Table 7 - uploaded by Elizabeth Ablah
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Factors for Eating Healthy Foods and Engaging in Exercise Item Factor Loadings Factor

Factors for Eating Healthy Foods and Engaging in Exercise Item Factor Loadings Factor

Context in source publication

Context 1
... summary of the pattern matrix and items loading on each factor and their associated factor loading may be found in Tables 6 and 7, respectively. Fourteen items loaded above 0.34 on the first factor, "food selection": enjoyment of eating healthy foods, liking the taste of healthy foods, having enough time to buy and prepare healthy foods, wanting to spend money to buy healthy foods, convenience of eating healthy foods, knowing what foods to buy that are healthy, believing one can change one's lifestyle to eat more healthy foods, knowing how to prepare healthy foods, frequency of eating healthy foods, encouragement from work and/or home environments to eat healthy foods, encouragement from family and/or friends to eat healthy foods, easy access to healthy foods, and motivation to eat healthy foods. ...