Factor structure of Creative Personality Scale.

Factor structure of Creative Personality Scale.

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Creativity and actions aimed at fostering it became a matter of interest in higher education. Since creativity is a complex phenomenon, its multiple dimensions must be assessed. Among them, personality arises as the most relevant one. Therefore, the local adaptation of Gough’s Creative Personality Scale to be used in college students is presented....

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... 1-dimension factor solution extracted maintained 8 of the original 30 items, achieving a proportion of common variance of 54% (Table 2). The factor's internal consistency obtained an ordinal Alpha index of .853. ...

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... This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) scale provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of creativity by measuring multiple dimensions of creative personality (Freiberg-Hoffmann, 2019;Qian, 2019). In other words, the development of the creative personality scale represents a significant contribution to the field of creativity research. ...
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Understanding the creative personality of students has significant implications for their future success and well-being. This study aimed to describe the development of the Creative Personality Scale in secondary school students. Data were collected from 275 students in junior and senior high schools. The research process was carried out in five stages to obtain a measure of creative personality that meets the requirements of validity and reliability. The data were analyzed through content validity and construct validity tests. The results of the validity test of the creative personality scale showed two important findings. First, the content validity test result found 24 valid items with an Alpha Cronbach of .898. Secondly, the construct validity test result showed that not all the modelling criteria could be met. The findings imply that developing the Creative Personality Scale can significantly contribute to creativity research and provide a valuable tool for researchers, educators, and practitioners to better understand and promote creativity in secondary school students. Abstrak Pemahaman terhadap kepribadian kreatif pada siswa memiliki implikasi yang signifikan terhadap kesuksesan dan kesejahteraan mereka di masa depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan Skala Kepribadian Kreatif pada siswa sekolah menengah. Pengujian data dilakukan pada 275 siswa di sekolah menengah pertama dan menengah atas. Proses penelitian dilakukan melalui lima tahapan untuk mendapatkan alat ukur kepribadian kreatif yang memenuhi syarat validitas dan reliabilitas. Data dianalisis melalui pengujian validitas isi dan validitas konstruk. Hasil uji validitas skala kepribadian kreatif menunjukkan adanya dua temuan penting. Pertama, hasil pengujian validitas isi menemukan adanya 24 item valid, dengan nilai Alpha Cronbach .898. Kedua, hasil pengujian validitas konstruk menemukan tidak semua kriteria pemodelan dapat terpenuhi. Implikasi temuan menyatakan bahwa pengembangan skala kepribadian kreatif dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap bidang penelitian kreativitas dan menyediakan alat yang berharga bagi para peneliti, pendidik, dan praktisi untuk lebih memahami dan menumbuhkan kreativitas pada siswa di sekolah menengah. Kata kunci: analisis faktor konfirmatori, properti psikometris, siswa sekolah menengah, skala kepribadian kreatif, validitas dan reliabilitas JP3I (Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan
... Despite the above evidence regarding personality and creativity, there seem to be no quick and concise measures that assess traits predictive of creative potential. Some measures such as the Creative Personality Scale (CPS) (Gough, 1979) come close and even more recent versions can be found (Freiberg-Hoffmann et al., 2019). The CPS consists of a list of 30 adjectives. ...
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... Se aplicó la versión localmente adaptada del instrumento (Freiberg-Hoffmann et al., 2019;Gough, 1979)siendo la personalidad una de las que mayor relevancia reviste. Se propone así, adaptar localmente la Escala de Personalidad Creativa (EPC. ...
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Both psychological resilience and creativity are complex concepts that have positive effects on individual adaptation. Previous studies have shown overlaps between the key brain regions or brain functional networks related to psychological resilience and creativity. However, no direct experimental evidence has been provided to support the assumption that psychological resilience and creativity share a common brain basis. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between psychological resilience and creativity using neural imaging method with a machine learning approach. At the behavioral level, we found that psychological resilience was positively related to creative personality. Predictive analysis based on static functional connectivity (FC) and dynamic FC demonstrated that FCs related to psychological resilience could effectively predict an individual's creative personality score. Both the static FC and dynamic FC were mainly located in the default mode network. These results prove that psychological resilience and creativity share a common brain functional basis. These findings also provide insights into the possibility of promoting individual positive adaptation from negative events or situations in a creative way.
