubersitas tibia dextra dari 32,5 cm menjadi 31,5 cm, penurunan terjadi sebesar 1 cm, dan pasien telah melepas crutch pada minggu ke 3. Hasil laporan menyatakan bahwa elektroterapi yang dikombinasikan dengan terapi latihan active range of motion dan latihan penguatan mampu menurunkan nyeri baik nyeri diam, gerak dan tekan, peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi pada fleksi dan ekstensi knee, bidang sagital, penurunan bengkak setelah diberikan kombinasi IASTM dan peningkatan kekuatan otot quadricep femoris. Kekuatan otot yang dihasilkan mempengaruhi kemampuan pasien dalam aktivitas fungsional terutama berjalan, pasien melepas crutch pada minggu ke 3.
... RaktavahaStrotasa. [23] AnnavahaStrotasa, [24] etc. and pathological correlation of Strotasa. [25] Study of Mulasthana of Strotasas also form major part inresearch of RachanaSharir. ...
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Ayurveda has lot to offer to the world of health science. Ayurveda is proving its mettle with the solutions which it provides to various health issues. Research in Ayurveda is also a growing field. Though Ayurveda research is still in its infancy, the Ayurveda scholars are giving their best to reach the standards of international research. Ayurveda people have been contributing in the research area with pharmacological studies, clinical trials etc. Apart from these fields of research, there is a comparatively neglected area, and that is the literary research field. Literary research is to study the basic principle of Ayurveda. Sincere efforts are very essential to study and analyze the ancient text books as it is the base of ayurvedic treatments. Rachanasharir is one of the basic branches of Ayurveda. Many newcomers in the field of Ayurveda don't find research in Rachanasharir very interesting. They don't find much research gaps in this branch. The present study is intended to explore the research gaps in the field of Rachanasharir.
Three-dimensional (3D) geometric analysis is an important area of research with vast applications in medical diagnosis and surgical planning. Three-dimensional geometric analysis based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a critical role in noninvasive evaluation of the knee and its components. Conventional 2D and latest 3D MRI sequences can offer differential information on pathological conditions of the knee. Additionally, specific MRI sequences have been developed to assess knee cartilage in detail. This noninvasive imaging modality has replaced some invasive techniques like biopsy and arthroscopy because it not only provides a superior imaging resolution compared to other imaging modalities but also enables clinicians to assess structural and functional abnormalities of the whole knee as well as its components. Image segmentation is a crucial step for creating a 3D geometrical model of the knee joint for subsequent analyses. There are multiple segmentation techniques applied on MRI raw images, including manual, semiautomated, or fully automatic segmentation methods to segregate region-of-interest and assess cartilage, bones, ligaments, and synovial space of the knee. The process of 3D geometric analysis begins with creation of computer-based knee models combined with anatomical-based models. The resultant structures are high-quality visual rendering, where the surgeons can virtually see and analyze them for disease diagnosis and even planning purposes. The latest technological and technical developments in artificial intelligence are proving more productive and emerging foci of research. Some advanced computer programs and algorithms are making it possible to better visualize knee structures in 3D and also enable professionals to study their kinematics and biomechanics with assistance of image-based finite element analysis.