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En este trabajo se presentan aportes para la evaluación psicométrica y psicodinámica del rendimiento cognitivo de niños, niñas y adolescentes atendiendo a las múltiples mixturas nacidas del interjuego entre los desarrollos teóricosmetodológicos y la práctica de procesos diagnósticos que incluyen las evaluaciones psicométricas. El paradigma percentilar continúa guiando parcializaciones diagnósticas. Prueba de ello es la evidencia científica acerca de diferencias en el desempeño de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en los tests de inteligencia según el factores socioeconómicos y educativos. Además de los factores contextuales que involucran el aspecto estructural -acceso a oportunidades sociales y educativasaflora el subjetivo -representaciones mentales de apego y estilos parentales-. En virtud de esto, los objetivos de esta tesis son: 1) evaluar el desempeño de niños, niñas y/o adolescentes a partir de un test de inteligencia (WISC-IV) y constatar diferencias según variables contextuales y vinculares y 2) delinear un análisis normativo a partir de nuevos índices del WISC-IV.
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El presente trabajo aborda la revisión de publicaciones sobre el pensamiento creativo, en el ámbito universitario, durante el periodo del 2015 a la actualidad. Los documentos sobre esta temática fueron extraídos de bases de datos como EBSCO, ProQuest, PsycBooks, Scielo y Alicia. Con la información hallada, se realizó un análisis de contenido, organizando campos temáticos como pensamiento creativo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, como constructo psicológico, en relación a variables sociales y la evaluación psicométrica del mismo. Hallándose que al ser una variable multidimensional y compleja, es investigada desde diversas aristas, destacando que la mayor parte de investigaciones están dirigidas al campo educacional, incidiendo en el rol del docente como facilitador del pensamiento creativo en los estudiantes universitarios; también se encuentran investigaciones dirigidas a comprender y explicar el constructo en sí mismo, su desarrollo, y en relación a otras variables como personalidad, motivación, y desde las neurociencias; así como la evaluación psicométrica como constructo, y finalmente investigarlo desde el contexto social que rodea al individuo. Así se evidencia que el pensamiento creativo en el ámbito universitario, constituye un campo de interés de la ciencia; ya que es allí donde se forjarán profesionales que, mediante la creatividad e innovación construirán mejores sociedades, superando los retos que los tiempos actuales y futuros les pongan al frente.
The current study examined the effect of fluid intelligence (Gf) on both creative potential and real-world visual creative production, taking into account the role of field-dependent-independent cognitive style (FDI). We hypothesised two models in which FDI mediated the interplay between Gf and creativity in terms of creative potential (Model A) and real-world visual creative production (Model B). Furthermore, we advanced two models (Model C and Model D), in which FDI was a moderator. In this study, one-hundred Italian young adults performed the Kaufmann Brief Intelligence Test-2, the Embedded Figure Test, three tasks measuring creative potential (Alternative Uses Task, Remote Associate Test, and Creative Personality Scale), and a real-world visual creative production task (Visual Creative Synthesis Task). Results revealed only the mediating role of FDI in both Gf-creative potential and Gf-real-world visual creative production links, supporting the notion that the individual predisposition toward field-independence plays a key role in the interplay between Gf and creativity.
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The article presents the results of a study aimed at verifying the relation of level of student´s creativity and their attitude to the project-based learning (PBL). The research sample consisted of 109 students from the University of Economics. The data was obtained through Torrance's creativity test, a questionnaire to identify students' attitudes to PBL, a questionnaire to find out the characteristics of a teacher supporting and unsupporting creativity. Research has not confirmed the positive impact of PBL on students' level of creativity in the field of fluency and originality, nor the ability of the higher level of creativity to change the attitude of students towards the PBL to be more positive in general or in terms of the studied aspects-interestingness, ability to motivate, popularity, ability to develop personal traits of students.
This study aimed to examine the effect of creative personality traits on creative thinking dispositions through creative learning environments and teacher behaviors that foster creativity. Gender, department, and grade level are also defined as common variables. 1320 teacher candidates who were selected with purposeful and appropriate sampling supported the research. 726 of these individuals are females and 594 are males. Participants in the study are teacher candidates from education faculties, science, mathematics, classroom, and educational sciences departments. Whilst determining the participants, attention was paid to the selection of those who have previously taken courses that are directly or indirectly related to creative thinking, critical and analytical thinking, entrepreunership and creativity. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis of the research data. Aside from this, the mediation effect of variables was performed using Hayes' number 6 serial multiple mediation analysis models. As a result of the research, it was found that creative personality traits positively predicted creative thinking dispositions through the learning environment and teachers' fostering behaviors. The creative learning environment and teachers' fostering behaviors similarly have a positive mediating effect.